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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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2 days left.Just can't be arsed with it anymore.3 50s and a couple of other mid level toons and i'm just bored.

Same wz's over and over grind grind and grind some more.Pvp is a stunfest (pissed off with people quitting after the other side has capped the first node too).

A lot of players are just whining children which I choose not to put up with .Cost of removing attachments is ridiculous.Direction of the game is not to my liking and the devs have been way too slow in fixing bugs,bringing out patches and new content.Armour is horrible with a few exceptions.Post 50 there just is not enough to hold my interest anymore.

Well it's been emotional but time to move on and explore pastures anew.


Exactly the same situation.

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a) Developers who don't know the definition of balance. They probably don't even play this game Patch 1.4 is the perfect example. Why buff Focus sents/juggs/mara/guardians? Makes absolutely no sense to me. Focus was a spec that was fine as is. Now it is going to be the NEW FOTM SPEC. Changes to powertechs/vanguards to little too late. Buffs to scoundrels, too little to late after all the nurfs they endured. Sage dps buff? I wouldn't even call it a buff. Healling commando/merc buff, absolutely not necessarily, too much for a class that is one of hardest to take down in a group setting.

b) Released a game with no content, story driven mmo is exactly that, story driven mmo with absolutely nothing else.

c) Community keeps quitting at an exponential rate. I play this game to have fun with my friends, when they don't wanna stay because there is no competition, population, slow queuepops and staying means having to endure another server merger, why stay?

d) Free to play means spammers, gold farmers, a community that was perhaps the best community in all of mmos that will become diluted because bioware didn't know how to develop a game properly.

e) Who's idea was it to give recruit gear to new players? atleast champion gear with expertise on every piece may have had a bettter chance against BM and WH. recruit has absoultely NO CHANCE. BRILLIANT IDEA.

f) 8 months after launch we have yet to have.... a polished game, combat log, paid server transfers, cross server lfg, warzones, rated warzones, anything else. It took patch 1.2 to bring adjustable uis. Why should i wait any longer for things that should be STANDARD IN ALL MMOs WHEN YOU CAN'T GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Consumer confidence in bioware is completely diminished to the point its not even worth attempting FREE TO PLAY, cause anyone who's going to attempt this game will realize how bad it is to other games.


All I have to say is SWTOR was in development for HOW LONG AGAIN? And spent HOW MUCH MONEY in Development? The exponential decay of subscriptions isn't random, it's a result of a complete failure on your part.


This is what's pissed me off the most of about this game. I primarily pvp So let me see what I ended up getting.

Ilum, but ilum was taken away so no world pvp.

3 warzones, now 4. My favorite is hutball And i can't queue for what i want to play. I have to sit and wait for the chance that huball is the warzone i play in. Lower pvp population because more people are quiting everyday. Rated queues so selective, can't just log in form a group and queue, somedays we went 3 hours in queue with no pops.

So 1.2 introduced warhero gear for pvp and extra warzone. What did 1.3 bring to the table? augment kits. What does 1.4 bring to the table? Pvp weapons? and??? Warzone? That means since 1.2 I've been wearing THE SAME GEAR. 1.5 probably won't come out for another 6 months so what does that mean? That I can COME BACK AND PLAY IN 6 MONTHS AND STILL HAVE THE BEST OPTIMIZED GEAR THIS GAME HAS TO OFFER.

No gear progression, no areneas, no season 1, all i get is a story driven mmo.

Edited by Eljayz
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  • 2 weeks later...
Why I'm staying so far? Hope... period.....I'm hoping that Bioware discovers how to make an MMO.....


Same here... hope is a funny thing... I was probably one of the last subs on SWG because of hope. Ofcourse, corporations prey on hope. Even while I KNOW they do, hope still keeps me around.


That and the fact that 15$ a month is really nothing. I mean... that's the difference between a date that pays for my candy at a movie or a date that doesn't. It's nothing.

