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LEGACY: How do YOU role play your character now?


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This isn't so much a head canon thread, but more of a now that Legacy lets you make family trees and such, have you changed how you play your character?


For instance: My Consular is the daughter of my BH and Torian. Now all my characters are LS. So their children will be LS too. But seeing as who is her parents, what influences she's had growing up (Gault, Mako, etc) I've made my JC's personality reflect that occasionally. I've had her choose the 'how much money we talking about here?' or 'some of the more sarcastic responses. Sure, she's still a Jedi, but she's also her mother's daughter.


My Jedi Knight who's my agent's daughter, has a few sarcastic moments too.


It's a little late for my Smuggler since she was in her 40s before Legacy, but has anyone else changed how to play their original character they created before Legacy and family ties?

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Been hoping to see one of these threads, at the top of my tree is the sniper, a womanising fellow who ended up spending the night with a pureblooded sith lord, getting her pregnant in the process. He then went on to marry raina temple and they had a child together, who became a jedi knight, while the sith gave birth to a son, who became a sith warrior.


The jedi knight eventually married his padawan kira carsen, and together they had a child, Barltoc, who became a smuggler. This all sounded so much interesting in my head...


Barltoc ended marrying Akaavi Spar during his journey and they had non identical twins, Benhula who was human in appearence, yet being a hybrid he had the pain resistance and additional heart of a zabrak. While Benida took on more of the traits of his mother.


At about 8 years old a tragedy occured when Benida was kidnapped and taken into imperial space and sold into slavery, Unable to enter imperial space to look for their son, Barltoc and Akaavi assisted the republic in any way possible in order to help defeat the empire, hoping to discover what became of Benida after the war.


Benhula however, grew up learning the talents of both of his parents and eventually became a bounty hunter. Shortly after his 19th birthday he was contacted by Braden and then went on to participate and then win the great hunt. To his surprise he was then summoned to the dark council chamber on dromund kaas, where only one dark council member sat waiting for him, removing his mask he revealed himself to be Benida, the long lost brother to Benhula.


Yet even though Benida had become a member of the dark council, he retained the honor and sense of righteousness taught by his parents in early life. After this the family gathered on nar shaddaa, Barltoc and Akaavi were glad to finally see both of their sons again, and talked about all that had occured over the years.


Akaavi was especially proud of Benhula for his achievements during the great hunt, while also happy that Benida had stayed true to his ideals and hadn't become a typical villain.

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The blood-ties thing in the Legacy never really caught me - I like giving my characters widely-spaced origins - but I do have two characters who only met because I was thinking through Legacy ally possibilities. I have an Agent and a Warrior who would've suited each other for a long time. In endgame my Agent would be inclined to kill Sith on sight...but he doesn't, because he knows at least one who could be reasoned with. He'll at least try negotiation first nowadays. My Warrior is a little past believing in friendship, but she can't just crush mundanes underfoot, not knowing that some of them believe in the Empire as much as she does.


Their interests and experiences diverged wildly by the end, but each one reminds the other of the human (um, or Chiss) element in the population they might otherwise hate. Sometimes that drop of compassion is the only thing keeping them from full-on Dark Side collapse.

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None of my characters are related. I have the most boring legacy graph EVER: allyallyallyallyallyallyallyally.


The galaxy is a big place, and I don't like the idea of all the heroes being related in a galaxy of trillions of sentient beings.


"Oh, yes, daddy is the emperor's wrath, mommy is the commander of Havoc Squad, and Uncle Scratchy over there is the chosen one who defeated the emperor!". Family dynamics can be awesome in an RPG (Turnips!) but...


Edited by Khalhazar
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My JC's got a daughter, Ayang the smuggler, and then adopted a Twi'lek girl named Yasha who became a Knight. Ayang basically hates her mom and is indifferent toward Yasha, but she really hates the Jedi Order because she blames them for separating her and her mom. So every chance she gets to express a distaste for Force-users, she does.


Yasha I see as very emotionally stunted from having been raised by a mostly-absent mother from a young age. I think she's wildly socially inept and very awkward. I think she's very anxious. I'm interested to see if romancing Doc helps her feel more at ease.


My trooper, Serket, is the JC's much younger sister. She's very protective of Ayang and by extension, pretty much everyone. She does her best to stay constant and to avoid any erratic behavior, because her older sister is very erratic.

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I don't think I changed how I play any of my characters since Legacy came out, of course I am not much of a role player and most of this is just bits and pieces in my head. Though I did have to change how they were all connected from what I had originally wanted given the limitations of the Family Tree system.


