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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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3- Lack of variety on dailys. It should not be that difficult to make sections on existing planets for level 50 dailys, like the way Belsavis is setup. Alderaan is level 24-28 for Republic, and level 40 for Imperial. I found this out when I wandered the whole map. I think Hoth is like that also, different levels for each faction.


Actually, no.

Alderaan is for levels 29-32 (if I remember the 32 part right) and that's for both Imps and Reps. The level 40 areas are the Bonus Series, again for both factions.


Same thing for Hoth. The majority of the planet is for levels 39-41(?) for both factions and the bonus series' areas are for 45-50 (again, both factions)

Edited by TheNahash
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I unsubbed two weeks ago.


- Boring static worlds.


- No day/night cycles.


- No exploration and boxed in planets.


- Can't sit in chairs... can't do anything in this game to immerse and improve my RP experience.


BioWare only creates content for art direction. Soon everything won't be usable and just there for us to look at just how on rail space is. No freedom in this game at all.


SWTOR is one huge theme park with a bunch of decorated props to each attraction.

Edited by DuckKing
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I was purposefully staying away from the new WoW expansion because I told myself I was done with WoW, but alas I saw my wife playing the new Monk class as a tank and *gasp* it looked like a hell of a lot more fun than tanking on my Juggernaut, so I stopped playing TOR for WoW.


TOR is a good game, but the only thing it ever offered me that made it stand apart was story, so once I got done with the story I was left with an extremely shallow game.


1. Storyline is poorly integrated into questing. I don't care if you're a best selling author or a Pulitzer prize winner. You can present me with the best story ever, but if the act of completing the story is boring, I'm not going to do it. Example: Hey Sith, here's an awesome quest with an in-depth and well crafted story. Now, to complete it go kill 10 womprats. Oh, and while you're at it, kill 15 more, then click on a mound of dirt and kill the bigger stronger womprat that comes out of it.


2. Lifeless static worlds. In FFXI, I remember walking my way from an arid desert through a swampy marshland up through some vast forested foothills to a huge towering city called Jeuno. The way was littered with strange and dangerous creatures. They even pathed around instead of standing still like they do in TOR. I remember being in awe looking up at the city. I remember exploring every nook and cranny and actually finding things.


I remember walking across a great plateau and it started to rain. Different creatures began to spawn according to the weather. When night came, ghouls and skeletons emerged. It became more dangerous. I remember looking at a great big craggy structure and seeing a rainbow appear after the rain subsided.


SWTOR won't leave me with any of that type of nostalgia. The worlds feel so sterile to me.


3. Very limited endgame content. By comparison WoW has far fare more to do. Even discounting all the content prior to Mists, WoW still offers more varied and more challenging end game content.


4. Fluff. Give me something to do besides raid and send my companions on errands. I liked to fish in WoW. I liked to hunt rare creatures or pets. I like the new Pokemon system. I like crafting... when it's actually crafting and not sending pets off to do things for you.


5. The draw distance of environmental objects and, particularly, grass. It may seem petty, but constantly seeing grass and rocks and whatever else may be on the ground that is more than 10 feet in front of your character is ridiculously annoying.


TOR is just an inferior game in almost every way once you hit 50. If you're burned out on fantasy MMO's that's one thing, but in terms of content and polish, WoW has this game licked in every category.


I won't be back, and no you can't have my stuff. Hope things improve for the remaining players!

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I was one of the first month purchases. My local shop lost my pre-order, but I was able to buy after they got new stock in after launch at a discount. I played my first month, but my experience was... not what I had hoped. I recently re-subbed, but after my time is done I'm gone again unfortunately.


Reason 1: My friends all left SWTOR for other games. Some left for console titles, others left back to WoW, some just left entirely. Regardless, I was the last of my friends to actually let my sub rollover, and it was quiet when it did.


Reason 2: Technical Difficulties. These have been moreorless resolved since I resubbed, but back when I let my first month end I was lucky to get five frames a second in Fleet. Now I get around 45 or so until I go walking around the GTN or canteena. I would write this out all together if BW would let you flip over to a solo instance to reduce the lag.


Reason 3: Solo-player difficulty. While not too detrimental, I found myself becoming more and more disillusioned by the star wars environment the more I played on my own. What few flashpoints I managed to find a group too were rushed and I really couldn't enjoy them with people yelling at me that I was going the wrong way or that I didn't know what I was doing. You get that across all games, I realize, but it was more prominent here for me.


