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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.4 What do you want?

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1. Fix static feel of NPCs and planets overall. Improve mob A.I.

2. Replace loading screens and introduce better transitional cutscenes/Star Wars like loading panels

3. Add PhysX effects to engine (see upcoming MMOs for reference)

4. Add Minigames (e.g Pazaak, Togruta, Podracing, 3D Chess) and fully functional Nar Shaddaa Casino

5. Improve engine performance / FPS issues / lags / UI freezing

6. Merge servers or offer easy (free) transfers / work on single server shards

7. Polish graphics glitches, texture quality and blocky shadows

8. Watch Huttball LIVE in Cantinas, on ship and in Huttball Arena - bet on Huttball results in Cantinas and Casino

9. a) Special Minigame for Lightsaber users:

(e.g. a small training ball on board of the ship, controlling quickevents to hit the ball)

9. b) Special Minigame for Blaster wielders:

(e.g. Holographic moving targets on board ship, controlling quickevent to hit target)

10. Pokeman style pet battles, interactivity for pets (feeding, taking for a walk, growing)

11. LFG Tool, Cross-server LFR tool for Raid grouping

12. Huttball Leagues (with team rankings)

13. Using ALTs as Companions, Legacy "Family" stories unfolding at special places

14. Space sandbox, colonize and mine asteroids, space stations and competing forces

15. Proper off-rails PvP/PvE space combat

16. Ingame event calender

17. Set bounty on players

18. Intergalactic Radio shows

19. Collect DNA samples from animals/vegetation - clone your custom pet

20. Brain challenging quests with puzzles instead of grind only, less click x kill x

21. Day/Night/Weather cycles

22. Sandbox x-server housing areas to build player settlements/guild cities (e.g. add one new x-server planet)

23. Reduce cost of Legacy unlocks to reasonable credit prices, enable some unlocks by level only

24. Repeatable Quest markers, different types of markers on quest givers (already done - blue, below level - grey, heroics red, ...)

25. Re-Design some of the non-starwars-looking endgame armor pieces

26. Companions interacting with each other on the ship (random animations, chattering, walking through ship)

27. Monthly world events similiar to Rakghoul outbreak

28. In-Game Browser similiar to EvE to prevent alt-tabbing outside of the game if you need to look up something

29. Make all mounts and taxis capable for two persons so you can ride with your companion. Astromech companion should follow like a pet.

30. Customize faces, bodysizes and names of companions

31. Map Improvements - option for rotating maps, green color for player position marker, set map markers and notepad, different color for map icons of different types.

32. Give meaning to using mod stations (reduced prices for removing Mods, reward with discovered schematic,...)

33. Toggle Hood On/Off

34. Quick travel map lacks necessary information on quests - merge with standard map

35. Better more deep management for companion stats and gear on ship

36. Pet Kennel on Ship to watch inactive pets feeding / playing with each other

37. Color Matching for companion armor appearance

38. Make Ship robot 100% customizable, not just as a healer

39. Chat Bubbles

40. More Character Slots

41. Dual Spec

42. Epic, legendary gear with top notch stats which drops 1 / 1.000.000 chance of killed mobs, ability to show off epic visual appearance of item to other players

43. Monthly World Events

44. Player created content on new sandbox planets (e.g. Set up a speeder racetrack on ENDOR, sell it as a Quest)

45. A 64-Bit multithread Client to make use of high amounts of RAM like 8-16 GB (right now 32-Bit Single thread)

46. Cross-Server neutral GTN to replace the current GTN system and to fix economy on low-populations server

47. Lockable camera setting (distance, angle) and quick recall of different settings with hotkeys


Even though I already posted, I want all of this.

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Here's my personal list. Most of these have been mentioned already, some haven't. I added a little bit of description where I thought it was necessary:


- Add a plastic surgeon's office to the capital worlds so we can change our appearance after character creation.


- Speed up all vehicles considerably. Seriously, the differences between L1, L2, and L3 are almost not noticable unless running right next to each other. IMHO, these should be L1 = 100%, L2 = 125%, and L3 - 150%.


- More tradeskill love. Now that non-socketed items are nearly irrelevant, you need to give Synthweaving, Armormech, and Armstech some love especially at the end-game. These tradeskills are almost entirely worthless at the end-game. Each tradeskill really should have something to contribute at the end-game, and the new Augments are a nice start! More and varied consumables would be great too. And, make more "unlimited use" consumables! These are awesome, you just need to give them to more than just Biochem so that things are more balanced. Remember....reward the players that work the hardest with the best rewards.


