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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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This is probably going to be long and all over the place, but here goes...


First, I really enjoy the story aspect of this game. Starting from nothing and creating a power base of companions/ships/gear is really awesome. This is the first and only MMO I have ever played that has been so story driven. To me, that is extremely important. It gives a character depth and meaning, and creates a sense of attachment that really makes your character unique to YOU.


However, most of this seems superficial. There really are no lasting and meaningful choices to make.

Grinding companion rep is boring and ship battles become boring extremely quickly.

In the end, grinding these things up and completing this content is nearly pointless.

Either make it easier to complete or more rewarding to complete.


Second, The gear system in this game is really unique. I like that gear can be chosen based on aesthetic's, again adding depth and meaning to the character. When you reach a new tier of content you don't have to dump your gear and start over, you just pop in some new mods and keep trucking.


The problem with this is two fold however, completing a "set" of gear is incredibly difficult and it really should not be. Second, any item that drops that IS NOT customizable is useless. Meaning that over hours and days of playing, getting an "upgrade" is few and far between.


Third. Knockback mechanics are too fundamental to this game. It isn't fun, get rid of it. I really cannot stress how much this really turns me off from this game. GET RID OF IT!


Fourth. Credits. Everything costs a ******** of credits. The augment system is a great example of this.

I already bought the augment kit and the augment why are you charging me MORE credits to install the augment?

I understand gold sinks, but there really isn't a pressing need for them in this game.

The legacy system MORE than makes up for any excess credits you have laying around.

Inventory space costs a ******** of credits, cargo space costs a ******** of credits, training costs a ******** of credits, speeders, ect, ect.


There really is no point to this other than to force the player to grind content.

That is not fun, and will drive away a more casual playerbase.


Fifth. Crafting is AMAZING! The idea of breaking down old gear and learning new and better gear is awesome.

Creating a behind the scenes grind where you can continue to adventure but are ALSO able to level your crafting at your own pace is great.

However, it quickly reaches a point where the time it takes to craft and learn a schematic is not worth the effort.

Epic level materials are far too rare to make it feel fulfilling or rewarding, especially when you can simply run a FP and get better gear. Crafted gear should not be exclusive or hard to create, and it should ALWAYS be able to keep a player at the starting tier they are currently at.


In the end, this game does some amazing things that are very fresh and innovative. However, in the gaps between it tries to clone other MMO's and fails at making things interesting or fun.

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I quit back in Febuary, a little over 2 months into the game. Why?



What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


1) Xp rate. I had -4- level 50s within those 2 months, and had to skip most content if I wanted to stay in level range of the next planet.I usually got anywhere from 1/2 -2/3 of a planet done if I didnt pvp AT ALL before I had to leave or risk overlelling the next planet.


2) Difficulty. One of the reasons I dont like to overlevel is that this game is STUPID easy. Like any idiot could slap his head into the keyboard and destroy groups of enemies. So to even have a LITTLE fun, id like to be the same level as the mobs -_-. Then we get into operations and hard modes and its still a yawn fest, but now that I saw their 12 year old FP designer I can guess why.


3) Ease of Access / Nothing to look forward to. hard mode FPs spit out raid gear. Operations spit out raid gear. Im pretty sure I saw raid gear falling from the sky like snowflakes. 2 months....2 months and I was in full columni on 3 characters as well as full champion pvp armor? (I know thats not so great right now, but 8 months ago it was). That means I logged into the game. Stared at the screen. And said ...wait...what do I need to do on this guy? Oh right, nothing. He's done. I beat the game. Three times.


4)Space. What the hell do I want to play a watered down version of Starfox 64 for? Its also single player. in an MMO, no thanks. Boring as well.


