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Current Transfer Servers


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Yes they are, from the original announcement they will have multiple origin servers moving to a single destination.




Note that is characters and not accounts. I have 8 characters on my account, 7 of them would be moving if my main server is nominated as an origin server.


wow I can't believe I keep having to repeat this to people who apparently can't read...that is why I typed CHARACTERS in my post. there are what 118 total servers? 100 of which are having population issues. Lets say there are 40 people from each server left that want to transfer...lets say just for the sake of this they all have 8 characters to transfer...thats 320 transfers per server X 100 servers = 320k transfers....Math is hard isn't it?

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They should REALLY give us a list of whats going to happen over the next few days, a list of the servers that are 100% planned to transfer... We know that all servers won't get to, and we know that the whole list isn't fully made yet, as you said you wanted to wait and see how the first bit goes.


Although, you should at least give us SOMETHING, so we can at least save names on potential server destinations!

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They should definitely do this. I can't believe they didn't say who was moving ahead of time - and I'm not sure why they can't just say what destination servers they're choosing. (I didn't expect it to be the highest population servers, certainly) We have about 7 people who may or may not want to move - I don't envy you having to get agreement from 300.


Yup even if it isnt happening yet, atleast announce the up-and-coming server's to & from .

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to anyone thinking the communication of this was messed up: it wasn't. all the post regarding this day stated pretty much exactly what was going to happen. so get over that issue.


the size of the roll out is a legitimate issue to complain about...10 servers out of 200something has got to be a some kind of joke that i don't get. i understand the necessity to get it done gradually, but to start with the smallest possible number after hyping a delayed response to overwhelming criticism that much is just stupid.


i'm not really raging because i didn't expect to transfer today but this dumb move triggers bad memories from cryptics STO "overpromise/underdeliver" policy ... which made me quit that game without any chance of ever buying anything fromthem again.

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wow I can't believe I keep having to repeat this to people who apparently can't read...that is why I typed CHARACTERS in my post. there are what 118 total servers? 100 of which are having population issues. Lets say there are 40 people from each server left that want to transfer...lets say just for the sake of this they all have 8 characters to transfer...thats 320 transfers per server X 100 servers = 320k transfers....Math is hard isn't it?


It's 32k, not 320k..

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As a company that requires its customers to pay a monthly fee, clear communications are extremely important. BW is not retarded, and they (should) know this. When you use vague and ambiguous words such as "It will be gradual", you are purposefully misleading your customer through your refusal to use clear communication lines.


Honestly, I have to assume you're joking or trolling. They're being vague about it because they have a very good reason to be vague. They don't know how many people are going to elect to transfer, they don't know what population levels are going to look like as a result of transfers, and whatever tool they're using to affect the transfers is probably still untested with the large amounts of data they plan to move.


Why am I even bothering? You're joking. Never mind.

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I don't expect a time table because things can change, BUT...I would like a list of planned origin-destination servers so I can plan ahead.


Cmon that's not really very realistic and certainly not sensible on BW's part.

Until they know how many are transfering from the current server on the list.. how can they tell if they then need to take the same origin servers and offer different destination servers instead... making any such plans completely open to revamping over and over ....

I would hazard a guess that they are trying to establish which servers are more attractive to players other than the 3 or four that are already obvious.... to do that they need to stage it piece meal .

My home server is now Red Eclipse but all my launch toons are held on Colonel Tobin.. and if the current origin server doesnt provide enough transfers to Red Eclipse it may mean another server get lucky.. then todays origin server they picked gets to be offer somewhere else.. its just controlling the traffic dynamics and server loadings... just take a deep breath and let in unfold... in a few weeks or so then perhaps we can start to draw some more conclusive conclusions :)

Edited by Bloodstealer
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Ya I mean its not like we have been waiting for almost 5 months for this. Give them some time hell maybe it will be ready in another couple of years.


:D Shouldn't be long now. I hear transfers for all servers are coming, soon.

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It looks like they are still adding servers today -- the transfers page now says:

Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

Soresu to The Harbinger

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

-- that's 15 origin servers now, up from 10 at the start. Maybe, just maybe, this will get done this week.
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They should REALLY give us a list of whats going to happen over the next few days, a list of the servers that are 100% planned to transfer... We know that all servers won't get to, and we know that the whole list isn't fully made yet, as you said you wanted to wait and see how the first bit goes.


Although, you should at least give us SOMETHING, so we can at least save names on potential server destinations!


You are assuming they have a plan and know what they are going to do. I am not so sure that is the case.

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I don't know what I can add that hasn't been said but why not. My server on both sides is dead dead dead. WZ que's take over 30 minutes at peek times. I have toons on both sides. On the Imperial, one sign of "emptiness" is the GT, yesterday there was NOT one listing for crafting material for Biochemical lvl 1-50 NOT ONE! Well i guess that could also be from the atrocious interface of the GT, that people would rather just sell to a vender then use the stupid thing, but i digress.


This was an amazing disappointment, if you want to understand why you lost over 400k subscribers look no farther then situations like this, Panda's are starting to sound pretty good about now...

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When they finally finish with the transfers, and there are indeed nothing but "super servers" with huge populations of whatever is left of the subscribers and everything works like it should... How many people will look back at these flame posts and say to themselves.."wow, I was wrong.. good job"... I'm guessing 0... but these posts are funny to see how riled up people get about a game...


I actually made copies of alot of posts people made on MMO Champion a while back when the name Mists of Pandaria first got leaked. Lots of "no way thats the next expansion" "no way pandas will be playable" "its probably a cell phone game or something" and of course lots of "ill be canceling immediately if that is the next expansion" and of course a month or so after it was confirmed that it was the expansion and all, and I found most of those people still playing and posting on the forums, i threw it all back in their faces. it was fun. strangely enough tho, I was the one who cancelled... lol

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hope all those being so callous towards the criticism realize they're doing the game no favors


in fact, quite the reverse


There is a world of difference between valid criticism and over the top hysterics. A great many of the so-called "critics" are indulging in the former.


BW got into this mess with the servers by releasing too many too quickly in the beginning and they are now taking the slow and steady approach. I approve. I'd much rather this be done slowly and right the first time than to be rushed and slipshod and to then need to have it done over again later or an entirely new fix added later.


I suggest relaxing and being patient - details are announced when they are confirmed. Until then they are subject to change and wouldn't do anyone a bit of good anyway.

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Transferred 4 characters from Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant. Had no trouble moving them and the transfer went through immediately (was able to play on each char within 15 minutes of starting the process). I was required to change two characters names, and when I accidentally gave them the opposite names from what I intended I submitted a CS ticket. Within 10 minutes I was livechatting with a CS agent who helped me switch the names back. The CS agent i talked me was EXTREMELY helpful and got my problems solved in less than 15 minutes. Was a very clean and professionally done process all-around. GREAT JOB BIOWARE SUPPORT TEAM, you guys really did excellent work with this system!


News from the front,

Its always good to hear that the process is working. I'm glad that you took the time to post your out come here. Perhaps it will make a difference with some.

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It looks like they are still adding servers today -- the transfers page now says: -- that's 15 origin servers now, up from 10 at the start. Maybe, just maybe, this will get done this week.


Where did you get that info. My link http://www.swtor.com/transfer still shows the same.


If it's true... They should have communicated.. "more servers will be added within the next few hours" how hard is that to communicate?

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I think you are not understanding. What dead server are you seeing as a destination ?


Rakata Mind Prison (Light) to The Bastions (Another Light Server).


So basically dead server to another dead server lol.

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