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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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Out of 1.3 million or whatever it is, I figure some of us must be.


I don't have any major complaints about TOR at the minute, save the awful 50 PvP armor. I've got two at 50, two more at 34 and 40 respectively, and I'm still having a blast playing. Then I come on the forums and it's almost incessant, overwhelming negativity to the point where I wonder why these apparent hordes of rabid anti-TOR users are still playing.


Anyone else out there actually enjoying themselves?

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I have no complaints about the game currently. If people give it a chance i think it will grow to be something great. I know it has been in development for years but it has only been out a few months. People need to give it some time.
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It's awesome and the guild I'm in is growing very fast. The only time I see complaints is in this forum.


I just asked my friend in the guild today if he liked Diablow 3 and he said he enjoys TOR so much he hasn't even logged into his Diablow account.


Diablow3 the 60$ single player online only, rental you'd be playing if only it's servers weren't down.

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I still love it. And I'll speak for my entire guild, too, who still loves it very much, since they refuse to come to these forums.


I think the people in guilds are much happer than those that aren't.. I am not bored.. I am gearing myself, my companions and have some alts in the making.. I play every day.. Looking forward to the next patch.. I always have a ready made group whenever I need one, be it heroics, flashpoints, operations, warzones, or whatever..


The only LFG system we need.. A guild.. :cool:

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I think the people in guilds are much happer than those that aren't.. I am not bored.. I am gearing myself, my companions and have some alts in the making.. I play every day.. Looking forward to the next patch.. I always have a ready made group whenever I need one, be it heroics, flashpoints, operations, warzones, or whatever..


The only LFG system we need.. A guild.. :cool:


/1 Looking for guild will play for fun

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I liked the game up until I watched the 1.3 features video. Although I have not had much time to play this semester of college due to way to much work, I still like the game. Then I heard they are implementing a LFG tool. Now I am placing my bets for how long it will take for the game to die like all other MMOs that focus on the WoW-&*#$ instead of their fan-base .
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Happy as a lark... no major problems other than the endgame issues which I know they'll be working on as I work on other characters. I would never expect a brand new MMO to have a worthwhile endgame strategy 6 months out from launch, especially with as much as they put into the story.


Story is just fine with me. This is the only game I play anymore.

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So... who's actually happy with the game?


Let the answer be... if I were really unhappy, I would not even care to play...and neither write in the forums.

There are some part of the Game I am very happy with, and (naturally) other parts I am not very happy with.


How can I express my feeling. Maybe best in an illustration. Think of a beautiful painting, painted by a master painter.

The Master finishes half of the painting and than tells his apprentices to paint the remainder. This, to me, is SWTOR.


The Game is (in my opinion) only half finished. Somewhere, at sometime, people got in there who either do not share the views of the original creators, or are simply inept. After a superb start...suddenly, less then mediocrity. It appears like two totally different teams worked on the game. One a master team and one a kindergarten team.


I can only hope that the Master Team has not left altogether, for if the kindergarten stuff continues... then I will be really unhappy.


As to what most of the players don't like...read the forums. As what people like...read the forums. As for those who do not participate in the forums.... I wonder if they care at all.

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I play quite often. I usually NEVER post on the forums, and I couldn't care less for the TOR-bashing going on out there. I still love the game, and if I experience crashes or glitches, I very calmly close the game and re-open and everything is fine again. I don't PVP much at all, mostly because I'm bad at it. I still wish they made (or will make) another single-player KOTOR-esque game as that's what made me fall in the love in the first place. But all aside, I really love the game and the saga and I think they've done an extraordinary job of making me want to continuously play for hours, even after I'm tired and frustrated.


I have one thing that I wouldn't say I don't like, but that I wish was handled better. I know that BW and EA are both very busy, and that they really are trying their best to make this game as great as possible. I respect that. I just personally wish that we received more information about where things are at in development process, more recognition of customer concerns, and generally just more feedback to us about what's going on behind closed doors. No matter what they say at this point, people will comment on it saying that they suck and are worse people than Satan. They really should just suck it up a bit and post some more regular and detailed updates so that I feel more comfortable that they are still working hard. The people who post mean and angry remarks will do it whether they update or not.


Plus, in this economy, they could help out by creating some more jobs in the social media field!



In case you're reading this post and think I'm 100% content, I fully comprehend most of what some players are angry about, and I myself have my own frustrations and concerns. I think you all have a right to be tiffed and have your opinion about the game. Posting angrily in all caps won't change a thing about what's going on to the game. Might as well save that time for other games you're more interested in - or in the case you feel the need to make your voice heard, at least do it in a professional way that leaves you with some dignity. As a leader of many groups for work, I know that I pay more attention to the guy who voices concerns scholarly and with a sense of dignity than the guy who is profane and disrespectful.