- Dual Spec. Come on, it's time. There's no legitimate, rational reason to not have this in the game by now.


- Continued performance optimizations. I know you're working on this continually, but, keep making this a priority. Load times need to keep coming down and lag in high population zones (Read: The Fleets) needs to keep getting reduced especially now that server populations are back in full.


- More Space Combat missions. Make some missions that use group mechanics so 2 or more people can play these together at the same time like a Flashpoint. Add a "Story Mode" and a "Hard Mode" to each of the Space Missions and reward the HMs with additional exp, credits and comms. How about "bosses" within these space missions that are either required for that mission or optional and give additional exp/credits/comms when destroyed?


- Guild Capital Ships.


- Personally, I'd like to see more differentiation between 8-man and 16-man Ops. 16-man Ops are harder in every way, therefore, I feel they should not only offer MORE loot, they should be the only source for the BEST loot as well. I know this is a pretty controversial topic. But again, I feel strongly that the players that put in the most work and kill the hardest bosses should be rewarded with the best loot. And, there's no doubt whatsoever that the 16-man Ops are significantly harder in every regard, let alone logistics, than the 8-mans.


- New, additional, EPIC Class Quests unique to each Advanced Class that reward the player ultimately with a "game changing" item for their Advanced Class. Most quests in game have 1 or perhaps 2 stpes before they're completed. Some of the longer quests might have 3 or 4. I'm talking about a 25 step quest where there's NO hand holding and the individual class communities have to really work to figure out the puzzles. At the end, perhaps the Sith Marauder might get rewarded with a Legendary set of light sabers that of course have a Color Crystal, Hilt, Mod, Enhancement, and Aug slots...but ALSO has an innate "proc" that has a 10% chance to go off and when it does, it hits for say 1000 internal damage and heals you for the same amount. Something like that tuned for each advanced class would create a LOT of excitement to solve the Epic Class Quests to get these items. Later Expansions could add new steps to the quest line which reward the player with even more upgrades to the Weapon/Item.


- HUGE expansion of the Legacy System and combine this with a shift to Exp based Legacy Percs rather than buying them with credits. I'll go into details on this topic in a stand-alone post.


- Macro System. Why was this not in at launch??? You don't have to open things up so much that everyone is just hitting one key the entire combat sequence like in some MMOs, but, please for the love of all that is good, give us a LITTLE functionality here! As a reference, I always thought EQ1 had a nice balance and WoW's was a bit too much.


- Another full Operation that's parallel to EC in terms of difficulty and drops.


- More character slots per server. Perhaps even make this a Legacy perk. Perhaps 5 distinct levels and 2 new character slots per level??


- Guild Perks. I know we hate to copy WoW, but they got this one right straight away. Also, it's a very easy way to add additional content and perks to the game for minimal development.


- An in-depth dye system for coloring and customizing your armor.


- a HUGE expansion to the gear and customization for player's Ships. Right now, there's only 1 single selection for a given slot on your ship at level. Give us some choices and selection. How about "Orange" gear in those ship slots with new types of modifications that can be made by players? See...this could give some of those lacking professions a bit of new life! Also, missles need to ramp up damage in addition to how many we can carry with each "tier" of ship upgrades. Once my ship is max'd out, the blasters/phasers do almost as much damage as a missle...that simply shouldn't ever happen.


- More Minigames. Pazaak gambling with NPCs AND fellow PCs would be great. Pod racing with nice credit rewards.


- Companion expansion. Let me get ANY of the companions from other classes once I reach a certain level (perhaps 50? maybe 45?). THEN, let me give them the abilities I want from a pool. This way I can craft a melee DPS companion or a ranged tank at my own discretion. Perhaps a small talent tree to go along with this that's set to each class arch-type.


- A fully customizable UI. It would be even nicer if this was XML based. Give us the ability to create our own UI elements. Nothing fancy, just a bit of our own style and taste to put into the game.


- 5 more levels and a Chapter 4 that's specific to the Advanced Class not just the arch-type.


- More emphasis on Achievements. This is not nearly prominent enough in the game right now. And, this needs to have a score to apply to it. Once again, I hate to mention "that other game" again, but, WoW did this nearly perfectly. Just copy that system and we'll be perfectly happy.