Reason 4: UI Limitations. I came from WoW a few years back where I had a 1-5 utility range on my keyboard with 6-0 begin either proc or panic buttons, so everything was easy for me to play with. In SWTOR, there really wasn't a way to set up macros, even for gimicks like a Sith punishing their companion and spewing some random blather about how they failed. It wasn't a big deal, mind you, but it was odd to me.


Reason 5: Costs. I know, I know, "It's only 50 cents a day you cheapskate." I've heard it already, believe me. I'm a college graduate that's going back to classes and working a job where I'm lucky to get $200 a month. I've put out over 200 applications in the past year and a half, and I'm lucky to get back a letter saying "Sorry, you don't meet our requirements" if anything at all. My bill expenses are $185(not including gas), so needless to say there are a few days that I'm actually walking to college and work because I can't afford my gas. I'm lucky that my parents took me back in after college and that I didn't have any student loans, otherwise I'd be in debt and on the street most likely. $15 a month is outside my affordable range at the moment. I was lucky enough to get this month's sub from some windfall and the kindness of a friend. If I could ever afford the game again, yes I'd give serious consideration to coming back if the prior issues had been resolved.

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I haven't yet, mostly because I just got billed, but I plan to unsubscribe for a bit. Two primary reasons:


1) Unlike most of the (fortunate) rest of the players, I was fine graphics-wise until patch 1.4.1 hit. And then 1.4.2 made it worse--between the stuttering, the invisible companions, and the fact that half the time it looks like whatever planet I'm on is experiencing an earthquake, it's more than disruptive, especially in battle. And yes, I have tried pretty much every trick recommended on the forums. Maybe 1.5 would help, maybe not, but for me, it's more this:


2) The disrespectful behavior of other players. I'm not saying all, not by any means--most of you guys have been awesome in helping this n00b to MMO, which is a shame because a few are really ruining it for me. By that I mean those who wait until I'm engaged in a tough or even boss battle to sneak in and click on the node/chest/whatever the purpose of the battle is. I was able to handle it as mostly an annoyance until last night when some player, his companion, and someone he ended up grouping with were just following me around JUST to do that. I did nothing to provoke this--I was in the area long before he (the toon was male, at least) was, and he kept coming back, time and again, even after he'd and his group member had both finished the mission (thanks to my killing all the goons), to click on the hot spots needed for the mission. I felt like I was being harassed and probably should have reported it but was so angry and annnoyed that I just logged out. This was by far the worst experience but it really seems to only be getting worse. Again, it's a shame because I know the majority of you are great sports and play by the rules, whether spoken or unspoken. But if I'm not going to enjoy playing, what's the point of paying?


I'll probably try again in a few months after play for free dies down--I'm avoiding that because I'm afraid it'll only make problem no. 2 even worse--because I truly enjoy the game. I just don't enjoy getting ticked off during what's supposed to be my downtime.

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1) Space combat extremely dissappointing, hoped for something so much more than an arcade game, see STO for some ideas here.

2) Lack of endgame content particularly if you're stuck without an ops group so another idea from STO that might bear looking at is the Forge - player generated content - may help bridge the content gap.

3) Our Guild was too small - we hit 50 and found we had enough to grind the black hole but not enough to run ops - we were stuck - then our guild leader left and the guild went downhill from there - most of us were left with just the daily grind and when that became too much went on to other games or back to old favourites.

4) Basic premise of the oppossing sides, republic & empire, hardly ever intermingling was a bad idea, it split friends up and left no room for other factions i.e. un-aligned force users; un-aligned, non-aligned, neutral worlds; other groupings with there own purpose i.e. the Night Sisters which might have made things much more interesting. Jedi and Sith both fall, with its rigid separation the game implies that those that change sides immediately change their skills - this seems unlikely - why not a reformed Sith Sorcerer in a republic guild or a fallen Jedi Consular in an Imperial Guild. No access to oppossing side worlds / areas - why ever not - never heard of disguises? - can't access opposing side quests - again why not ? - most quests are provided with Light / Dark solutions - go on make the right choice and nearly blow your cover on an enemy world. How is the war going, apart from the core republic or imperial worlds is there a pool of unaligned / non-aligned / neutral worlds / groupings, do these ever shift allegiance, do my actions in PvE and/or PvP contribute in the smallest way to this? Are players ever forced to suddenly seek disguises / concealment in order to continue questing on a planet or in an area when such a shift occurs?

