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When the Cathar come


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When we get the Cathar, assuming anyone can play it (either because it's available to that side, or you can purchase it with legacy unlocks), what class do you plan on using it for?


I can see myself rerolling my trooper so I can have a Cathar on Cathar relationship with Aric Jorgan - I've seen other people express this sentiment as well. And I'd LOVE to have a Cathar darkside character.


What about the rest of you?

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I will be rolling a Cathar Jedi Knight, Guardian. She will be fem!trooper and Aric's daughter and fem!trooper will be miffed because she hasn't a lick of force sensitivity and neither does her husband. Her bratty, treacherous Sith Inquisitor sister however will relish the thought of corrupting her perfect, Republic-loving older sister's only child, until she realizes she can't.


Oh, and Aric is going to want to strangle Doc, I have the fic all ready to go.

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Oh, and Aric is going to want to strangle Doc, I have the fic all ready to go.


Lol, for some reason that particular scenario is all too easy to imagine...I already have it in my fan fic hehe.


I'll be making a f!trooper as Cathar because babies and general adorableness! Anything else is really going to depend on how they look. Some races just don't fit some classes in my head.

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probably (if not a legacy unlock) gonna make a smuggler cathar, but if its legacy unlock ill make a consular (i already have a 50 twi'lek smuggler)


I'm fairly sure that they have listed the Cathar as "the first race to be completely unlocked through the Legacy system!" somewhere, just too lazy to look up the link (should be in the announcement or video).

I'll be making a Cathar Assassin, if by then they have given us more slots.

If not... well, then I guess no Cathar for me - since I won't be deleting any of my existing characters for one, nor do I see the Legacy system becoming cross-server in the near future.

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Lol, I don't know, you're talking about a daddy Cathar protecting his baby girl....don't know if Bruce Campbell would be enough to save him.



Most certainly not! That's his Soldier Girl, Aric's not about to have some womanizing such-and-such putting his hands up her robes! Will not fly with Cat-Daddy.

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So many possibilities! I think I will squee the first time I see a female Cathar Trooper running around with Aric. :D


As for me, it depends on what the customization options are for each gender and which I like better. I'm leaning towards Imperial Agent or Jedi Knight though. ^^

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So many possibilities! I think I will squee the first time I see a female Cathar Trooper running around with Aric. :D



This is what I cannot wait for! I have put my trooper on hold (she is only level 30), as I will be re-rolling her once Cathar are playable - whenever that may be! :D

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This is what I cannot wait for! I have put my trooper on hold (she is only level 30), as I will be re-rolling her once Cathar are playable - whenever that may be! :D


btw elly and i moved from giradaa to shadowlands, elly already on quesh :3

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btw elly and i moved from giradaa to shadowlands, elly already on quesh :3


Quesh already! Nice. My little agent is only level 2 so I might re-roll on shadowlands myself. I didn't like how I made her face anyway! haha. Haven't been on in the past week due to having so many weird shifts at work...why must work interfere with my MMO playing?!


I am still intrigued to see what customisations they give us with Cathar...god I hope I can have some form of mane....

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Quesh already! Nice. My little agent is only level 2 so I might re-roll on shadowlands myself. I didn't like how I made her face anyway! haha. Haven't been on in the past week due to having so many weird shifts at work...why must work interfere with my MMO playing?!


I am still intrigued to see what customisations they give us with Cathar...god I hope I can have some form of mane....


well come on over sometime lol, were having a blast rocking it agent style, and finally i aint so bored x.x

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I hope BW remove the Star Wars name by that time. When the Cathar come TOR will be the laughing stock.... ummmm AGAIN!!


Cathar have been part of star wars though, established in the comics before the KOTOR game...so why would they need to take off the star wars name...cathar aren't really a laughing stock.. if you don't like them just don't use them lol.

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I'm fairly sure that they have listed the Cathar as "the first race to be completely unlocked through the Legacy system!" somewhere, just too lazy to look up the link (should be in the announcement or video).


In that case I really need to start making some money, I already need 3mil to unlock the Dark Zabrak for my Commando and the Sith Pure-Blood for my Sage.


As for what class my Cathar will be, I'm going with a Sith Marauder.

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Cathar have been part of star wars though, established in the comics before the KOTOR game...so why would they need to take off the star wars name...cathar aren't really a laughing stock.. if you don't like them just don't use them lol.


they're a bad idea anytime... generic fantasy/sci-fi 'alien' that scrapes the barrel for no real reason. The list is almost endless, it's generic rubbish that really doesn't warrant a place in Star Wars. I bet the original storie where these Cathar show up weren't even that popular when they were first shoe-horned. And if the internet existed at that timethe deluge of rage would have snuffed them out at that point!! Oh yeah BW fans will cite the EU reference now to justify their unwavering devotion to the company as a justifiable reason to shoe-horn cat people in yet again.


It's not really a matter of not playing one, but the expense at more deserving enduring races not getting an inclusion. It's not even BW hate on my part, I'd be happy with Selkath over Cathar. Selkath feel more like an iconic race and fit into the universe alot more seamlessly (in my esteemed Star Wars opinion stretching decades).


Umadsir? Ujellysir? Wow, you must REALLY hate.... kitties. :p
Ulikeusingoverusedinternetslangsir?? yeah if I wanted poosees.... I'd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [fill in as appropiate to age rating and humour tastes] kitties in Star Wars?? you must be on blue spice.

Out of what they could have chosen, this is poor... but again fit's in with the below par barely mediocre status of the game.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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they're a bad idea anytime... generic fantasy/sci-fi 'alien' that scrapes the barrel for no real reason. The list is almost endless, it's generic rubbish that really doesn't warrant a place in Star Wars. I bet the original storie where these Cathar show up weren't even that popular when they were first shoe-horned. And if the internet existed at that timethe deluge of rage would have snuffed them out at that point!! Oh yeah BW fans will cite the EU reference now to justify their unwavering devotion to the company as a justifiable reason to shoe-horn cat people in yet again.


It's not really a matter of not playing one, but the expense at more deserving enduring races not getting an inclusion. It's not even BW hate on my part, I'd be happy with Selkath over Cathar. Selkath feel more like an iconic race and fit into the universe alot more seamlessly (in my esteemed Star Wars opinion stretching decades).


Ulikeusingoverusedinternetslangsir?? yeah if I wanted poosees.... I'd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [fill in as appropiate to age rating and humour tastes] kitties in Star Wars?? you must be on blue spice.

Out of what they could have chosen, this is poor... but again fit's in with the below par barely mediocre status of the game.


I see your QQ knows no bounds. Well, CATHAR ARE ON THE WAY, AND THERE ISN'T ANYTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!!!! :D:D:D:D Go QQ to the DEVs about it and see how far that gets you! :p


Or better yet, QUIT, UNSUB, and MOVE ON. What a novel idea!!! In fact, WoW has pandas just for you!!! :eek::p


And if that's your choice, then don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. :D


Or if you REALLY REALLY want to emoRAGE, come on over to EVE Online. :D

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