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Overall, I was happy with the game until I started to get to the mid-story planets and there was nobody there to group with...


Now I'm just putting stuff back up on GTN every so often and wasting time while waiting for some kind of transfers/merges or whatever they are doing.


I already played farther than I wanted to and missed some of the heroic content I wanted to see on a few planets, so I don't want to keep going until I can go back and knock them out and see the new planets group content...


I'm curious how their metrics are measuring my logging in just for GTN and then logging off and going and playing Starcraft II...


I also am not happy with how they are handling customer service on these forums. There was a guy that posted a 'HELP' type thread because he'd come up against a couple fights he couldn't get past, and instead of letting some of the players give him some helpful advice, they locked it down. (Which would've been another lost subscriber.) But I noticed it and private messaged the guy and ended up explaining some stuff he didn't understand about the game (He was brand new to MMOs), and might have kept one of their subscribers around for a little longer.


This is not how you keep your subscribers around...


Combine that with this behavior...




...and I'm starting to wonder what the heck is going on over at the Dev offices, since they are barely giving us any info.


But, I'm a die-hard gamer and have seen lots of bad behavior, so I'm not scared off...YET.


Hopefully they will turn everything around and I can get back to enjoying the game like I want to be...

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I have played since the minute they let the first pass of early access in, and never have i thought about quitting. That's not to say that i don't have my list of things i don't like with the game but i tend to focus on why i like a game instead of looking for ways to say i don't like it.


I love creating alts and playing through the stories using the different styles of combat. I love the interaction between you and your companions and really enjoy the quests/convos that come along with them. Really like the interactive flashpoints and the little amount of raiding i have done i enjoyed as well (still haven't done the new one, but i can't wait to try the new op). The Legacy system was a nice addition and really incentivized leveling through other classes/ACs and exploring aspects of the game that you normally wouldn't (such as exploring another class and leveling through the story b/c of the benefits tied into the legacy system). The warzones are ok, but for a start i think they did it right, they just need to expand on the idea and do different objectives/bigger maps/bigger team sizes to create a little variety.


But, while i love the game, my biggest beef is with the serious lack of open world pvp, and my guild jumped from another game only to be extremely dissatisfied. We came from SWG, where the rewards weren't really all that great except the GCW buffs. So we were not really looking to be seriously rewarded for the pvp, we just wanted pvp to be there in the open world. Ilum was a start, but just kept getting worse and worse with all the changes they kept putting through till they just completely ripped it out. And then when they tied rewards for pvp to the warzones (which majority of my guild could only put up with so long) it really made the pvp that much more unenjoyable since it became a boring, simplistic, time consuming grind to get the gear.


Anyways, still love the game, just wish they had a better world pvp system. I know people will say "just go out and create your own if your not worried about the rewards", but the problem lies with getting others to think along those lines and come to pvp even though they may not be rewarded for it. I'll be here for a while, Bioware has a pretty good track record with their games and I have faith that they can get things turned around and head this game in a really good direction.

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Quite happy with the game. My main's server is one of the servers that got hit pretty hard when D3 came out but players are slowly coming back. Our guild, like the server's community, remains tight and active. The game itself is still highly entertaining for me (main on each side is progressing through HMs.) I'm also gearing companions, leveling a few alts and maxing my crafting which makes decent coin on the GTN while allowing me to help outfit guildies in the process.


They fixed the queues & ability delay early on, and as a 20 hour a week player since day 1 of early access haven't come close to burning through end game. Beating any game as fast as I can isn't a priority for me. Really liked 1.2's UI and am anxious to test 1.3's LFG and WZs on the PTS. Also looking forward to see how the combination of character transfers and a seriously improved LFG advances the community.


Unlike some, not having everything right this very second isn't a deal breaker for me, online or IRL (unless it effects my business or our clients.) If the game fades, I'll play it until it fades because it's a fun game to play. If it doesn't fade then I'll keep playing it. Either way, I'll continue playing it. I'm not an MMO vagabond whose personal fulfillment hinges on whether or not a game is competitive in the market place. I'm Spicoli like that with my extracurricular time. All I need are some tasty waves, cool buds, and I'm fine.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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I couldn't be happier. In just 6 months the game has progressed so much. I'll be here till the end.


This x9000.

The game is quite a lot of fun for me. Playing multiple characters with something to do every day is also great. The only downside is not having enough time in a single day to reach a level goal. Apart from the swarm of content locusts, I'd say this game replaces the hole that THAT OTHER GAME left. I am already foaming at the new features patch.

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