As such, it starts with my DS Sith Warrior Esh (Male Pure-Blood) who is the Nemesis of my, mostly, LS Jedi Guardian Ihro (Male Miraluka). Esh had a fling with a Chiss woman which produced Velii (Female Chiss) a Neutral Bounty Hunter, have not decided exactly how Jaesa reacted to this <evil grin>. Ihro's apprentice, adopted child, is my LS Jedi Sage Pranoia (Female Pure-Blood) and is the daughter of a Sith Pure-Blood my Guardian met on Tatooine. Pranoia is allies with my LS Sniper Shalaa (Female Rattataki). Esh is a rival of Zilee (Female Twi'lek) a, mostly, DS Sith Assassin, who's daughter is my DS Commando Sylynn (Female Zabrak). Sylynn is the spouse of my Neutral Gunslinger Qizinn (Female Mirialan), they met on Ord Mantell and had an on again off again relationship.

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Main F!JK and Doc is at the top of the tree.


They adopted a twileek who later became a smuggler. She is much influenced by Doc, very much a daddy's girl. She's also a healer, just like dad. But having a Jedi for mom made her a bit more prone to helping the republic out whenever they ask for it and when it is for a good cause. It fit pretty well and I'm having a ton of fun with it.

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Yeah, before Legacy I just made up an idea for a character, not really interested in how they interacted. Because of this there were two spots always open on my character sheet: Inquisitor and Jedi Knight, because for SIs there were too many different characters I wanted to try out, and for JKs I couldn't think of a single character that interested me at all. Seriously, I've exited out of that first JK conversation so many times because I was bored already.


I'd always envisioned my hardass, mean trooper Kestral being an orphan from some crappy backwater. So creating a mother for her - namely a cold, ice queen evil-as-they-come Assassin who abandoned Kestral when she was obviously not force-sensitive - finally helped me pin down my SI. And then say, Kestral having a force-sensitive daughter that she wanted to keep away from the Sith, would be reason for her to join the Republic as well as provide my JK, a girl who will sadly take after her Grammy. Thanks Legacy!

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Yeah, before Legacy I just made up an idea for a character, not really interested in how they interacted. Because of this there were two spots always open on my character sheet: Inquisitor and Jedi Knight, because for SIs there were too many different characters I wanted to try out, and for JKs I couldn't think of a single character that interested me at all. Seriously, I've exited out of that first JK conversation so many times because I was bored already.


I'd always envisioned my hardass, mean trooper Kestral being an orphan from some crappy backwater. So creating a mother for her - namely a cold, ice queen evil-as-they-come Assassin who abandoned Kestral when she was obviously not force-sensitive - finally helped me pin down my SI. And then say, Kestral having a force-sensitive daughter that she wanted to keep away from the Sith, would be reason for her to join the Republic as well as provide my JK, a girl who will sadly take after her Grammy. Thanks Legacy!


Yeah, before Legacy I had an affliction with the Jedis because they were too goody good for me. I never got either past the newb zone. But after Legacy, I have a reason to play them. My JK is a Chiss and my JC is the daughter of a BH and a Mandalorian so I can be a BIT DS and money grubby, but still be LS and <3 the Jedi Order. So much more fun now that I have them all interlinked and such.

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With the Legacy changes it has allowed me to play Two Sith Pure Blood twins.

Going from the Inquisitor storyline(where you are raised from a slave, among other spoilers i shant mention) i have them split up, with the other twin going through his trials as a Jedi now.

I played my Inquisitor heavily light side. More of a person who wanted the secrets he was uncovering about his family, and fighting to surivive. Not evil. With his place cemented on the Council he is trying to change the Empire more to his suiting and look out for his twin.

As such the Jedi twin is a very non traditional Jedi. He doesn't wear the robes, and feels like a lot of the dogma attached to the order is as bad or worse than the Sith dogma he escaped. He knows his brother is with the Sith, but nothing else. He takes the occasional gifts and other benefits from his brother while wondering if he would ever come face to face again.


This was not what i originally planned for my Legacy at all, but once i unlocked the Sith race i couldnt resist.

Ive tied in my other characters as allies or rivals. With my Bounty Hunter being one of the more prominent allies of my now powerful Sith Council member, and intermediary to the Jedi Brother.

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A Sith Inq at the top, [risen from a slave, ancestor of lord Kallig]


a SW as his son [i am from a mighty bloodline! TREMBLE!] and a younger brother being a Jedi. [Thanks Ashara, you witch...]


