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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I'm a GM. And I quit my guild today.


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I was the GM of a guild with 200 members, 3 active raid groups (had recently downed tanks in HM Denova) lots of pvp, flashpoints, very social.


I get on one day, half the guild is gone including all of my officers. It would seem that, they wanted to run their own guild. After two weeks staring at my guild just made me more and more sad.


Today, I went in the guild bank took all of the things out that was deposited in the last two weeks and gave them to the members who donated them(including the New guilds Gbank). Assigned a new GM gave a quick MOTD stating that the new GM has my blessing, then G quit.


Feels a bit better, but im still stuck on this server. :/

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I was the GM of a guild with 200 members, 3 active raid groups (had recently downed tanks in HM Denova) lots of pvp, flashpoints, very social.


I get on one day, half the guild is gone including all of my officers. It would seem that, they wanted to run their own guild. After two weeks staring at my guild just made me more and more sad.


Today, I went in the guild bank took all of the things out that was deposited in the last two weeks and gave them to the members who donated them(including the New guilds Gbank). Assigned a new GM gave a quick MOTD stating that the new GM has my blessing, then G quit.


Feels a bit better, but im still stuck on this server. :/


Currently on Firkrann Crystal the average amount of people on the Imperial Fleet rounds out to about 10, when you /who to see how many people are online there are anywhere between 15-30 people. there hasnt been a pvp que in weeks. on a tuesday in denova there were 8 epople in the instance (my guild) and 2 people on the fleet, we generally make up the entire population on the fleet.


you really have no idea what it'slike to be "stuck" on a server you dont want to be on, your guild died? sucks to suck. just killed tanks 2 months into the tier of content? i can see why people left

Edited by Retzilla
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Same thing happened to me. I think OP is trying to say....He is going to unsub unless BW implements character/guild transfers.


I see! Well, it happens in 6 days. The guild transfer won't be totally user friendly but it still works. I wonder how the origin-destination servers list will look like.

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OP: yeah, that's cos SWTOR has close to zero guild content. Members/officers are just not invested in the guild. It's very easy to just leave/part from original guild and form new. and then get bored and come back.


That's why guild progress is important. Investing your "guild XP" to the guild by playing the game and then getting perks for yourself/guild makes you think at least twice before you leave your guild. On the other hand, GM should be more restricted. Regular elections of GM, restricted kicking people from guild (guild would lose all "guild XP" of that kicked player) etc.


and that's just the tip of an iceberg.


Really don't understand why stupid Legacy could be prioritized before guild progress and structure.

Edited by Drom
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Same thing happened to me. I think OP is trying to say....He is going to unsub unless BW implements character/guild transfers.


Half his guild left to form their own guild and this is somehow Bioware's fault?

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200 (active) member guild is just too huge. It's very, very hard to keep a guild that big together for long, as you probably noticed. :p


If you create a new one, try to keep it a bit smaller. If the guild has hundreds of members, the members don't even know each other and there's a lot of members they don't like. It's like those facebook ppl who have hundreds of "friends" but they really like to keep in touch with 10-15 of them.

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Hey, I'm sorry for you. I'm on The Harbinger server, and when transfers open, my guild Dawn would love to have you. Good community and have had this happen to us. I'm also a guildmaster and could use some likeminded players that want a more laid back experience and no threats or BS. If you'd like to give us a try, just Pm me and we'd love to have you.



Dawn of The Harbinger

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Same thing happened to me. I think OP is trying to say....He is going to unsub unless BW implements character/guild transfers.


That doesn't make sense. What does transfer have to do with it? His entire guild is still there, they just mutineed. Leaving behind him and half the members I might add, leading me to believe that more is going on than we are being told. Guild politics FTL.

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So, your guild endures a mutiny, and you just throw up your hands, and quit? Then you come in here, and post about it - are you looking for people to feel bad for you?


No offense, but I can see why they left you. A leader does none of those things. Perhaps you are not a leader, and that's fine - very few people actually are. I am sorry to hear that it happened, but take the events that led up to it, and learn from them.



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So, your guild endures a mutiny, and you just throw up your hands, and quit? Then you come in here, and post about it - are you looking for people to feel bad for you?


No offense, but I can see why they left you. A leader does none of those things. Perhaps you are not a leader, and that's fine - very few people actually are. I am sorry to hear that it happened, but take the events that led up to it, and learn from them.






I could never see my GM doing what the Op did, which tells me he lacked something important - COMMITMENT.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he's a guy.]


I don't have the time or energy to run a guild, it's actually quite demanding. I'm guessing the GM didn't consider that 200 people meant the guild was getting very fat. So it split into smaller guilds. Probably one focused on PvE, another on PvP, another on RP - need I go on?

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I think the server transfer bit comes in because he feels hurt by the people who left without telling him and he doesn't want to keep running into them. Being mad at / hurt by 100 people on my server would mean just about everyone :p
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Currently on Firkrann Crystal the average amount of people on the Imperial Fleet rounds out to about 10, when you /who to see how many people are online there are anywhere between 15-30 people. there hasnt been a pvp que in weeks. on a tuesday in denova there were 8 epople in the instance (my guild) and 2 people on the fleet, we generally make up the entire population on the fleet.


you really have no idea what it'slike to be "stuck" on a server you dont want to be on, your guild died? sucks to suck. just killed tanks 2 months into the tier of content? i can see why people left


Hard Mode tanks* after that day was when the guild collapsed.

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That doesn't make sense. What does transfer have to do with it? His entire guild is still there, they just mutineed. Leaving behind him and half the members I might add, leading me to believe that more is going on than we are being told. Guild politics FTL.


