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Powertech Pyrotech deserve the HUGE nerf


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Right, with that explosive round/missile blast spam right? Most Sorcs will force slow, then force speed around the pillar and pillar hump. Also with the sorc healer hybrid build, between the mezz from shield break, overload root which give very little resolve, they're almost impossible to kill.


If you get out pole-humped by a Sorc as a PT Pyro, you have nothing to contribute to this discussion as you should be spending more time mastering the most basic game mechanics and knowing when to LOS and when to advance on a target who is attempting to LOS you to get into that nasty 10m burst range.

Edited by DimeStax
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PT/Sin/Mar will all be nerfed based on feedback from the community whether all are in agreement or not. It is obviously a heavy topic of conversation and BW is going to make changes.


My hope is that they learn from what they did to Operative/Sorcs By not emasculating the AC's and drastically reduce it's purpose.


I now have a PT/Sin and I neglected rolling a Mar 'cause I really want to build a good tank out of a Jugg when I keep hearing how difficult it is. They are all lvl 50, and are into their BM gear.


PT is not easy mode, neither is Sin or Mar. But (w/ the exception of Sin) the situational awareness required to be successful is imeasurably different compared to other AC's and even down to specific builds.


Change is coming.


All good and dandy, and a good constructive post. Classes do need to be what the people/community wants them to be.


But my point was: This thread is not the 'community' nor is there any 'feedback' here. Most of the posts here are non-informative, ignorant, from false to deliberate lies, and some are even as related to SWTOR PvP Pyro as '7 time Gladiator with no add ons' WoW player arguing his superiority over us mere mortal SWTOR players.

Edited by SneiK
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So OP tankasins, marauders and a random jugg has a chance to beat you 1v1. Nice, it's nice to know my class has to be OP to have a chance. Too bad my main is a Gunslinger and is not OP.


omg, you loose against a pyro ???


You know you have a shield, an aoe shield 20%, aoe knockback, a single knockback, 3s dodging, 20% defense when in cover, 8s immunity against cc, aoe mezz 8s to escape, three 15% shields when in cover.


The PT need sto be at 4-10m to proc.... You can remove 50% of his health before he has a chance to proc you. But i am sure you run into the fight, and start to notice the pt burst after the second railshot.

Edited by SaulSerpine
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If you get out pole-humped by a Sorc as a PT Pyro, you have nothing to contribute to this discussion as you should be spending more time mastering the most basic game mechanics and knowing when to LOS and when to advance on a target who is attempting to LOS you to get into that nasty 10m burst range.


Yes, because I can get out of the overload root, shield break mezz and all other forms of CC. Obviously you don't understand what you call "basic game mechanics".

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Yes, because I can get out of the overload root, shield break mezz and all other forms of CC. Obviously you don't understand what you call "basic game mechanics".


You don't need to get out of anything... you don't understand you're a RANGED class with RANGED abilities right?

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PT/Sin/Mar will all be nerfed based on feedback from the community whether all are in agreement or not. It is obviously a heavy topic of conversation and BW is going to make changes.


My hope is that they learn from what they did to Operative/Sorcs By not emasculating the AC's and drastically reduce it's purpose.


I now have a PT/Sin and I neglected rolling a Mar 'cause I really want to build a good tank out of a Jugg when I keep hearing how difficult it is. They are all lvl 50, and are into their BM gear.


PT is not easy mode, neither is Sin or Mar. But (w/ the exception of Sin) the situational awareness required to be successful is imeasurably different compared to other AC's and even down to specific builds.


Change is coming.


Looking at what they have done so far, we will likely see more systemic nerfing of each class. Except for Juggs and marauders, they'll get buffs.

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omg, you loose against a pyro ???


You know you have a shield, an aoe shield 20%, aoe knockback, a single knockback, 3s dodging, 20% defense when in cover, 8s immunity against cc, aoe mezz 8s to escape, three 15% shields when in cover.


The PT need sto be at 4-10m to proc.... You can remove 50% of his health before he has a chance to proc you. But i am sure you run into the fight, and start to notice the pt burst after the second railshot.




1.Sniper has 1 shield on a long cooldown that absorbs about 2k. For reference, Kolto Overload heals for more than that.

2. 3 second dodge will mitigate a grand total of 1 of your abilities assuming you time it right which is in no way guaranteed. Again long cooldown.

3. Snipers dont have 2 knockbacks, they have 1. How does a knockback help a Sniper if PTs have multiple 30M range abilities? Oh wait it doesnt.

4. 8 second CC helps you to escape, it doesnt help you to win a 1v1 fight, which is the issue at hand not running away.

5. 15% damage 'shields' is only on one spec.

6. Sniper can be immune to CC, while in cover, meaning they are immoble and if they leave cover they lose the buff. Have you ever heard of this cool thing called Line of Sight? Or this other cool thing called running out of range? Note this isnt 'escaping' as you are merely waiting out his cooldown while he stands there doing nothing.

Edited by Gidoru
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1.Sniper has 1 shield on a long cooldown that absorbs about 2k. For reference, Kolto Overload heals for more than that.

