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Top Ten Reasons YOU play SWTOR? Top five reasons you quit?


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What are the top things you can say about SWTOR? Or perhaps, top five reasons you quit? I am still playing, so to start this off I will post my top ten reasons why I still play SWTOR and am interested in it, though NOT necessarily in this order.

- Music. It's elegant, plentiful and enhances the narrative.


- Massive, diverse environments. The SWTOR planets themselves I find very unique in art style, architecture, color scheme, mass, setup and above all, story and lore.


- Datacrons. I just find these really entertaining to find.

- The Codex. I love the fact that there is just this massive encyclopedia of lore for the game, a rumoured 1-2 novels worth.


- Class Story: We knew this was coming. All the stories are very interesting to me and fufill the star wars archetypes, and it really makes you feel unstoppable, and one man army.


- Flashpoints and Operations. I like that these are fun, have variety, have challenge AND are infused with Bioware storytelling, lore and environments. If you WoW PvE, you will like SWTOR PvE., as it is often more in-depth and has a greater feeling of peril.


- Crew Skills. Grind free crafting. Awesome.


- Space Combat. I love it, I dont know why, I just do.


- Overall Presentation of the Star Wars Universe. If there is but one thing this game does right, it is capturing the Star Wars feel. Great, massive and diverse world, interesting (though cliche) characters, tons of lore to explore and a real sense of galactic conflict. Its a personalized Star Wars saga with the class stories and world arc and RPG style lore, but at the end of the day you can join with friends and have fun in a perilous, exciting flashpoints and operations, or bashing some heads in some fully voice acted warzones


Things that ARE wrong with this game:

- HORRIBLE character customization

- Though fun, flashpoints and ops must progressively attain more difficulty,

- Lack of PvP endgames. I enjoy warzones, but four is not enough for hardcore PvPers.

- Lack of variety in terms of housing and minigames (though space combat is a step in the right direction).

- Needs MORE DIVERGING stories in flashpoints and world arcs

- No hobbies or alternate professions outside of space combat

- Population imbalance, but you knew that.


Otherwise, I really love SWTOR and think Bioware should proceed to not keep up the good work, but proceed to do better to make the content better with every update, to be progressive and learn.

Edited by dankat
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10 Reasons I'm still playing.


- Fan of Star Wars and Kotor.

- WoW just doesnt hold my interest anymore.

- Legacy Unlocks

- Class Stories

- Each Companion has some lovable quirk to them.

- Dual Wield Lightsabers

- Ability to just log on and play myself at my own pace whenever I want.

- Fan of Bioware products and know they will bounce back eventually.

- The fact they included the Battle of the Heroes theme from Revenge of the Sith.


and Most importantly this is the big thing that keeps me playing


- I have fun. I honestly truthfully do.

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I find it interesting you ask for 10 reason why you are playing, but only 5 why you quit.


Anyways I'm still playing, so here's 10.


1) Light sabers.... need I say more.


2) Great story lines.


3) I enjoy PVP in SWTOR on a casual level. I'm not someone who only PVPs so I still find it enjoyable. I play maybe a couple games a day and probably no more than a dozen a week. It keeps things fresh. Huttball ftw.


4) I've never fell so much in love with an MMO class as I have my Sorcerer. He's been my main since release and will continue to do so. I've enjoyed alts and playing them, but NONE of them compare to my Sorc. I played a Druid for 3 years in WoW and I have more fun on my Sorc than I ever had on my druid.


5) I love the KOTOR Universe. And want to see where this keeps going.


6) I'm also a huge Fan of Bioware. Even though the company has not been the same since EA bought them, I'm sticking with them.


7) TERA's combat is fun, but nothing else about it is. Rift is fun, but I wasn't playing it since release and catching up is no fun. WoW - I quit years ago and have no interest of going back. SWTOR remains my main MMO.


8) Compared to other games, Crew Skills in this game are so easy and fun to do. While some of them are still in question of usefulness, its going in the right direction.


9) Even though I wish it was harder, and there was more of it, I enjoy the raiding.


10) This is the most important. MMOs are meant to be played with people. And my entire guild is still devoted to this game. Now some of them aren't quite as active and are playing D3 in between guild events, but they're still here. I love my guild and have tons of fun with the people I play with. Until we as a group decide to up and leave the game, I'm not leaving. And if we ever did leave, it would be to another game. Our guild rocks and I plan on staying with them.

Edited by pureeffinmetal
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I find it interesting you ask for 10 reason why you are playing, but only 5 why you quit.


Anyways I'm still playing, so here's 10.


1) Light sabers.... need I say more.


2) Great story lines.


3) I enjoy PVP in SWTOR on a casual level. I'm not someone who only PVPs so I still find it enjoyable. I play maybe a couple games a day and probably no more than a dozen a week. It keeps things fresh. Huttball ftw.