5) There really is no 5. The XP rate and fact you could gear up faster than anything I've ever seen or even thought of was the major hits for me, the space was like, I didnt really CARE, but it woulda been nice to have better space stuff. If anything 5 could be I had no way to turn my stupid feakin XP off.


and any BIG MMO wil prolly be that way , u should try EVE or something like that


any MMO that will satisfy ur needs , will be unplayable to most others


that is one of this games problems,,u think its too easy , and leave


casuals think its,,not too hard maybe,,but at least not fun for them


so now ,,who is still left in this game?


who have unsubbed? and how big a part of the income did they take?


any market analyst can tell u that

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I finally decided to pull the plug and unsubscribe. I almost did in July when my 3rd guild and 5th different raiding force fell apart, but I decided I'd give the game one more try and see what 1.4 and the future brought. I've enjoyed my current guild since then and actually intended to stay til at least the F2P launch to see that and spend my cartel coins on the Nihilus mask or something.


I'm not gonna go on about the countless problems with broken promises, the terrible engine that prevents large scale world pvp, the insanely slow release of quality new content that have been brought up countless times before in this thread. Mainly I'm just focusing on the many problems 1.4 brought that finally drove me over the edge:


1. The graphics issues with the introduction of shadows. Even with settings turned lower and shadows turned off, I'm still experiencing the FPS destroying stuttering, have had the crash to desktop bug hit me on numerous occasions, and several other glitches.


2. The incredibly hamfisted and, frankly, scummy thing Bioware is trying to do to prolong content. An absurd 350 BH comms cost for an implant that is either a minor statistical upgrade for some classes (like my Sorcerer) or actually a DOWNGRADE (on my Marauder). Literally 10x the cost of the 1.2 ones and a ton of grinding for the most minor of stat differences.


Secondly is the droprate of new loot in hardmode TFB. When I heard from PTS that the loot drops were going to be reduced to 1 item, I figured that meant 1 armor piece and 1 other thing per boss for 2 total, and thought that was fair. But 1 item altogether is just absurd, and just screams of Bioware desperately running out of content they'd been working on since last year, lack of manpower to create new content at a satisfying pace, and to artificially slow down the progress of raiding guilds by slashing dungeon drops by 2/3.


3. On a personal note, I just haven't found TFB very fun. Particularly Operator IX, the puzzle boss.


My guild had been clearing HM EC for months, and at first did it really efficiently, but after a few months people started getting bored and not focusing on the bosses, we started wiping repeatedly every week on Toth & Zorn due to people either dpsing too fast, dps standing in the doom circles, the healers not paying attention, or the tanks not doing the switch properly. The same happened on the minefield puzzle boss and people would either forget an interrupt on the robot or absentmindedly walk into the defuse bomb square when they didn't have the bomb.


I can see the exact thing occurring on Operator IX. I already don't find the fight fun as is, and it's gonna be even more annoying a couple months from now when people are zoned out from doing the boss week in and week out and we spend hours wiping on it due to lack of execution.


On the second night of attempts we killed it. When the first day of the new raid week started I was sat for the regular Marauder who showed up. As in WoW I expected to feel a twinge of disappointment at not getting to go that night. But I didn't feel that....what I ended up feeling was




And that's when I realized it was time to go. Raiding was really all I had left.


-I grew tired of running dailies months ago.

-I grew tired of doing the Starfox rails space missions even before that.

-I'm burned out on FPs as I am on Ops, not to mention the GF's propensity at putting me in the same ones 3-6 times in a row.

-I got fed up with the PvP's imbalance and grindfest after a few characters.

-In 10 months of playing TOR I'd leveled almost as many alts as I have in 8 years playing WoW.


So goodbye TOR, I won't regret the $150 I spent on the CE or the months I played this, and I'll always fondly remember the great stories of the Sith Warrior and Agent long after I'm gone. I just wish endgame had more substantial and quality options to keep me logging in.

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In no particular order, and all my personal opinion.

1) Poor communication - the night before a major update or merge into "mega servers" for an announcement is not acceptable. You are missing opportunities to promote your game and content updates when you wait till last minute to even make an announcement not to mention stir-up an already agitated community.

2) Technical - Game engine performs horribly on even the most powerful machines? Not acceptable.

3) Too much time spent worrying about balancing classes and facial expressions, and not enough time correcting bugs, and performance issues (Almost a year with the same bugs in the game).

4) Since 1.4 patch, Friends all left and not returning - Had an active guild with 80 + members down to 5 people or less that log in on a regular basis.

