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Cathar! And a new planet, to boot!


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Cathar? That's great, one of my personal most wanted races to add in. And they aren't trying to have "cats" the Cathar race was introduced much before SWTOR. If they added in Trandoshans, would you compain that "omg it's Gator-Wars now!" too?


People are not disappointed that they added Cathar. People are disappointed that they only added Cathar. Cathar wasn't even the most requested species to be introduced into the game; that would be the Togruta.


And yes, I'm aware that they could announce additional species later. That doesn't change the fact that now, as of this moment, the only species that is being added are the Cathar and nothing else.

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Did you see that Operation footage, my gosh! Stunning....


looks awesome not really star warsy but I will wait to see the story and how they deliver it


I hope it doesnt kill my computer looked like alot of effects going on

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Great announcements, lots of great new stuff to come, I am glad to see Cathar as a playable race but it would be been nice to have two new races...one for republic (like Cathar) and one for the empire.


But all good news either way and hopefully who knows perhaps we can sit in chairs at that time lol or maybe have some speech bubbles.

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Try to think of the positive that came from today's announcement... We get all of this content THIS year and dont have to buy an expansion to get it or wait a year from now. I think it was a pretty solid showing on their part. If they can do this without an expansion , imagine what they will have for content when they do announce one.

Every game out there is work in progress. As soon as people realize this and stop expecting content yesterday, they will be able to enjoy whats in front of them. Yes, Bioware has much to do in terms of catchup. But the game isnt a year old yet . Give them alittle credit at least.

Edited by kroto
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^ and this ^


Quote: Originally Posted by UCKFred

I didn't know they were competing with Hello Kitty Online too ( =^;^=). Lowering the bar, I take it?


rofl to funny I still play hellokitty online and enjoy it 10 times more then this boring old I mean new broken game:p

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Very excited about the announcement today; it shows that they're working on more than we're aware of, which is good.


I don't know if I'll play a Cathar but I'm glad it's being added; very excited about the new WZ, Op, and planet. They all looked great. If transfers come out soon and the trial brings in more people, we'll be on a good track.

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No mention of world PvP in their long-term plans. And expac content that = 25% of a WoW expansion . . .


Pretty disappointing. Especially since it's been 6 months and SWTOR is still waaaay behind where it should have been at release.


Agreed. Very disappointing. It's the same crap just extended to a new limit, not very impressive at all. They announce this garbage but cannot even get 1.3 done and out the door so we can transfer off our dead servers!.

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dude...LIVE WITH IT!! Everything you ever play in ANY mmo are some form of humanoid...just at least TRY and come up with something new!


At least if they'd given us Wookies we'd have known they put some effort into it because it would have required new models, animations and artwork for gear. Instead we get a new race which is basically just a human with a poorly drawn cat head. I'm sure that took them all of 5 minutes to work on and they're touting it like its a major selling point of this new content.

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Cathar really? I hope they are releasing more then just cathar at the same time.



Cathar and Wookies.


So the people are not able to choose which of them is the worst.


dude...LIVE WITH IT!! Everything you ever play in ANY mmo are some form of humanoid...just at least TRY and come up with something new!


Oh, I try.


Baraka in TERA. Castanic in TERA. Elin in TERA. Aman in TERA.


Bahmi in Rift.


Should I continue?

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Cathar and Wookies.


So the people are not able to choose which of them is the worst.




Oh, I try.


Baraka in TERA. Castanic in TERA. Elin in TERA. Aman in TERA.


Bahmi in Rift.


Should I continue?


Castanic? They are just like humans only have horns and tail. Elin? Little human girls. Aman? Fat Cathar. Bahmi? Purple human. And Baraka looks like generic Dwarf.

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dude...LIVE WITH IT!! Everything you ever play in ANY mmo are some form of humanoid...just at least TRY and come up with something new!


Its not our job to come up with something new... Thats biowares job... Its called innovation and breaking the mold. Players want it and bioware still refuses.

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