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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current Transfer Servers


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10 servers.


Lets say that again for those who have problems counting.


10 servers.


4 from the NA region and 6 from the EU region.


You need to learn some math..


There were 20 servers affected by the transfer process today., Don't forget the destination servers!

217 servers in total, 3 of which don't count in the transfer process (Asia/Pacific).


That's roughly about 9.5% of all the servers. If they increase the amount of servers getting affected by transfers everyday (Which the most likely will after they've experimented a little bit with the guinnea pig servers) then it should take no more than 1 week for everybody to play on a nice server.

Edited by _Zorth_
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Think for a second. You are complaining about the most promising item in this entire process. That is the fact that they believe the Fat Man is not up to their population desires, which means that we now have an indicator as to how well they are going to populate the servers, which means all of our expectations are going to be met.


.....yet you are using this as a baseball bat to beat them about the head and shoulders with?




Additionally their thinking might even go beyond that... maybe they are also directing traffic towards the super server structure a little further down the line and taking it slowly allows them to get some feel on the metrics and also server performance as they reach certain numbers...


Its day one people... at least give the process a little time to create havoc.. for the record my toons are stuck on Colonel Tobin and I expect slim to no chance of ever uniting them with my re-rolled toons on my new EUhome server Red Eclipse.. we shall see, though with only another 10days of my sub left.. i fear it may all be too late :)

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Thats cos they is having a mass RP debate in the canatina... just getting everyone seated in a chair could take weeks.. give them time... only one barmaid to serve the drinks, than like tree ents it takes a while for all the pleasantries to be done.. they got time to wait :rolleyes:

LOL... oh geeze. :D

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What? They said transfers would be June 12th. They never said only 4% would be June 12th. They most definately promised transfers on the 12th. They just didnt tell us it would be 1 east coast pve server only. If they had then I wouldnt have a problem with it. Ah well no big deal you apologists keep going hell they have already lost 400k subs we know of. I bet today they lost easily 100k more. Pretty soon you will be wondering where everyone is.


I am fairly sure it was "start transfers."

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Why do people feel the need to constantly repost the same server list over and over, As if we didnt know.


Or can't read a sticky


Because people can actually reply to this one. The mods are actually pushing the other similar threads to this one. Why do people like you feel the need to constantly put people down, as if trying to help the community with info is a bad thing.

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Spin and BS. That's all this company is good at. At no point did they say with any honesty that we'd talking about barely 1% of the population getting transfers.


They need something to milk more money from the subscriber base while there is still one there... (paid transfers incase you missed that)

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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Well I can tell you what I expected this morning


A list of all the servers that were going to be moving.


Sure don't move them all at the same time you can have a day set for them and group them by that I don't care but a full list of servers that are going to have to move would be nice


There was your mistake. You expected them to act professionally instead of a bunch of "programmers" who cannot get even the most basic features working right. What you should do in the future is always expect them to mess everything up. At least then you wont be disappointed.

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It's all a ruse. Bioware is really trying to set a new world record to gain entrance into the Guinness Book of Records for fastest 1000 posts in a thread causing a new thread to be created.


Little do they remember the Global "Red Zone" Launch thread's, for which they are already that record holder.

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They will be opening up more servers to transfer - and I am guessing more pvp servers to transfer to the Fatman. Why? Because all of us on lights the last 2-3 months, most likely rolled an alt- on the fatman (pvp).


I am on Hedaar Soongh, no wait - THE FATMAN!


My transfers were instant, all 5 of them. JOB WELL DONE BW!

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Take your time BW with this. My guild hasn't raided in 3 weeks cause people just decided we'd cleared the content and didn't wanna do it anymore. Let us know when you decide to have a server with enough people to play again.


BTW, Diablo 3 Inferno is hard!


I miss SWTOR, but playing by yourself aint fun in an MMO.

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Today's hate threads are eerily similar to when people complained that there weren't enough servers for early launch, and we know how that turned out. Why doesn't everyone calm down and let BW do these transfers correctly, in a very careful and calculated manner?


Because they are NOT doing them correctly ?

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This is a joke, they just posted a few days ago how hard its going to be/how much transfer traffic there would be trying to move "millions" of characters. They listed 10 servers that they are trying to move data from. There is no way in hell that you are moving "millions" of characters, Bioware. NIce try though. Thanks for letting down your community, again. When will we learn?
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This is like a joke or something. Seriously to tomb of freedom nad ? why to that server? its the most popular one, so they are going to make the most popular one to completely overcrowded.

also i played on senator contisplex(10-20 people online saturday evening in the whole server), and no transfers from that server.. its the least populated server..

oh well...

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TLDR: I personally I am not upset. Think that from a business perspective they were a bit too vague and they could choose to provide more information in the future. Feels like we are waiting in a line with no details about how fast the line will move or when we will get to the end, and that could be handled much better. I think that's why people are raging.


First Off, I have a group of 4 I play with regularly, therefore timeliness of Server Transfers isn't an issue to me personally. Yes, we absolutely want to move to a Server with more people, but we don't need it today.


I'm trying to think of a real life analogy. I'll give it a shot.


I am waiting in line at a club. The club has advertised that it opens tonight and we know this establishment plays music that we really love, everyone in town is buzzing about it and this is place we really want to be at. Yes, we can go to other clubs in town, but there just aren't many people there. The details on the advertisement tell us in advance that they will only be allowing us into the club gradually. They don't give us any details about how many people will be allowed in, how big the club is, etc... So, of course, I show up to stand in line, because I might be one of the lucky few let into the club early. I knew it was a risk to show up and I'm not really expecting to get in, but sure it'd be nice. So, now, I'm standing in line with 150 other people and when the club opens, we only see 4 names appear on the board showing people chosen from random to go into the club. It seems like the club can allow more people than that. We ask the bouncer and he gives us no timeline of when we can expect to get into the club, no details about how long we will have to stand in line, no details about how many people they will let in, and that we should check the board regularly to see if our name is on the list. So, we of course, go home feeling let down by the club.


