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SWTOR Would Be Much Better If It Had A Quality Of Life Patch


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Star Wars The Old Republic is a fun game. Its got an interesting story focus and one of the most beloved franchises of all time. But to say this game is perfect or even close to it would be nothing short of complete and utter ignorance. In the past month there's been so many times when I scratched my head and thought "Did BioWare really not add such a basic feature?". So I wanted to make a list of things BioWare should really consider fixing so the game feels like it's from 2012 and not 2007.


  • Fix the GTN. Everytime I use it I get a nosebleed and fall over. Seriously though its one of the most annoying things I encounter daily in this game. It should remember what price I set items for and I should be able to link things into it.
  • This one is specific to the IA/Smuggler but please fix cover. I've never been in a game with an incredibly buggy mechanic that's a classes primary focus.
  • Leveling up there's tons of great looking gear but its not all custom. I don't know why they did this but at 50 you have limited gear options and many end up looking the same.
  • Neutral gear isn't in abundance. I quickly learned you MUST go dark side or light side if you want certain items which forces me to make decisions I don't necessarily want to make.
  • Please fix the preview window. I can't zoom so I don't know what companion customization looks like and for some reason I can't preview weapons.
  • I know this might be getting fixed next patch but why is there no way to summon people to flashpoints? Add a teleporter for god sake. PvP queuing was doing right so do the same for flashpoints.


What else do you think are changes SWTOR should make that aren't massive ones? (Don't recommend new storylines, new planets, class balance, etc).

Edited by LibertySol
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[*]Neutral gear isn't in abundance. I quickly learned you MUST go dark side or light side if you want certain items which forces me to make decisions I don't necessarily want to make.


This is 100% completely FALSE. No end game gear has dark or light requirements, just some gear while leveling up. The colour crystal light/dark restrictions were removed along time ago. The ONLY thing light/dark gets u is some cosmetic oranges, a non-combat pet, unique mount skin, and titles. They are also working on grey alignment rewards they said as well.


the GTN could use some adjusting, which is happening in 1.3, as is what u said about flashpoints if you use the group finder.

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This is 100% completely FALSE. No end game gear has dark or light requirements, just some gear while leveling up. The colour crystal light/dark restrictions were removed along time ago. The ONLY thing light/dark gets u is some cosmetic oranges, a non-combat pet, unique mount skin, and titles. They are also working on grey alignment rewards they said as well.


the GTN could use some adjusting, which is happening in 1.3, as is what u said about flashpoints if you use the group finder.


The GTN just needs the SEARCH bar to work with 0 other requirements. It drives me crazy trying to find items and I am not sure what criteria they need.

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1.3* is a quality of life patch.

Looking For Group: Will allow players to experience pve content whenever they want instead of spending hours and hours of trying to get one group together to most likely fail anyway.


Rated Warzones: Endgame PVP Content, we desperately need more things to do at level 50, i don't think its that much because of the effort you have to put into it, but still.


& as iv always said, we need something new that sets swtor apart from the competition, and it needs to be huge.

>>>>Swoop Racing<<<<

Edited by Daethorz
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This is 100% completely FALSE. No end game gear has dark or light requirements, just some gear while leveling up. The colour crystal light/dark restrictions were removed along time ago. The ONLY thing light/dark gets u is some cosmetic oranges, a non-combat pet, unique mount skin, and titles. They are also working on grey alignment rewards they said as well.


the GTN could use some adjusting, which is happening in 1.3, as is what u said about flashpoints if you use the group finder.


There are still some relics which require Light or Dark side V. And those are very helpful for newly leveled 50's.

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[*]Leveling up there's tons of great looking gear but its not all custom. I don't know why they did this but at 50 you have limited gear options and many end up looking the same.


What else do you think are changes SWTOR should make that aren't massive ones? (Don't recommend new storylines, new planets, class balance, etc).


Funny thing about gear customization, around this time last year in closed Beta, the mod system allowed for every piece of gear from every level and quality to transfer stats quickly and easily. The beta community loved it and many considered it to be genius and unique. I remember running around as lvl 30+ wearing lvl 11 gear but still being effective just because it made me look cool and unique. Then Bioware took a wrecking hammer to the whole system, everyone screamed bloody murder for it to come back but it never did. :jawa_mad:


So don't expect full gear customization, ever. It's not because they left it out or got more important things to work on. It's because they just didn't want it.

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I think that not having a spawn point in the Flashpoint is tiresome.


I know the GTN is going neutral so there should be one on every planet now, especially since we will be using the group finder from anywhere.


Pazaak, swoop racing(or pod racing), Dejaarik, Sabaac, slot machines that work on Nar Shaddaa, etc. need to be added to the game.