The second shield ?

2. 3 second dodge will mitigate a grand total of 1 of your abilities? Again long cooldown.

You can avoid a RS.... It can hit for 5 k with stim... pt shield is on 2 mn cd, your *********** green ball is 45s.


3. Snipers dont have 2 knockbacks, they have 1. How does a knockback help a Sniper if PTs have multiple 30M range abilities? Oh wait it doesnt.

PT is not a ranged class, you have to be so frustrated if you don't see it. PT is a mid ranged class. 4-10 m not more.


4. 8 second CC helps you to escape, it doesnt help you to win a 1v1 fight, which is the issue at hand not running away.

For 8 s you have to find a better position. That s how sniper kill me sometimes (aoe and the bomb).


5. 15% damage 'shields' is only on one spec.

6. Sniper can be immune to CC, while in cover, meaning they are immoble and if they leave cover they lose the buff. Have you ever heard of this cool thing called Line of Sight? Or this other cool thing called running out of range? Note this isnt 'escaping' as you are merely waiting out his cooldown while he stands there doing nothing.

find a good position for the cover....



Edited by SaulSerpine
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You don't need to get out of anything... you don't understand you're a RANGED class with RANGED abilities right?


We were talking about a sorc pillar humping and utilizing this CC. You don't understand a RANGED class can't shoot through a pillar?

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As long as we have tank asassins in their current op state, any discussions about PT are meaningless.


I murder assassins on my PT, but my marauder murders any PT's, and assassins murder me on my marauder....


Wait a second.... that almost sounds like balance.... well that is simply just not possible. :rolleyes:

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1.Sniper has 1 shield on a long cooldown that absorbs about 2k. For reference, Kolto Overload heals for more than that.

2. 3 second dodge will mitigate a grand total of 1 of your abilities assuming you time it right which is in no way guaranteed. Again long cooldown.

3. Snipers dont have 2 knockbacks, they have 1. How does a knockback help a Sniper if PTs have multiple 30M range abilities? Oh wait it doesnt.

4. 8 second CC helps you to escape, it doesnt help you to win a 1v1 fight, which is the issue at hand not running away.

5. 15% damage 'shields' is only on one spec.

6. Sniper can be immune to CC, while in cover, meaning they are immoble and if they leave cover they lose the buff. Have you ever heard of this cool thing called Line of Sight? Or this other cool thing called running out of range? Note this isnt 'escaping' as you are merely waiting out his cooldown while he stands there doing nothing.


This basically. Thanks Gidoru, you saved me from having to make a post.

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I murder assassins on my PT, but my marauder murders any PT's, and assassins murder me on my marauder....


Wait a second.... that almost sounds like balance.... well that is simply just not possible. :rolleyes:


I know right, don't make too much sense on the intrawebs.

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We were talking about a sorc pillar humping and utilizing this CC. You don't understand a RANGED class can't shoot through a pillar?


You're concerned about a 5 second root while they cast a 3 second heal on themselves as a DPS specced Sorc? Oh, sorry you said Hybrid Sorc right? The class the nobody plays anymore because they're no longer a viable spec? And I say heal because they have to channel all their offensive abilities so they won't be doing any damage to you from behind a wall either. Furthermore the 5 second root becomes a 2 second root if you take any damage, INCLUDING DoT damage... you must be amazing at pvp bro.

Edited by DimeStax
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I murder OP Spec 1 on my OP Spec 2, but my OP Spec 3 murders any OP Spec 2's, and OP Spec 1 murder me on my OP Spec 3....


Wait a second.... that almost sounds like balance.... well that is simply just not possible. :rolleyes:


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You're concerned about a 5 second root while they cast a 3 second heal on themselves as a DPS specced Sorc? Oh, sorry you said Hybrid Sorc right? The class the nobody plays anymore because they're no longer a viable spec?


Uh yes many do for the root and mezz. All you lose is force surge and revification.

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All good and dandy, and a good constructive post. Classes do need to be what the people/community wants them to be.


But my point was: This thread is not the 'community' nor is there any 'feedback' here. Most of the posts here are non-informative, ignorant, from false to deliberate lies, and some are even as related to SWTOR PvP Pyro as '7 time Gladiator with no add ons' WoW player arguing his superiority over us mere mortal SWTOR players.


And that is just my point SneiK, we are in the community section and if it is not the community speaking then who do you suggest is actually posting?


We have a huge problem here, and that is that everyone knows some changes need to be made but no one can agree on what is actually wrong.


If we are strictly talking PT, I would venture into changing heat cost for Railshot and/or the armor penetration rating. I'd reduce the chance to vent heat on CC from 100% to 60%.


Those 2 things coupled with shield cooldowns will force the game to speed up for PT.

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Lol ok bro. Feel free to carry on with your crusade about how Sage Hybrid specs are still OP and "damn near unkillable." In fact you should probably start a thread about it lol.