Unfortunately, seeing Thanaton cavort on the council at the end of the SW story kind of ruins it.

Edited by maxetius
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A Sith Inq at the top, [risen from a slave, ancestor of lord Kallig]


a SW as his son [i am from a mighty bloodline! TREMBLE!] and a younger brother being a Jedi. [Thanks Ashara, you witch...]


Unfortunately, seeing Thanaton cavort on the council at the end of the SW story kind of ruins it.


When things like this happen



my JK saw her Auntie Kaliyo on her ship as a 'hostage' of Doc's, I just make something up in my head that she's aged and is pretending to be a stranger to my JK in case Doc gets butt hurt that I know her and was happy to see her



Most times, in my head, I just rp why something is happening when either the npc should be older/younger/dead. Like it's their twin, or they're ignoring me on purpose (not to insult my LI) or whatever fits in there. Cause my Agent is about 22-23 years older than her daughter.

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uuh, rattataki sorc DS dated a miraluka bounty hunter LS. they had a son (pureblood) DS then broke up, best for son to stick with father cus of force sensitivity. bh found out another pregnancy decided to keep the baby to herself. turned out another rattataki, alien life isnt easy in the empire, so she gave her up for adoption > rep senator and her husband new parents. grew up became a consular LS and started relationship with havoc commander LS, had ''the chosen one'' JK DS as a baby.


agent LS is ally from sorc and dates the DS smuggler female. they had a kid who couldnt stand the carelessness of his mom, so he signed up for rep army and eventually became havoc leader. the one above^


(sorry if anyone alrdy has a story like this one, didnt wanna read before i posted my own :D)

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uuh, rattataki sorc DS dated a miraluka bounty hunter LS. they had a son (pureblood) DS then broke up, best for son to stick with father cus of force sensitivity. bh found out another pregnancy decided to keep the baby to herself. turned out another rattataki, alien life isnt easy in the empire, so she gave her up for adoption > rep senator and her husband new parents. grew up became a consular LS and started relationship with havoc commander LS, had ''the chosen one'' JK DS as a baby.


agent LS is ally from sorc and dates the DS smuggler female. they had a kid who couldnt stand the carelessness of his mom, so he signed up for rep army and eventually became havoc leader. the one above^


(sorry if anyone alrdy has a story like this one, didnt wanna read before i posted my own :D)


Nice. My girls tend to make kiddies with their companion LI. So it looks like my Sith Warrior had a daughter all by herself on my tree. And my Chiss agent is actually an adopted sister, but had to make her an actual sister via Legacy. They need more options...and slots. Got grandbabies to make.

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  • 4 weeks later...

for me the game plot and legacy plot are two different things. They are the same people (personality/alignment) just different stories/universes.


I'm currently working on an entire family of Twi'leks.


Jedi Knight Female will marry Trooper Male Both patriotic.


They will have a smuggler son who rebels from his parents ideals caring more about himself and personal wealth. Much of this stemming from his insecurities in both his parents obsessions with their causes as well as feeling second fiddle to a younger sister that disappeared years ago that the parents always seem to be focused on, often at the expense of the child they still have. He's very embittered towards idealism, and prefers to think for the moment rather than dwelling on the past. He eventually marries an agent that's playing both sides and looking out for herself looking to come out ahead in the end. She respects him and they are both out for numero uno, and as far as they are concerned the galaxy and it's ideals can burn around them. They have two children both daughters. One follows in her parents shoes becoming a ruthless bounty hunter, and the other infatuated with the stories of her grandparents accomplishments runs away to become a jedi councilor.


Meanwhile our smugglers sister grows up as a force sensitive slave captured during an imperial attack while visiting relatives. She eventually rises to a position of prominence despite her heritage and has a daughter who because of her status is allowed to enroll in the sith academy and become a sith warrior.


Eventually the councilor and warrior find out about each other and become rivals, while the bounty hunter takes advantage of the rather violent rivalry between his sister and cousin to benefit himself.


This is a rough outline so far, but it allows for every class and creates an interesting story. Plus I really like Twi'Leks and wanted a family of them. I'll have one server with just Twi'leks, get my Twi'leks out of my system, and use other servers for the other races, and to have room if my Nautolans ever become playable.

Edited by Faerieheart
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My LS Inquisitor has two children. The first is a daughter* with Andronicus, a Pureblood like her. Then Andronicus was killed. Ra'a had an affair with a Chiss smuggler and ended up giving birth to a blue skinned daughter. The children are close in age, but when they were young they were attacked by a rival council member. There was an explosion and Kres'ima's face was scared while Shemesh received three claw marks. Upset, Ra'a got in touch with the smuggler and they arranged for Shemesh to be taken to the Jedi where he would be safer. Kres'ima was too injured though, so she stayed first in Imperial space, then on Csilla.