There was an interview with Daniel Erickson on giantbomb.com where he talks about the Capitals being so big because festivals were going to be there. Huh? We are 6 months into the year. Wouldn't these be annual things? I realize we had the Rakghoul thing, but that was explained to be a one off event. If you want to create nostalgia, it starts with holiday events and festivals. You can't start that cycle a year after the fact.

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Funny thing about gear customization, around this time last year in closed Beta, the mod system allowed for every piece of gear from every level and quality to transfer stats quickly and easily. The beta community loved it and many considered it to be genius and unique. I remember running around as lvl 30+ wearing lvl 11 gear but still being effective just because it made me look cool and unique. Then Bioware took a wrecking hammer to the whole system, everyone screamed bloody murder for it to come back but it never did. :jawa_mad:


So don't expect full gear customization, ever. It's not because they left it out or got more important things to work on. It's because they just didn't want it.


Yes, I had made a female Marauder wearing all white gear, it' was really great.


I never understood their POV and the change, I'm not playing a single player game with one of THEIR character, I play MY character in a MMO, stop making choices for me if you want me to play a character for years.

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I think that not having a spawn point in the Flashpoint is tiresome.


Pazaak, swoop racing(or pod racing), Dejaarik, Sabaac, slot machines that work on Nar Shaddaa, etc. need to be added to the game.


Yeah, especially when you have a 5200 rpm hdd that takes 2 minutes to load fleet & another minute to load back into the fp.


Not just Nar Shaddaa, swoop racing would be a major thing on tatooine, nar shadda, even taris.

And yeah, id like to sit down with people and play a cardgame at fleet, or go to nar shadda and play against a computer.

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[*]I know this might be getting fixed next patch but why is there no way to summon people to flashpoints? Add a teleporter for god sake. PvP queuing was doing right so do the same for flashpoints.


What else do you think are changes SWTOR should make that aren't massive ones? (Don't recommend new storylines, new planets, class balance, etc).


I really dislike this idea, it makes areas less populated, sometimes it feels like I am not playing an MMORPG but sitting in a waiting room to spawn into an instance. If everything is going that way we may as well be playing Quake Rocket Arena.

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Yes, I had made a female Marauder wearing all white gear, it' was really great.


I never understood their POV and the change, I'm not playing a single player game with one of THEIR character, I play MY character in a MMO, stop making choices for me if you want me to play a character for years.


I have a warrior and an inquisitor at 50. I don't know what's worse. That cyber-freak stuff or BW's fetish over shoulder pads:rolleyes:


When 1.3 hits, I think I'll get the Columi agent gear (which is decently looking) and move my mods and augment there for my warrior. For my sorc, don't know really. Perhaps I'll go for the elegant social gear, which is nice enough.


The options for looks is really, really lackluster. There are a bunch of stuff with different names but is the same with a different color. No real change.

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4.3 is a quality of life patch.

Looking For Group: Will allow players to experience pve content whenever they want instead of spending hours and hours of trying to get one group together to most likely fail anyway.


Rated Warzones: Endgame PVP Content, we desperately need more things to do at level 50, i don't think its that much because of the effort you have to put into it, but still.


& as iv always said, we need somthing new that sets swtor apart from the competition, and it needs to be huge.

>>>>Swoop Racing<<<<


Good luck finding 8 people who can work together for a rated match. I've been pretty patient wit this game, but 8 man rated will most like kill it for me.

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Funny thing about gear customization, around this time last year in closed Beta, the mod system allowed for every piece of gear from every level and quality to transfer stats quickly and easily. The beta community loved it and many considered it to be genius and unique. I remember running around as lvl 30+ wearing lvl 11 gear but still being effective just because it made me look cool and unique. Then Bioware took a wrecking hammer to the whole system, everyone screamed bloody murder for it to come back but it never did. :jawa_mad:


So don't expect full gear customization, ever. It's not because they left it out or got more important things to work on. It's because they just didn't want it.


oh yeah, I remember that back in beta. When they nerfed the gear customization (to be even less customizable than it is now), it resulted in a major outcry on the beta forum(s). One of the devs posted it was an "over-correction" (lolz) to some players finding the system too complicated. To which the heavy crafters, gear-aholics, RPers and normal folk were like OMGWTFRLY? One of the threads I have come to regret not personally archiving.

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Funny thing about gear customization, around this time last year in closed Beta, the mod system allowed for every piece of gear from every level and quality to transfer stats quickly and easily. The beta community loved it and many considered it to be genius and unique. I remember running around as lvl 30+ wearing lvl 11 gear but still being effective just because it made me look cool and unique. Then Bioware took a wrecking hammer to the whole system, everyone screamed bloody murder for it to come back but it never did. :jawa_mad:


So don't expect full gear customization, ever. It's not because they left it out or got more important things to work on. It's because they just didn't want it.


