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Current Transfer Servers


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Fatman all ready one of the fullest servers in the game why are they transfering there? I thought the idea was to bring multiple servers to higher populations not ones that are all ready full.


because the server that is transfering to the fatman is one of those that has about 10 people online during peak hours. it won't make any difference to the fatman, but it will certainly improve the other server's players' experience

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BioWare we need to have a serious talk about a thing called *managing expectations* lol. Again you let the juggernaut of expectations build up momentum and now we're witnessing a spectacular trainwreck in slow motion again. Why do you keep doing this to yourself lol? Be a bit more specific in terms of scale and timetables. Give conservative estimates but don't go in with blanket estimations that give people room to hope and dream and be overly optimistic. How many times we must see this happen lol.
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Shut Up, really. Take this binky and put it into your mouth. The Page states to check back in the coming days as the list is updated.


It's really pathetic that you people can't even have a semblence of patience and appreciation that Bioware is even doing Transfers at all.


They stated it would be a gradual process and waves. So kindly take a seat in your high chair and wait.


You know normally I would agree with such a statement. But since many of us have been waiting since March for a transfer, I think we've been more than patient. While I understand it will take a bit of time, Bioware has done this to themselves with only making four server eligible and no definitive timeline of when other or even what servers will eventually be available.

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Fatman all ready one of the fullest servers in the game why are they transfering there? I thought the idea was to bring multiple servers to higher populations not ones that are all ready full.


Because chances are Fatman is going to be the only East Coast PvP server when this is done.


The fact that they are transferring players to the largest servers confirms mega/super servers.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


I cannot begin to say how bad this make BioWare look.That fact that this is so few servers with so many days apart

only tells me you must be doing this manualy like you do with the PTS.

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BioWare knew exactly what would happen, and flashing paid character transfers when they have screwed up the population due their own incompetence and stupidity doesn't exactly help. Sure this is better than nothing, but this whole situation could've been averted from the start. I believe the old saying, "You reap what you sow", is adequate here. This storm was expected when people would notice that their servers wouldn't be on the initial list. Lets just hope that they start to work out the kinks asap and allow rest of us to transfer for FREE.


As a sidenote: Unfortunately the mature members of the community rarely take their time to post on the forums.

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


Thanks for the update buddy, but this should have been told to us at least yesterday. If you guys didn't realize that you would have a bunch of players on at 8am to be ready to move there toons from all over different servers, then your really out of touch with your community. Im pretty sure it wasn't even your decision, but whoever s decision it was, doesn't really need that job.

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You people need to learn to read things more carefully... They told u precisely what they where going to do.... and everyone is now in a troll match about it.... They said "small group" and low and behold everyone see's a small group of servers and is somehow amazed and yet angered over seeing precisely what they where told... A Small group of servers


I hate to say this.. but having seen what happened when DC online did this.... IT crashed there servers for a week because of the influx of players to servers... to the *mega-servers*


Yall need to calm down.. if your on a low pop server they are going to moniter the number of tranfers to particular servers over course of say i dunno 24 hours to see how many people are moving their toons to know if that server can handle another transfer or if they need to shift it to something else.....


WIth that being said...give them a *********** break please...

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I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


Why people don't understand this i'll never know, but please tell me you'll have some fun with origin and destinations, "Valley Of The Dark Lords to The Jedi Temple" would be quite funny :)

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Source it, if that's the case. I've kept tabs on this and can't recall reading anything of the sort.


It's in the No. 1 sticky on this very forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472600


The character transfer service will be made available gradually, starting with a small number of origin servers and adding more until all servers eligible for transfer are available in the service.


BioWare really could not have been any more clear about this, short of tattooing it into every player's forehead.

Edited by Kthx
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this is by bw failed today.


as a community we have been begging/requesting transfers/merges since feb. and a month ago they announced transfers, which made us all giddy and excited. but they were/still are tight lipped about who goes where, but we assumed/hoped we could all move once servers popped or atleast have knowledge of where we might be going.


they stated they did not want to post origin/destination servers pre release of transfers. and that a list will arise once transfers were available. and for NA players we get a list of 4 servers w a mention of (with a smile) "check back often".


i almost always give the benefit of the doubt to companies for their decission making (since they are the ones looking at the numbers and know time frames ect) but to not atleast have a complete full list available, (im not mad i cant transfer yet) as you stated you would have a list (thus assuming it would be full) is absurd.


i can only hope me pressing f5 a million times in the next coming days "Daviks Estate" will be picked as an origin.


thank you. ill go back to my single player mmo game now

Edited by iRoof
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It's amazing how many folks are willing to blame BioWare for their own inability to read. Nobody should've assumed their server was transferring today based on all the info they posted.


The process was beginning today, not completing today, not available to everyone today. Stop and take a deep breath.

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because the server that is transfering to the fatman is one of those that has about 10 people online during peak hours. it won't make any difference to the fatman, but it will certainly improve the other server's players' experience


lol tell you what my server and alot of others would notice 10 extra people on during peak times.

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they did. they repeatedly stated that transfers would START on tuesday. they never even remotely stated they would take care of 100+ servers on one day.


The issue is that once again they didn't give us enough information from the start. They could have easily said they were only going to do 4 or 5 servers and that they would be transferred to other higher populated servers. It isn't that hard to communicate.

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Yes, you posted a link to an article that didn't exist before today. I'm pretty sure you should try to be a little better next time you attempt to troll, kiddo.


and yes, I'm well aware of the one time they mentioned that it would be in rounds in the blog, however, its a terrible PR move because they didn't give an idea of the amount or pacing of said rounds.


It existed on the initial letter, on twitter, in their blogs. They stated it a number of times.

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Utterly pathetic.


WHY does every single have to be down in a SLOW, mediocre manner?


WHY not once...JUST ONCE BIOWARE can't you add something that ISN'T HALF WAY THOUGHT OUT?


Good pops going to even better populations...




Someone PLEASE explain this to me!

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Look im from Vorskr and of course I am disappointed to not to see us as a source or destination server yet, but truth is it looks like they are allowing the lowest pop servers a chance to go to the highest pop servers first. I dont blame them for slowing rolling it out so transfers can occur without effecting gameplay or would you choose to transfer your charactr right now if it was in a transfer que and would take 3 days because they all went up at once. Then we would have posts about "3 days I cant play my characters" posts all over.


I must admit the character transfers and the coming group finder are the only reason I havent downloaded GW2 Beta, because if I do and like it I would be gone and I love this games potential and community (at least on Vorskr). I am tired of leaving a game with my guild because they cant wait out the bugs and game growth after launch, I will no longer switch to the flavor of the week just because its new and alow the cycle to start all over again.


I will wait patiently and will pray that Vorskr gets some transfer loving PRIOR to the 1.3 launch, because a group finder with not enough pop will be sad and drepressing.

Edited by Planar
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