- This one is a bit more subjective, but, when playing with an EQ1 buddy of mine who was new to the game, he said everything around him felt "dead". You can't interact at all with most of the NPCs or the environment. I know it's a GARGANTUAN amount of work, but, bring some life and personality to these NPCs...no voice acting is necessary. Give the worlds around us some depth and distinction with the NPCs and environments you've already created.


- A mentor/side-kick system. Some other MMOs have already done a very good job with this and SWTOR seems like the perfect IP to have this as well. Plus, it'll really help the existing player base bring new players into the game.


- More playable races. One of the defining characteristics of the Star Wars universe is the VAST number of different races that interact. ALL of these should be available to players AND have distinct, good, and usable racial bonuses. Perhaps some of these with truly exceptional racial bonuses have to be unlocked.


- Have player decisions during quests mean something later in the game and have consequences with teeth! Just as one example, for the players on Droumnd Kaas, their decisions surrounding the Revanites quest line/initiation could tie into possible Legacy options later in the game or at least play into The Foundry FP. Weave this into the fabric of your universe in a dense and meaningful way and I think a LOT of very good things will happen in the player base. Just having light side/dark side and companion reputation adjustments isn't enough. those really don't have teeth to them. Weave these decisions into core story elements for the player that affect options and quests later down the road.


- Shared bank tab(s) between all your characters. This could also perhaps be another Legacy perk.


- Solo and/or 2-player FPs and Ops with up to 4 players. Reduced quality drops, but running the same exact content, just tuned for the number of players.


- Many more World Events/GM Events like the Rakghoul Event. Things like this add flavor and color to the virtual world. Players feel engaged when they get to experience these events. Design and implement more and more of these ASAP! There was tangible excitement in-game during this event. You guys hit a real home-run with it...do it more!


- Make the client a true 64-bit, multi-threaded client. I was surprised to be told it wasn't already.


- Expansion on Light/Dark ranks beyond 5. Perhaps expand this to 10 and provide some actual perks for achieving ranks, such as damage bonus on force attacks, or increased buff duration, or a passive, innate alacrity increase. Something tangible that helps but isn't game breaking.


I think that's a good list for now...



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Stuff from KOTOR:

Customization station on my ship would be awesome

Swoop racing, with storyline

Pazaak in cantinas for money and/or bonus rested xp, and an "expert" storyline, PVP pazaak as well



Other things:

More warzones with an option to opt out of Huttball, perhaps with incentives to opt in?

Crew Skills app for my android

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We just need one thing......Something to do between doing things. As in, something to do while waiting on groups to form or in a pvp queue.


Right now the only options are to troll general or tell my crew to do stuff and then wait on them to finish...while I troll general.


So adding a real profession might work. Adding a casino in that ready made casino on Nar Shadaa would work. I mean that can't be that hard, a simple blackjack, pazaak or slot machine would suffice and give us something to burn credits on.


Anything to make the world seem more alive. Right now it feels like I am playing a game made in 1999 but with modern gfx.


Simple, subtle changes would do a world of good.


I hate to use an example from WoW but I'm thinking a prof like fishing or archeology. A time sink that is fun. Or an area like the Darkmoon Faire, a spot where you can just burn time playing mini games while waiting on other things to happen. These are time sinks that people actually enjoy and therefore are valuable to the MMO.

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Was just thinking about 1.3 and it looks good and all but what about 1.4 i know its ages away an all but what do you think/want to be in it?


Thanks :rak_01:


1. Cross server Rated/Regular WZ's


2. Ability to solo queue for Rateds.


3. A heavy focus on PvP.


4. An even heavier focus on game performance and optimization (1.3 was supposed to do this, but failed).


5. Minor tweaks here and there for the professions that need them.


Just some things off the top of my head that I think would go a long way.

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At this point I would like to have some info, when the dev's go silent that never seems to be a good thing..


looks like another round of lay off's going on, not much info from comic con, not holding my breath for 1.4 any time soon.. /sigh


Lots good ideas here in the forums as to what to see in it I give them all +1

Edited by kevlarto
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While there have been plenty of good ideas in this thread, what I would personally like to see added in Patch 1.4 is:


1. Companion Match-To-Chest Feature implemented.


2. Jedi / Sith Robes given a Hood Up / Hood Down toggle.


3. Remove the barrier to Companions using Class Tagged and Social Armor. If my companion functions identically to a Trooper, why can't he/she use "Trooper" specific armors?