I dont understand why they would do this, the following rant isn't directed at you but at bioware.


I know you've been in the business of making single player RPG's on rails with very little customization but you've been doing it wrong and have only gotten away with the sloppy work due to them being single player games


in an MMORPG people need customization, they need to look different to other people, they need to connect with their character and they need to feel unique.


why would you remove a system that allows that? from what i've heard from beta testers, you had a great MMORPG and then destroyed it for no apparent reason


these decisions make no sense, the only explanation is that Bioware are now in the business of fraud and con-artistry by pretending old features that you disabled during beta are new features. one such example is touting HK-51 as "new" content... its not new, its old content you disabled so you could palm it off as new content to try and boost publicity.


why continue to do such stupid things like remove lightsaber crystal colours? white and purple are effectively gone from the game. is this so in next years E3 you can say "hey look at our amazing new content, we're introducing a whole new rang of crystals, including purple and white?" and then spin it with some sort of mace windu theme?


I feel sorry for your PR department, they have a tough job, putting a positive spin on all these horrendous, short-sighted and ignorant decisions can't be easy.

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Some sort of transport to Flashpoint would be nice. I am hoping the Group Finder will transport us. I hear it does but then when you're done you end up on the Fleet. I am hoping we will be able to "land" where we started off so that if I am out questing or whatever then I can continue on.
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Some sort of transport to Flashpoint would be nice. I am hoping the Group Finder will transport us. I hear it does but then when you're done you end up on the Fleet. I am hoping we will be able to "land" where we started off so that if I am out questing or whatever then I can continue on.


That would be quite weird; it's not like the technology to put you back to where you came from doesn't exist, it works perfectly with warzones.

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[*]This one is specific to the IA/Smuggler but please fix cover. I've never been in a game with an incredibly buggy mechanic that's a classes primary focus.

ople to flashpoints? Add a telepor

[*]Please fix the preview window. I can't zoom so I don't know what companion customization looks like and for some reason I can't preview weapons.


I agree with these two especially! Hitting the cover button, getting into cover then be told I can't see the target when they are plainly in sight, or rolling into cover right next to the target sucks, lol.

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Right now at end game SWTOR is the same old formula that veteran gamers are already sick of: dungeons, raids, PvP that isn't much different from other games and the old dailies grind. I'd bundle space battles in with the dailies grind as they are now.


I dunno about everyone else, but I burned myself out on dailies trying to get the Korrealis speeders and crystals pre-1.2 before they took those out... (that's a whole other discussion)


what we need is different things to do, and there's a lot of potential in SWTOR

we don't need more grindy stuff (WoW archeology is a good example of very grindy with too little reward)


I want things to do and ways to make money that aren't just grinding dailies.


Swoop Racing and Pazaak would bring a much needed boost

- this should be obvious... we've had it in TOR (solo) before; it would bring a great dynamic into the game

- - BUT! i think we could even add to it in an MMO setting by having Leaderboards and allowing players to bet on matches as well as compete!


and sure... functioning slot machines in Nar Shadaa... why not? (i'd rather have Swoop racing first tho)


and... more dynamic space missions. Group missions and space PvP would be fantastic! It's the major thing SWTOR has that others don't, but as is it's only a few missions and gets old quick.


For starters at least, I would think they could add new paths and spawn points to things like the station assault missions, along with the mechanic to queue as a group.


adding more customizable gear is all good... but I really want to have less grindy end game to keep interested.

i mean... we aren't paying by the hour... I want things that keep me wanting to log in, and grindy doesn't cut it

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I dont understand why they would do this, the following rant isn't directed at you but at bioware.


I know you've been in the business of making single player RPG's on rails with very little customization but you've been doing it wrong and have only gotten away with the sloppy work due to them being single player games



They've gotten away with few customization options in their single player games because of modders. DA2, even with the lack of a toolset, it has some pretty awesome stuff for you to use. People always want to customize their character's looks. But here there's no such thing, so the few crappy choices in looks we have are really annoying.

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This is 100% completely FALSE. No end game gear has dark or light requirements, just some gear while leveling up. The colour crystal light/dark restrictions were removed along time ago. The ONLY thing light/dark gets u is some cosmetic oranges, a non-combat pet, unique mount skin, and titles. They are also working on grey alignment rewards they said as well.


the GTN could use some adjusting, which is happening in 1.3, as is what u said about flashpoints if you use the group finder.


They've been saying they're going to "adjust" the GTN since the MIDDLE OF BETA.

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