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Current Transfer Servers


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These are not the servers you are looking for. :p


I will be transferring all 8 of my high level characters, is there a limit that can be transferred or is this limited per account?


No limit at all (other than the maximum of 8 characters per server). If you had 40 characters on 5 servers you could transfer them all (as long as they don't get given the same destination server). For that reason I would recommend if you have lots of toons start by transferring the ones you definitely want to play in the meantime and consider moving others later. The have said that they will give plenty of notice when these transfers are going to end and they will not change the origin > destination combination once it has been announced.

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UPDATE 11:15AM CDT June 12th, 2012


Origin Server --> Destination Server


NA Server

The Courageous --> Canderous Ordo

Kath Hound --> The Ebon Hawk

Ven Zallow --> Jung Ma

Fa'athra --> Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Lord Ieldis --> Begeren Colony


European Server (German)

Zayne Carrick --> Vanjervalis Chain


European Server (English)

Shaltin Tunnels --> The Progenitor


European Server (French)

Kessel Run --> Battle Meditation

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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We have now opened up more servers that are eligible for character transfers:



Hey Joveth while you are looking. Have you seen the posts in this thread about duplicates or extra character slots being reserved when people are transferring their initial characters? Would be nice to get updates on how transfers are progressing and if you guys are fixing problems like that.

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yeah unfortunately bioware isn't updating swtor.com/transfer properly, but if you goto your account and click on character transfer you can see that they are updating the list.


I hate everytime I try to check that I have to login using my authenticator. Im done with the game at this point anyways but thats for trying to help.

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As a company that requires its customers to pay a monthly fee, clear communications are extremely important. BW is not retarded, and they (should) know this. When you use vague and ambiguous words such as "It will be gradual", you are purposefully misleading your customer through your refusal to use clear communication lines.


Basically BW used politics vs paying customers. They knew most players had a certain expectation, they built upon that expectation and then they hid behind their unclear messages pointing out to things they knew full well were being interpreted differently depending on who was reading *because it was written with that effect in mind*.


Personally, when I read "gradual", all that tells me is that its going to be done in incrementally. Does that mean 60 severs a minute, 2 a week, who freaking knows. Its as vague as can be. I, and most people complaining, have a certain idea of what it could be, based on previous experiences and reasonable deductions. Did we expect to see all servers up first thing this morning? No. Did we expect to see less then 1% of servers up this morning? All 4 of them? No. Putting four servers up from the hundreds they have is a complete joke when put against the industry standards, and most of us felt like, if we werent really lied to, we have been played nonetheless.


And they are doing it again; "You can take this as meaning upgrades will take less then a week or a month". The hell does that mean... well if you wanna get down to it, all it means, is that they will be adding at least 1 more server within the month. Thats what we mean by useless and empty communication used as damage control rather then informative actions. BW: You are not a political party, we are not voters. We pay for something, the least you can do is give us a clear and realist idea of what the hell it is we should be expecting.


A fairly reasoned response, amidst the detritus of this thread =).


As a software developer, I fully understand BioWare's stance of giving some information without giving too much information. The problem is, if BioWare were to over-promise something, giving hard numbers, then encountered a last-minute glitch that kept that from happening (ie Ranked Warzones), it makes them look incompetent at best. And, even if they were to tell us that they were opening up 10 servers on the first day for transfer, US players would expect the lion's share of the servers to be on their side of the pond, while EU players would expect the same on their side. Even if they spelled out that there would be 4 servers from US and 6 servers from EU, everyone would expect their server to be somewhere on the list.


They can only give out the information they have at a given moment. Was I surprised and a little disappointed that my server (Eidolon Security) wasn't among the first? Well, yeah. Does that mean I'm up-in-arms, the-sky-is-falling, "F2P csh shp 2 mn" mentality? No.


Claiming a "gradual" increase was not purposefully misleading. Does BioWare know that we had certain expectations? Of course. Regardless of how they explained the process of starting with a small subset of servers and building up to the full server-transfer mechanism, someone, out of the millions of subscribers, would be disappointed that their idea of "gradual" was not BioWare's idea of "gradual".


To be honest, I don't think even BioWare knows when they will add the next set of servers to the list. Once the developers responsible for transfers are confident the system can handle additional load, they'll inform their superiors, who will then make the determination to add servers to the transfer list. In all likelyhood, we will probably see a new set of transfers open up tomorrow morning, if not tonight.


EDIT: Oh, the irony.....I started this post before they opened up transfers, and by the time I posted, they had established more of them.

Edited by Aieny
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Hey Joveth while you are looking. Have you seen the posts in this thread about duplicates or extra character slots being reserved when people are transferring their initial characters? Would be nice to get updates on how transfers are progressing and if you guys are fixing problems like that.


They have acknowledged it and have a workaround for it:


Originally Posted by Smaois View Post

Greetings All,


We have a workaround for this issue:


  1. Log into the server where you have 7 successfully transferred characters
  2. Create a new character, species/profession are not important
  3. Once you are through the login intro, log back out to character select
  4. Delete the new character.
  5. Return to the character transfer page, and it should correctly list 7 characters on the destination server

Should you require any further assistance, please post here.