Never said they were OP, in fact Sage healing is going to be boosted according to developers. You make it seem that I can simply roll in and just blow everything up in a matter of seconds without any subject to game mechanics. Cause ranged weapon damage isn't subject to shields, defense, accuracy and cover, right? Moreover you make yourself seem so helpless on your gunslinger, which I find quite amusing. Pretty pathetic that you'll go as low as to report a post simply because your basis of having a level 12 vanguard and doing damage makes you the expert on pyro pvp.

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I murder assassins on my PT, but my marauder murders any PT's, and assassins murder me on my marauder....


Wait a second.... that almost sounds like balance.... well that is simply just not possible. :rolleyes:


So the 3 op classes are balanced vs eachother and outperforms by a considerable margin everything else.


Yup, no problems here.:rolleyes:

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Never said they were OP, in fact Sage healing is going to be boosted according to developers. You make it seem that I can simply roll in and just blow everything up in a matter of seconds without any subject to game mechanics. Cause ranged weapon damage isn't subject to shields, defense, accuracy and cover, right? Moreover you make yourself seem so helpless on your gunslinger, which I find quite amusing. Pretty pathetic that you'll go as low as to report a post simply because your basis of having a level 12 vanguard and doing damage makes you the expert on pyro pvp.


I reported your post because you called me a troll simply because you didn't agree with me, it had nothing to do with your opinion or mine. You can't just call someone a name because you don't agree with them. And if you scroll back a few pages, I actually stated that I don't mean to say that Pyro PT's are God classes, but that they are simply not balanced with other current DPS specs in the game.


I do good on my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and it's a fun class to play. I'm not completely helpless by any means and DF Slingers actually fight in the same mid-range category that Pyro PT's fight from which is why the Assault Vanguard was so easy for me to pickup and instantly pwn with. The playstyles are very similar, except my DF Gunslinger does not have anywhere near the burst or damage capability as an Assault Vanguard or PT Pyro, and that's just an issue with imbalance. I've played a lot of classes with success for a long time and although my DF Gunslinger is my main, I play a little of every class.

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I murder assassins on my PT, but my marauder murders any PT's, and assassins murder me on my marauder....


Wait a second.... that almost sounds like balance.... well that is simply just not possible. :rolleyes:


Assassins can kill sentinel?I am just curius how i have sentinel and i never lost lost again assassins.And on my decaption assassin i cant kill sentinel.Maybe realy big noob with focus or combat but no way on watchman if i take them 1/3 hp i am happy lol.Maybe i use bad tree,or i dont know how play this class lol?o.o

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I reported your post because you called me a troll simply because you didn't agree with me, it had nothing to do with your opinion or mine. You can't just call someone a name because you don't agree with them. And if you scroll back a few pages, I actually stated that I don't mean to say that Pyro PT's are God classes, but that they are simply not balanced with other current DPS specs in the game.


I do good on my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and it's a fun class to play. I'm not completely helpless by any means and DF Slingers actually fight in the same mid-range category that Pyro PT's fight from which is why the Assault Vanguard was so easy for me to pickup and instantly pwn with. The playstyles are very similar, except my DF Gunslinger does not have anywhere near the burst or damage capability as an Assault Vanguard or PT Pyro, and that's just an issue with imbalance. I've played a lot of classes with success for a long time and although my DF Gunslinger is my main, I play a little of every class.


I think you're being just a bit sensitive and it takes away from the credibility of your argument.


There are no victims on this forum, and in this converstaion there is a lot of vaguery and conjecture. Explain with numbers if you want a conversation, anything else is just argumentative rhetoric.

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I think you're being just a bit sensitive and it takes away from the credibility of your argument.


There are no victims on this forum, and in this converstaion there is a lot of vaguery and conjecture. Explain with numbers if you want a conversation, anything else is just argumentative rhetoric.


If I had all the code and formulas that Bioware uses to write their game then maybe, MAYBE, numbers will be accurate and reliable. Until then I'm sorry but we'll just have to rely on personal experience, hypothetical situations, and conjecture.


And maybe I was being a bit sensitive earlier today, but he came off as extremely rude over a harmless opinion which I felt was uncalled for. Since then he has been respectfully arguing with me and has refrained from just calling me names which I very much appreciate.

Edited by DimeStax
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I reported your post because you called me a troll simply because you didn't agree with me, it had nothing to do with your opinion or mine. You can't just call someone a name because you don't agree with them. And if you scroll back a few pages, I actually stated that I don't mean to say that Pyro PT's are God classes, but that they are simply not balanced with other current DPS specs in the game.


I do good on my Dirty Fighting Gunslinger, and it's a fun class to play. I'm not completely helpless by any means and DF Slingers actually fight in the same mid-range category that Pyro PT's fight from which is why the Assault Vanguard was so easy for me to pickup and instantly pwn with. The playstyles are very similar, except my DF Gunslinger does not have anywhere near the burst or damage capability as an Assault Vanguard or PT Pyro, and that's just an issue with imbalance. I've played a lot of classes with success for a long time and although my DF Gunslinger is my main, I play a little of every class.


Saying things that aren't true and blowing things out of context are trolling. I wasn't the only one that called you out on it. Yes, a level 12 vanguard is very easy to play, with that whole set of skills at your disposal.

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