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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

HK-51: Minimum of 1 Empire and 1 Republic Toon On Same Server to Unlock

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I don't get all the fuss about HK-51. So we get a droid who looks like the Imperial ship droid, except he can fight? Why not just give the ship droid a blaster and be done with it?


Not sure why or if they updated it/took it away, but C2-N2 and 2V-R8 seem to have lost or never had a weapon proficiency. It's rather funny really because a friend who does use ship droid for heals, said to me, that if you use them for healing companion and deck them out in droid armor bits. If he gets caught having to attack instead of heal, he goes up and punches them in the face, BECAUSE he has no weapon to use.


I think it would be rather hysterical to see. I might try it out for the laugh factor.

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Not sure why or if they updated it/took it away, but C2-N2 and 2V-R8 seem to have lost or never had a weapon proficiency. It's rather funny really because a friend who does use ship droid for heals, said to me, that if you use them for healing companion and deck them out in droid armor bits. If he gets caught having to attack instead of heal, he goes up and punches them in the face, BECAUSE he has no weapon to use.


I think it would be rather hysterical to see. I might try it out for the laugh factor.


This is true. The droids just go up in a boxer-style stance and start jabbing every other second. Looks silly.

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except they can.....


That post was made like 20 days ago at this point, I'm fairly certain that so many people have repeated this by now that the martians actually know that we can send mail across faction. The horse is so *********** dead that I'm using it to repair broken bindings on used books in my shop right now.


If this is what people consider "being helpful" around here, then please, just **** and never offer your help to me, ever.

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Advanced classes are just different gameplay mechanics, the class itself has the same story. If you wanted to play all the advanced classes, just play each class with the opposite advanced class to that of the mirror class. ie, if you play a Gunslinger Smuggler play an Operative Agent. That way you get to play all the different playstyles and all the classes. As for species- fluff. 8 is plenty and I'm surprised people feel so entitled as to complain about it. Sad to see Bioware is giving in to such a demand.


Roleplayers frequently have characters built around fluff; others have their playstyle include the account-wide legacy unlocks, which are currently impossible to fill without deletion or straight up purchases. Others might want to get the minor story differences involved in light/dark choices or a different romance option by running multiple of the same class; others still simply like fluff and want to fill characters out for that alone.


I think the better question here is- why oppose it? Lots of people have lots of different reasons to want more than 8 slots. If you don't need more than that- or don't need even that many- that's fine! Hooray for you. But how, exactly, does it negatively impact your game experience for other people to have access to more character slots? What in your argument is anything other than "If you don't enjoy the game the same way I do, you're enjoying it WRONG."?

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Not sure why or if they updated it/took it away, but C2-N2 and 2V-R8 seem to have lost or never had a weapon proficiency. It's rather funny really because a friend who does use ship droid for heals, said to me, that if you use them for healing companion and deck them out in droid armor bits. If he gets caught having to attack instead of heal, he goes up and punches them in the face, BECAUSE he has no weapon to use.


I think it would be rather hysterical to see. I might try it out for the laugh factor.


in beta he could use a pistol and a generator ... here is a dev post from after release when we brought up that he couldn't use a weapon anymore



Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!

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  • 2 weeks later...
We frown on "organised" gameplay of opposite side, because we don`t cross-guild. And if enough "organise", we don`t have players within the actual Guild playing their "mains". ESPECIALLY with lack of ingame comms to keep track of them.


And I never said it is a hard burden. It IS unacceptable, however, to ask me to play without comms. And by comms, I mean INGAME tools provided by Bioware.


This sounds more like a personal problem that impedes you doing what you would need to do to get Hk-51, and not a BioWare problem.

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As a players with lvl 50s on both sides i fully support the requirement, it will make the companion more rare :p


I also have a level 50 on both sides. I am more concerned about how much it's going to cost because in this game everything costs. They may charge a mil just to enter the quest. My higher levels help my lower levels out. I don't have a mil.

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I also have a level 50 on both sides. I am more concerned about how much it's going to cost because in this game everything costs. They may charge a mil just to enter the quest. My higher levels help my lower levels out. I don't have a mil.