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e) Who's idea was it to give recruit gear to new players? atleast champion gear with expertise on every piece may have had a bettter chance against BM and WH. recruit has absoultely NO CHANCE. BRILLIANT IDEA.


Yeah, that's why I dislike PvP so much. I tried it in this game, I really, really did. Mainly cause there is nothing else to do (unless you're in one of those hardcore guilds that the DEVs favor with copies to PST and such).


But in PvP you know after 30 seconds who will win: the side with the best gear. That's just lame.

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Yeah, that's why I dislike PvP so much. I tried it in this game, I really, really did. Mainly cause there is nothing else to do (unless you're in one of those hardcore guilds that the DEVs favor with copies to PST and such).


But in PvP you know after 30 seconds who will win: the side with the best gear. That's just lame.

I'm a major PvP'er but I respect why so many people hate it in this game. My guild is a dual PvP/PvE guild but we're more on going into RWZs and such.


EAWare did a poor job of adding Expertise. Expertise is such a lame stat that needs to go.


Also—there are actually guilds out there the devs favor because they're so hardcore? I kinda didn't notice, honestly. :( If that's true then let me just say that makes me even more disappointed in the devs. They don't even consider PvP guilds for anything?

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1.4 launched today which means my friends and I are on our 30 day countdown. We are giving BW a month post 1.4 to see how much things have improved. My friends have already purchased Mister Panda-mania and are going to play that but are giving BW/SWTOR one last chance.


I'm not going back to Warcrak, but I'm not going to keep playing this if all my friends leave.


I still can't believe how many of the complaints we had in beta over a year ago are still the same things players are complaining about now...


When EA/BW look back and try and figure out where it all went wrong, I seriously hope they spend some time in the mirror. Because I know for a fact that the beta tester player base did our best to forewarn of what would happen. And sadly enough most of that has come true :(

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I unsubbed today. It runs out on 10/13.


No need to go in depth on the reasons why. I have made my feelings well known since August 2011. If BW/EA can't figure out why myself and a lot of others have left, then they have bigger problems than original thought.

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I unsubbed today. It runs out on 10/13.


No need to go in depth on the reasons why. I have made my feelings well known since August 2011. If BW/EA can't figure out why myself and a lot of others have left, then they have bigger problems than original thought.

I just did too, have until 10/16.

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For me I hav'nt yet. But it is about two days away before I do. Here is why.


On September 18th they mergered servers. I had THREE of my chars deleted due to a bug on Eawares end.


Not my fault. But the mergers fault. They know about it. I put in a ticket as anyone would.


Of course I get the canned response of it's gonna take a bit due to high volume of tickets blah blah blah... and it is on a first come first serve type of thing. Which I understand.


Two days later I am reading the forums and I see that someone got a char back.... YAY... But then I read more into it.


Said person deleted the char on the 20th and got it restored on the 22nd. Wait...... was'nt I told that it is a first come first serve basis. And how did said person get priority over my issue when they deleted the char themselves, and mine was deleted BY THE GAME.


So of course I ask that very question and get another canned response.


Nine days later I still have yet to get my chars back. Again something deleted due to a bug on Eawares end. Not my fault.


So I Bumped the post about it ( as there are others this happened to as well) And I get an infraction for bumping. ( against the forum rules so my fault and I'll take the hit) Even though people do it all the time. and you can go to the support forum and look and see people bumping the issues they have all the time.


So...... Nine days of NOT being able to play chars ( three of them ) that I play on a daily basis. ( one my trader with way too much money on him). They pretty much swept the posts about it under the rug. ( or deleted posts about it as if they are trying to hide something.) I have a canned response in my ingame ticket about how they are looking into it. That was on the 24th. So ingame it took them 5 days to let me know they are looking into it.


Again someone else, ( and no offense to them, I am glad they got a char back) only took two days for a restore. One that was their fault.


One that is the fault of poor programing, inferior patching, and just general lack of care, still waiting.


Tell me how that makes any sense.

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Unsubbed today. Reason being Performance issues.

The unending un-optimized engine debate has been going on for awhile

People mentioning it is not BW fault but other people's systems while others point at BW for the cause.