5) The legacy shambles - you may want me to level 4 times over - but will i live long enough? The Black Hole commendations shambles (how many a week?) - it's nice gear but again will I live long enough? Maybe an exhange rate for daily tokens / planetary commendations might help? Besides that the area just feels empty we need story arcs / quest chains - user content?

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I haven't unsubbed, but the follow 5 reason are pushing me that way:


Reason one and the Main Reason: Bioware lack of support to the APAC Community in just answering some very basic questions


Reason Two: The game becomes very Static at the end. I only every now use my main lvl 50 to do Raids over the weekend. During the week, I don't play much.


Reason Three: Lack of Exploration. I loved SWTOR during the first time through. Dromund Kaas was a mystery when I first landed, it was exciting to just wander off the beaten path and go see whats behind that rock, but planets unfortunately just become big Shoe Boxes in which you feel cramped and its no longer exciting.


Reason Four: Population issues on Master Da'narla. It needs to be address because an MMO is meant to be played with other people. I walk around Belsavis, a Daily Hub, and there is no one there.


Reason Five: BUGS!!! and I'm not talking about Bugs that drag on. I understand that they can be quite complicated to fix. What annoys me is every patch seems to break something. 1.4 was Horrendous for this!


But I would like to add the Reason I'm still here.


While this game isn't pretty at times and CS can be a little annoying with their communication skills, I believe this game has great potential to become something more. Bioware can pull this game up out of the dire straights she know finds herself. I will stick around to see how it all turns out. Maybe F2P will fix the APAC Pop issues, maybe not. Same goes with Merging the Servers. However, you only shoot yourself in the foot by ignoring your customers.


You tell us you have big plans in store, I choose to believe you, thus, I stick around.

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1. If you're a casual player, your game is over at 50.


2. PVP is really dull. Seen the same thing in dozens of other games.


3. Ridiculous loadtimes and lag.


4. The majority of missions lack any innovation. It's just kill mob after mob then kill a boss. Which gets old fast.


5. Legacy perks cost way too much. There really aren't too many incentives for leveling alts with the legacy system so it's pretty pointless.

Edited by JakBardok
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  • 3 weeks later...
What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?[/b


I played for a month or two after launch and eventually quit because I was tired of BioWare's amateur hour crap.


Not only did the game lack standard features (LFG, macros, UI customization), many other features were half-assed at best (auction house, GCD tracking,modded gear).


There were just too many things that should never happen in an MMO released in 2011.

I mean seriously, who the !@#$ thought it was okay to have a faction based game with mirror classes that weren't 100% identical?



I came back to see what the game was like before it went F2P. Even now I'd barely say that the game is ready to be released. I'm pretty much just playing because I wanna finish up the class stories and I want something to do while I watch TV, but it's definitely not something worth investing the same amount of time or thought into as I did WoW.

Edited by CharagonIGN
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I agree. Here we are, 10 months later, and basic things like companion's lightsbaers being on all the time are still here.


It's clear that these guys made a terrible choice with the engine, because NONE of their devs can adequately code with it in anything resembling a timely manner. Still.

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I agree. Here we are, 10 months later, and basic things like companion's lightsbaers being on all the time are still here.


It's clear that these guys made a terrible choice with the engine, because NONE of their devs can adequately code with it in anything resembling a timely manner. Still.

This was number 2 on my list.


Number 1 was - I came here for a break from WoW - and got a re-skinned space version with a rather poor space simulator thrown in.


The good news, after a long break from both games (played LOTRO, Rift and GW2) I am back refreshed. I have played MoP right to the end and want more WoW like play, so am back here for a bit - the cartel coins were a bonus.

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Unsubscribed after claiming my Cartel points.

Just not enough left to justify my 12.99, my guild has slowly drifted to GW2 and I dont have the will to rebuild it again.


I did have a lot of fun in my time but as many have said there just wasnt enough "fluff" to keep me interested outside of Ops (which I still really enjoy)


Thanks for the memories but in this economy 12.99 for Ops privledges isnt worth it in my humble opinion.

Also a special mention for the bad loading screens on non-SSDs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Claimed my cartel points, unsubbed again.


With all the classes that I (due to admittedly entirely personal preference) won't play yet because I'm waiting for the f/f romance dialogues to be enabled, it leaves me with very few classes and very little to do. The one or two character concepts that aren't held up by same sex romance, I can play on a premium account I'm sure.


I'm definitely keeping tabs though, and the day a definite time table is announced for same sex is the day I drop cash for the six month sub.

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I previously unsubscribed, but F2P pulled me back in and since the restrictions were too confining, I decided to pay. Very sneaky, BW.


