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New 1.3 Details from MXM Expo 2012!


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Oh thank goodness for only letting big guilds do rated pvp- all the casuals, which make up a vast majority of players- are going to be so excited that they are being shut out of rated pvp gear by this system. I'm pretty sure that this, yet another punch in the throat from BW aimed at casuals- is not going to result in a massive drop in subs when everyone who just wants to pvp a bit for fun is stuck farming a hundred games to get a piece of WH when organized guilds have full sets in half a week.


After all, solo queue rated has never been a popular thing regardless- I mean, look at League of Legends, it's absolutely a fact that a majority of players don't use the solo ranked queue.

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Oh thank goodness for only letting big guilds do rated pvp- all the casuals, which make up a vast majority of players- are going to be so excited that they are being shut out of rated pvp gear by this system. I'm pretty sure that this, yet another punch in the throat from BW aimed at casuals- is not going to result in a massive drop in subs when everyone who just wants to pvp a bit for fun is stuck farming a hundred games to get a piece of WH when organized guilds have full sets in half a week.


After all, solo queue rated has never been a popular thing regardless- I mean, look at League of Legends, it's absolutely a fact that a majority of players don't use the solo ranked queue.


If people just wanna pvp for fun, then they shouldn't worrying about grinding for WH gear if they just wanna have fun.

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If people just wanna pvp for fun, then they shouldn't worrying about grinding for WH gear if they just wanna have fun.


But we also do wanna grind for WH gear for fun...cause it's very fun to get new gear. :o I know the snob reply is snappy & all, but don't think for one second that restricting rated warzones like this won't have a negative impact on casual player subscription retention.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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But we also do wanna grind for WH gear for fun...cause it's very fun to get new gear. :o I know the snob reply is snappy & all, but don't think for one second that restricting rated warzones like this won't have a negative impact on casual player subscription retention.


Casually, you can still grind for the gear. Non-casually, you'll get it faster.

Edited by monkgryphon
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Wow, there really is no pleasing you people. No server merges or transfers? People scream about dead servers. Transfers announced to be coming in a few months? People scream about them not being soon enough. Transfers plus increased server caps announced for 1.3, which is probably not that far away now? People screaming about... the very things everyone was asking for being a sign of doom? :confused:


Seriously, I don't get it.


I know you dont get it.


You think because one person screams about one thing, it must apply to everyone wanting it also!


I never screamed about server transfers or even mergers for that matter...I screamed about WHAT IS CAUSING PLAYERS TO LEAVE IN DROVES...something FANBOYS like you didnt want to hear about because you wanted to pretend that everything was ok just because you were having fun.


An MMORPG needs to cater to more than just YOU and those like YOU otherwise it WILL NOT MAINTAIN A HIGH POPULATION which does NOBODY any good. So remove your head from your backside for a change and stop shutting down people pointing out the flaws and blackholes in the game. You helped Bioware become lazy, you got a nice big carrot with 1.2, a whole lot of nothing adding to the game and they called it a game sized update because they knew the fanboys wont call them out on it...and now we are getting what with 1.3? 3 months later and we are getting JACK to actually expand the GAME.


6 months into release...where the hell is the new CONTENT? Where is the missing MMO aspects left out of release? NOT EVEN A WORD ABOUT IT...


This game has the core design to be for millions of players, instead we are going to end up with a game with a few 100k players by the end of the first year...there is no depth to this game to be receiving next to no new content after 6 months.

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The REAL question is...why arent SWTOR players worried about the super server announcement?


Does not one of you know that is exactly what EA did to DCU and Warhammer right when F2P hit? Just more proof the 1.3 mil sub numbers were fluffed by the 30 free days given out...this is not a good sign folks.


A few higher capacity servers for anyone to move to for free . instead of been on a light server , I do believe with the LFG tool and moving to a server that will have the more active players on will improve your gaming experience. Hey also maybe you can make new friends for your 8 man WZ ques.





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Does not one of you know that is exactly what EA did to DCU and Warhammer right when F2P hit? Just more proof the 1.3 mil sub numbers were fluffed by the 30 free days given out...this is not a good sign folks.


DCU = DCUO? Non sure which game you are referring to.


Warhammer is not F2P. :confused:


ummm couple of things


1. DCUO isn't made by EA.

2. DCUO announced Mega servers after the 1st month.

3. DCUO shut down for 2 months because of the sony hack

4. when it came back NO ONE WAS PLAYING IT.

5. Then it added mega servers and then it went F2P




Next time pay attention to what is actually happening and STOP MAKING STUFF UP.

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I know you dont get it.


You think because one person screams about one thing, it must apply to everyone wanting it also!


I never screamed about server transfers or even mergers for that matter...I screamed about WHAT IS CAUSING PLAYERS TO LEAVE IN DROVES...something FANBOYS like you didnt want to hear about because you wanted to pretend that everything was ok just because you were having fun.


An MMORPG needs to cater to more than just YOU and those like YOU otherwise it WILL NOT MAINTAIN A HIGH POPULATION which does NOBODY any good. So remove your head from your backside for a change and stop shutting down people pointing out the flaws and blackholes in the game. You helped Bioware become lazy, you got a nice big carrot with 1.2, a whole lot of nothing adding to the game and they called it a game sized update because they knew the fanboys wont call them out on it...and now we are getting what with 1.3? 3 months later and we are getting JACK to actually expand the GAME.


6 months into release...where the hell is the new CONTENT? Where is the missing MMO aspects left out of release? NOT EVEN A WORD ABOUT IT...


This game has the core design to be for millions of players, instead we are going to end up with a game with a few 100k players by the end of the first year...there is no depth to this game to be receiving next to no new content after 6 months.