5) Complete neglect of your community. Your forums are full of great suggestions and problems that need addressing, but you tend to do the exact opposite? Why?

6) Useless PTS...why even have one? You push through lightly tested content, or known bugs that you were warned about, which creates more bugs and more community frustration. PTS is not up on a regular basis to continue testing current content and bug patches, and don't get me started on copying characters to the PTS.

7) PvP - Awesome concept, horrible execution. Most games turn into a stun vs. stun encounter. It gets boring watching yourself stun killed over, and over, and over. Same 4 maps over , and over, and over. No open world PvP or something resembling it. The game takes a dramatic shift at 50, and turns into a giant pain for weeks on end just trying to get equipment that puts you on the same playing level as others, not skill level mind you. Resolve is just a bad mechanic all around, and regardless of it's defenders doesn't seem to work or work as intended half of the time.

8) End Game - Dailies....NO MORE DAILIES...BORED TO TEARS!!!

9) Gear Grind - BORING!!!

10) Space Game - BORING!!!

11) The community - A lot of community bitterness lead me down this path. It's been a long time (SWG - NGE) that I have seen such vitriol about an MMO. Not to mention the huge amount of knuckle heads in WZ's who view the game to be so boring they spend the majority of PvP matches in Chat PvP against their own team. The community seems to be turning its rage inwards.


I don't have an answer to what would make the game better for me personally. Performance is an issue for sure. The repetitive nature of the end game is a factor as well. I know people argue that all themepark MMO's suffer from end game repetitive "bore" grinding. That being said, SWTOR seems like a missed opportunity to develop something different regarding end game content, and not following the same path as other themepark MMOs. Perhaps in the future a more "open" or dare I say it "sandbox" end game can be added.


I wish all my guild mates and fellow players well, and hope they continue to find enjoyment in the Star Wars galaxy, whether here or somewhere else. I hope to return sometime in the future to a more polished and enjoyable experience. Until then, "May the Force be with You."

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Seriously? You want SWTOR to be more easymode than it already is? By 40 I was drowning in credits and had more storage space than I knew what to do with.


good for u, but does it bring more players?


no if they want to get new players to pay, they have to revamp the combat system


or put in difficulty slider, but if they keep tings as is, customer ratio wont change either

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1. Not enough people online to do all the stuff I like - rated PvP, 16 man operations on a casual level, stuff outside of raids.


2. Lack of perspectives. No clear direction for the game, no ambitions to compete for top position in MMO market, EA giving up early, lay-offs.


3. No ambitions to create a competitive community. Eg. lack of universal PTR copy, picking some guilds for testing which kills fair competition. Hero-engine not suitable for world PvP. Complete joke of a PvP balance. No rankings. Ridiculous grind to cover lack of content. No appreciation of how important PvP is (Damion Schubert's: "legacy is our best stuff").


4. Lack of experience and skill of developers. Constant failures in development of basic systems and features. Constant "catching up" with features other MMOs invent. Learning by own mistakes, not the mistakes of others.


5. Terrible communication with the community. Community managers speak like they were working for ministry of propaganda and they had an EA hammer over their head ready to strike them if they were sincere with the playerbase. Too little activity from CS (due to layoffs).




Seriously, I have put up with this game for far too long for the sake of keeping my guild alive. But with so many people who left the game (reason 1) I I'm no longer willing to ignore reasons 2-5.


HINT: "I AM into subscription business. I AM willing to pay a subscription for a good game and I WOULD NOT buy a single thing from the cash shop". After all "customers won't pay for crap". I am not only unsubscribing but uninstalling the game as it is not worth my time.

Edited by vandana_
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good for u, but does it bring more players?


no if they want to get new players to pay, they have to revamp the combat system


or put in difficulty slider, but if they keep tings as is, customer ratio wont change either


I very much agree with this. Not everyone is good at hulk-smash, pew-pew. Elites and Bosses getting downgraded via a slider so people can do the story and planet side missions would be a huge boon. City of Heroes added this and it was great! Those that said it was all too easy turmed it all the way up and got a challenge at last as well.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?

I unsubbed a few weeks after renewing for 6 months.


