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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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How does this work if a player cannot transfer their character if they hold the position of GM? Was this changed?


No that dude is incorrect. The Guilds ARE NOT transferring over.


Ignore that. I guess they are transferring over upon contact customer support.

Edited by johnnynumberfiv
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No that dude is incorrect. The Guilds ARE NOT transferring over.


Ignore that. I guess they are transferring over upon contact customer support.


The guild itself is not transfering over, you have to manually reform the guild on your new server. However, the guild bank tabs will be able to be regained, upon contacting customer support.

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No that dude is incorrect. The Guilds ARE NOT transferring over.


Ignore that. I guess they are transferring over upon contact customer support.


You have to disband the guild completely in order to transfer and everything must be out of the guild banks also.

You contact customer service to get back those guild bank slots for free.

Edited by Rezarect
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My thing is why are we being told we can only go to 1 specific server instead of giving us a choice of several different servers that have a decent active population? Because by telling us this is a "Complimentary Transfer" to me is code for "We are merging servers and telling you its transfers so you guys dont think our game is failing" I love this game very much but you guys have continuously over-hyped your content that is to be released when realistically its more of a "Oh.." not an "OMG I'm Soooo freaking excited" If this is a server transfer then give everyone on DEAD servers FREE transfers to a server of their choosing of a list you guys give them rather than send people to a server they may not even want to go to at all and later make "US" pay for it. I just dont want to see this game fail because i LOVE IT and you guys aren't quite doing enough to keep people on this game for the long haul and that worries me.



Faithful Fan

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If you want to keep all the players happy Bioware/EA then don't make us wait for weeks for our servers to open up for transfer.

dont be so greedy people. yes there are a LOT of server's that need this but if you would turn your impatient level down a notch and actually read all the post's then you will become aware that there's more to the world than just yourself, and that they cant throw in all these server transfers at once and then all of a sudden servers with newly transferred people are overflowing and getting flooded by all the people who choose it and then needing to re issue MORE transfers so people can get the f*ck off the now OVER populated server. just because you dont like the way its happening doesn't mean its not the right decision

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^ What this man said. I never, ever, EVER, -not even once- have to rename a character or choose a different name in a game. Know why? Because I actually spent time choosing my name. If yours is taken on 90% of the servers, chances its not that "unique" to begin with!


I spent a great deal of time coming up with the name I eventually used. I based it off the middle name of an obscure Scandinavian singer, and even then I changed the spelling to a completely made-up word. The only possible way to get a more original name than that would be if I had randomly chosen a bunch of letters willy nilly.


And yet when I tried to get the name on the two mostly likely servers I'll end up having to transfer to, that name was still already taken on one of them. Now maybe I'll end up having to go to the other server. Maybe by some miracle my server will end up being a destination since it was one of the original pre-launch servers, though I find it unlikely given its current population. That doesn't change the principle that Bioware should be doing everything in its power to accommodate people who have to change servers due to population issues that Bioware themselves caused.

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It's weird that we're not transferring to another dead server to liven it up.


Instead we're going to servers that are already standard-full population.


Which later will mean more people waiting in queues.....why?

Edited by Rezarect
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Because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If the delicate and fluid server population balance requires one of the pre-launch server to be an origin, then thats the way it will go. Im sure BW will try to avoid that, but it may not be possible. And if throwing an accented alt character in your name makes you rage quit, then please do, I wouldn't want you on my server.


The feeling is mutual.


Maybe some people don't care about losing the identities that they created for their characters just so they can make PUG groups quickly or something but I do.


We had some ex-guildmate jerks go to our destination server and steal our guild name and the names of my guildmate's main characters just to grief us. I am not pleased.

Edited by MorgonKara
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Can anyone explain to me the difference between what BW is doing now and a server merger, and how a merger wouldn't be more time efficient with better population outcomes?


Thanks in advance.


The difference is that they are not forcing people to move if they don't want to, in all other respects what is happening is server merges. Also dormant accounts that are not going to resub are not being moved which means a better chance that your characters names will still be available. Once the transfers finish the players who want to move will be sitting on about 30-40 servers, 20-30 will have high populations and 10 will be the RP servers (and most of those wont have better populations but they will probably be given options in later phases of transfers).

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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It's weird that we're not transferring to another dead server to liven it up.


Instead we're going to servers that are already standard-full population.


Which later will mean more people waiting in queues.....why?


Only they know the numbers they are dealing with. As I do agree with you, that the heavier servers did not need more bolstering, I have to wonder if they did that just to get a buzz about this out there. The catch 22 to it though is that when some may start to resubscribe to the game that already existed on some of those target servers they will indeed now have queues just to log in. Lag is also a consideration that I do not think is being taken seriously for some.


They should have bolster some of the standard servers first and left the heavier ones to absorb some of the rest later on. Balancing them based on the other servers since there is more room.


If this made no sense, it is due to me being half asleep. lol Let's just hope it works out well.