4) I've never fell so much in love with an MMO class as I have my Sorcerer. He's been my main since release and will continue to do so. I've enjoyed alts and playing them, but NONE of them compare to my Sorc. I played a Druid for 3 years in WoW and I have more fun on my Sorc than I ever had on my druid.


5) I love the KOTOR Universe. And want to see where this keeps going.


6) I'm also a huge Fan of Bioware. Even though the company has not been the same since EA bought them, I'm sticking with them.


7) TERA's combat is fun, but nothing else about it is. Rift is fun, but I wasn't playing it since release and catching up is no fun. WoW - I quit years ago and have no interest of going back. SWTOR remains my main MMO.


8) Compared to other games, Crew Skills in this game are so easy and fun to do. While some of them are still in question of usefulness, its going in the right direction.


9) Even though I wish it was harder, and there was more of it, I enjoy the raiding.


10) This is the most important. MMOs are meant to be played with people. And my entire guild is still devoted to this game. Now some of them aren't quite as active and are playing D3 in between guild events, but they're still here. I love my guild and have tons of fun with the people I play with. Until we as a group decide to up and leave the game, I'm not leaving. And if we ever did leave, it would be to another game. Our guild rocks and I plan on staying with them.


To you Sir....Bravo...Bravo...Bravo. +10

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There isn't that many "good" reasons to keep playing SWTOR but here goes:


finish class quests and companion quests and bonus quest

do some daily PvP quests to earn some PvP currency

Finish PvP gear set (War Hero)

Craft Stuff for my main and my alts

Do a few Warzones for fun


Top Reasons I quit

No Open PvP support (ilum joke)

Space Combat completely terrible

Not enough Warzones and no support for group (disbanded feature), lack of contorl for Warzones and Queue in general

Crafting still is terrible - Most Trades need a lot of buffing and enhancing IMO

PvE is still terrible IMO (story modes aside)

Missing Guild features has critically hurt the game

Lack of transfer/consolidation has critically hurt the game!

Lack of true GUI mods is frustrating

It's hard to take EA practices seriously anymore after this game that is some sort of non-mmo. This game needed far more real content INCLUDED at launch than what was given... I'm sure it will be a long lasting game for SW fanboi though, but for real PvP hardcore MMO is done a long time ago.

Last Warzone really wasn't that great, as far as MAPS go it couldn't be any simpler.

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1) The story - it is amazing. :)


2) I love my healer and her story. Sometimes, I see her as a real human and thinking twice before picking an option.

The game seems realistic, my character seems realistic. Even I know it is not so, I somehow think she is now meditating in her room. It is all thanks to the Story. Contact with my character has never been better, makes me feel involved like I am the part of the SW Universe. That is what brings me to:


3) Leveling. Yes, I enjoyed leveling my character. I am usually slow at leveling. I dislike it. In Star Wars I was rushing just to see what next is going to happen. Even collecting 5 random items felt epic and of great importance! Lets not talk about companion romance that made me speed level from 30 to 50.


4) Companions are amazing. Can't wait to see how the story will go on after level 50 and the final Act.


5) I really enjoy warzones. I am only sad other people on low-populated servers can't enjoy the game to full but I am sure after transfer everything will be much better. I can still find some open world PvP on Ilum while turrning the turrets and doing dailies.


6) Combat is amazing. It is really Star War-ish. Not many times I get a chance just to watch people PvPing but, once, being behind the Force Shield, I couldn't help myself not to notice how amazingly it looked. Warrior wins in this case :)!


7) Progress - PvP and PvE - talking about gear. I am close to full PvP set and after that I am going for PvE. Still, so much left to do.


8) Gear! I love the looks of gear. Ok, have to admit I kinda dislike the last one, but as long as we don't have dragon heads, big shoulders, thunders - I am cool with that. I am the lover of cool but yet simple gear, something that comes on lower levels. That is why I am happy about the changes were you can use pretty much any item you'd like :).


9) Still have to see class stories of Republic and some of the Empire classes.


10) Legacy! Need to have it all! I am also sure there will be more options when it comes to Legacy.


11) Event we had was really cool. Hope to see more soon! Idea is really nice and the way they created it was a surprise. It looked fantastic!


12) Still waiting for more Praxon models speeders :D!


13) Never had a problem with credits. The only time when I went broke is when I bought all of the color crystals and stopped doing dailies but was in a need of a new gear. It is kinda odd how easy is to get credits if you are doing dailies every day, which I am not. Some of my friends have 15+ mills :p.


14) I really, really do enjoy the game Star Wars the Old Republic. They only have to fix PvP and server population and that is coming with 1.3.

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10. Great re-playability. Since the quests are not exactly the same for each class and not even exactly the same within one class depending on if you are good or evil it's the best re-playability I have ever seen. I think I can play alts in this game until I retire without problem.