1. Primary motivation is because they announced f2p so I figure I can give that a go before handing out more cash. However since then I've not logged in. Why is that?

2. Social. I played grouped with my son, his sub ran out and he doesn't want to pay for a 'free' game so he's not playing at the moment. When f2p comes we may pick it up again... perhaps.

3. Space Combat, seriously I want to free roam, explore and take on missions with others.

4. Freedom and Life. It's not just space combat that limits exploring. After a while it all seems a bit linear, static and forced. Things like no day/night and generic character ships don't help this.

5. Star Wars. I love Star Wars, really love it. I bought into SWTOR based on my love of the IP. I bought a 6 month sub based on that fandom and renewed for 6 months for the same reason in the hope that they'd improve things. They have over the last 10 months made some great moves forward but now I've stopped playing and got a little more objective there is very little in this game that actually feels Star Wars. At times it feels more like a marvel comic in style.


Why am I still around? When it goes f2p I will log in and have another look around. Hope is why I still look around.


Meanwhile I am enjoying LOTRO with my son and daughter.


oh, while I'm having a whine, why in gods name does swtor require itself to run with elevated privileges? I haven't got a single other modern game or application that requires this. The apparently sloppy coding would be reason 6.

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1. The graphics issues with the introduction of shadows. Even with settings turned lower and shadows turned off, I'm still experiencing the FPS destroying stuttering, have had the crash to desktop bug hit me on numerous occasions, and several other glitches.


Thats the reason I gonna unsub.

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felt i should put my 2 cents into this thread as a returning player.


was here at release untill end of march when i unsubed, main reasons for this was:


1. stuck on a dead server and didnt want to lvl again on another.

2. group finder introduced for pvp but NOT pve, to this day i still dont understand why you did this.


these were really my only 2 gripes that i had, i re-subbed on friday to check out what has been done to fix these and they r now fixed, so im staying.


if only you had sorted it out sooner rather than later :p

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I left 2 months after headstart and came back a couple of days ago to see what, if anything, had changed.


The reasons I left the first time round.


1. Bugs. I was still running into bugs that had been there for a while during beta. I gave it 2 months to see if any of them would get addressed but they were still there. One that constantly irritated me was the ops frame not showing people. As a healer and entering a warzone, having a full group of 8, and only having 5 show up on my ops frame was annoying.


2. Community. We'd spent months before release, during beta and whatnot, creating a guild and getting to know each other ready for the import. By the time I was thinking of leaving a hell of a lot of folk had already gone. People we'd got to know had got bored and moved on. Once the guild emptied it was more or less the final nail for me. I don't PUG so i've only done 2 FP's here and highly doubt i'll do anymore, i've come back but sticking to solo play.


3. I found some of the planets incredibly dull. Tatooine. Yay I thought to myself, the first big planet i've come to. Yeah it's a big place but the quest hubs are quite far apart but there is miles of nothing in between them. Just lots of dull travelling. And the planet quests aren't very good (in my opinion). Belsavis. I haven't finished this planet and I just can't bring myself to do it. I can't put my finger on just why but I hate this planet with the passion of a thousand burning suns.


4. Cut scenes of doooooom. I can understand the class story quests being done this way but why oh why did it have to be every single quest. The first time on each faction is great but after that it wears the spacebar down. Once you've seen them it gets repetitive.


5. General boredom. This game is never going to be one I sub to and then play for years to come. When I left the first time round I found myself logging in with no motivation to do anything, i'd become bored. The crafting system bores me still. It's not crafting, it's tell your companions to do something while I sit back, grab one of my wifes cats and count it's hairs while I wait. I use crafting in other games as something to do when I can't be bothered questing or doing warzones, here it is lacking. It is, quite possibly, the worst crafting system i've seen in a game.


This is the game I will be using to fill in time waiting for other games i'm waiting for or for taking breaks from other games. There just isn't anything here that grabs and keeps my attention for prolonged periods.


It's got a little bite worse on coming back. The server I was on and knew people on has gone and i've been lumped onto a new one. I had to change the names of my favourite characters, which really irritated me, and so far have not found one single guild worth looking into.