Edited by Celwinn
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I have been waiting patiently for months, moving from one dead server to another. This is a travesty and shouldn't be


Riddle me this? The game Rift, run by a smaller company and with fewer resources offered FREE character transfers from almost any server to almost any server in its first two months. Entire guilds were able to be moved at the click of a button while in game and took literally moments to finalize. On top of that, you could do it every week. So why can't SWTOR be even close to the same in customer serviceable efficiency?


My subscription expires next week and I was hoping to actually be able to PLAY the game I pay for. Unless Shien is added to the list in the be t few days, it's bye bye SWTOR.


It's sad because I really loved what this game was promised to be. Meanwhile the starting zone in Tera is filled with people whining about how they are there because SWTOR failed them. The common advice is, buy SWTOR, play through your story quests,Ike a single player game, then unsubscribe, because this game just doesn't have the MM in MMO, and hasn't for months. People just don't want to pay to play a game that is essentially in a new beta phase, and every big announcement leads to a bigger let down on the big day, like the Legacy system and now this.

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Guys they explained this in previous posts. They are transferring low pops to high pops and evening out the populations. The server linked to fatman is the lowest population server in the game. They are maybe only getting 40-50 new people along with all their alts. You will see the lowest pop servers going to the highest pops.
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Not sure why they picked Ebon Hawk to transfer into. That server is dead. Unless they plan to merge all the RP servers into it.


According to server status numbers, it is the highest population of the east coast RP-PVE server.




Followed closely by Lord Adraas


I suspect that all the RP-PVE east coast servers will end up on Ebon Hawk

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The problem isn't exactly lack of communication...Swtor has one of the more active CM teams I've seen. The problem is they always must spin the message. They're still constantly trying to sell me a game I've already bought, constantly putting an excessively positive spin and hype on new features, patches and announcements. It leads to to high expectations followed by a crash of disappointment....I still remember 1.2 being though of as a "Jesus patch" based largely on the massive hard sell.




However, I believe they know they have to continue to "sell" the game to active subscribers because they are worried that if they don't, all the subscribers will start to realize that they have purchased multiple months of a game just waiting for a patch to release.

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Then torstatus is wrong. But perhaps now that more servers are been transferred into it the population might be good enough.


believe torstatus is right, it's the situation that's wrong...

just because it's dead, doesn't mean it isn't the 6th busiest US server

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Hey Joveth while you are looking. Have you seen the posts in this thread about duplicates or extra character slots being reserved when people are transferring their initial characters? Would be nice to get updates on how transfers are progressing and if you guys are fixing problems like that.


We have since made a change on our side that should prevent this issue from happening. If you were in this state before the fix was implemented, please see this workaround. CS has gotten a list of people affected (it was a small list) and they are helping them each out individually. Please let us know if you see any other issues.

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I'm not going to lie... I am dissappointed that my server isn't on the list. I do want there to be a smooth a transition as possible though, so I am tempering that disappointment. It'll take time and for the most part, that's okay. But... well, I played in beta. I was in an early batch of pre-orders. I cancelled my subscription during this "billing cycle", which is in quotes cause it was our "free" month(Doesn't seem so free with servers at such low levels anymore. There's no MMO to play.") I have five days left. I -want- to play this game. I REALLY want to play this game. I can't reiterate how much I want to play this game. But I'm on a budget here, and I'm a bit disenfranchised. I can't afford to sink another $15 into a game that I can't play(When I can put it elsewhere and play that.) My characters need to be on a server that has actual living players on it before those five days are up. And I need to see that I can play with actual living players before I sink another $15 into this game. So, Bioware/Ea/Anyone who is listening, you have a time limit. And it's not an arbrituary. I didn't make it up. This was your launch. This was your "free" month. Five days is the time you gave yourselves and me to be able to play this game. Please, let me play your damn game. I love it. I have no complaints except I'm on a dead server with noone to play with, and what's the point?
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if you sign into your account on the site and look at the left click transfers. it'll show you available transfers and (at least for me) there's more listed that what their transfer info page has. i.e. i see The Courageous -> Canderous Ordo
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They have acknowledged it and have a workaround for it:


Originally Posted by Smaois View Post

Greetings All,


We have a workaround for this issue:


  1. Log into the server where you have 7 successfully transferred characters
  2. Create a new character, species/profession are not important
  3. Once you are through the login intro, log back out to character select
  4. Delete the new character.
  5. Return to the character transfer page, and it should correctly list 7 characters on the destination server

Should you require any further assistance, please post here.[/quote}





They need a more effective workaround than expecting the players to make a new toon and delete it before progressing with a transfer. This should be automatic they had plenty of time to prepare for this since they said at the guild summit in march they would be opening up transfers.

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The way BW is handling this is ********. Plainly the lucky people will get to consolidate their characters on one server. The rest of us will still have characters spread across multiple servers, once The Fatman closes for transfers the rest of us doomed to paid transfers in order to have all characters on one server. It's ********, if one group of players will be forced to use paid transfers to consolidate our characters then all groups of players should have to be forced to use it. The Fatman should NOT be a destination server for anyone.
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believe torstatus is right, it's the situation that's wrong...

just because it's dead, doesn't mean it isn't the 6th busiest US server


Well this is true :D Its dead and in 6th place. But maybe they will merge all the RP servers into it. That would be great.

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