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  1. Those change can be good, or not, honestly i think they key of change for this game can be only with a world PvP system withe like a planetary control. There are plenty of ideas on the forum, and after more than year we are still running around warzone. Warzone are fun for 1 hour, but for ppl who dont care about pve like me, and want just to nuke other ppl conquering other planet those are ********. At least on the PvP Server, at this state of the game having a new warzone every 6 month is ridicolous, find a way to create a world PvP this is Star Wars, not Warzone wars...... In every interview you guys say that Devs listem, you dont listen, or well listen only what you want to listen, thats is a problem for the future of the game, try to change cuz a lot of ppl are waiting to come back in the game if a open world PvP open. Cheers
  2. NIce and funny video I dont see any smasher, or melee that focus you, im courious to see what can be the survivalability of the new sorc.
  3. Why all the people focus on those wz.... thats boring after a while. Create objetive to take and control defended by npc, with possibility to conquer them,in every planet, so the lag can be spread out everywhere, and the pvp will be everywhere..... At the end there must be a reason for being in a PvP server compared a PvE No? But BW dont listen so is just a lost of time.
  4. Strange noone of you guys is playing sorcerer..... now i understand why has been nerfed
  5. As a sorc i try many diffferent temp in the past after 1.2 but without healing tree you are toilette paper, on The Fatman server at least marauder/sentinel and all the dps class try to take u down , most of the time as ahelaer i have to manage 2 sent/marauder at time, moving and keeping myself alive.... I wish this template is viable but with the HIgh damage output of those class is almost impossible to play your spec =/ And BTW im full WH equip so..... and still there are person hitting me for 6500 dmg 7000 dmg.... Ig BW dont change something Lightning tree is almost useless.
  6. Nice Video i enjoyed eating breakfast Can you post your skill tree plz? Thx
  7. BigSkill

    I knew it!

    Seal Team Sith
  8. But with this skill tree you loose a lot fo willpower provided by the Will of the Jedi , and kinetic collapse :/ I dont know how mutch good is , wilpower is very important.
  9. I wish to see a Objective with reward open world PvP, with obj in every planet, so you dont have only one Ilum lag fest. The Objective can have some NPC defending it so you dont have only to fight with other faction but with NPC too. There should be a reason for doing this that can be a crafting bonus, medals bonus, and maybe special item bonus. You can add PvE content to but at least give us a real world PvP, we cant farm wz or ranked wz all the time, players have to have the possibility to choose and have fun doing what they want.
  10. Hi im a Sorcerer, recently i respeced and im trying this template here, and so far works very good, mostly io end up with 300k healing and 100k damage, damage cuz on the fatman the all jumo on healers first, and i need to defend myself. Anyway works great so far if someone want to try feel free. Sorc skill tree: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201GGMRMd0zZfsbM0MdZ0M.1 Same temp for the sage: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGMRMd0zZfsbM0MdZ0M.1 Im full WH with more than 1300 expertise, but i noticed after 1200 expertise an increase of healing damage and resistance. Still if 3 pers attack you you have 10 sec for run away or die
  11. Ok new person came to work there, is fine, is a rotating wheel right? If something is wrong with your job is right thing that you give your seat to someonelse. Now, i think we need to know what exactly there is of exciting, we need to know NOW, because there is no time anymore!!!! Server are loosing lot of player every day, i love this game, i dont want to see another SWG NGE 2, and wait other 10 years for another SW based game. You guys need to share your idea now, before you loose more time. Legacy system is Great, but is not exciting, is not fun, is unusefull. Most of player base is asking for world PvP, ranked wz, and more than 1 month is passed, personally i lost so amny friend tired to farm wz...... At least give the possibility to group in 8 person!!!!! Now not in another month. Plz listen, comunicate and share your plan before to waste time.
  12. Many friend already left the game.... They didnt learn enough about game failure made by SOE with SWG...... If they dont do something for PvP or at least ranked wz now, in 1 months the Subscription will drop down. Legacy system can wait most of person doesnt care about the legacy system!!!!! Give us a decent PvP!!!!
  13. Can you post your actual skill tree plz?
  14. Im a Sorc and im running a similar temp, try this one : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGMRMd0zZf00MZcMcRk.1 You acquire mor absorb from bareer and the lightning / TKT spam is awesome. You loose only the instant mind crash
  15. Last night at 9:00 PM east there wehere 300 and wz wait was around 4 min sometimes less on the Empire side
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