What kind of new content are you looking for though? Single-player add-ons to your story? I wouldn't expect any of that until they raise the level cap. Ops have been coming out at a decent rate, FP's too (most guilds are not through HM Denova yet). Now, ranked war zones is content for PVP'ers. Not sure what else you're looking for after 6 months...

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Oh thank goodness for only letting big guilds do rated pvp- all the casuals, which make up a vast majority of players- are going to be so excited that they are being shut out of rated pvp gear by this system. I'm pretty sure that this, yet another punch in the throat from BW aimed at casuals- is not going to result in a massive drop in subs when everyone who just wants to pvp a bit for fun is stuck farming a hundred games to get a piece of WH when organized guilds have full sets in half a week.


After all, solo queue rated has never been a popular thing regardless- I mean, look at League of Legends, it's absolutely a fact that a majority of players don't use the solo ranked queue.


You are right, look at LoL, there a reason the term ELO hell exists. you could be the best pvper, Lol player, Gamer in the world, and still get held back by the people who have no idea what they are doing in the game but still insist on qing solo.

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Oh thank goodness for only letting big guilds do rated pvp- all the casuals, which make up a vast majority of players- are going to be so excited that they are being shut out of rated pvp gear by this system. I'm pretty sure that this, yet another punch in the throat from BW aimed at casuals- is not going to result in a massive drop in subs when everyone who just wants to pvp a bit for fun is stuck farming a hundred games to get a piece of WH when organized guilds have full sets in half a week.


After all, solo queue rated has never been a popular thing regardless- I mean, look at League of Legends, it's absolutely a fact that a majority of players don't use the solo ranked queue.


Join a guild?

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... Transfers plus increased server caps announced for 1.3, which is probably not that far away now? .....)


Hmmm, where you get increased server caps in 1.3? On the contrary the convention in London showed that the dude spoke a tad too soon, and all we'll get "soon" is free transfers to designated servers.

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I know you dont get it.

6 months into release...where the hell is the new CONTENT? Where is the missing MMO aspects left out of release? NOT EVEN A WORD ABOUT IT...

Could you tell us what you want ?

2 FP / 2 Ops / 1 WZ added in 6 months.

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What kind of new content are you looking for though? Single-player add-ons to your story? I wouldn't expect any of that until they raise the level cap. Ops have been coming out at a decent rate, FP's too (most guilds are not through HM Denova yet). Now, ranked war zones is content for PVP'ers. Not sure what else you're looking for after 6 months...


Dump new Ops or FPs, those last a week, what kind of "content" is that supposed to be? The game needs more aspects than combat, more combat, and on top of that some good old... combat.

They don´t even manage player created content, there already could be hundred Warzone MODs/maps, but we´ve got lousy 3, then 4 since when.. December?

And what is with Ilum?

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1.3 looks VERY nice! Extremely nice! I think there will be a lot more stuff in this patch than they say that will help the game. 1.3 looks to put it back into that "mmo" thing people were yellijng and screaming about. :) I can't wait! Teleport ftw!! WEEE
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At this point in time I'd happy with hood down armor models and better armor models for Republic. It's been 6 months and you still look gimp when playing Jedi :D.


So far 1.3 is adding features which should have been there months ago but better late than never.

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Dump new Ops or FPs, those last a week, what kind of "content" is that supposed to be? The game needs more aspects than combat, more combat, and on top of that some good old... combat.

They don´t even manage player created content, there already could be hundred Warzone MODs/maps, but we´ve got lousy 3, then 4 since when.. December?

And what is with Ilum?


player made content? that would suck... this isnt a fps or some crap..it would be horrible to have player maps

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player made content? that would suck... this isnt a fps or some crap..it would be horrible to have player maps


Then play the stock four WZs forever, if you prefer that, I don`t.


Besides, you don´t seem to have a clue about the fact that the most genius maps in many shooters were player made mods.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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I just wish all of this info was in one place... why do we have to go through random websites and sources to get the info? They should be posting this on the front page, get people excited about 1.3, be clear about whats coming and whats not, etc.


Tanking changes and what I posted on this thread, this is all missing from the official stuff they are telling people on here.

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  • [47:00] Companions appearance kits == ok system. Still working on a more extensive system.
  • [52:00] Legacy tree: master and apprentice link to be added sometime soon. More than one link to another character in the legacy tree == will consider that but complex to add.
  • [53:00] Neutral alignment gear probably coming either in 1.3 or 1.4. Mentioned as an important feature.


Seriously Emmanuel Lusinchi should be either put in charge of all the communication or even better as Producer of the game. Because not only he's one of the few that has a clue about MMO in general but also he's great at explaining features without venting how great they are nor being condescending either.



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Oh thank goodness for only letting big guilds do rated pvp- all the casuals, which make up a vast majority of players- are going to be so excited that they are being shut out of rated pvp gear by this system. I'm pretty sure that this, yet another punch in the throat from BW aimed at casuals- is not going to result in a massive drop in subs when everyone who just wants to pvp a bit for fun is stuck farming a hundred games to get a piece of WH when organized guilds have full sets in half a week.


After all, solo queue rated has never been a popular thing regardless- I mean, look at League of Legends, it's absolutely a fact that a majority of players don't use the solo ranked queue.


How are they preventing casuals from participating in Rated WZ? All they said is it takes 8 people to que up for Rated WZ. Guilds may have an easier time of getting a group together but there is nothing saying that Casual players can't get a group of 8 and que up.


Start a guild for casual players, maybe you will generate enough members to have 8 players to group for a Rated WZ once a month. If you want to do Rated WZ more than that then you are more than a casual player.

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