09. Fantastic PvP. The PvP system in other games are often complex, huge and really promotes elitism. The focus on the PvP here is absolutely great with casual or hardcore PvP existing side by side in a splendid way.


08. Amazing balance (and not afraid to nerf). Bioware has really impressed me with their focus on getting the game where they want it. They change the healing and a lot of people complain but they stick by their decision and it was a great decision. Now it actually is a challenge to heal. Great move!


07. Amazing amount of content! No seriously. Check any MMO and compare the amount of OPS any other game has in one single expansion. Nothing comes up in SWTOR:s quality.

2 x Operations (x 3 difficulties) = 6 different operations/raids (and today it's 3 more with the new operation released). 3 flashpoints on level 50 at 2 different difficulty levels and a bunch of low level flashpoints that you can repeat on hard mode at level 50. No other game comes close.


06. It's STAR WARS !!!! I mean!!! Seriously! STAR WARS! Can anything beat that?


05. Orange gear! Upgradable gear is a great idea. I absolutely love it!


04. Space Combat. It's amazing! Best ever. I am so glad they didn't cave in and have fly-wherever-you-want space flight. I don't want a flight/space-simulator. Then I would have played another game. This is superb!


03. Companions! Best. Idea. Ever! :D:D:D


02. The story. Story quests are the future. Anything else just seems dead. WoW:s bad quests (or for instance the HORRIBLE no-story-at-all game Diablo 3) just cannot hold my interest. I need the story telling in a game from now on.


And the most important reason of all:

01. I have so much fun that all other games put together doesn't come up in the fun I have with this game.


SWToR is, without a doubt, the best game I have ever played.

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First of all I would like to state my qualifications for why you should take my post very seriously:- I have a PC that is connected to the internet and I have too much time on my hands.


I was going to answer the OP's question but then I realised that my top 10 reasons for for why I don't play the game could quite easily be somebody elses top 10 reasons for why they do play the game. I thought about this for a bit, decided to make this post anyway and now I am gonna go and make a cup of coffee:o

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Reasons I played this game / I will may continue playing (once transfers roll out):


1. It's a science fiction theme and not one of these orc or elve themed MMO.


2. Great class design. Alot of those classes differ from other archetypes i got used to in other MMOs which is kind of refreshing.


3. Great balance. Never actually have seen a game this balanced right from the start and I probably will never see it again (even tho some classes still could use some rebalance).


4. PvP (atleast when there still is some PvP, which is getting more and more difficult due to low server population). I really enjoy it tho there are some point's i might want to change (resolve, amount of CC in the game).


5. Nicely designed PvE. Even tho it could be more difficult.


6. My ingame friends. Really hate to leave them behind.


7. Great storylines and even tho dialogues get old after the first time, I like them too.


8. No real alternative MMO.


9. Progress. I still have items to farm for.


10. It's Star Wars.





Top five reasons I quit:


1. Population decrease. I once switched my server from a dying one to the most populated PvP server, but now this one is about to die too.


2. Lack of action from Bioware regarding server transfers so far.


This are my main reasons, but if I was to name some more it would be:


3. Whiny community. Not all of them but the most part.


4. Resolve system and the immense amount of CC ingame.


5. GW2 is about to come.

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I'm playing it and not quitting, so here my 10 reasons:


1- I love the Old Repubblic lore (played Kotor 1 & 2 so many times I can't even recall)


2- I love the combat system


3- I like the legacy system


4- I like the stories


5- I feel part of a universe


6- I have nothing better to play


7- I have a lot of free time


8- My daughters are fantastic


9- My wife is wonderful


10- My dog is the best



From 8 to 10 I did not know what to write, ahahahah.

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My main reason for staying is Hope. I Hope they implement all the things I want lol.


Although I do still like the game.








Mainly only do warzones now though as most of my guild has moved on.

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I can give you the reason I used to play, just not 10 of them. It's interesting that you ask for 10 reason you like it but only 5 reasons you quit.

Reasons I used to play (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story was interesting

2. Companions were interesting liked the romance but wish it were same gendered as well

3. The scenery was nice on the planets (albeit static)

4. It's Star Wars. If it wasn't for this I would have quit long before I did.

5. Cinematics were good (although sometimes they could be buggy)

6. Legacy was cool

7. Personal ship was a nice idea

8. I liked that I could use crafting mats that were in my hanger bay

9. Datacrons

10. Codex


Reasons I quit (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them. Also the hoth incident where they called players liars and fraudulent.


Sad part is I could probably think of more if I thought about it but I feel this is enough. I really tried to like this game but as it is I would rather wait. If they change some things for the better I will come back and play again. For now I am gonna keep my eye on GW2 and since it has no sub fee I will be able to come back and play this as well, if they make some changes.

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I play because...


1) I want to see what they do with the legacy system and family tree...

