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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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instead they blew their entire budget on voice actors, which like quest text I never cared about. I stopped listening to the acting after the first dialogue.


I've been saying this since the day they announced that the game would be 100% voice overs.

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I don't really care about the rest of what you said, and I'm not above mentioning other games when exploring what happened with this one, but to blatantly advertise for another game on this game's forum, including posting hyperlinks to it as you did, is just a weaselish and pathetic act on your part.


If you're the common type of player in that other game, I want no part of it, but thanks anyway.


That's a bit dramatic.

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I've been saying this since the day they announced that the game would be 100% voice overs.


Make no mistake, this is NOT the reason this game is hurting right now. The Secret World is also entirely voiced, and it's got issues also, but the VO is not what is the not what will hurt either game.


It has to do with lack of planning, lack of hearing the community, lack of communicating with the community, and lack of implementing key needs with little to no contingency plan.

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Make no mistake, this is NOT the reason this game is hurting right now. The Secret World is also entirely voiced, and it's got issues also, but the VO is not what is the not what will hurt either game.


It has to do with lack of planning, lack of hearing the community, lack of communicating with the community, and lack of implementing key needs with little to no contingency plan.


Or breaking that contingency plan, as in the case of the server transfer software they had ready since beta.

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Thank you for proving me point.


Since you haven't read his twitter account, your arguments have became invalid.


Anyone who does read his twitter knows most of it is related to TOR. He wasn't just speaking to this community, he was speaking to the larger gaming community, to the media covering TOR, to the fan sites, to those who can't access the forums 24/7.


If they see a comment made by Reid on twitter that sparked an interest, they would come to the forums for a more detailed information.


Since I play SWTOR and not TWITTER, it proves your point invalid. SWTOR forums are the avenue for SWTOR players to get SWTOR information. There is no SWTOR TWITTER. Twits go to Twitter. His job was with the community.... the SWTOR community forums were where he should have had his primary communication, not some third party site, that only a fraction (maybe large maybe small neither you nor he could know) accessed.


I play SWTOR and not forum hunter 3000. DEV trackers matter, some other player dumping the text so some thread on the forums doesn't count. I and many players like me don't read every thread, we do look at the dev tracker to get the headlines and official communications from Bioware. Have you seen how sparse the dev tracker is ZERO posts today so far, and many days with ZERO posts. He deserved to be fired, the primary avenue of communication for an MMORPG was left neglected. What's the point of even having a forum if the dev's are just going to use twitter.


I do not, and will not waste my time with the nonsense that floods twitter, I want the information that I need aggregated in a reasonable place, without a ton of nonsense. Most MMORPG's do a good job of keeping their own forums updated with news, SWTOR has not.

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I just hope the "little guys" weren't affected too much by the layoffs....leaving the idiots who created this mess in charge.


I'm pretty sure it their standard MO, Hire a bunch of people, every month or so over the course of the year layoff 80% of them, happened to my friend a few years back at EA, Security shows up you are escorted out, no reason given. Two or three years later they asked him to come back on a contract basis, no benefits, less overall pay etc... It sucks for the little guys there =/

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Since I play SWTOR and not TWITTER, it proves your point invalid. SWTOR forums are the avenue for SWTOR players to get SWTOR information. There is no SWTOR TWITTER. Twits go to Twitter. His job was with the community.... the SWTOR community forums were where he should have had his primary communication, not some third party site, that only a fraction (maybe large maybe small neither you nor he could know) accessed.


I play SWTOR and not forum hunter 3000. DEV trackers matter, some other player dumping the text so some thread on the forums doesn't count. I and many players like me don't read every thread, we do look at the dev tracker to get the headlines and official communications from Bioware. Have you seen how sparse the dev tracker is ZERO posts today so far, and many days with ZERO posts. He deserved to be fired, the primary avenue of communication for an MMORPG was left neglected. What's the point of even having a forum if the dev's are just going to use twitter.


I do not, and will not waste my time with the nonsense that floods twitter, I want the information that I need aggregated in a reasonable place, without a ton of nonsense. Most MMORPG's do a good job of keeping their own forums updated with news, SWTOR has not.


FYI, no important information ever came across Twitter that wasn't also on this site. Usually it was just some unimportant tidbits or details that were trivial at best.


Also, there actually is a SWTOR TWITTER.


Thirdly, Twittering is actually the future of MMO communication. TESO's already doing it.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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SWG was already dead by the time the NGE was released. It was the "combat upgrade" months before that which caused everyone to quit over night. But it was already in decline.

Though SWG always had broken mechanics and combat, it was never even close to being balanced and a lot of content didn't work properly. It was also VERY buggy and the animations were poorly done. TOR plays pretty well and they have done a really good job of balancing things compared to most MMOs.




But even with the bugs in pre-cu SWG it was still a blast to play because the community made it great. We had plenty of player created "content" on Intrepid Server.

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But even with the bugs in pre-cu SWG it was still a blast to play because the community made it great. We had plenty of player created "content" on Intrepid Server.

we had an awesome story arc on ahazi. elected our own galactic reps, and had our own uprising, guild wars (yeah, another thing ToR should have had), and the whole story had a culmination of the devs actually scripting an event where an imperial shuttle landed to arrest one of the reps.


good memories.


the game had A LOT of technical bugs, but the game allowed for the people to make up for it.

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I've been saying this since the day they announced that the game would be 100% voice overs.


And I would never have gone from beta to a paying subscriber without voiceovers. So my anecdotal evidence cancels out your anecdotal evidence.


Your move.

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FYI, no important information ever came across Twitter that wasn't also on this site. Usually it was just some unimportant tidbits or details that were trivial at best.