It isn't the worst game i've played but it's nowhere near the best. It's a pretty average time killer for me and that's about it.

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1. Friends left/leaving: I've been off and on with TOR, but this is pretty much the major culprit. I can make new friends fine, but everyone always leaves. My entire launch guild is gone, and it's incredibly hard to find people I used to play with. The game feels so empty even when I'm standing in fleet.


2. Server Merger/Name Fiasco: This might sound petty, but I have to rename every single character I have. It simply kills my drive to even want to log in when I just recently came back to find this. I have to spend hours on end to think of a name I can live with that isn't the name I had gotten used to and attached to for my character, and it's really just a huge wet blanket on my enjoyment. I tend to give up after I keep finding that "This name is taken," and I like out to play something else like GW2.


3. End game: Or, the lack there-of. I don't mind a little gear grind, but that's all TOR is. Once the story is done, you're pretty much done with the game. Yea they're are raids, but there should be something more.


4.Combat: Stale from day one, WoW clone was playing it safe and it kills the longevity of the game. Also, bugs in the combat system making it frustrating, abilities not triggering when they then go on cooldown leaving you high and dry. It doesn't feel fun or fluid, and some classes are very uninspired with their skill sets.


5. Communication: Which we don't really get. Pre-launch was tight lipped but the info was well ordered/etc. Now it's a ghost town and well...it's not a pretty picture when this many people leave the company that you've been a loyal fan of.

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A few weeks ago, I was planning to keep SWTOR as my primary game, but after I completed leveling 4 emp force toons, and realized that the Republic force character's bosses are still stupid hard, I finally realized that I don't want to play any more. It seems that they cater too much to people that want everything so hard that only the elite players can finish. Is it a wonder that their subs are drying up? I always see people in these forums complaining the opposite, that things are too easy, but personally, I just don't like my games to be so hard that you have to group up to do things that are supposed to be soloable.


But there are other issues. The forum moderators are innept at being social, something you would think they should be good at, considering that it's their job. But rather than join the conversations and talk with us, they prefer to sit back aloof and delete posts, talk down to people like we are children rather than paying customers, and issue warnings.


The constant bugs that they can't seem to fix that have been around since before release are frustrating. For instance, why does my camera keep floating up to the ceiling?


My subscription runs out tomorrow and I won't be renewing. I changed to another game last week and by comparison that game isn't frustratingly hard, the world actually seems to be alive with random critters moving around, npc's that walk around and do things, night and day cycles and random weather patterns. The terrain doesn't glitch and force me to /stuck my way free, the AH is actually user friendly, I can install add-ons to make life even easier....

Edited by Glowrod
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Seriously? You want SWTOR to be more easymode than it already is? By 40 I was drowning in credits and had more storage space than I knew what to do with.


So that means everyone was in the same boat as you too because you were right....? :rolleyes:

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I unsubscribed 3 days ago. It was nothing major just getting a little tired of playing the game hardcore for 10 months. But when the new X-Com game came out, it was really hard to go back into the game after playing that game for a few days. I plan on coming back, probably in 6-9 months, after I've had a chance to play that game and go back and finish Skyrim. Edited by Addaib
clarity and writing style
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I have not yet unssubbed but considering it.


Main reasons are:

Lack of solo content that ain't just a grind

Class story was i my view one of the best things in the game. sadly this is not continued on a regular basis.

Lag and bugs. these are things that is bound to go hand in hand with an MMORPG, the amount tho are getting frustrating, but more so the types that often directly affect your game-play.

Customer service. while they are polite and always willing to help you the best they know. Up vs. a week in response time is not acceptable

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1. Pvp damage (ie tanks doing more damage than a dps)

2, Open world pvp (lack of)

3, Gear grind (although easy old system boring and over rated)

4, Space (if i want to fly round on a track id buy a train set)

5, Crafting (total waste of time in my onion no challenge to it or anything that makes it fun to do) who wants to sit for an hour waiting for players comps to come back and fail.

6, Gear (Just looks horrible 90% of the time)

7 Stun. Mez. Knock backs....Way way to many of them I think this is the only game ive played that every single class has at least 2 and the whole resolve system is terrible.

