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Instead of merges or transfers, why not do a re-launch?


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BW/EA doesn't want to do merges because of the bad PR that comes from them. Transfers don't seem like the right solution to the problem, since they're best for solving population balance issues (too many players of faction X on server Y, not enough on server Z). The problem right now is an overall population one, since the servers couldn't handle the load at release players chose servers without queues so the playerbase is spread over too many servers.


Back at launch earlier preorders were given priority, so they got to select names they liked on their servers. It may be a small percentage of players, but some would like to hold onto their names. If they are merged into a server, there's a pretty high chance that someone on the target server already has their names locked up. This chance is less for transfers since players get to select among a number of servers. In both cases it eliminates the preorder advantage.


Instead, why not essentially re-launch the game? Figure out the real current population and open the appropriate number of brand new servers and allow transfers in the preorder order only to those servers. After that non-preorders could go in the order they subscribed. That way the preorder customers get a high chance of retaining their names. BW/EA even gets the better PR of opening new servers.

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this is my first mmo, so i had no idea i was expected to choose a name that no one else would want in order for server transfers (had no idea that would happen) to go smoothly. Since we want to keep our guild in tact, and I have like 5 popular names, how am I suppose to keep my names and transfer with my guild, to a populated server?


What I hope happens is that new servers will be created that guilds and individuals will sign up for. When people try to go onto a server, it will say, someone on that server already has your name, would you like to join one of these other severs... and it pops up a list. it will have a similar prompt for guilds, so u can be sure to goto a server that will not make one of your members rename their character. A small enough number of servers, and a prioritized list of suggested servers will ensure that these new servers are properly populated.

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While the idea sounds great on paper, it is not so good in actual scenario.


Players tend to get pretty tied to their characters. Some hang on hoping for the next "miracle" patch. If you were to wipe everything (starting from scratch) and do a relaunch, I have a feeling more will leave.


There are some gear in the game that cannot be obtain anymore (limited edition bikes and Centurian armor) so people losing those will be upset.


Not to mention all the crafting materials, rare items they found, and sundries of item.

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BW/EA doesn't want to do merges because of the bad PR that comes from them. Transfers don't seem like the right solution to the problem, since they're best for solving population balance issues (too many players of faction X on server Y, not enough on server Z). The problem right now is an overall population one, since the servers couldn't handle the load at release players chose servers without queues so the playerbase is spread over too many servers.


Back at launch earlier preorders were given priority, so they got to select names they liked on their servers. It may be a small percentage of players, but some would like to hold onto their names. If they are merged into a server, there's a pretty high chance that someone on the target server already has their names locked up. This chance is less for transfers since players get to select among a number of servers. In both cases it eliminates the preorder advantage.


Instead, why not essentially re-launch the game? Figure out the real current population and open the appropriate number of brand new servers and allow transfers in the preorder order only to those servers. After that non-preorders could go in the order they subscribed. That way the preorder customers get a high chance of retaining their names. BW/EA even gets the better PR of opening new servers.


You are INSANE!!!

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this is my first mmo, so i had no idea i was expected to choose a name that no one else would want in order for server transfers (had no idea that would happen) to go smoothly. Since we want to keep our guild in tact, and I have like 5 popular names, how am I suppose to keep my names and transfer with my guild, to a populated server?


What I hope happens is that new servers will be created that guilds and individuals will sign up for. When people try to go onto a server, it will say, someone on that server already has your name, would you like to join one of these other severs... and it pops up a list. it will have a similar prompt for guilds, so u can be sure to goto a server that will not make one of your members rename their character. A small enough number of servers, and a prioritized list of suggested servers will ensure that these new servers are properly populated.


See server mergers and character transfers sound soo easy to do in theory. It just causes more problems if not done right. But people want what they want now. If people had patience from the beginning of this game's pre-launch, server mergers probably would not be needed. Now probably those same people want mergers/transfers ASAP. Can't win either way with these people.

Edited by stineo
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BW/EA doesn't want to do merges because of the bad PR that comes from them. Transfers don't seem like the right solution to the problem, since they're best for solving population balance issues (too many players of faction X on server Y, not enough on server Z). The problem right now is an overall population one, since the servers couldn't handle the load at release players chose servers without queues so the playerbase is spread over too many servers.


Back at launch earlier preorders were given priority, so they got to select names they liked on their servers. It may be a small percentage of players, but some would like to hold onto their names. If they are merged into a server, there's a pretty high chance that someone on the target server already has their names locked up. This chance is less for transfers since players get to select among a number of servers. In both cases it eliminates the preorder advantage.


Instead, why not essentially re-launch the game? Figure out the real current population and open the appropriate number of brand new servers and allow transfers in the preorder order only to those servers. After that non-preorders could go in the order they subscribed. That way the preorder customers get a high chance of retaining their names. BW/EA even gets the better PR of opening new servers.


Bad idea.