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You can only transfer a character that hasn't transferred in the last 72 hours. So, what is the point of transferring now and then tomorrow seeing new destination servers for my origin server? I mean if the current destination server isn't my final landing spot then whats the point of transferring? By that same token whats the point of letting me stay on a server that you are only allowing players to transfer from and not to? Don't you think that's going to seriously skew the data you are relying on?


Your destination server will not change once its been announced.


One reason they are letting you stay is that some players feel that keeping their character name is more important than the server population. They are willing to wait and see what new transfer options become available in the future.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Why are they transfering (with the exception of a few) from one bad server to another?. Would have been better to move from say 5 or so origins to 1 destination .And enhance populations that way.


That's what they are doing, they are just waiting to see how the population builds before adding the next origin server.


If they nominate 5 origins to 1 destination and then had an unexpected number of resubs or people switching back from a server they rerolled on they could end up with a server being overfull or more people stay than they estimated and the server is not full enough so they want to announce a 6th origin server. But they can't change the destinations they have announced because that would split players who have not transferred yet.


Better to build up the severs carefully so they get the optimal population (as they need to leave some room for people who transfer later on) than announce every transfer at once and end up with uneven server pops.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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Sorry, but Bioware has - again - managed to do EVERYTHING wrong.

Instead of a plain and honest (and necessary) merge, we get an overly complicated process that is done bit by bit.

Instead of being able to chose where you want to go, we get fixed servers, for a transfer "service".

Instead of Bioware doing the merge for us, we must do the merge. You can select only you have nothing to select.

And instead of giving us a list of ALL merges - possibly with a date list - we get only trickles of servers, aggravating those who are in the dark when/if their servers will get a merge. What would have been so difficult to reveal the entire list, and then add dates when it will be their turn, so people don't stay in the dark about things.


You really love your secrets for none other than having them, eh Bioware?



I have waited half a year for Bioware getting a grip over the issues. I waited for 1.2 hoping it would tackle at least *some* basic issues, and I waited for the merge. Sorry, but after months of waiting, my paitience has simply worn out paying and waiting for stuff. If I can wait for SWTOR to be good, you can wait for me to pay again.

Edited by Elikal
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I'm on Wound in the Force and plan on waiting to see how this all plays out.


I do have a question though.

Maybe I'm missing something,but on the server transfer page,http://www.swtor.com/transfer it says

selected orgin and selected destination servers.


In the list of given servers how do you know which are orgin and which are destination?

Edited by Captzee
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Sorry, but Bioware has - again - managed to do EVERYTHING wrong.

Instead of a plain and honest (and necessary) merge, we get an overly complicated process that is done bit by bit.

Instead of being able to chose where you want to go, we get fixed servers, for a transfer "service".

Instead of Bioware doing the merge for us, we must do the merge. You can select only you have nothing to select.

And instead of giving us a list of ALL merges - possibly with a date list - we get only trickles of servers, aggravating those who are in the dark when/if their servers will get a merge. What would have been so difficult to reveal the entire list, and then add dates when it will be their turn, so people don't stay in the dark about things.


You really love your secrets for none other than having them, eh Bioware?



I have waited half a year for Bioware getting a grip over the issues. I waited for 1.2 hoping it would tackle at least *some* basic issues, and I waited for the merge. Sorry, but after months of waiting, my paitience has simply worn out paying and waiting for stuff. If I can wait for SWTOR to be good, you can wait for me to pay again.


Actually you get to select if you want to move to a new server or stay on your old one. Thats what makes it different than a merge. If you read through this and some other threads, some people either prefer playing on low pop servers (I think thats weird, but hey, whatever tickles your pickle) or are so concerned that they will have to change their name from "HanSolo" or some other unoriginal garbage that they refuse to move.

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I'm on Wound in the Force and plan on waiting to see how this all plays out.


I do have a question though.

Maybe I'm missing something,but on the server transfer page,http://www.swtor.com/transfer it says

selected orgin and selected destination servers.


In the list of given servers how do you know which are orgin and which are destination?


All of those servers are origin servers - to see the destination ones you have to go to your Account Settings and click on character transfer.

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I'm on Wound in the Force and plan on waiting to see how this all plays out.


I do have a question though.

Maybe I'm missing something,but on the server transfer page,http://www.swtor.com/transfer it says

selected orgin and selected destination servers.


In the list of given servers how do you know which are orgin and which are destination?


Its not listed on that page but if you go to "my account" and to the character transfers page its listed there.

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Actually you get to select if you want to move to a new server or stay on your old one. Thats what makes it different than a merge. If you read through this and some other threads, some people either prefer playing on low pop servers (I think thats weird, but hey, whatever tickles your pickle) or are so concerned that they will have to change their name from "HanSolo" or some other unoriginal garbage that they refuse to move.


Lol, you know that reminds of what the Arishok said about the Qun. You can chose! You can chose to fulfill your role or die.


Great "choice".

