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Official Q&A Thread for June 8th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Hello and welcome to the official Q&A thread for questions to be answered for the June 8th, 2012 Q&A blog post.


As a reminder, we’ll be starting up a weekly Q&A blog series in which we will select ten questions from the community and post answers to them every Friday. We’ll have the next set of answers next week on June 8th, 2012, but before that, we need your questions!


Please use this thread to ask your question (one per community member, so make it count!). On Monday at 2PM CDT (8PM BST/9PM CEST/5AM AEST), we will close this thread, select ten questions, and get answers to them for Friday’s blog post.


In order to increase the chances of having your specific question answered and to help us keep the thread manageable, here are some guidelines on asking questions:


  1. Keep your question relatively short. Background details are welcome, but don’t go overboard.
  2. Please actually ask a question. We want to hear constructive feedback elsewhere in the Forums.
  3. Use common sense – we cannot answer everything, especially on far-reaching content.
  4. This should go without saying, but be respectful.
  5. Limit yourself to one question in this thread, please. You can always ask another question next week!
  6. And finally, as a reminder, this is not a discussion thread. Do not comment about what somebody else has posted.


As development plans are always subject to change, questions about future features will often get vague answers which can be repetitive and sometimes annoying. With that in mind, the development team is more interested in questions about current in-game features or systems, or questions about why development decisions were made. You’re still welcome to ask questions about future features and we’ll continue to answer them where appropriate – just expect the occasional ‘soon.’


Any other posts apart from questions in the thread will be removed.


With that being said, please ask away!

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Is there any chance that BW will add single player dailies to the game? i really liked the Rakghoul dailies but they were only temporary. dont take this the wrong way the heroics are great but i would like some single player dailies just to fill in the blanks of the day.


BW SWTOR is an awsume game, keep up the great job :)

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I think it's time for some clarification on Cyan/Purple crystals, the same way you guys clarified the current status on Green, Orange, and Yellow.


Prior to the release of 1.2, we were told that the Cyan and Purple crystals would become craftable and/or obtainable in ways that did not involve end-game Ops or PvP participation and would not be restricted by faction.


Now that 1.2 has been released, there is no evidence that this has come to pass for anything other than PvP Expertise Crystals.


Just telling us "the truth is out there" is insufficient. The forums are filled with nothing but confusion and misinformation (largely because some people confuse Magenta ("Pink") with Purple).


Please answer the simple question: Is it currently possible in-game to obtain Cyan or Purple color crystals that contain PvE stats in a way that's not tied to end-game Operations or PvP, and are the colors available to both factions? As a bonus, can you give a hint as to how they are obtained (e.g. luck, space, world bosses, etc.)?

Edited by Giolon
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I'm glad to see that ranked warzones are still on track, but I'm still waiting on some specific information regarding the character transfer service (how it will be carried out, dates, target servers, etc.). Can you at least give us something to help plan for what will be an almost certain cluster****? Edited by Anomorn
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It has always bugged me that my bounty hunter cant use a blaster rifle like boba fett, why did you choose dual pistols over the blaster rifle and is there any chance of that changing in the future?
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Was there ever, or is there a chance that Sniping Imperial Agents could get a Sniper Mode that would allow the Sniper AC of the Imperial Agent to be somewhat of a true/actual Sniper? Perhaps this could include being able to move into a Scope Mode where we look down the Scope of the Sniper Rifles and doing different amounts of damage depending on where we hit on the body of the enemy along with if they are wearing Armor, perhaps including type of Armor.
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This may sound like a trivial bug, but it is currently the only bug that affects me and thus not trivial to me...it sorely breaks my immersion.


I was wondering if we have a status update on fixing the igniting lightsaber/holstering a lit lightsaber. Currently when I do dailies, my companion appears with ignited lightsaber. Then when I zone, the lightsaber disappears, but the companion animates as though it were holding a lightsaber. Then if I unequip/re-equip the lightsaber, it reappears, but after the first fight, the companion holster's it while it remains ignited. Only after a second fight is the animations all synced up again where the saber is ignited/de-ignited as expected.


I realize there are work-arounds, but it just becomes tedious day after day.

