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Queueing as a level 10


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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




I'm 100% positive that I can safely assume that every toon you have is a lower level (or greatly under-geared) then any of my toons (and everyone else's toons in this thread) in the 10-49 WZs and even at 50. SO by your logic you are ruining mine and everyone else's pvp; simply by looking at your logic and enforcing it; so to make it simple, I underlined, bolded and colored the font red of the advice you should follow, that you are so freely giving out to everyone else.


I honestly welcome lower levels, they make great bait, decoys, teammates, over all great players when they put the effort into it. I would rather play with an entire team of naked Lv.10s then anyone with a limp-wristed hipster entitlement attitude.

Edited by RangKer
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Really, I have played in WZ as a level 10 and out DPS/Badged everyone on my team. Its not hard to figure out the mechanics. Higher levels only advantage is new spells the aquire at there level but everything scales together. L2P noob


This ^


The OP assumes that EVERYONE who is level 10 is a newbie on their first toon.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Yeah, not buying it... level 10 MAY be a little low. I usually don't bother until about level 20 but simply because it's just not fun or challenging to spam the few abilities I have. However on the other end of that... At level 16 I managed to put up about 400-600k damage over and over. I def lacked the survivability but I was strong enough to make an impact on the team and help us defend nodes and doors.


So even though I personally hate to see anyone under level 20 in my group and would love to see a 10-20 bracket. It's not going to happen and besides that... A decent low level player can keep on par with the higher level members of the group.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




I'd rather have a good level 10 in level appropriate blues than a crappy level 43 who never bothered to buy the 40 PvP gear.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Some classes benefit from bolster more significantly than others at certain key levels. Even with level 10's I've never done under 100k damage if I'm a DPS. Hell, my sniper put up just under 400k damage as a level 10 (ambush crits were 4800's-6771 - 6771 being my highest hit). I'll agree that some classes are late-bloomers (assassins, powertechs, and dps operatives come to mind) due to their reliance on talented abilities and/or obtain better abilities later on, but this isn't always the case. Healers tend to perform very well at low levels (despite having to rely on activated heals) as do classes with abilities that do high base damage (and are available to them early on).

Edited by SinnedWill
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I think the bolster actually improves the damages dealt by lvl 10s compared to their lvl 40+ counterparts, to compensate for less utility and gear. People who know what they're doing can make the most out of what they have that way. It's still frustrating to have several lvl 10's on my team but really not a dealbreaker for me. Edited by Stenrik
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Are you kidding? Level 10s hit like trucks, they can spam one ability and melt faces, because that is all they have. The lack of utility hurts, but they are far from useless. Use the level 10s to melt faces, and use the level 30+ guys to carry the ball, respond to incs, etc.
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Lowbie WZs are a joke anyway. The even bigger joke are clowns that QQ and Rage about level 10s or losing in Lowbie WZs. Truly, these players are the worst of the worst. Would be better if they just deleted themselves tbh.


Had an awesome ragequit fail Saturday in a LWZ. NC and we flipped all bunkers to Purple. This derper on our team commences to all caps yell in Ops Chat: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" and ragequits. Guess he was used to playing Yellow as a Pub, but we ended up winning the game in 3-5 mins. lol


Moral of the story: let the Lowbies have their fun. Some of you peeps are just debbie downers that don't know how to have a good time. In real life you must be as fun as cardboard with personalities to match.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Lowbie WZs are a joke anyway. The even bigger joke are clowns that QQ and Rage about level 10s or losing in Lowbie WZs. Truly, these players are the worst of the worst. Would be better if they just deleted themselves tbh.


Had an awesome ragequit fail Saturday in a LWZ. NC and we flipped all bunkers to Purple. This derper on our team commences to all caps yell in Ops Chat: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" and ragequits. Guess he was used to playing Yellow as a Pub, but we ended up winning the game in 3-5 mins. lol


Moral of the story: let the Lowbies have their fun. Some of you peeps are just debbie downers that don't know how to have a good time. In real life you must be as fun as cardboard with personalities to match.