Also, there actually is a SWTOR TWITTER.


Thirdly, Twittering is actually the future of MMO communication. TESO's already doing it.


Twitter is limited. TBH I don't have a good opinion of twitter. Lets give a culture in decline yet another tool that is part of the "instant gratification mind set". Forums posting may be bad compared to writing prose but at least one can write out complete thoughts and re-read and edit them.


If BW wants to use twitter to DIRECT people to the forums fine but not as the breaking news/primary Point of contact.


Also I don't agree with breaking news and information first at 3rd party sites. I don't even read any gaming sites unless someone directs me to them via the forums of the games I play. I would preffer that BW or any company just use the communications media they have set up on their site.


If they are going to use 3rd party sources and twitter etc., then BW should put a sticky in these forums describing that they are using other forums of communications besides this site AND put a links section to direct us to their twitter and 3rd party partners from THIS site if they intend for us to know about them and utilize them. We should at least be able to use this site as the agrigate site and launch point for all things SWTOR.

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Twitter is limited. TBH I don't have a good opinion of twitter. Lets give a culture in decline yet another tool that is part of the "instant gratification mind set". Forums posting may be bad compared to writing prose but at least one can write out complete thoughts and re-read and edit them.


If BW wants to use twitter to DIRECT people to the forums fine but not as the breaking news/primary Point of contact.


Also I don't agree with breaking news and information first at 3rd party sites. I don't even read any gaming sites unless someone directs me to them via the forums of the games I play. I would preffer that BW or any company just use the communications media they have set up on their site.


If they are going to use 3rd party sources and twitter etc., then BW should put a sticky in these forums describing that they are using other forums of communications besides this site AND put a links section to direct us to their twitter and 3rd party partners from THIS site if they intend for us to know about them and utilize them. We should at least be able to use this site as the agrigate site and launch point for all things SWTOR.

actually, in retrospect, this fits in PERFECTLY with their initial stance on server forums.


they wanted the fan sites to be the source of information.


I say lazy, but i guess they thought it was clever division of labor / outsourcing.

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I would also like to know who was laid off. I remember reading that at the most, 665 people were working on creating swtor. 280 testers, 140 artists, 245 were working on the design, development, sound and other tasks.



also wondering if this is true.

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The problem is this game has so many flaws. That is why the games population has fallen (dramatically) off a cliff. it really is amazing how it has collapsed. Ea knows this. They know there is no point trying to add to a game which is so badly flawed.


This game is flawed at the design level. Nothing to do with content and server issues but fundamental game design is why most people have quit. It is pouring good money after bad to keep a massive team to keep updating this game. They are better off cutting back and just releasing occasional updates.

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actually, in retrospect, this fits in PERFECTLY with their initial stance on server forums.


they wanted the fan sites to be the source of information.


I say lazy, but i guess they thought it was clever division of labor / outsourcing.


Fine if they want to use outsourceing then at least have a section here that directs us to all the 3rd party sources. So that we know about them and can at least use this site as a sort of SWTOR portal.

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Fine if they want to use outsourceing then at least have a section here that directs us to all the 3rd party sources. So that we know about them and can at least use this site as a sort of SWTOR portal.

if you'll remember, they did exactly that for the fan-created server forums. they stuck a bunch of threads that showed a whole collection of fan-created server forums, none of which was populated.


i guess they could have put a sticky in general that said "if you want up to date tidbits about the game, please subscribe to Stephen Reid's twitter page here", but i have a feeling that's one step too far for companies like EA.


you don't actually want to direct people AWAY from your web traffic - as far as a marketing tool. you wand them to keep coming back to your site, so that you can keep providing new updates.

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if you'll remember, they did exactly that for the fan-created server forums. they stuck a bunch of threads that showed a whole collection of fan-created server forums, none of which was populated.


i guess they could have put a sticky in general that said "if you want up to date tidbits about the game, please subscribe to Stephen Reid's twitter page here", but i have a feeling that's one step too far for companies like EA.


you don't actually want to direct people AWAY from your web traffic - as far as a marketing tool. you wand them to keep coming back to your site, so that you can keep providing new updates.


Yep, definitely could have been organized better. That's on the web team, though.

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if you'll remember, they did exactly that for the fan-created server forums. they stuck a bunch of threads that showed a whole collection of fan-created server forums, none of which was populated.


i guess they could have put a sticky in general that said "if you want up to date tidbits about the game, please subscribe to Stephen Reid's twitter page here", but i have a feeling that's one step too far for companies like EA.


you don't actually want to direct people AWAY from your web traffic - as far as a marketing tool. you wand them to keep coming back to your site, so that you can keep providing new updates.


Understood. But if they made this site more of a portal and treated the 3rd party sources as integral providers and partners then this site would be the go to site for all things SWTOR and actually would bennifit both BW/EA and the 3rd party but being the source to direct traffic. Portals seem to work to generate revenue for all conserned, the partner and the orginial source by making things easier for the consumer.

Edited by Urael
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I would also like to know who was laid off. I remember reading that at the most, 665 people were working on creating swtor. 280 testers, 140 artists, 245 were working on the design, development, sound and other tasks.



also wondering if this is true.


200 layoffs is madness! I hope that it isnt true

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Hopefully you sacked those shocking mythic designers who are supposed to be in charge of pvp.


3 hours before 1.2, pulled ranked warzones and 8-man ques. And completely melted the balanced in the game with 1.2. And also didnt even bother giving players the chance to test it.



Our server is dead and my entire guild is playing Tera, until you sort this crap pvp out. The clock is ticking....

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