4. Free-For-All Companions. Yes, there is story tied to our default compainions. How about giving us one or two extra companion slots, then allowing us to pick an extra companion of our choosing, from a "vendor" type interface, that gives us choice on the species, sex and ability set of the companion? For example, currently, the only way to have a Jawa companion is to play an Empire Bounty Hunter. Perhaps my Republic Smuggler would like a Jawa companion, who heals?


These are the things I would most like to see added for Patch 1.4.

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Many of the state above by you guys plus

- A recoloring to Jedi classes gear: almost everything is brown or in shades of brown! My Jedi Guardian even on Battlemaster gear is brown on the gaps between the armor plates! Change colors! Be creative!

- Someone already said this but I'd like to emphasize: Dual Spec! I'm not asking for a complete feature with equipment manager and such from the start. Just plain dual spec would be nice to begin with.

- Also emphasis on chat bubbles! (some hate them but I for one miss a lot of "says") , character recostumization (at least hair style and color and complexion) and finally the hood toggle :-P

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1. Fix static feel of NPCs and planets overall. Improve mob A.I.

2. Replace loading screens and introduce better transitional cutscenes/Star Wars like loading panels

3. Add PhysX effects to engine (see upcoming MMOs for reference)

4. Add Minigames (e.g Pazaak, Togruta, Podracing, 3D Chess) and fully functional Nar Shaddaa Casino

5. Improve engine performance / FPS issues / lags / UI freezing

6. Merge servers or offer easy (free) transfers / work on single server shards

7. Polish graphics glitches, texture quality and blocky shadows

8. Watch Huttball LIVE in Cantinas, on ship and in Huttball Arena - bet on Huttball results in Cantinas and Casino

9. a) Special Minigame for Lightsaber users:

(e.g. a small training ball on board of the ship, controlling quickevents to hit the ball)

9. b) Special Minigame for Blaster wielders:

(e.g. Holographic moving targets on board ship, controlling quickevent to hit target)

10. Pokeman style pet battles, interactivity for pets (feeding, taking for a walk, growing)

11. LFG Tool, Cross-server LFR tool for Raid grouping

12. Huttball Leagues (with team rankings)

13. Using ALTs as Companions, Legacy "Family" stories unfolding at special places

14. Space sandbox, colonize and mine asteroids, space stations and competing forces

15. Proper off-rails PvP/PvE space combat

16. Ingame event calender

17. Set bounty on players

18. Intergalactic Radio shows

19. Collect DNA samples from animals/vegetation - clone your custom pet

20. Brain challenging quests with puzzles instead of grind only, less click x kill x

21. Day/Night/Weather cycles

22. Sandbox x-server housing areas to build player settlements/guild cities (e.g. add one new x-server planet)

23. Reduce cost of Legacy unlocks to reasonable credit prices, enable some unlocks by level only

24. Repeatable Quest markers, different types of markers on quest givers (already done - blue, below level - grey, heroics red, ...)

25. Re-Design some of the non-starwars-looking endgame armor pieces

26. Companions interacting with each other on the ship (random animations, chattering, walking through ship)

27. Monthly world events similiar to Rakghoul outbreak

28. In-Game Browser similiar to EvE to prevent alt-tabbing outside of the game if you need to look up something

29. Make all mounts and taxis capable for two persons so you can ride with your companion. Astromech companion should follow like a pet.

30. Customize faces, bodysizes and names of companions

31. Map Improvements - option for rotating maps, green color for player position marker, set map markers and notepad, different color for map icons of different types.

32. Give meaning to using mod stations (reduced prices for removing Mods, reward with discovered schematic,...)

33. Toggle Hood On/Off

34. Quick travel map lacks necessary information on quests - merge with standard map

35. Better more deep management for companion stats and gear on ship

36. Pet Kennel on Ship to watch inactive pets feeding / playing with each other

37. Color Matching for companion armor appearance

38. Make Ship robot 100% customizable, not just as a healer

39. Chat Bubbles

40. More Character Slots

41. Dual Spec

42. Epic, legendary gear with top notch stats which drops 1 / 1.000.000 chance of killed mobs, ability to show off epic visual appearance of item to other players

43. Monthly World Events

44. Player created content on new sandbox planets (e.g. Set up a speeder racetrack on ENDOR, sell it as a Quest)

45. A 64-Bit multithread Client to make use of high amounts of RAM like 8-16 GB (right now 32-Bit Single thread)

46. Cross-Server neutral GTN to replace the current GTN system and to fix economy on low-populations server

47. Lockable camera setting (distance, angle) and quick recall of different settings with hotkeys

all these and i got some more ideas

- Guild vs Guild starship battles

- Allow jedi masters/sith lords (players) train other players

- Voices and smiles to emotes like *cought* is *cought* and *sad* is *sad*

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^^ that's a long list. Some of those are incredibly huge feats.