I had someone like that in Novare too. We lost mid but got both the side turrets. This one person begins to scream to get mid. 'WE CANT BREAK THE SHIELD IF WE DONT HAVE MID N00BS!'. After everyone telling him it doesnt matter what two turrets you have, he said 'you need to read the info on the loading screen noobs!' and then left.


We won, don't know what was going through his head.

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You clearly don't understand. You're missing so many key abilities and talents that level 30+ all have. This is a massive disadvantage and I call BS on you out dpsing people consistantly as a level 10.


I do it all the time on my lowbie BH. I topped DPS a few times from 10-12. It's not hard if you know what you are doing. I also topped DPS most of the time on my Gunslinger, he is now 47 and still doing it. Have to keep my Valor and level the same so it's taken awhile and I JUST started chapter 3 so I can get the buff on my 50 Trooper and my other alts.

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Highest damage at lvl 10 on my sage, vanguard, and gunslinger. QQ its still player skill.


Yea, when I get home, I'll post some screen shots of my lowbie BH and Sentinel. Lowbie PvP is so fun.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Sorry but I seen 10-20 players 20x more effective then some others hugging 40-50...


Are they optimal... no not always. Often though, they are working just as hard or harder then the higher lvl characters.


On my (deadish) server, they are often veterans rolling alts and doing very well... Not as good as an actual lvl 49... but more then able.


Hey, after all.. it's all skill right... (dot dot dot...)



Edited by SinnedQWERTY
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I did not que PvP on my main until past 35 when I hit a bug that prevented me from passing a class quest. Really regretted that. I dinged up to 50 and got about 50% of the way toward my BM armor set before starting my alt.


On my alt, I que'ed immediately once I hit level 10 and have consistently used PvP to get gear, credits and most importantly exp so I can quickly over-level the planetary PvE grind quests. Well, not most importantly... the most important reason is that it's fun!


I much prefer sub-50 PvP to the Zergest that is the 50 bracket (even with 50% BM gear and the rest Recruit gear). Gear doesn't matter as much. It's just so much fun. This weekend I saw a level 13 BH of some kind doing *great* in Huttball, evening winning MVP.

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Highest Damage, and check out my objective points though not hard to get on Voidstar. Level 12 BH. Somehow my level 15 Sentinel screen shots are not in my folder. Dunno what happened there. But most of them were of me doing 2nd to 4th on damage with awesome objective points.

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yeah raise the pvp starting level to 20 then at least we wont have these lvl 10 suck at pvp threads...

..ohh wait you would then make a lvl 20 suck at pvp thread.


Get over it your gonna be in the same position when you hit 50 and people faceroll your recruit behind - (censorship sucks)

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Yeah yeah, everyone commenting in this thread is god's gift to PvP at lvl 10. I know. I was too. But the reality is, 9 out of 10 are basically free kills.


Gimme a team that actually supports me and I'll outdps anyone not in his 40s using a level 10 gunslinger.

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Cant take WZs too serious, just try to have fun. I look at random lvl 10s as a random handicap. Sometimes you get a few lowbies, sometimes the opposition does. I dont blame people for wanting to try there lowbie in pvp. I just focus on playing my toon.
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I've seen plenty of level 35 ******* that play worse then a fresh level 10 that knows what he/she is doing. I do see you point however. If this game had even a medium population I'd say give them their own bracket. As it stands now, with most servers being ghost towns, bring on the level 10s. Better then an empty slot...
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Player level brackets was one of Gabe's promises made pre-launch & not just the simple 10-49/50 either, but he's terrible at his job & didn't get fired, so what can we do about it?


What? Really? Gabe still works for Bioware? Might as well give up on any meaningful PVP improvements then.


I don't mind level 10s always assuming they have got around to picking their advanced class. To be honest most sub 50 wz's are such a zergfest of bad players it really doesn't matter if they are 10 or 49. You can easily spot the good ones, and a good level 15 or so is worth three level 40s that still don't have a clue about objectives.

Edited by Ntranced
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