Shemesh ended up becoming a Jedi knight, though he remained in touch with his mother (part of the agreement.) He ended up secretly having an affair with a fellow, if controversial, Miraluka Council member named Shara'a. They had a son whom Shara'a secretly sent to the Empire. Dismayed, Shemesh broke off the affair and married Kira.


Their son, Poueir, became a Sith warrior. Determined to prove that he carried nothing of his parents feeble Jedi ways he worked hard to become as powerful as possible. The only manner in which he followed either of his parents was in the use of dual blades (as Shemesh did.) He was noted for his harshness and cruelty, but did have some respect for the leader of Havok squad (his cousin, though he didn't know) as she was just as ruthless as him. They had several trysts in various parts of the galaxy.


Meanwhile Kres'ima was sent to the Imperial Military Academy and was trained as an Agent. Despite being kind, if sarcastic and caustic, she had a tremendous respect for the Dark Council leading her to become the Hand of Jadus. She would have an affair with a zabrak Bounty Hunter, Coraen Dur, she hired at one point, and they would have a daughter named Naya Dur. Believing that her daughter should be free to pick her own path and that culture was important, Kres'ima had her daughter raised by Coraen on mandalore. Later Naya would join the Republic's army. Originally gentle and naive, Naya grew hardened by battle and ultimately became known for being a demon in combat and being extraordinarily cold both on and off the battlefield.


Note: Sith can breed with humans. So can Zabraks, Chiss, and Miraluka. Considering how much human blood is in the Sith purebloods it is highly probable that they can interbreed with the Zabraks (the only real question.) Chiss are essentially Blue skinned, red eyed humans. So Chiss can breed with anyone humans can. Ditto for Miraluka.

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I only have two generations in my legacy...


Bounty hunter and smuggler are sisters, Sith Warrior and Trooper are sisters, and they all adopted each other into a little family unit. A slave auction broke up the family, and they ended up scattered. Sith Warrior springs a "You're alive, I'm alive, I really missed you!" on Hunter after she won the Great Hunt. Sith Warrior also found Smuggler by accident (she was hunting Vaverone Zare on Tatooine). Bounty hunter tracks down Smuggler after Taris (she ran into Beryl Thorn, who went "Oh, wow, are you sisters with this smuggler I know?"). Trooper gets brought back into the fold when Havoc Squad gets sent to kill Sith Warrior... oops. Aric Jorgan: "Commander, why are you putting down your rifle? Commander? Commander! Stop hugging the Sith!"


Bounty hunter has multitudes of children with Torian (she takes the "raise warriors" part of the Resol'nare seriously :D). Eldest daughter has a love/hate/sex relationship with a Miraluka Jedi Knight. Sith Warrior and Quinn have a son, which is troublesome because she's Zabrak and he's human... yeah. Smuggler negotiates with the Jedi on Sith Warrior's behalf: The Jedi get the Force-sensitive half-breed if they fake-kidnap the Sith Warrior for the length of her pregnancy so nobody knows. Quinn whines a bit about honor and Sith Warrior smacks him upside the head because she knows racial profiling in the Empire firsthand and doesn't want it for her son. He might become a Consular... undecided.

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Since the family tree was implemented I have noticed that I think very much about who is related with whom and how the characters are and act and try my best to make everything work. My Sith Inquisitor is at the top and the one who started the whole Blackmoore line, she has a Sith Warrior daughter that she recieved months later after spending some time with Urtel Moren on Alderaan. Everyone is LS.


Makes it really fun! :)

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All my characters are allies, except for my IA and JK(whom both are Chiss and brothers). Got a neat story for that, my IA being a double agent is confronted by his brother about being force sensitive but he says that he doesn't want to serve the Empire due to finding out that they are treated like ****. So my IA then sends word to my main character, who is a Smuggler who then picks up my JK and transports him to a Republic Fleet and then beginning his jedi training.
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I haven't planned out my Legacy yet because I'm not too sure on what species I want for my trooper, BH and IA; but so far, my Zabrak inquisitor is an ally to my Pureblood warrior (considered having the inquis to be apprentice to my warr)


My warrior has a sister who is a Jedi consular (All my characters are light sided btw); she is then an ally to my human Jedi knight. Not sure how to connect my Cyborg smuggler, maybe the sister to the Knight. I want to add more family relations to my Legacy so my remaining characters would probably be Purebloods.