Not a perfect analogy, but I think that is why people are feeling a bit perturbed. If only they would just give a little bit more information to the people in line, it would go a long way to keeping people excited about the server transfers and the game. It would keep people standing in line instead of perhaps checking out another game. We need critical mass in this game and I don't want to lose players just because communication was a bit too vague, it's a silly reason.

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I think the problem for us on the East Cost US is that "The Fat Man" is one of the highest population servers, sometimes having long Que times to log in. That server is a destination server! Servers such as "The Defencestrator" should be a destination server. We have a great community, we just need a higher population.



Cheer up again. That is an indication of how abundant they want the servers to be, and they are increasing the cap so no wait times. Imagine every active server as big as that one, with no queue times and an LFG tool.


If one is to analyze the data at this point in time, cross reference that with the information they have released, that is the path they are taking. I would estimate that you will have a great many servers dumped onto you before this is done.


I know there is alot of complying based on the desire for instant gratification, but I'm about as happy as a pig in sloth right now. In the end, this is going to be awesome.

Edited by Blackardin
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Spin and BS. That's all this company is good at. At no point did they say with any honesty that we'd talking about barely 1% of the population getting transfers.


They need something to milk more money from the subscriber base while there is still one there... (paid transfers incase you missed that)


They clearly stated that the first wave would start 6/12 - they never promised you anything more than that. THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THEY DON"T FEED US DATES! They're not the ones spinning information - you are.

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Can you show me the part in those posts where it said on day 1 there would be ONLY 1 PVE east cost server on the list? If not how about stopping with the attacks? It said gradual yes. Gradual does not mean 1 server and no plans to add anymore in the near future.


1) Show me the definition of gradual you're using, because the one I'm using is "taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little"


2) "no plans to add anymore in the near future?" You haven't been reading their posts where they said they will be adding more. You are an epic fail, sir



Remember early launch where they let in a few people in the first wave and the masses cried to high hell why they were doing it so slow and it turned out there were like 5 or 6 waves throughout the day? I'm sure this is nothing like that. You all need to stop crying for nothing.

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Well I can tell you what I expected this morning


A list of all the servers that were going to be moving.


Sure don't move them all at the same time you can have a day set for them and group them by that I don't care but a full list of servers that are going to have to move would be nice


It's your own fault for setting those expectations and they've said numerous times it's hard to set dates ins tone because server popualtions are always changing and they need to adjust.


I came online here expecting them to call everything off and tell us it's coming next month, I'm happy it's in the works and that I'm getting transfered at some point.. (Probably next week)

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It's stock database management its not that complex either.


Yes there's millions of characters and even more items associated with each, if bioware took a fractured approach and gave each server its own database, yes that complicates things as everything would need to be reindexed to be made glabal, which it should have been in the first place.


Plan it & test it carefully, impliment it and if that requires a extended downtime in order to do it refund your customers for that time and do it.


Transfers can and probably should be a function of each downtime, and automated.


But end of the day its a database, a big one granted but its not re-inventing the wheel here.


End of the day this functionality is required because of biowares inability to design a good Vibrant MMO enviroment, able to support large ammounts of players and everyones paying for it litterally.


By far the most critical elements of this game ALL lay in the realm of the games Base design, and by far its the biggest area that needs MASSIVE improvement if this game is to have a snowball in hells chance of surviving.


I kind of think server transfers as a fudge fix, it doesn't address the underlying problem in that the basic design of the enviroment, which is utterly and totally borked for a MMO, the game is far too sharded. Over providing large vibrant enviroments for players to be in, completely at odds with the idea of a MMO, and utterly prone to population fluctuations which totally aggrivate the issue even further.


And then to want to charge people for this at a later date well..


And that's before you get to grips with the other appauling design elements which give little or no post 50 gameplay, or highly repetative therein.


Someone needs to get a strong grip of this product and start making some smart design choices instead of constantly copping out for the soft option, and start making some big inroads into the bad design elements if this game is to survive never mind continue to be successful.

Edited by Hawk-Firestorm
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fair enough...

still, when considering the state of most of our servers, 9.345% (however 'gradual' it may be), is a band-aid to a broken leg.


Personally, if there is anything similar to go for it is the Early Game Access.. That also started with a small group and increased in size exponentionally over a short period of time.


It may not be enough now, but I do expect a lot more by the end of the week.

I'm not saying I am sure this will be the case, but personally.. I see a path like this in the future:


Now, 9%

Tomorrow, 18%

Day 3, 27%

Day 4, 45%

Day 5. 72%

Day 6, everyone.


It might even be faster than that. But if this is even close to what will actually be the case, I still feel it was the right decision to follow through in a staggered transfer.

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Hurry quick, someone call the WAAAMBULANCE 90% of the posters on SWTOR need it! Due to they are missing a BRAIN! or Common Sense!


But seriously you people are crying more than my 2 year old does for a lolly pop! get a grip people! They said PHASE!


What they should have said was 'we plan to do 4 NA servers on the first day'. Not gradual, not phased, not some other subjective word that people will take to mean what it means to them.


To me 4 NA servers is 'doing almost nothing and creeping along from there', by subjective definitions.

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