My reasons for unsubscribing:

Quests not as engaging the second and third time around - tedious would be a good word here. This caused me to skip out on as many as I thought I could - I misjudged the situation and arrived at Belsavis before I should have and kind of got stuck and didn't have the motivation to go back and level up, slowly quit playing and saw no reason to continue my subscription. I did and do play mainly for the class and companion quests. I enjoyed all of the content on my first character a lot, but tediousness increases exponentially each time you play through the planets.


Not a lot for a player type like me to do at level 50. People might wonder what I am doing in a MMO. I am not a people person. not in games and not in real life. I like to do my own thing, by myself. This means no flashpoints and no warzones and definitely no operations. But I don't expect you to cater to people like me. That's not to say that I would not be ecstatic if you added more story content for level 50s ;) And further interaction with companions! I know I'm not alone in wishing for that.

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I didn't fall for the launch hype and picked the game up when the box price went cheaper than the sub price. I created and at least leveled to 15 all classes both male and female spread across 2 servers. I've gotten 2 characters to 50 and one other to 25 but because of server merges that I had no say where my characters went, I ended up with all 16 characters on one server. Not a problem for me but now EA is saying because I'm over the limit they will soon lock me out of 4 of my characters I've already spent time on unless I pay and that is as a subscriber.


I can see no enjoyment in what is called end game. Looks to me more like a marry-go-round so leveling is all the enjoyment I can see in TOR. I thought rolling aults is what they stress the most but I guess not if they are going to restrict and punish existing ault rollers.


I really can't justify a subscription anyway just rolling aults with that lack of end game variety so I was hoping F2P will be a good option. It turns out to be a terrible option with all the restrictions like quick bars, hide helmet, unify colors, locking me out of purple gear while leveling that's only good for 5 - 10 levels at best, and even a XP nerf. I keep trying to think I'm just reading those wrong but guess I'm not.


I guess EA wants me to look ugly and not get attached to my characters unless I pay for it. I would of had no issue paying for access to characters I've already created over the limit as a free player but not as a subscriber since I had choice in where they put my characters. Since I can't really justify a subscription anyway, I have serious ethical issues in the restrictions they have that to me are obvious nickle and diming the customers especially when I have found no other game even come close to the type of restrictions this F2P model has.


I'm not a free-loader, I have no issue paying for what has already been deemed normal in the gaming world but EA is not being normal thus giving me issues with them.


I've canceled my subscription and after logging into my now free account and seeing the ridiculous restrictions I can't bring myself to play. All the steam is taken out so I guess we can call this my unsubscriber's post.

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The Story lines are EXCELLENT.


But the gameplay. No MMO should have 4 hotbars completely full and almost every skill be required to be good.


A few core skills, some support abilities, and have at it.


Yes, I know, this opinion is not popular around here. But there is a reason the most successful MMOs have a limit on the number of skills given to the player.

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The Story lines are EXCELLENT.


But the gameplay. No MMO should have 4 hotbars completely full and almost every skill be required to be good.


A few core skills, some support abilities, and have at it.


Yes, I know, this opinion is not popular around here. But there is a reason the most successful MMOs have a limit on the number of skills given to the player.


I hear ya. I've been playing MMOs since 1998, and the amount of abilities actually needed in here throws me off quite a bit in playstyle.


I won't get into WoW and the 2-3 key rotation being all you need (it is true, and also ridiculous), but I also play DCUO. A single, 6-ability hotbar is all we have there, and it is plenty.

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The Story lines are EXCELLENT.


But the gameplay. No MMO should have 4 hotbars completely full and almost every skill be required to be good.


A few core skills, some support abilities, and have at it.


Yes, I know, this opinion is not popular around here. But there is a reason the most successful MMOs have a limit on the number of skills given to the player.


I'm very much with you on this too. At least with this game the PVP sucks bad enough there's no reason to do it and PVE is so easy I can keep up with all the buttons. But, what I really don't like is the RPG style turns it all to point and click for me. I guess being raised on gaming back when action mode was the only mode known and having to learn how to master the keybinds made playing fun and challenging. This RPG style is for the birds and the shear number of specials forces this old timer to play point and click. Seems like gaming evolution went backwards in my view and should be down right embarrassing that all I have to do to master this game is point and click.

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I was first wave EGA, CE buyer. What a joke, huh?


Left before the first free month was up.


Came back to reclaim Cartel points. Signed on for a 3month sub, wish I'd only gotten a 1 month sub. Some things are actually worse now!