Whatever the answer is, the fact stands that I can run heavier CPU games then swtor without any problems.


I can continue with other problems this game is facing but im sure you've (BW) have read it all before, not to mention how long it would take me to state all the issues I and other players have. Im not sure how F2P will help BW to be honest without fixing major problems. It will just cause more and more people to come onto these forums to flame which ends up (sadly) wasting more of the Dev's time.


I will come back and I will pay you my money if you can fix the performance problems.

Il give you time with patches and content but I wont be able to enjoy them if I simply cant run the game to play them but until then (if THEN ever comes) il come back.

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I have gone back and forth subbed and un-subbed so I will explain why I leave and why I come back.


First why I left:

Simply put I got board and discouraged. long version below


1. Every planet was the same. Sure one had trees, on had sand, one had mud and toxic puddles, one was a city, one used to be a city but all the environments were made using the same building blocks. The same hand rails, the same random doorless entries that forced you to run around a wall. didn't matter what planet you were on or faction. In my opinion they were not iconic at all and did not make me think Star Wars. Every space port was a carbon copy of the last. Nothing unique from planet to planet other than some random plants and the color of the ground. I was board at how they decided to stack the blocks to make buildings you cant enter or pointless platforms with the same stairs used any time they needed to add stairs. It was all the same. This alone was a major reason I quit. Nothing felt new regardless of how far I ventured or leveled.


2. Plastic... Every thing looks like its made from plastic. Now 1.4 did improve some of that but last nights game time was spent glitching around until I got sick and had a head ache. Either way every thing is shiny like its made with plastic. My robe, the dirt, the trees, my companions skin tight outfit. every thing is shiny like plastic.


3. Spandex. Every one is wearing spandex or some sort of skin tight outfit. Nice robe... made of spandex... nice neoprene Mandalorian armor Iove how the armor stretches and bends in on its self must be really good at not protecting you. No hard armor and not a loose fit article of clothing available. 1 end game set made me want to continue playing. The Battle master set for my Sith inquisitor. I started earning tokens at level 10 and exchanging them for BM tokens only to have that dream crushed after an update that drove me to quit again. The gear I wanted was now subpar, I could no longer trade up for BM tokens and the new set was more stupid spandex with a HUGE head. I re-rolled sith so I could look bad *** because my Jedi had a huge bubble *** caused by bad designers. I didn't want to spend time grinding out in a dull uninspired "shinny plastic" environment just to look stupid.


4. I was told I could pull the mods out of the poorly designed WH gear and sport the battle master look still at end game but it required earning two sets of the BM gear. One to trade in and one to convert the mods into from the BM set. Sadly though there is no info on how any of this stuff works so I am still atm contemplating on what to do since there is no in depth tutorials reassuring me that I wont look like a complete sissy at end game with my speedo designed armor with my giant stupid squid head helmet.


5. I used to do environment concept design and character design so having characters look stupid and the environments look shiny, cookie cutter and uninspiring is hard for me to get into a game.


6. Also not enough options for PvP.


Why I keep coming back or keep my sub live even when I get fed up with the game.

Short version. I like the PvP


1. Its Star Wars.


2. Low level PvP. TBH I love the 1-49 War Zones. If there was more maps i would do nothing but War Zones.... As long I can have cool armor to work towards. IMO I think they did a good job balancing 1-49 pvp.


3. Story missions. I love how the story missions have voice acting and are animated. I like how I can make choices in the dialog. I love how the funny one liners and I think the stories are well thought out. (though I will admit they didnt need to do this with every quest. This will hert them in the future and will slow down new content because now they have to VO and animate every quest.)


4. Play style reminds me of Tabula Rasa. I loved Tabula Rasa.


5. Companions.


6. Best customizable UI of any of the games I have enjoyed playing.


Things ithink they could do to improve the game.


1. Fluff, fluff and more fluff. Pointless additions regardless of how small.

2. Pointless mini games

3. The ability to interact with the environment. I mean, come on... you give us an epic huge bar in center of our fleet station but we cant even sit down?

