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Cathar! And a new planet, to boot!


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Excited! Did they say what classes Cathar was for?


I would imagine primarily Republic, which would fit, too, trying to bring more people to the Republic side of the game. However, with Legacy, it would seem possible to get Cathar on the Imperial side, as well. Probably make for a good character to play as SI, perhaps, and maybe the IA. But no developer said anything much more to clarify, either.


All I know is I've held off on making a Trooper FOREVER, because I wanted a Cathar trooper, dangit. And now I'll be able to get one! I'm absolutely thrilled!

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Took the liberty of copying all that was announced.


New PvP warzones Ancient Hypergate.

New Nightmare Modes,

New Companion Character. Hk 51.

Cathar as new playable species.

Increased Level cap and combat abilities.

New Planet - Makeb. (This seems to be a new planet in the SW universe)

Play the game for free up to level 15 from July.

New space mission called Space station Assault.

New Operation - Terror From Beyond.

Edited by Karabal
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Actually when I met my first Cathar in game (Jedi temple), my 1st thought was I'd REALLY like to play as that race. Unfortunately I still need basic features to be added to this game before I would resub (as documented in previous posts).
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Does anyone know why type of planet Makeb is? Lore wise.


Cannot find any reference to this planet. It seems to be created just for this game. The question is. Why did the dev's ask us which planet we would like to see then just make one up?

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Cathar? That's great, one of my personal most wanted races to add in. And they aren't trying to have "cats" the Cathar race was introduced much before SWTOR. If they added in Trandoshans, would you compain that "omg it's Gator-Wars now!" too? Edited by CJ_SAX_MAN
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Cannot find any reference to this planet. It seems to be created just for this game. The question is. Why did the dev's ask us which planet we would like to see then just make one up?


Thanks. I guess it will all be a surprise to us. I asked cause I never heard of it.

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