Many, many 'small' things have been mentioned by others, but the biggest problem for me is there's no legit end-game.


PvP is a joke; overgeared PreMades farming everyone else.

Group OPs/Flashpoints/whatever.


The only thing for solo players are Dailies, and all you get there is equipment mods that are already outdated.



Why the hell would I want to re-roll another toon, why would I get attached to another toon, when I know there's nothing to do with them once I hit 50?



Everyone at BW should be absolutely ashamed at their part in this fail debacle.


200M --> F2P in 6months



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1. "There's not much to see. I grew up here, you know..." I'm still subbed but last night was the first time I logged on in over 2 months. I just got bored with the game. I enjoy the storylines, and finished Knight, Trooper, Inquisitor, and BH, and am at level 31 with the Agent. But while I am enjoying the story quests, it got to the point where I was like "Oh, Alderaan AGAIN. I'd rather slit my own throat than do this planet again." Or Hoth. Or Voss. Or pick any planet really. Outside the story quests, it's the exact same thing over and over again every time you play. I just can't do it any more. As soon as I finish Agent, I am leaving the game for good. Not even going to finish my Smuggler. Don't care about Warrior or Consular. So far (lvl 20-ish) both of their stories have been terrible.


2. "No, this goes here, that goes there." Also, bugs. I've seen it said before in the past 48 pages, but the game is a year old, and your companions still don't know when to draw/holster their weapons properly. I can still get stuck riding my speeder around with my lightsaber out. I still hear sound effects and NPC conversations misbehaving. The most recent patch notes stated that "more robes have been fixed" to not have giant butts. Wow, good job. Only took a year to fix a minor graphics quirk.


3. "Looks like I'm going nowhere." Another huge issue - nothing new under the sun. There is really nothing in this game that isn't already in WoW or LotRO or DDO. Other than an outer space setting, this game brought nothing new to the table.


4. "Didn't we just leave this party?" Too little too late. It's crazy that a game could launch in December 2011 with no LFG tool OR channel, no guild recruitment channel, a barely functioning auction house, a barely working dressing room, and so little late game content. Every time EAware puts out a new patch proudly proclaiming further enhancements to group finder, I just shake my head and sigh. Not having a working tool on launch day was, in my opinion, the single biggest clue that this production crew didn't know jack about building an MMO.


5. "Where did you dig up that old fossil?" Only time will tell how much of an impact Guild Wars 2 will have on the design concept behind MMO's in general. But I can tell you one thing that is already for certain - I am done camping mobs and having resources ninja'd away from me. The GW2 model - anyone that hits a mob or heals a friendly gets credit, and everyone gets to mine resource nodes - is how MMO's are going to have to do things from now on. It's such a better model than "hope you're in the right place at the right time" that I don't think too many players will accept the old way any more.


6. (Bonus complaint) "Into the garbage chute, flyboy." By time my BH reached lvl 50, nearly every slot on all 4 quick bars was filled. But, I had 2 "main" bars and 2 "junk" bars, because so many moves were either just terrible or so conditional that I'd only use them a few times per session. This isn't unique to the BH though. Every class has at least a few garbage moves that should have been rolled into other existing moves as an additional effect, or stripped right out of the game. The movesets are a mess in this game, and the number of times I've had to respec after a patch just shows EAware still doesn't know where they are going with half of them.


The last straw might have been last night when the game suddenly decided I was a F2P (I'm a sub) and deleted all my quick slots. I don't enjoy this game enough to spend another 30 minutes setting them all up again.

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The atmosphere of the game is as though the devs had EA breathing down their necks every minute of every day.


the above quote says allot.

it feels that we need to understand that the reason for the game IS NOT to deliver a high quality star wars experience, but to make a short term bunch of money for the investors and move on to the next money project that might be something like chocolate covered raman noodles or maybe dog collars with light emitting diodes on them.

the money will flow in for a while, the player base will diminish, and we will close the servers altogether, but we will have made some money in the process.


i wanted to be in the game, and could see that it had great potential, but it felt a little bit like watching the neighbors kid be a genius till puberty, then see her turn into a crackhoe because she got a taste of it from a "friend".

so much for quick money.


there is something that is difficult to describe here, but it feels like there was a meeting at high levels that decided the game was good enough to pass minimum standards so publish it. NOW!


i'll still play as soon as i can buy some character slots fo my 9 characters, but i am not going to go back to being required to sign up for automatic withdrawals from my bank account just to get my 2 month time card to work.

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