My warrior is very big brotherish towards my consular despite them being on opposite sides. If my consular is in trouble, my warrior's ship will come out of nowhere; kill who ever is attacking his sister and then leave. My inquis will sometimes accompany my warr on these rescue missions and they will take turns in dueling the enemy if it's a force user.

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It didn't change how i roleplay my character with the legacy trees in but it actually made me delete a level 40 human because then I realized I wanted to make a family of all Zabrak Brothers. So really if your asking who's at the top of my tree I will just say Cloned Zabraks. Edited by Jonoku
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I do not like the Legacy tree as it is solo play only, I used to play another MMO where you could marry and adopt other player's characters - that in my eyes were legacy gaming where an entire family could go out on an ops/raid/Fp together.


This Legacy BS that is in this game does not do it for me. I love RP but I prefer RP with other players than playing that my jedi knight is the niece of my sith warrior and vette...

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My LS Guardian is the half-brother of my Grey Bounty Hunter, and a rival to my Grey Marauder.


The Bounty-Hunter is a guardian (adopted parent) to my LS Smuggler, who ran away from him when he joined the Mandalorians (she pretty much hates them).


Marauder is a guardian (adopted parent) of my little Assassin who serves as his apprentice.


My LS female Sage and Sniper are both, sisters and rivals, and allies to the Guardian and the Marauder respectively.


My DS Trooper has a bone to pick with my BH and both Sith.




So yeah, no romantic pairings at the moment. Just an uneasy balance.


I do not like the Legacy tree as it is solo play only, I used to play another MMO where you could marry and adopt other player's characters - that in my eyes were legacy gaming where an entire family could go out on an ops/raid/Fp together.


This Legacy BS that is in this game does not do it for me. I love RP but I prefer RP with other players than playing that my jedi knight is the niece of my sith warrior and vette...

Partly agree. I, too, want to add other player's characters to my family tree.

Edited by Helig
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The root of my Legacy is my Smuggler, Captain Germaine Dumas and his wife Moira, a Bounty Hunter. (They have a rather open relationship so they can still [Flirt] with companions. Sex is okay, but no marriage/commitment)

The Sith Darth Lilith once tried to board Germaine's ship in an attempt to get off a planet, but due to her rather childish nature she ended up befriending the captain. When Jedi master Maximillian Payne came to investigate the disturbance in the Force he encountered the little Sith, but rather then killing her he took a scholarly interest in her. He befriended the captain and his unusual company. When Maximllian did not report this to the Order, the Order kept sending out Jedi to find the origin of the disturbance. When a Jedi Knight and the young Padawan Garret Jules confronted Lilith she killed the Knight. The Padawan then fell to the Dark Side in order to destroy Lilith, but he failed. He then became her Acolyte as Darth Exon. Master Maximillian later accepted a Padawan of his own, a Twi'lek girl named Thalia Harret.

In her travels Moira came into contact with the Kiffar(Human ingame) Sniper Seth(under the alias of Quinlan) which she befriended. Another underworld contact of Moira was the Zabrak smuggler Zur Kolar and his Dark Jedi companion Maris Brood(Force Unleashed anyone? I absolutely loved her!)

Captain Germaine was ex-military and during his service he had a relationship with a Vanguard named Violet 'Brawler' Lockheart. But after his squad got wiped in an Imperial Ambush during the war he quit the army and Violet behind. Violet was known for her close combat prowess and she was the only one capable of knocking her drill instructor out in combat when she was but a recruit. Now Violet keep in regular contact with Germaine and has developed a friendly rivalry with his wife Moira


in total:

Scoundrel Germaine (Scrapper)

Gunslinger Zur (Dirty Fighting)

Mercenary Moira (Arsenal)

Vanguard Violet (Tactics)

Shadow Maximillian (Kinetic Combat)

Shadow Thalia (Balance)

Marauder Lilith (Annihilation)

Juggernaut Exon (Immortal)

Sniper Seth (Marksmanship)

Sentinel Maris (Combat)



As you can see, these are more then 8 characters...so I'm hoping for more slots soon.

My characters also have multiple surnames...but we are restricted to one...

I also had to change a few names ingame because they were already taken...

(Too bad Maris can't have the 'guard shoto' style lightsabers...)


Why can;t people have more then one friend?

And why can't we have 'Padawan/Acolyte' as Legacy connection? I want my Jedi/Sith to have students!

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