My own wants:

1. More raiding / pve content.

2. New set bonuses or a new system for set bonuses that is interesting

4. A legacy tree that gives you useful combat bonuses/abilities that you can use anywhere. All aspects of the game advance your legacy, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use your legacy for combat effectiveness across pve and pvp. Nothing breaking here, I'm not talking about removing the requirement of heroic moment from legacy abilities, just small passive bonuses and other utility quirks that you could shape in addition to your AC skill tree.


I'm for a lot of other stuff, but those are the things that are strongest on my mind.

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1. Fix static feel of NPCs and planets overall. Improve mob A.I.

2. Replace loading screens and introduce better transitional cutscenes/Star Wars like loading panels

3. Add PhysX effects to engine (see upcoming MMOs for reference)

4. Add Minigames (e.g Pazaak, Togruta, Podracing, 3D Chess) and fully functional Nar Shaddaa Casino

5. Improve engine performance / FPS issues / lags / UI freezing

6. Merge servers or offer easy (free) transfers / work on single server shards

7. Polish graphics glitches, texture quality and blocky shadows

8. Watch Huttball LIVE in Cantinas, on ship and in Huttball Arena - bet on Huttball results in Cantinas and Casino

9. a) Special Minigame for Lightsaber users:

(e.g. a small training ball on board of the ship, controlling quickevents to hit the ball)

9. b) Special Minigame for Blaster wielders:

(e.g. Holographic moving targets on board ship, controlling quickevent to hit target)

10. Pokeman style pet battles, interactivity for pets (feeding, taking for a walk, growing)

11. LFG Tool, Cross-server LFR tool for Raid grouping

12. Huttball Leagues (with team rankings)

13. Using ALTs as Companions, Legacy "Family" stories unfolding at special places

14. Space sandbox, colonize and mine asteroids, space stations and competing forces

15. Proper off-rails PvP/PvE space combat

16. Ingame event calender

17. Set bounty on players

18. Intergalactic Radio shows

19. Collect DNA samples from animals/vegetation - clone your custom pet

20. Brain challenging quests with puzzles instead of grind only, less click x kill x

21. Day/Night/Weather cycles

22. Sandbox x-server housing areas to build player settlements/guild cities (e.g. add one new x-server planet)

23. Reduce cost of Legacy unlocks to reasonable credit prices, enable some unlocks by level only

24. Repeatable Quest markers, different types of markers on quest givers (already done - blue, below level - grey, heroics red, ...)

25. Re-Design some of the non-starwars-looking endgame armor pieces

26. Companions interacting with each other on the ship (random animations, chattering, walking through ship)

27. Monthly world events similiar to Rakghoul outbreak

28. In-Game Browser similiar to EvE to prevent alt-tabbing outside of the game if you need to look up something

29. Make all mounts and taxis capable for two persons so you can ride with your companion. Astromech companion should follow like a pet.

30. Customize faces, bodysizes and names of companions

31. Map Improvements - option for rotating maps, green color for player position marker, set map markers and notepad, different color for map icons of different types.

32. Give meaning to using mod stations (reduced prices for removing Mods, reward with discovered schematic,...)

33. Toggle Hood On/Off

34. Quick travel map lacks necessary information on quests - merge with standard map

35. Better more deep management for companion stats and gear on ship

36. Pet Kennel on Ship to watch inactive pets feeding / playing with each other

37. Color Matching for companion armor appearance

38. Make Ship robot 100% customizable, not just as a healer

39. Chat Bubbles

40. More Character Slots

41. Dual Spec

42. Epic, legendary gear with top notch stats which drops 1 / 1.000.000 chance of killed mobs, ability to show off epic visual appearance of item to other players

43. Monthly World Events

44. Player created content on new sandbox planets (e.g. Set up a speeder racetrack on ENDOR, sell it as a Quest)

45. A 64-Bit multithread Client to make use of high amounts of RAM like 8-16 GB (right now 32-Bit Single thread)

46. Cross-Server neutral GTN to replace the current GTN system and to fix economy on low-populations server

47. Lockable camera setting (distance, angle) and quick recall of different settings with hotkeys


This so much.

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1. Fix static feel of NPCs and planets overall. Improve mob A.I.