8, Population on worlds. (massive planets and it feels like im on them on my own)

9, Bugs. Although not as many they are still around and take weeks to get fixed.

10, Although this one isnt really a reason I still find it a pain, Launch the Launcher, find out the game is off line for what ever reason, nice little note says check the website for more details........I CANT its down as well.

11, Stupid PTS system.

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So that means everyone was in the same boat as you too because you were right....? :rolleyes:




all games have elite players,,but using them to set the bars for the main parts of a game is


HORRIBLY wrong,,,unless the devs WANT a game with a small playerbase of hardcore players


this is one of this games biggest flaws,,it drove away so many players in such short time

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all games have elite players,,but using them to set the bars for the main parts of a game is


HORRIBLY wrong,,,unless the devs WANT a game with a small playerbase of hardcore players


this is one of this games biggest flaws,,it drove away so many players in such short time


Yep totally agree with you.

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all games have elite players,,but using them to set the bars for the main parts of a game is


HORRIBLY wrong,,,unless the devs WANT a game with a small playerbase of hardcore players


this is one of this games biggest flaws,,it drove away so many players in such short time


Totally agree as well.


Supposedly one of the cures was to make different levels of difficulty for stuff. Unfortunately as with a LOT of things Bioware makes bad decisions on... what looks good on paper "Metrics!" does not necessarily work in the game.

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1. Wife and I play cooperatively only, and we can do that FTP

2. Am retiring from the military, so money will be tight for a bit

3. We don't play war zones

4. We rarely play flash points.

5. We've already leveled up two characters apiece, so why continue the subscription?

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My sub runs out in a couple weeks. It is unlikely I will re-sub. I've been with swtor since launch. The game is not fun, it's just something to do to waste time. Reasons I may not re-sub and go back to reading books:


<Rift was my 1st mmo, but only played that about a month. SWTOR is the only other mmo I've ever had.>


Since server transfer I've played 99.9% solo (by choice) until a couple weeks ago when I made acquaintance with another player with whom I clicked. I've run a few ops & flash points, done a little pvp, but not my type of game play. The server I started on was light at beginning, basically died after a couple months. Many times I logged in and was the only person at the fleet (republic). I created six characters with all crafts so I could make stuff to level with. I now have six level 50 characters (2 Gunslinger, 1 Scoundrel, 2 Commando, 1 Vanguard)


Reasons for not re-subing:


1 - unable to get mats to make level 49 purple mods, enhancements and stuff. I have three characters with underworld trading, yet I have to purchase mandalorian iron on GTN, as the returns from companion missions seldom reward any. Sending 12 companions out (4 companions ea from 3 characters), and receiving zero to two pieces of mandalorian iron is very frustrating, and an expensive waste of credits.


2- Everything on GTN is extremely expensive. While it is easy to make creds in the game, grinding the same few dailys over & over & over & over & over is soooooo boring. I would like to gear up multiple companions on at least one character to get a change of scenery & gameplay, but can't afford it.


2A- This goes for legacy perks( ?) also. I would like a GTN terminal on my ship, but it's 5 million credits. On 10/22 I spent 2.2 million credits on mats & a few other things to make some mods & augments for one character & companion. I've likely wasted that many creds on companion missions, in a futile hope of getting mats that I eventually had to buy, to craft what want I want / need. I'll never be able to afford a GTN kiosk. I have less than 400k left. SWTOR wants 4.5 million creds for rocket boost? Looks cute but will likely never have that many creds at once.


3- Lack of variety on dailys. It should not be that difficult to make sections on existing planets for level 50 dailys, like the way Belsavis is setup. Alderaan is level 24-28 for Republic, and level 40 for Imperial. I found this out when I wandered the whole map. I think Hoth is like that also, different levels for each faction.


4- Legacy system - The expensive orange gear can only be used with the same type of character, and gear cannot be put on companions. I don't recall exactly, but I think there is some cool looking trooper armor I'd like to get with trooper character and put on Akaavi (smuggler comp). The legacy items that can be exchanged for gear, I vendor.

The useless things about Legacy far outnumber the useful items.


Enuf ranting for now.

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