Most of you are correct. The guild disbanded because my officers and myself didn't see eye to eye anymore.


I wanted to allow everyone a shot at content. Core groups were fine. We ran them every tuesday and thursday.

The problem however was i saw alot of active quiting to join another guild. So i proceeded to discuss more including of other players in the guild in raids and end game content. They didn't like the fact that i asked them to to log on at a certain time to organize some raids for the guild. Saying " it was too conflicting with they're schedule* Even though 6/8 were on at that time for 5-6 hours just doing LI with each other over and over.


Pretty much came down to the core group* wanted to be a raid only group, except they were all my officers.

Quickly after they stole most of the guild, all this while i didn't log in for one day.

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So, your guild endures a mutiny, and you just throw up your hands, and quit? Then you come in here, and post about it - are you looking for people to feel bad for you?


No offense, but I can see why they left you. A leader does none of those things. Perhaps you are not a leader, and that's fine - very few people actually are. I am sorry to hear that it happened, but take the events that led up to it, and learn from them.




I wish we endured it. There are 8 people left in guild. 3 of them are inactive. 4 of them are my lvl 50 alts and the last one is who i gave gm to. I came here to post about it. Because i was bored, and it's a discussion board, i wanted peoples replies bad or remorseful. Would you like me to add to my original post that i am posting this so people can make me feel good? I don't lie. In all honesty i haven't slept this good for 7 months.

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I was the GM of a guild with 200 members, 3 active raid groups (had recently downed tanks in HM Denova) lots of pvp, flashpoints, very social.


I get on one day, half the guild is gone including all of my officers. It would seem that, they wanted to run their own guild. After two weeks staring at my guild just made me more and more sad.


Today, I went in the guild bank took all of the things out that was deposited in the last two weeks and gave them to the members who donated them(including the New guilds Gbank). Assigned a new GM gave a quick MOTD stating that the new GM has my blessing, then G quit.


Feels a bit better, but im still stuck on this server. :/


Oh my god...poor you. How about those other hundred actifs members you just let down and that place their fate in you and your leadership ? They probably have invested time and emotions in your guilde, and you just let everything down in one day caue you "don't feel like it" ?


Maybe there is a reason those officers wanted to part and go their way.


Being a GM is not playing a "pretending" game. There are some real people out there behind those computers. Being GM is as quite much like running an associaiton or even a company. So yeah you're boss and you set the rules. But you are responsable, first to enter, last to leave if ever you have to.


It's not : "Oh I so want to be the boss, please let me be the boss..." and then "Erm...on second thoughts, it's to much work and pressure for me, bye bye." And let all the others with the mess you let go on.


Not to say that a GM never quit his own guild. But you do so, you make sure things goes as good as possible.


Reminds me when I quit the guild I created on Rift to go to SWTOR...I prepared the whole thing like two months before SWTOR release and kept on going cheking in for a month on Rift. Named a co-GM first so he would be legit and accepted by everyone else. Then passed the leadership on when everybody was used to it. Result : my guild on Rift is doing as good as ever, and are 1st serveur, and the most active guild there too. When I left them they where 3rd. Seeing your former guild doing even better after you leave, I think that's a true accomplishement for any GM.


And today I'm doing the same thing for those who want to go on GW2. And you know why ? Cause those guild mates are my friends, and I'm don't let down so easily my friends, moreover for personnal comfort.

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Most of you are correct. The guild disbanded because my officers and myself didn't see eye to eye anymore.


I wanted to allow everyone a shot at content. Core groups were fine. We ran them every tuesday and thursday.

The problem however was i saw alot of active quiting to join another guild. So i proceeded to discuss more including of other players in the guild in raids and end game content. They didn't like the fact that i asked them to to log on at a certain time to organize some raids for the guild. Saying " it was too conflicting with they're schedule* Even though 6/8 were on at that time for 5-6 hours just doing LI with each other over and over.


Pretty much came down to the core group* wanted to be a raid only group, except they were all my officers.

Quickly after they stole most of the guild, all this while i didn't log in for one day.



There's something I don't understand.

Some people started leaving because they weren't being inlcuded in end game content. You tried to prevent that from keep happening.

The core group for raids and stuff were also all your officers. And they left to create their own guild. And everybody else, the ones who were being left out by them in your guild, followed them ?

I mean, if I'm one of the people who doesn't get to participate, that I see the same group of people doing all the cool stuff with themselves, I would certainly not follow them. I would stay. Or maybe leave to another guild, but I wouldn't go with the people who's being ignoring me.

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I'm sorry that this happened. I've been in the same Guild for about 3 years now. Prior to this we played WoW. We moved over to SWTOR together. We're not just some guild on a game who comes together to kill big bad monsters... we're friends. From what it sounds like, you're guild lacked what makes it work regardless of rank.


Being a GM is not an easy job by any means. There has to be a constant balance between Officers, your Hardcore Raiders, and regular members/casual players. Leadership is necessary to provide a directon... what content you'll be tackling throughout the week, how loot is distrubted, and the overall progression of the Guild. There has to be discussion as well as compromises. I'm an Officer in my guild, and while it's never always been an easy "job", it's been fun, and I enjoy that extra little bit of "stress" in making sure everything falls into place every week.


That's not saying there aren't hiccups. Or differences in opinion. But ultimately what it boils down to is strong leadership and people who are willing to be friends and not just guild mates on a game. We're not pixels, we're people.


Good luck! :)

Edited by Oxiiimoron
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