2. Replace loading screens and introduce better transitional cutscenes/Star Wars like loading panels

3. Add PhysX effects to engine (see upcoming MMOs for reference)

4. Add Minigames (e.g Pazaak, Togruta, Podracing, 3D Chess) and fully functional Nar Shaddaa Casino

5. Improve engine performance / FPS issues / lags / UI freezing

6. Merge servers or offer easy (free) transfers / work on single server shards

7. Polish graphics glitches, texture quality and blocky shadows

8. Watch Huttball LIVE in Cantinas, on ship and in Huttball Arena - bet on Huttball results in Cantinas and Casino

9. a) Special Minigame for Lightsaber users:

(e.g. a small training ball on board of the ship, controlling quickevents to hit the ball)

9. b) Special Minigame for Blaster wielders:

(e.g. Holographic moving targets on board ship, controlling quickevent to hit target)

10. Pokeman style pet battles, interactivity for pets (feeding, taking for a walk, growing)

11. LFG Tool, Cross-server LFR tool for Raid grouping

12. Huttball Leagues (with team rankings)

13. Using ALTs as Companions, Legacy "Family" stories unfolding at special places

14. Space sandbox, colonize and mine asteroids, space stations and competing forces

15. Proper off-rails PvP/PvE space combat

16. Ingame event calender

17. Set bounty on players

18. Intergalactic Radio shows

19. Collect DNA samples from animals/vegetation - clone your custom pet

20. Brain challenging quests with puzzles instead of grind only, less click x kill x

21. Day/Night/Weather cycles

22. Sandbox x-server housing areas to build player settlements/guild cities (e.g. add one new x-server planet)

23. Reduce cost of Legacy unlocks to reasonable credit prices, enable some unlocks by level only

24. Repeatable Quest markers, different types of markers on quest givers (already done - blue, below level - grey, heroics red, ...)

25. Re-Design some of the non-starwars-looking endgame armor pieces

26. Companions interacting with each other on the ship (random animations, chattering, walking through ship)

27. Monthly world events similiar to Rakghoul outbreak

28. In-Game Browser similiar to EvE to prevent alt-tabbing outside of the game if you need to look up something

29. Make all mounts and taxis capable for two persons so you can ride with your companion. Astromech companion should follow like a pet.

30. Customize faces, bodysizes and names of companions

31. Map Improvements - option for rotating maps, green color for player position marker, set map markers and notepad, different color for map icons of different types.

32. Give meaning to using mod stations (reduced prices for removing Mods, reward with discovered schematic,...)

33. Toggle Hood On/Off

34. Quick travel map lacks necessary information on quests - merge with standard map

35. Better more deep management for companion stats and gear on ship

36. Pet Kennel on Ship to watch inactive pets feeding / playing with each other

37. Color Matching for companion armor appearance

38. Make Ship robot 100% customizable, not just as a healer

39. Chat Bubbles

40. More Character Slots

41. Dual Spec

42. Epic, legendary gear with top notch stats which drops 1 / 1.000.000 chance of killed mobs, ability to show off epic visual appearance of item to other players

43. Monthly World Events

44. Player created content on new sandbox planets (e.g. Set up a speeder racetrack on ENDOR, sell it as a Quest)

45. A 64-Bit multithread Client to make use of high amounts of RAM like 8-16 GB (right now 32-Bit Single thread)

46. Cross-Server neutral GTN to replace the current GTN system and to fix economy on low-populations server

47. Lockable camera setting (distance, angle) and quick recall of different settings with hotkeys


Holy.... man thats a huge list :eek: lol but I agree with it.

What he said ^ lol :D

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Oh, I'd also like to see an Op or a Flashpoint, that is similar to "The Expendables" where your group is hired (by a Hutt or other cartel member) to take on an impossible job - assaulting an Empire stronghold to steal it's prototype weapons.


Heavy action, lots of shooting ensues, complete with explosions and Imperial soldiers flying in all directions.


This would be a very "difficult" Op or Flashpoint, with the idea that only "the best of the best" survive (complete it) and the rewards should be AWESOME!

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Oh, another thing I'd like to see in Patch 1.4 is the {Green} / {Blue} to {Orange} conversion system.


Using a work bench, a credit fee (perhaps 5,000 to 50,000 credits, depending on level of the gear) you can take any Green or Blue piece of gear in the game, and convert it to an Orange moddable piece.


Yes, this would be super-awesome!

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