Yeah, I share the worries... Do we also have to pay for HK, I wander? :confused:

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I dont see where's the problem in the (possible) requirement for toons on both sides. One cant have all items available in game, can he? Depends on the play style really. I have Imp and Rep toons so I have a chance to get HK, at the same time I like this cool looking pvp armor but I wont pvp no matter what, well I'll run around dressed with something not so cool...:)
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Its been said by several different sources that a character on both sides will be needed. A high level character on one side and a mid level on the other. I am thinking by mid level they are talking 20+ most likely for space ship access to get to the other planets for various steps. If that's the case its not that hard to get an alt into a space ship if you really want HK-51. He is after all a legacy pet meaning every character you make be it empire or republic on the same server will get him. Now question is...will each character have their own HK or will it be a universal HK. Do you have to gear him out for every character that uses him or do you gear him out once and he is use able by any legacy member.
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I started this thread before character transfers and Bioware confirming more character slots. Since we will have more than 8 per server, there is no need to complain about this being a problem as you will have to wait until they add more slots if you were like me and had 8 imps on one server.


And yes I know there are only 8 classes but an operative going stabby stabby is not the same as a scoundrel going john wilkes booth on your ***. They play the same rotation and skill wise, but their both fun in their own unique way. That is why 16 slots are needed per server. And it helps families with 1 account allowing them all to have alts.

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Well thats flat out crap. I have a Republic server and a Imperial server, simply because whats the point of cluttering up a server with alts that can't help each other in terms of crafting/items/money?


Heh, very incorrect, you can mail money, items and even crafting materials cross-faction as long as the characters part of your legacy tree.

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool


Actually, I think it is a very nice and gentle way to force people to make alts on the other faction. I bet my own Yoda that many of the players will actually find out that they enjoy the other faction's quest as soon as they try them out.


And don't worry, you don't have to reach the cap with both sides. You only need one character on the top level on one side and one character in the mid-game from the other side. My best bet is that you will need to do both Foundry and Maelstrom Prison to get a quest item from each of these flashpoint and one long quest-line on the end-game planet.

Edited by Jedlosson
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Heh, very incorrect, you can mail money, items and even crafting materials cross-faction as long as the characters part of your legacy tree.


It seems that about 10% of the posts in this thread are people making this correction.

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so based on his remarks we have play both factions on 1 server to get this LEGACY companion to unlock. Not cool


the obvious solution to this is to make legacy cross faction by the time the new stuff hits. nobody wants to play both factions on the same server.

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the obvious solution to this is to make legacy cross faction by the time the new stuff hits. nobody wants to play both factions on the same server.


Why is playing both factions on one server such a big deal?


This is something I'm not understanding and I really would like clarification on.

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You can do all these things since 1.2


True, however some people had imp on one server and repub on a different one long before 1.2. In the case of my friends and I, our Imp guild was assigned to one server. When we found the login queues unacceptable, we rerolled republic toons on a different server. Some of the friends ended up liking republic better while some perfered Imperial so we go back and forth. Eventually those servers died out (both were quite healthy for some time) and now we're on Megaservers, though again different ones, thanks to the mergers...errrr...voluntary transfers. We have 50's on both, so the 'lazy' remarks have no place here. Now, not getting HK is by no means the end of the world for us, but I understand the complaints of some. I do hope at some point they reconsider this req, but if they don't, life goes on lol.

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Why is playing both factions on one server such a big deal?


This is something I'm not understanding and I really would like clarification on.


For most of us, it is not. The issue is that some of us have 50's of both factions, but on different servers. We did just as much 'work' as those who have them on same server. Again, though, as I stated above, it's not the end of the world if I don't get HK lol. I loved KOTOR and found HK funny, but he was by no means my favorite comp in that game lol.

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Why is playing both factions on one server such a big deal?


This is something I'm not understanding and I really would like clarification on.


It is an old artifact of times when in other games you used to only be able to play one faction per server. Some people have just settled into this a default way of doing things. Another factor is that in hardcore RP-PvP "spying" is cut down on by having only one faction per server. With access to all factions on a server, spying is used to gain an advantage ( learn tactics, who are the key players, etc ) for adjusting tactics of the other side. This was used extensively in MxO. I was in a guild that specialized in infultration and selling of information about the 3 factions and guilds in that game we all had our mains and our "spy alts" (Yes I am THAT Urael from MxO :p ). Something to think about. :cool:

Edited by Urael
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