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Everything posted by Kronkit

  1. Are there any transfers coming up for Peragus Mining Facility (EU) it states on this site that the server is full that might be the case but 70% of the accounts on that server are no longer playing and I'm sick of being alone all the dam time if this doesn't happen soon I am going to close my account
  2. Maybe you should tell people in the description its only open to the USA, tbh that sucks why dosn's every one get a fair crack of the whip
  3. no the boss is the wrong lvl he should be lvl 50 :/ has nothing to do with soloin it, its a 4 man HC mission lol
  4. Hi on the 4 man HC mission Old Enemies on belsavis, the trash is all lvl 50 but the last boss is lvl 44 and only drops lvl 44 items can you check this out and fix him to lvl 50 with lvl 50 drops ?
  5. Maybe this has already been posted but due to no forum search bar im not going to troll through posts to find it. When are you going to put a dice roll tool ingame so op leaders have more controle over giving out loot ? or if there is one already what is the command for it ?
  6. pre ordered on the 26/7/11 no email what a jip :mad:
  7. please stop the chuck jokes and this is why i ask chuck is FAIL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfGiIg8kHbw
  8. This is the owner of BW laughing at your fail early access
  9. lol chuck is weak bruce lee beat his *** up bad so no more chuck nub jokes plz
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