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BW/EA doesn't want to do merges because of the bad PR that comes from them. Transfers don't seem like the right solution to the problem, since they're best for solving population balance issues (too many players of faction X on server Y, not enough on server Z).


No, free transfers are server merges by another name (and allow players more choice, which is a good thing). I predict they will offer players on servers A-I the choice of a free transfer to server X, Y or Z. Repeat that across all the servers and they will quickly up the populations on the servers they have picked to get population boosts.


The PR for a relaunch would be far worse than that for merges.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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This is brilliant. Maybe do a character wipe as well to get the questing planet populations up! Also just have 10 servers instead of 200something! Nothing says success like server queues to get on! DO THIS BW! NOW!
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They need to do server merges and PR it with some kind of good news. When people transfer out of dead servers, some server will literally have maybe a dozen people playing them (those who don't know how to transfer).


Makes 0 sense keeping as many servers on as their are now. At least half of them need to go on the US side.

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Sounds like a rediculous idea, but its been done before. I dont think its ever been successful and i dont know if this game has lost enough subs yet to try something so drastic but how do we know how many people are left payng for this game.
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I'm not suggesting they'd call it a re-launch. It would need some spin. I can't be the only one bothered that I might lose character names to people who don't play anymore. I'm only talking about opening new servers for the transfers and offering the transfers in some fair-ish order.
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I'm not suggesting they'd call it a re-launch. It would need some spin. I can't be the only one bothered that I might lose character names to people who don't play anymore. I'm only talking about opening new servers for the transfers and offering the transfers in some fair-ish order.


That is actualy a very good alternative, i too have a problem with losing my legacy or character name to someone who does not play anymore because i have to move servers. Another alternative would be to make the people who unsubbed change their names, but in general pissing people off is not a good way to make people keep paying for your game.

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That is actualy a very good alternative, i too have a problem with losing my legacy or character name to someone who does not play anymore because i have to move servers. Another alternative would be to make the people who unsubbed change their names, but in general pissing people off is not a good way to make people keep paying for your game.


The easy way to do this, even with merges is take the approach SOE took with DCUO. In the event of a conflict priority went to the toon with the most play time. Only damn thing they ever did right with that game tbh.

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Some of you are going to be forced to choose.


You should consider your options, and make your choice now, or soon.


1) You will remain on your current server, however sparsely populated, and keep your names and legacy name.

2) You will move to a more populated server, and be lucky enough to keep your names and legacy name.

3) You will move to a more populated server, and be forced to change some or all of your names and legacy name.

4) You will be lucky enough to be on one of the new "Target Servers", not have to move, and have your population grow anyway.


Might want to think it over. If you aren't lucky enough to be in category 4, your choice will be between the certainty of option 1 and the uncertainty of options 2 and 3.

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a relaunch usually means wiping everything. Them doing a relaunch without completely revamping the game would be the dumbest thing ever, because I am guessing that half of the people currently playing will not return if they're coming back to the same ol same ol. I have friends with multiple 50s, i'm certain they don't want to go through the exact same leveling experience all over again just because Bioware isn't willing to admit to their mistake and merge servers.
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Some of you are going to be forced to choose.


You should consider your options, and make your choice now, or soon.


1) You will remain on your current server, however sparsely populated, and keep your names and legacy name.

2) You will move to a more populated server, and be lucky enough to keep your names and legacy name.

3) You will move to a more populated server, and be forced to change some or all of your names and legacy name.

4) You will be lucky enough to be on one of the new "Target Servers", not have to move, and have your population grow anyway.


Might want to think it over. If you aren't lucky enough to be in category 4, your choice will be between the certainty of option 1 and the uncertainty of options 2 and 3.


The certainty of option 1 only lasts until they decide to shut down the really dead servers and merge anyway.

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I don't think the OP meant wiping everyone's characters. just sort of re-shuffling the servers.


BW would open up X number of "new" servers (actually just creating a few virtual servers on physical servers with light loads... i.e. dead servers). BW knows how many active accounts and characters it has, it can decide how many servers it needs for a good population on each.


BW would announce starting ... say (pulling a date out of my ***** here).. as of 6/30/12 everyone will choose a server in the order they pre-ordered or signed up after launch. at 7am pst the first group gets to pick servers, at 8am the next... etc.. if you miss your time, you can simply log in and pick your spot/s.


When your time comes, you would log in, and assign each of your characters to one of the new servers.


What servers will be available will come out well before hand so guilds can plan which server to join.


Until your group comes up, you can simply play on your old server.


Yea, this will make for a very busy saturday for BW employees redistributing virtual space to the servers as people leave the old ones and join the new ones.. But considering how dead some servers are, I'm sure they have plenty of extra space to play with. on Tuesday maintenance they can redistribute what physical servers are running which game servers


You would not lose your characters or stuff, just move them to one of the new servers.


Just a pulled out of my *** shot in the dark, but it sounds interesting. I'm sure I missed huge problems with the idea, but it was worth a shot.

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