5. More PvP maps and War Zones

6. An epic reason for us to fight like fighting over resources.

7. real space battles.

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Been with is game since December 24th. Unsubbed last night. I leave more in disappointment than in anger.


There's no denying that this game's graphics are nothing short of amazing; the story lines are phenomenal; and the companions absolutely brilliant. I've taken scores of screenshots that will be saved long after I uninstall the game (I have 20 days left on the sub).


The decisive factors for me were:


(1) No chat bubbles

(2) No voice emotes

(3) No macros for chat

(4) No re-customization of character after the initial creation

(5) Long load times

(6) Tedious travel

(7) Infinite trash mobs (I would frequently log out at the quest site cause I didn't want to slog my way back to finish the quest the following day)


I've decided to return to That Other MMO Whose Name Shall Not Be Named. Amazed at how crappy the graphics are. And the "lore" - LOL, dumber than sack full of hammers. And then there's the pandas...don't get me started... That said, for this very casual gamer, I find it to be a more "fun" game to play. Plus the players are more sociable -- within minutes of logging on I received three guild invites. I missed that, missed that A LOT.


So toodles, peeps. SWTOR is a very good game, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Edited by Januaria
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I recently unsubbed despite having a lot of hope for and getting a lot of enjoyment from, this game.


1 - My primary issue is the delay in offereing transfers to server of choice.

I feel a lot of people have unsubbed for the same reason: I was conned by friends into joining a server in Timezone X even though I am in Timezone Y and now I can never find a guild that does HM Ops or progression during the times I play. My fear is that when BW/EA finally does add paid xfrs, they'll nick/dime us like their competitiors and expect $25/character to transfer. I have 6 50s and a fleet of crew skill alts across 2 accounts. I will not pay $25/character.


2 - Paying for beta. The first 3 months I was an avid defender of people who tried to compare TOR's level of polish against games with 1 - 8 years of development ahead of them. This game has been retail now for over 9 months. We are not as easily excited by new content when persistent bugs and genre-standard features are still not resolved. We also don't understand why BW continues to break things every time they do a patch despite having a PTS. Did you exclusively recruit for SWTOR from Fullsail?!

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I don't need to unsub because my Sub runs out about two days after F2P is supposed to start :) but I would like to point out to EAware, that it is the fact that this game is Star Wars, and my other home was taken away last December, that I continue to log in, not because of your content. If you'd have made a new IP for this "MMO" you wouldn't have had a penny of my money and this game wouldn't of reached the six month mark imo.
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I'm not unsubbing yet, I plan on staying ONLY because me and a friend are playing through a few classes and there storylines completely duo. Once we run out of pairs that we like playing together (which may take awhile since we're playing real casually), I don't see any reason to keep my sub going.


I don't even play unless my friend gets on, mostly because I don't feel like leveling a fresh character and ruining one of the two stories we're playing and I'm finding endgame to be bland. So my $15 a month basically goes towards a mid level Sith Warrior who only gets played a few days a week at most.


But when I play together with a friend, the game's great. I guess I'm looking at SWTOR as a co-op RPG that is going to get content added instead of being stagnate like other co-op games. If Bioware adds fresh content to do while leveling outside of kill quests and storylines, maybe like some actual RP and sandbox-natured elements, I'd consider keeping my subscription active even after we finish the storylines.


A part of me wants to give Bioware $15 only to hope they'll improve the pace of updates, quality of updates, and community interaction too.

Edited by odericko
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25 days left of gameplay and SW:ToR (like the 2 doctor's), will leave it all behind!


Really? I expressed via numerous emails back/forth to BW about the "Founder's Title"

and why I should have been given it. Sure... it is just a title. None the less, because of

EA/Origin's blunder of not sending me a 2nd code to finish installing my "pre-purchase

digital collector's edition", I get screwed out of the Founder's title.