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Are there any transfers coming up for Peragus Mining Facility (EU) it states on this site that the server is full :p that might be the case but 70% of the accounts on that server are no longer playing and I'm sick of being alone all the dam time :( if this doesn't happen soon I am going to close my account :jawa_mad:
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Are there any transfers coming up for Peragus Mining Facility (EU) it states on this site that the server is full :p that might be the case but 70% of the accounts on that server are no longer playing and I'm sick of being alone all the dam time :( if this doesn't happen soon I am going to close my account :jawa_mad:


They wont say a word. Honestly I think at this point Bioware has proven they are 100% clueless. They have no idea what they are doing nor do they care. They have thought since day one they know better than us what we want. They have probably lost 800k subs since launch and it STILL is not sinking in they should listen for a change. How is is possible in 2012 to not be able to copy simple data back and forth? A small outfit like Turbine has had it forever and they didnt have 100s of millions of dollars behind them.


Just amazing they dont know what servers. They dont know when they will open them. Some stupid bug that while you are logged in your char wont transfer? Well tell people to log out! It takes 5 whole minutes to transfer. Instead they stop the entire process to do some 4 hour downtime fix that most likely will just screw up even more stuff. Just shaking my head at how they can be so inept.

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Soresu Origin Server -


Our members are incensed. Not only were all of our names taken to every main and alt, for dozens of players, but so were our Legacy names and variations of our Legacy names.


We're looking at a new guild roster of player names we don't know from Adam. Who's that, who's this, I don't know who that is. Every single name of every single guild member new and something we had to drum up off the top of our heads unexpectedly to log in.




Early Access benefit - screwed. Your customers - screwed.


For the benefit of the destination server's players who aren't even logging in - we've friended them, and they're not logging in, probably among the TOR departed.


As you've been told a hundred times, there's no unique surnames in any phonebook of any city. There's dozens of Smiths and Jones, and for a hundred reasons we'd want to have same surnames across accounts, or for ourselves, you still have surnames unique to one player - apparently inactive players at that. No need for that, and when combined with this fiasco, frankly, we're so angry we're spitting nails.

Edited by BlueDestiny
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Actually you get to select if you want to move to a new server or stay on your old one. Thats what makes it different than a merge. If you read through this and some other threads, some people either prefer playing on low pop servers (I think thats weird, but hey, whatever tickles your pickle) or are so concerned that they will have to change their name from "HanSolo" or some other unoriginal garbage that they refuse to move.


Are you serious? You're spinning the corporate lie. A choice to transfer huh? We had 20 people on the fleet BEFORE the transfer in prime time. These transfers are a death knell for the Origin Servers. Soresu is DEAD now. A choice? That's so rediculous, it was offensive to customer intelligence when Bioware said it, it's something else entirely when a customer repeats it.


As for renaming, read the post above this one. I put great thought into my avatar names and surnames, we had months to prepare, and with early access benefits we paid for, we acquired them, now only to lose all of them to replace them with stuff we had to think up unexpectedly ON THE SPOT when presented with the log in screen, and all for mostly inactive players who took the names and legacies both and are no longer playing.


Now is not the time for trolling.


Now is the time for firing.


Get us some competent project leadership asap. This 6 month fiasco is no longer tolerable. You owe us all an apology, and satisfaction.

Edited by BlueDestiny
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may I ask why didn't you just wait till you know what servers were going to be allowed to transfer to first? It's hardly BW fault you subbed before the list was out,so not point in having a go about it really.


Good point, but my particular resub happens on the 19th automatically. If they don't have it sorted by then i won't be resubbing my account in protest. One of the major issues I have is that I can't even recreate or transfer my existing guild and have a lot of players that have not resubbed while they wait for the character transfers to solidify. So now I either have the option of abandoning my guild and looking for/trying to start a new one (and these are people that I have played with for over 8 years on a few different MMOs that will remain nameless), or staying until I can convince enough to come back to SWTOR which may mean that my account to does down with the ship as it were. Why is it that BW hasn't even had the common decency to allow people to log into their account regardless of the subscription status to perform the char transfer? That way I can at least convince my guildmates (active or no) to log in and transfer thier character in preparation for an eventual return to SWTOR at a later date.


Thanks BioWare, for making it that much more difficult to for your core players (guildmasters/guild members) who stuck with you through this debacle, to successfully transfer thier characters/recreate their guild on other servers. To compound this issue you are rolling the transfers out slowly, which means that the logistics of transferring a guild that has many inactive players could take a very very long time as they slowly trickle back into the game.


I know you're going ahead with char transfers, albiet at snails pace, but I said it in an earlier thread and I"ll say it again here for the record, why don't you geniuses at BW just link the existing servers together that have low populations? that way i still log into tarro blood, but it has been amalgamated with 2 or 3 other servers. This way if the population recovers/explodes for any given reason (namely all the cool things you keep promising to put into the game), then you could simply split the servers back off and offer character transfers to a players desired destination of the originally linked servers once a split happens (that way if they joined a guild on the linked universe they can transfer their char back to that server after the split occurrs).

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