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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP on Fatman Server


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I think empire side on fatman server needs a balance. How can we lose 23 matches in a row?

In fact I think a solution would be separate premades and pugs.

Solo Q should be more balanced, repub side is way to strong cause its easy to gear yourself on strong pvp items. For this I think they should separate by valor and gear (gear should have some scoring points system so you know that if you are geared on recruit youll be against recruit players or less geared players and so on).

Empire side should have some kind of buff when you have so many matches lost or repub side.

Lets keep a balanced pvp system for new lvl 50 players cause pvp end game needs a big improvement.


yea but how many of those 23 matches were you fighting your own side? I know on my server i have a toon on both sides andi seem to be fighting my own team all the time.

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Honestly the majority of PUB guilds are X-SWG players. They have never had a ladder or ranking system and generally have never experienced high end PvP. How are you losing that much to these guilds?
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I play republic on Fatman... Where are these pre-mades you speak of? I only do pvp and I'm in wz's the entire time I'm playing. I've had many nights where I didn't win one match. Hell I've had times when it took over a week to get my DAILY 3 wins done! Imps still have the majority of the server pop, and with that comes more of the baddies. We have our bads too. I'm usually in wz's with them because Bioware hates me! If you're playing before 5pm est, pubs do win more often I've found, but after that, it's pretty much imps owning until 1am. I also have imp toons that I pvp with and yeah, 50% of the time you're playing against other imps. I wish I could be winning as much as you claim, I'd be in full war hero gear instead of only having 1 piece since 1.2!
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Honestly the majority of PUB guilds are X-SWG players. They have never had a ladder or ranking system and generally have never experienced high end PvP. How are you losing that much to these guilds?


Because the past 4-5 years of fighting sveta over and over makes the average ex swg player alot better than any ex WoW player ... besides SWG NGE pvp was way faster paced than Swtor.

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youtube search of SWG PVP results are 11 videos of back peddlers and clicking engaged in 24v18 in world PvP on tattooine.


youtube search of WoW PVP results are 1,674,356 top one is reckful going 101-2 in 2v2 arena.


COMPARE THE TWO and you tell me. Then go build a city or whatever it is you did in SWG and call it PvP.

Edited by Izola
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The issue on our server now is the populations are so bad, there's only 16 people pvp'ing at a time, I'm a pretty good player and have done more than 500k on all my chars, however if you aren't in the select premade you are going to lose all night.


I dont know what happened to the matchmaking system in 1.2 but it is not uncommon now for a team to have 2 premades of Full War Hero teams vs. 8 solo ques (or a really bad premade). Whats even more frustrating they dont mix up the teams anymore on the next queue pop.

Edited by furiousferret
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youtube search of SWG PVP results are 11 videos of back peddlers and clicking engaged in 24v18 in world PvP on tattooine.


youtube search of WoW PVP results are 1,674,356 top one is reckful going 101-2 in 2v2 arena.


COMPARE THE TWO and you tell me. Then go build a city or whatever it is you did in SWG and call it PvP.


Ah the blissful ignorance of the YouTube generation. That Hitler guy has some great rap battles on YouTube. Could he really beat Darth Vader?

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Ah the blissful ignorance of the YouTube generation. That Hitler guy has some great rap battles on YouTube. Could he really beat Darth Vader?


He obviously has not looked at any videos or he would have picked up on the fact that you ran backwards and forwards at the same speed in swg, plus it wasnt possible to pvp in cursor mode and click skills or you could not turn.

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population is becoming a huge issue for all pvp servers except fat man and from what you r saying it needs some help too. I thinking about reroling to fatman but that said the calls for balancing is an idea i love.


a handycap system and rank would be awsom. players get x stat bost from stims per match. good players get no stims u play for rank and handicap. If you are a great player on a team of bad players u can still win and u can have fun.


in its current format pvp is getting old fast.


but i hopeing to find greener pastures on the fatman but i may give up all togethere maybe i know my 13 handicap vs my buddys 22 on the golf corse is fun

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He obviously has not looked at any videos or he would have picked up on the fact that you ran backwards and forwards at the same speed in swg, plus it wasnt possible to pvp in cursor mode and click skills or you could not turn.


Let's see - galaxies of empty sandboxes where you fought everywhere and at all times because you knew and disliked the opponents. Gearscore didn't exist, everyone was in a guild and in contact in Vent using strategy and tactics.


It would suck if TOR had that.

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youtube search of SWG PVP results are 11 videos of back peddlers and clicking engaged in 24v18 in world PvP on tattooine.


um, back-pedaling in SWG was the same run speed as running forward. you didnt have to be facing your target to use skills, so running backwards was a perfectly acceptable tactic in SWG.

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SWG is dead guys we never never have another similar game, forget about that!!!!! :rolleyes:

This game can improove a lot but still is not at same level.....

World PvP prob will come out in 2 years if this game survive :(

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youtube search of SWG PVP results are 11 videos of back peddlers and clicking engaged in 24v18 in world PvP on tattooine.