None the less, after BW continually slaps my face and impedes on my intelligence

that they will not and sternly refuses to give me the title... I STILL get an in-game chat

from a CSR (*customer support representative), still telling me that I will not be given

the title and that this particular CSR says he agrees with "his colleagues". Pffft.. I had

to ask then why are you interrupting my game play when I already know I won't be

given the Founder's title?


I was so upset at this and found true arrogance with BW CSR, I logged out immediately!


You sure BW isn't working for the United States Postal Service? :-p Both entities seem

hell bent on destroying their reputation! >.< (Just sayin')

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I left and came back so I guess i'm qualified to answer why I left. I came back because I do see improvement happening though i feel it hasn't been as rapid as I would like. But I'm still having a blast.


1) Lack of ability to find groups (Its time to cross server group finder and warzones)

2) The High end gear looked terrible compaired to the gear drops in the first level 10 instance.

3) lack of things to do. I don't mean daily quests thats boring. Think of well say the epic weapon quests in

Everquest 1. They were long and difficult. much you could do by yourself the rest you needed friends.

4) Space sucks. Its beautiful don't get me wrong. But there is much you could do there. Guild cruisers for

example. PVP! that would be a trip a few PVP warzone ship battles!

5 PVP 4 zones of the same thing, take over and hold. What about a full scale base invasion! that would be fun! An example would be the battle of hoth in empire strikes back.

6) Make hard mode raids HARD like HARD man! Make it take a guild a month of gear grinding on the first boss before they are ready for the second boss.


I understand a company has to be financially responsible however Rome wasn't built in a day neither was World of warcraft. The trick my friends is to keep moving foreward. Firing your staff because you didn't have instant gratification was the wrong way to go. If blizzard got rid of everyone because they wern't an overnight sensation they would not be where they are today. NO they constantly improved, pumped out lots of content. made massive expansions. Keep the players feeling like they are progressing at all times and you will progress financially in turn. I'm not a fan boi neither am I a hater. I'm the voice of reason!

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Well. Decided to listen to the defenders of the game and unsub. They are right. If you aren't enjoying something, why continue to pay? Well. Just like in SWG after the NGE landed, I held out hope that the changes needed that would keep me here would happen. Well. I realize that it won't and decided to take my wallet and go home. I have already said why I don't find the game up to par in numerous posts and earlier in this one, so I won't rehash it.


To those that are still having fun, hope you continue to find what you want in this game and enjoy it for years to come.

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1. Start with character creation. Limited options. And by this I mean where are the other playable species? Wookies, Doshans, Bothans, Rodians, Sullusts, Togrutas, heck I'd even play a Jawa. Imagine a whole warzone full of lightsaber wielding Jawas. It will never happpen but would still be kinda funny to see. Also, only four body types. And they combine some appearance aspects of the process. Zabraks for example have their horn and tattoo patterns in the same option bar. I say give us slider bars for everything from eyes, noses, lips, cheeks, ears, body mass, arms legs....you get the idea. And expand the color pallete for things like eyes and hair. This way we don't end up looking pretty much the same as everyone else.


2. This is one I honestly didn't know about until a friend of mine was watching me play for a couple of hours one day. I'm deaf so I never knew about this one until he clued me in. The NPC battle cries. It seems every single NPC in the game does this little yell when they attack. After an hour of this he told me that this was possibly the most annoying thing he's ever heard. I smile and nod and it's one of the few times where being deaf is a blessing in disguise. Not sure how other people feel about that since it obviously doesn't bother me.


3. Space. The dreaded rail shooter mini game. First I think it's a bit insulting to create star wars and then put something like this in the game and call it a mini game. By no means do I think it should be the focus of the game but like many of you I came from swg and I guess I'm spoiled on being able to go anywhere and shoot anything I want in space and not feeling as though I'm nothing more than a passenger/gunner on my own ship. It is afterall just the same 5-6 missions over and over again with higher degrees of difficulty. Which leads me to my next point.


