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Massive E3 Announcement on Monday


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oh look, another humanoid race ;)

Welcome to Star Wars, your must be new here.


Unfortunately, a lot of Star Wars (And Star Trek, I admit) was "recoloured" humans, because they had human actors. And that's worked over into their games.


Add to the fact that having a hutt as a playable species would cause problems. They can't jump or run. They probably can't even hold a blaster or a lightsaber.

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Hahahahah....that was painful to watch.


Free to 15 by July....Translation: Free to Play by Christmas.


Because what WoW, Rift, and other successful MMOs did is so very different :rolleyes:

Edited by Crash-X
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LOL, they are just as bad at conveying information at E3 as they are here.


So new expansion, with the hutts and a level cap increase.


Did anyone catch what the level cap was? I saw a number but wasn't fast enough to see what it was.

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I have been watching E3 throughout the day today and the direction of gaming is just so sad these days. These "premium" subscriptions for FPS games and crap is just so saddening. Microsoft's Conference was extremely upsetting with nothing new whatsoever, just selling people on products that had a slack development. Sad days in gaming today.
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Really? Cathar? That's the only new playable species?




Yep. Just releasing 1 is quite lackluster. And I was hoping for Togruta! :mad:


All this information was revealed in a thread someone made a few weeks ago about a survey of new content being emailed. All the information that was on that was just mentioned here. It's not all that exciting.

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Ok so Im confused as to what I just saw. Lots of neat things coming but...


Is this content planned for an expansion? 1.3? 1.4? 1.5? When is the expansion?


The only date was July 15th for the Free to level 15 thing.

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Because what WoW, Rift, and other successful MMOs is so very different :rolleyes:


Rift was not successful and WoW did it after what? 5 years?


You keep farting sunshine and unicorns, maybe all that optimism will work out for you.


Server populations say otherwise.

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Hey, JC, how you feelin' about that "total revamp" of space combat now? :rolleyes:


eheh, no total revamp of space combat, no pets, no player housing, no guild capital ships, no crafting update...


But a new warzone, a new planet, a new companion... really massive...


Thumb down, for me...

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Rift was not successful and WoW did it after what? 5 years?


You keep farting sunshine and unicorns, maybe all that optimism will work out for you.


Server populations say otherwise.


I'm sure you are one of those people that consider a MMO success only if it has over 5 million subs or something.

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Well, F2P to 15 is alright..its a bit like an extended trial, probably to get new ppl hooked..cant blame them and not a bad idea (will make starter planets feel more lifelike too I suppose)

Cathar...I know my wife will love it, she complaint right from the start that she couldnt roll a cat lady lol. Personally, from before the game went live, always hoped for the stranger stuff..not the re-colored humans.


New companion, neat..new wz, op etc....yeah, I take it all no problem - more content is never a "bad" thing..just that I think I'm not the only one who hoped for something "significant", you know? *sigh*

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I also noticed the level cap increase but didn't catch a number. I'm curious why they are increasing it so soon.


Yeah could be interesting. They are only adding one planet and most planets now are 4 levels but I highly doubt 54 is the new max level.

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Curious about the level cap...does that mean there is more to the story coming?


Yes, since after you beat the story it says interlude or intermission (forgot which) that means that more will come.

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I have been watching E3 throughout the day today and the direction of gaming is just so sad these days. These "premium" subscriptions for FPS games and crap is just so saddening. Microsoft's Conference was extremely upsetting with nothing new whatsoever, just selling people on products that had a slack development. Sad days in gaming today.


Speak for yourself. That Microsoft Smartglass concept has me excited.

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