You didn't watch them, backpeddling almost never happened in swg because you took the same damage to your back as you did to your front, people backpedal in games like TOR because you take 1.5x more damage to the back than front.

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FYI: The Fatman used to be Imperial dominant. It wasn't long ago when the WZ win/loss ratio was more like 60:40 in their favor. This was mainly due to the Republic not playing viable PvP classes (Jedi bad Masters and lolgrav round specs all over). Most have re-rolled to professions worth playing, with group play in mind, namely healers. Several solid Imperial guilds have left, as well as some of the Republic guilds.




When most servers began to crumble, due to this games PvP being near awful, the server saw a gigantic influx of re-rolls that have re-vitalized the "balance". At the time when peeps asked about what was needed, many had said roll Republic due to skill ratio, so the server saw a solid uptick in Republic play. Honestly, I've seen more RP guilds roll Imperial of late, Ruin being one of them (which are so bad at PvP lol), which has not helped matters.


Having said that, Republic is doing better than the Imperials atm, but I do think overall it's not a horrendous shift. IMO, the 2 best guilds on the server are indeed Imperial, with STS and T.W.A.T leading the charge. If the Imperials picked up a few more solid guilds, things would be fine. Also geeR hacks /guildwaypoint




King of bads.


^This. I've noticed the same pendulum swing. The Fatman was very Imp-dominant for the first couple months. I've also noticed several well-played Republic 'toons now reappearing in WZs, that I haven't seen since Feb-March. I'm guessing their owners leveled alts in the meantime, probably imp alts too, and are now dusting off their mains. I'm also seeing a new wave of Imp players who are clearly new to the game and still learning. So I thing server trends can change in a relatively short span of time.

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The pvp on fatman server is....diverse to say the least. At this point in the game it is hard to say which guild is "the best" etc, etc. You tend to more or less pick out which players are good and therefore associate their guild with them. There is only so much a 4 man can do, it largely depends on how competent your other 4 pugs are. This is why swtor pvp atm is retarded and bioware is destined to fail. There are good players and groups on each side its not just one side constantly rick rolling the other. If you solo que...your opinion is invaild. Stop complaining and form a group, this is an mmo after all.
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The pvp on fatman server is....diverse to say the least. At this point in the game it is hard to say which guild is "the best" etc, etc. You tend to more or less pick out which players are good and therefore associate their guild with them. There is only so much a 4 man can do, it largely depends on how competent your other 4 pugs are. This is why swtor pvp atm is retarded and bioware is destined to fail. There are good players and groups on each side its not just one side constantly rick rolling the other. If you solo que...your opinion is invaild. Stop complaining and form a group, this is an mmo after all.


Nope that's okay, instead I'll do what the rest of my PVP guild did, and just quit this fail game.


Diablo 3 is out, SCII has been out, SSF4 and now SFxTekken are all out. There is no reason to play this garbage fake PVP.

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FYI: The Fatman used to be Imperial dominant. It wasn't long ago when the WZ win/loss ratio was more like 60:40 in their favor. This was mainly due to the Republic not playing viable PvP classes (Jedi bad Masters and lolgrav round specs all over). Most have re-rolled to professions worth playing, with group play in mind, namely healers. Several solid Imperial guilds have left, as well as some of the Republic guilds.




When most servers began to crumble, due to this games PvP being near awful, the server saw a gigantic influx of re-rolls that have re-vitalized the "balance". At the time when peeps asked about what was needed, many had said roll Republic due to skill ratio, so the server saw a solid uptick in Republic play. Honestly, I've seen more RP guilds roll Imperial of late, Ruin being one of them (which are so bad at PvP lol), which has not helped matters.


Having said that, Republic is doing better than the Imperials atm, but I do think overall it's not a horrendous shift. IMO, the 2 best guilds on the server are indeed Imperial, with STS and T.W.A.T leading the charge. If the Imperials picked up a few more solid guilds, things would be fine. Also geeR hacks /guildwaypoint




King of bads.


excuse me sir. *I* am the king of bads. you have to dethrone me if you want that title

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I'm sure this has been answered elsewhere, so my apologies to those easily annoyed, but can someone give me a rough estimate of how many people are on fleet on avg, or wz pop waits? I'm thinking of rerolling here.


Edited by ubermouth
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Empire side on fatman does not have good pvp guilds. I think bioware is making empire players unsub just like blizzard with horde players.

When you say about balance all I can say is that it's a big lie, why?...cause 75% pub side pvp players are already good geared cause they farm comms faster and that means you can buy war hero in less then a week. That's why I mention it earlier solo Q system should be separate by valor and gear.


I had a good LOL @ this guy ^

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I'm sure this has been answered elsewhere, so my apologies to those easily annoyed, but can someone give me a rough estimate of how many people are on fleet on avg, or wz pop waits? I'm thinking of rerolling here.


Last night at 9:00 PM east there wehere 300 and wz wait was around 4 min sometimes less on the Empire side :)

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