2) The music. The music is awesome in this game.

3) I love Star Wars and KOTOR.

4) No other MMO made in the image of mass effect when it comes cinematic cutscenes and dialogue.

5) Great character customer customization.

6) Great class story lines.


That's all I've got. Why I'm about to stop playing?


1) Bioware is taking it's sweet *** time dealing with server pops... time that isn't worth my 15 dollars a month.

2) Heroics and flashpoints are pretty much impossible to do, due to lack of a population.

3) PVP is impossible for the reason already stated.



Bioware, I play with myself enough as is, FIX THE *********** POPULATION PROBLEM.

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I can give you the reason I used to play, just not 10 of them. It's interesting that you ask for 10 reason you like it but only 5 reasons you quit.

Reasons I used to play (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story was interesting

2. Companions were interesting liked the romance but wish it were same gendered as well

3. The scenery was nice on the planets (albeit static)

4. It's Star Wars. If it wasn't for this I would have quit long before I did.

5. Cinematics were good (although sometimes they could be buggy)

6. Legacy was cool

7. Personal ship was a nice idea

8. I liked that I could use crafting mats that were in my hanger bay

9. Datacrons

10. Codex


Reasons I quit (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them.


Sad part is I could probably think of more if I thought about it but I feel this is enough. I really tried to like this game but as it is I would rather wait. If they change some things for the better I will come back and play again. For now I am gonna keep my eye on GW2 and since it has no sub fee I will be able to come back and play this as well, if they make some changes.


I agree with a lot that you said but really I am surprised that BW did not address this from the beginning from their own developers that should have the common sense to foresee this as the feedback of their customers.


edit: I think there are too many devs in BW that are book smarts smart without any feel for what gaming communities enjoy, and also are playing it too safe by not expanding from the main development and safe WoW formula, which they should still be able to do considering the dev time and money they had.


The problem was 1. Bad organization as they mentioned themselves, and also a lack of MMO development and direction from the beginning.


Those are the two main problems. The game was made mostly as solo content that is shared online and that was the development focus. Which is unfortunate since MMOs should be more than what was swtor was released as.


Also its SW competing with other great ideas but are not SW which means, the population will shrink due to BW team being incompetent, and when the population shrinks then the development will shrink as well. However, the game will last for a long time, but it wont be able to compete with other great games with more development and better management than swtor which means for swtor players they will be investing their time in a lower quality product when it was touted as a AAA MMO and takes a monthly sub as well. That opportunity cost to the customer will be too great at one point and will affect the enjoyment of a fun game when on populated servers, but in contrast even the 'fun' factor wont justify ignoring more fun and better developed games.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Top 5 I quit hmm well a few but not cause the game is bad.


1. PvP

volistar and Huttball may be fun for some but I don't want to play them right now there is no option to but to queue for all pvp maps


2. Lack of chose

although in most of the story you can chose stuff but with companions you cant say NO you can't make your romantic option love you in a none romantic way. It a selfish one but it annoyed me greatly.


3. The Leveling community

To get group Leveling was fine at the start but later on noone would group up together

Not mention just to play with people while Leveling (Is how the game is meant to be played is so much more fun it you want to go though story's) is even harder.


4. Noone plays low level dungeons


5. Lack of Mini games

Not much else to say here they made Pazaak but they don't have Pazaak

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Why i'm here:


- it's very good single player RPG with great multiplayer content (much better than horde in ME3 ;) );

- Star Wars;

- Star Wars music;

- lightsabers;

- blasters;

- David Hayter;


Why i'm thinking about quitting:


- a little lazy and deaf developers (yes my dear developers, sound still not fixed!);

- poor JK appearance;

- dropping population;

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Reasons 1-9 are Star Wars, reason 10 is Bioware still employs some of the best writers and production values for storytelling in the game industry.


Reasons 1-5 for why I'll soon leave is there's nothing I find even remotely fun after 50. Even BW seems to admit that, since all their moves since 1.2 seem focused on just encouraging more and more alts - because the end game is terribad.

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Well the reasons I am still subscribed are only really two. Bioware and Star Wars. I have hope that the 2 put together can still deliver great things. Although I really dont play much at all anymore, Im still hanging onto the sub for awhile in the hopes something is down the road. But by the end of the year if i dont see much, ill probably give up and unsub.


And I suppose the number one reason I am no longer playing actively is Tera. While it suffers many of the problems that Swtor does, it is a much smaller market game with great combat that i really enjoy. This may be the other factor on if i come back. I couldnt even stomach Diablo3s crappy click to move combat after Tera. Im not sure how i will feel about Swtors.


But all in all Swtor was fun for the months I played and I enjoyed it so Im holding out hope for awhile, speaking with my wallet that I hope they can get some fun injected back in. But if not Ill speak with my wallet in the bad way =(

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