4. Repetition. Yes the storylines are great even if the animation is a bit twitchy at times. I can look past that because I actually do like the storylines. However, having said that, there has to be more to a storyline and gameplay than just hack and slash, stab and shoot over and over and over again. It gets a little frustrating and boring after a few hours of go here, kill mobs, come back...go there kill more mobs, come back...go here, kill more mobs, come back. And there is certainly a lot of it. Especially when you're walking through a cave or halls. It seems as though every 10 meters there is another group to kill. Move 10 meters, kill. Move 10 meters, kill. Move 10 meters, kill. It does tend to wear you down a bit and take away some of the fun. I'd much rather see some sort of puzzles or logic problems. If you're a spy then maybe you have to actually infiltrate or crack some security codes by actually interfacing and trying to slice a computer. Maybe the bounty hunters should be able to actually track targets instead of being guided to them. Maybe build a network of contacts who help them get information, contracts, gear. Maybe Jedi would actually have to study the ways of the force to become stronger in it rather than going into a bunker and killing 50 npc's, getting the xp and bingo, level up. These are just some ramblings off the top of my head and I'm sure the code required to program this stuff is proably so complicated that it will never happen. But hey, it's nice to dream isn't it?


5. Gameplay. Ok this last point is a tough one. Mainly because part of it has nothing whatsoever to do with the developers and there's no way possible they could ever do anything about it but yet it is still part of the game. Confused? I'll explain. As I said before, I came here from swg like many of you and yes, I'm well aware that this game is not swg and it's not trying to be. I get it. No need to point that out. But I still get that feeling that there isn't that community there, the way we had before. I'm not sure if it's better or worse, it's just...different. I've read a couple of comments before that it seems like there is more of a feeling of people running around doing their own thing and their own quests and grouping only when they need someone to help them with a certain boss fight or quest. I just don't get that feeling that there is a lot of interest in RP. I've tried to get involved in it but it's a little hard when everyone is playing themselves as the most powerful sith lord that ever lived or a bounty hunter that is completely immune to the force and who's armor can survive a blast from a supernova. And that's the difference between swg and here. In swg there was a timeline that was set roughly 1.5-3 years ABY, and for the most part people kinda understood that you just didn't RP a jedi or sith becuase...well there really weren't any. (if you were really sticking to star wars lore that is) Yes there were a few RP storylines going on that included these professions but they pretty much did their own thing and we did ours. Mutual respect for those who wanted to play the game and use their creativity to enhance their gameplay while at the same time creating online friends and in many cases, real life friendships. I've met several of my swg friends (mainly to prove that yes there are girls who play this game) and we've always had fun together. With TOR it just feels different. A little off. Or maybe I'm just not looking in the right places.


The bottom line is, this is a good game and a good concept and it could be so much more in time. Does anyone remember when swg first started? How about star trek online? Holy cow what a piece of garbage that was. But it has slowly become better and for all it's faults it's not a bad game. A decent community, episodes and storylines, great graphics, lots of ship and uniforms (although I still feel the klingons are getting hosed when it comes to customiztions), so maybe in a couple of years time if this game survives then perhaps it will come around. Who knows? If the devs start listening to players the way they claim they do then I think things will change and maybe they will give us the content and playability that we crave.*shoulder shrug*


So I've rambled enough and I hope before the responses come it that you understand that I'm not calling this a crappy game. I'm just sounding off on some things that I would very much like to see changed in order to hold my interest.


Thank you for your time and may you never wake up with a rabbid hamster playing a tiny drumset in the corner of your bedroom. And if you do, then you my friend had better get a guitar because that's one jam session you don't want to miss out on.

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Today with a few days left on my account I decided to unsub. This game isn't worth 15 dollars a month. If it becomes free I'll likely play the story but that's it really. I'm very disappointed in BioWare. This could have been the greatest game ever...



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i have 40 days left on my sub, then i will be taking a break until the +5 level expansion comes out. Since pre-launch i have made it to 50 with 4 toons, 3 of those are r60+, and i think one of them might have a rakata peice. Most likely going to check out the Rift expansion in the meantime
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