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Can we get a detailed (or as detailed as possible with examples) breakdown of the affect of Presence on our companions? I'm specifically targeting info that would explain if the bonuses are weighted (Meaning an even improvement across the level up process) or static (meaning a more meaningful effect at early levels, with diminishing effectiveness as you level up)?
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With Adaptive Social gear comming in 1.3, will there be anychance of Expanding it to Every gear with customization options?


in a recent interview, Daniel stated the reason behind making it social only was Class Labeling in PvP. Ie a Jedi In trooper armor. How ever My Guardian can wear orange armor For Trooper, and my Trooper can wear the orange robes for Jedi. Most pvp'ers know that im a Jedi the second i Force leap andgive them a face full of Saber. The pvp thing isnt a Real reason behind this. Theres some gear in the game i love the look of, but have to sacrifice Stats to Wear it. Light armor users are forced to use light, or Social limited their look more then any class in the game. To me this game feels like theres to many Restrictions, and not enough freedom.

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Here is a thread with (currently) 20 questions in the top post I know many of us are dying to get answers for:




If I had to choose one question from the 20 though, I suppose this one is the most useful right now:


Will we receive a list of intended to and from servers for the “free” transfers ahead of time?


This is important because some of us are capped or just want to start a new character. We might prefer to start any future characters on the server we will be transferring our characters to in order to establish ourselves in our new community or to simply make the transfer process easier by having one less character to transfer



Edited by InnerPieces
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Is it possible that we may see future level 50 daily content that will bring you into the opposing faction's side of the daily areas? Such as the Black Hole area, or the northern section of Belsavis, and even Ilum. On a PVP server, it would be nice to be forced into going into the opposing faction's territory to do a quest or two.
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What plans are in the works to institute a Mentoring/Side-Kicking system so players of all levels can play together?


This would help casual players be able to play with their FRIENDS who have higher level characters. It makes it difficult to bring our friends INTO the game if we have to create new characters to play alongside them, and then make sure that we are BOTH available at the same time to play and not out-level one another.

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Is there any plans in the future to change the way loot is dropped in ops and hm fp's.There has been many times we have run an op or some hm fp's to gear up a specific toon 'say a trooper and all that drops is smuggler gear or jedi knight gear:mad:.Can it not be changed to a token system so that its just lets say rakkata legs and anyone in the group can roll on said item or bid dkp for said item:).Its just a bit disheartining to run an op for a couple of hrs or hm fp's for a couple of hrs and the toons that realy need the gear come away with nothing.Yet quite a few peoples companions get gear instead.
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Can you confirm any additional content for 1.3? Yes we know theres all the legacy stuff and ranked warzones finally, but are there any new flashpoints, ops or dailies to look forward to in 1.3?

As many of us are running out of things to do :(

And please could you settle the question of Server transfers, Will they be free??? or will there be a charge??


Thanks :)

Edited by markyboy
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I have a question for the Devs. Why is it that Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights are the only professions that don't share the same armor type? Marauders/Sentinels wear medium armor and Juggernauts/Guardians wear heavy armor. If it is a matter of because Sents/Maras use dual sabers, so Juggs/Guardians get the heavier armor protection, then just add a debuff to Sents/Maras to when wearing heavy armor, it only gives the armor benefits of medium armor. That way we no longer have the disparity, nobody is nerfed or buffed and us Sents and Maras can wear the cool looking armor our brethren can wear. Edited by DarkSaberMaster
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In 1.3 Artifice, will be the only profession that won't be able to make end game consumables for sale, or even for personal use. Why do you believe that Artifice will remain viable when the only consumable item that doesn't have cheaper and better competition from vendors(Enhancements and Crystals), augmented lightsabers, will no longer be viable due to cheaper to produce augment kits that they can't make?
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When the server transfers happen, is there going to be a system where the Guildmaster can transfer the entire guild over to the selected server? to include; bank, resources, members, and member alts? The reason for this is due to some guild members currently away (but planning on coming back), or some with financial issue that can't afford their sub right now not logging on and being lost in the transfer. this way, the Guildmaster is the only one who has to do anything and makes sure it is done correctly and everyone transfers with him or her.
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What is the design logic behind the Belsavis teleporters?


I mean, they are teleporters. Why aren't they all linked? And for that matter, why is there an entirely seperate set of teleporters for each faction. These things are like 20,000 year old ancient Rakata technology that you are just now discovering. It doesn't make any sense that each one is restricted to republic or empire side. I am sure it would be a low priority, but is there any chance of connecting them properly in the future?

Edited by BlackMink
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