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PVP Changes - 1.3


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Are those new Adrenals usable in stealth? The current PvP-Adrenals reveal my Operative from stealth, while the Biochem-Adrenals don't.


Why would you pop the "new adrenal" from stealth, according to the notes they won't boost your DPS, they will only reduce mitigation. These changes mean the only burst damage in PVP will result from the "new" proc type PVP relic. Totally random.

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Imo, a lot of numbers were "out of whack" because of adrenals and relics. It's difficult to judge the base of a class when the game-breakers are tied to trinkets. These changes could be a game-changer, in a good way.


Maybe Marauders won't be soooooo OP. Maybe Pyro comes down to earth too. We'll see. PVP could be getting a lot better. Will be on the PTS soon to check it out for sure!

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Yup.. They just killed Shadows.. No point to play this class at all.. Infiltration/Balance is a joke in PvP.. And now they nerfed ARMOR of tank stance.. So basically there is no more TANK class in Shadow Consular...


Congratulations! you will see no shadows/ assasins not WZs nor in Ops..

Would all shadows who like play Tank reroll? doubt it..


So as analytics predicted, the nuber of subs will decrease from 1.1mln (as for today) to the 700-800K by the end of summer


Hey, look... it's THAT guy. You don't know what you're talking about. Go play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or something kid.


Nobody likes a pessimist.

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Hey, look... it's THAT guy. You don't know what you're talking about. Go play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or something kid.


Nobody likes a pessimist.


Shoot, THAT guy could be totally correct and totally justified. On paper, it looks like this tank spec can now be ~out tanked~ by a Sorc.




1.) Looking at the changes on paper...and actually playing it...the nerfs might not be so bad.

2.) These nerfs may get toned down.


That dude didn't freak out that bad. Chill yo. Tonight when people get off work....eesh....watch the sparks fly!

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Why would you pop the "new adrenal" from stealth, according to the notes they won't boost your DPS, they will only reduce mitigation. These changes mean the only burst damage in PVP will result from the "new" proc type PVP relic. Totally random.


Uhm no. Go back and read the patch notes again, please.

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Uhm no. Go back and read the patch notes again, please.


Maybe you should read the patch notes again?


"Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.

Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas. Biochemists can now craft a version of the Warzone Adrenal. "

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Well, you shouldn't have been using a PVE relic anyway. You would've been better off using a PVP relic and a Matrix cube.


Campaign Relics have the same procs as the WH ones. The only difference is HP versus EXP which is debatable depending on setup. So his question is valid, I have the same one...


MOD: Can you chime in on this one? Does Camp relics offer the same passive abilities as the WH ones while you are in a WZ?

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Maybe you should read the patch notes again?


"Warzone Expertise Adrenals have been renamed to Warzone Adrenals. The item now only provides PvP Damage Reduction and does not boost healing or damage.

Adrenals that were craftable by Biochemists before 1.3 can no longer be used in PvP areas. Biochemists can now craft a version of the Warzone Adrenal. "


Aight, my bad :rolleyes:

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If they are going to go this far as to make recruit gear completely free... why not go the step further and make pvp gear a requirement for joining WZs to begin with?


That way, not only do you get the recruit gear free, but you are forced to use it so people can stop QQing about being blown up so fast. Also it would eleminate the advantage that certain classes still get with their mix of rakata/WH/BM gear. Further dividing the PvE and PvP communities... true, but free gear that is reasonably competitive and the low time investment to get BM gear should be more than enough to keep PvErs able to PvP like the PvPers.


Just go to the logical conclusion of all of it:


Since all of this gear is just a tradmill grind for cookie-cutter gear with little or no choice or customization, just have everyone spawn at lvl 50 with all their WH gear. Why bother having choices through the earlier parts of the game, when there are none post-50 anyway. There is only one correct goal at the end anyway.

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Loving these changes, Biochem can make the Adrenals/Medpacs for PvP and with no more POP ALL THE TRINKETS folks running around TTK should drop dramatically. Positioning and tactical play are going to be THAT much more important now.
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It is my opinion that they are essentially removing burst damage from the game, restoring healers to their former place as the gods of swtor.


Well if that's the case, then it leaves Infiltrators with nothing at all, considering that's the type of DPS our spec was doing. I just can't see how any of those changes are even fair or balanced anyway. Bioware ever listen ? Nerfing too far, that's what your doing.

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Shoot, THAT guy could be totally correct and totally justified. On paper, it looks like this tank spec can now be ~out tanked~ by a Sorc.




1.) Looking at the changes on paper...and actually playing it...the nerfs might not be so bad.

2.) These nerfs may get toned down.


That dude didn't freak out that bad. Chill yo. Tonight when people get off work....eesh....watch the sparks fly!


Wouldnt be the first time a mage class became a better tank than a warrior class. In DDO I remember sorcs being better tanks in certain raid encounters due to their huge accumulated resistances. WOW had similar issues if I recall. But ya there's something fundamentally wrong about light armor/robe dpsers being more effective tanks than well ... tanks. It's not quite as bad as it's being made out though. Don't think you'll be seeing sorcs/sages occupy tank spots in fps/ops just yet.

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Loving these changes, Biochem can make the Adrenals/Medpacs for PvP and with no more POP ALL THE TRINKETS folks running around TTK should drop dramatically. Positioning and tactical play are going to be THAT much more important now.


I'm somewhat scared as a Rage Jugg because of the Adrenal/Relic change. Yeah we did get a 6% force damage increase from SSM, but considering we we're about popping all trinkets to get insane TTK what are we going to do now? Being a controlled burst spec is fun, it's what I enjoy playing. Vengence puts me to sleep, so I'm really glad Rage spec is pretty much the exact opposite too that. However if our TTK is too high we're not going to be able to anything and I'll be forced to respec just to keep up.

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What the HEII is going on? BW you had me so used to you SCREWING up...


This can't BE!!!!!!!!!!!!


& I'm a shadow...Trust me the nerf was needed!


How bout u re-bff Infil spec so I can go back to playing a rogue class?

Edited by Swidgin
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I hear ya. But Shadows were forced to spec Tank. Now might be forced to spec elsewhere again. A lot of classes/specs may have this same issue. Idk.


Except unlike Tankassins I don't think anyone was crying about Rage Juggs being OP. Granted that's not a great reason, but still it feels like a kick in the balls to get nerfed when you're balanced.

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Loving these changes, Biochem can make the Adrenals/Medpacs for PvP and with no more POP ALL THE TRINKETS folks running around TTK should drop dramatically. Positioning and tactical play are going to be THAT much more important now.


and in voidstar we will always be stuck at first door forever with 2 equal team

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So the relic I spent 200 daily comms to boost my power by 405 is now useless in pvp after 1.3? Which is all I do really. Great. Can I get my 200 comms back please? That's a lot of time spent for nothing now.


NO, it isn't useless. Jeez, people. What they've done is sort of what Blizz did with the various crafting enchantments vs the Engineering glove augmentation. One is active while the others are static and passive. So, instead of having 380 Power for 20s every 2 minutes (Battlemaster relic), they're going to make it give you a static +64 Power which will be on full time. What this does is lower the burst the relic provided, thus increasing the TTK in PvP, and they also give you a damage boost for the 100s that you DON'T have the relic available. Also remember, the relic, even when popped, does you no good when you're CCed or dead. This just balances everything out by resituating the overall power.


Also remember that they're providing on-attack versions of relics. This will be the same as the relics that you currently have but the buff popped is random and could happen on your killing blow or your first hit.

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