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Dear Bioware - I don't want your stinking Recruit Gear.


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Where did I say I expected recruit gear to be awesome? Oh, I didn't. If you want to spend 5 minutes at 50 gearing up for PvP then by all means go Recruit gear.


Please re-read my post. Before they dropped rated WZ you would have been able to farm BM gear before 50, and you would not be able to get War Hero (that MF bad *** gear) before 50 and without actually being a bad *** and winning rated WZs. That is what I want, even if they don't have rated WZ yet. Put a level 50 restriction on converting unrated to rated comms and you simulate what was coming in 1.2 with rated WZ. People that are serious can start with better PvP gear, but still don't have access to the best PvP gear without grinding it out at 50 in real WZ. People that can't be bothered to do that still have instant gear from the Recruit vendor.


That wasn't the plan as I remember it. The only thing rated WZs would have changed from the current setup is that you could earn the rating needed to equip the Rated WH gear...which is only cosmetically different from the regular WH gear. You can wish that your scenario was the setup, but afaik, the setup that's in place is pretty much the plan they intended, minus the rated WZs. The only "tangible" difference they intended to exist between a high rating player in full WH and a low rating player in full WH is the color of their armor...and the rating obviously.

Edited by Inspecter
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I just recently hit 50 with my vanguard after doing mostly PvP 1-49. I picked up all the recruit gear and tried a warzone. Yes, it was completely different and a lot more difficult. No, it wasn't game breaking. After 2 weeks I'm in full BM and things are much easier . I could have done it much faster too but I didn't play all that much as of late...


Was it fun being a fresh 50 though? At times, but most of the time it was frustrating. That's what concerns me about the current state of PvP. As more people get to level cap and jump in PvP, are the majority going to stick around and work on getting BM/WH gear? We need a way to encourage people to log in and continue to play the game; IMO the current state of pvp gear is doing the opposite. A level playing field is what keeps the games more fun and less lop-sided and ultimately keeps people subbed. (in theory at least). Healthy competition is what'll keep people interested in the long term


Just my $.02

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That wasn't the plan as I remember it. The only thing rated WZs would have changed from the current setup is that you could earn the rating needed to equip the Rated WH gear...which is only cosmetically different from the regular WH gear. You can wish that your scenario was the setup, but afaik, the setup that's in place is pretty much the plan they intended, minus the rated WZs. The only "tangible" difference they intended to exist between a high rating player in full WH and a low rating player in full WH is the color of their armor...and the rating obviously.


^^ Exactly. WH is obtainable for both non and ranked players. The ranked colors are different and rank gated. WH was always intended to be avail for all.



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And you all forget that even in Rated WZ's, you can still be grouped with Unrated WZ people.


I dont care if its 2am and on a Thursday. I would not ever want to risk my 2200 rating on some bad making the same bad mistakes 80% of the people currently queuing are. Dear god, I can already see losing 50 points because some guy lets a JK/Jug leap to him in Hutball, or some guy not calling an inc. in Novaire causing a 2% comeback.


Recruit Gear should be 3.5m creds, or legacy 15, or valor 60.


Being level 50 does not mean you know what you're doing. Hopefully by Valor 60 you're halfway decent.

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Let me be clear, THANK YOU for changing the gearing up process. Being able to buy Recruit gear is a nice option.. FOR PVE'rs.


However - as a PVP player, I'm sorry, but it is insufficient for my needs. When my 'next' toon hit's 50, I would like the option to buy MORE than 2 pieces of Battlemaster gear.


At current BM prices, and the 'questionable' cap on War Zone commendations (2000 - a seemingly arbitrary number to be honest..) makes this is all but impossible.


PLEASE... FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY - Increase our War Zone commendations cap to AT THE VERY LEAST 5000 comms. I'd prefer NO cap at all.... but I know you wont do that for "insert stupid reason here".


I have a GREAT time pvping from lvl 10 - 49. Granted I can save 2000 comms, buy 2 pieces of BM gear, but I STILL FEEL LIKE I HIT LIKE A WET NOODLE.

Then... as a PVP player, I have to grind out the next 2 weeks replacing all my recruit gear, so I DONT hit like a wet noodle and DONT get utterly destroyed in 4 GCD's.


WHY?? When during my slog to 50, I could have purchased an entire set of BM gear, and STILL have comms left over?? I'll be at 50 valor the moment I ding 50.


STOP punishing me, and every other dedicated PVP player out there by forcing us to buy recruit gear to continue playing PVP after we hit lvl 50.


PLEASE allow us to save MORE than 2000 war zone commendations.


Thank you.

You can start buying ranked wz comms at 40, Ive been pveing planets while pvping on my low pop server with slow queues and I still have 1500 ranked/2000 warzones at 49 ready to hit 50.

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Funny.....my biggest problem is whether to spend my comms on 5 pieces of BM gear (4 armours and 1 main hand) or 1 BM main hand and 2 War hero (ear and implant) when my operative dings 50.....


look at the vendors....and use the system to your advantage.

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And you all forget that even in Rated WZ's, you can still be grouped with Unrated WZ people.


I dont care if its 2am and on a Thursday. I would not ever want to risk my 2200 rating on some bad making the same bad mistakes 80% of the people currently queuing are. Dear god, I can already see losing 50 points because some guy lets a JK/Jug leap to him in Hutball, or some guy not calling an inc. in Novaire causing a 2% comeback.


Recruit Gear should be 3.5m creds, or legacy 15, or valor 60.


Being level 50 does not mean you know what you're doing. Hopefully by Valor 60 you're halfway decent.


*IF* they allow unrated people to play in rated matches, it would only make sense for that match to automatically become an unrated match. But seeing as one of the main points of Rated WZs is to match people of similar skills together, I don't see how a 0 rated player would end up on the same team as you and your massive epeen.

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Battlemaster gear is so ridiculously easy to get now, you really don't have a case. I would almost pay money to be able to see you go through the pre-1.2 PvP gear grind.


On a populated server, I'd agree.


I don't have a single character with full BM gear though (one is reasonably close). Why? Because waiting for 4 warzones over 3 hours is simply unacceptable.

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Even when they lauch rated they said it would be pre-season. Basically a point where 0 rated players can come in and start getting a rating.


I am sure at some point when a season starts they will actually have to separate the rated levels some how or at least bar people without a rank to start rated until the end of the season... some method to ensure that rated players are playing rated players only.


We are far from that point though... pre-season hasn't even started yet.

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On a populated server, I'd agree.


I don't have a single character with full BM gear though (one is reasonably close). Why? Because waiting for 4 warzones over 3 hours is simply unacceptable.


This becomes a population issue, not a reward system issue. It is a prevelant issue for sure.



For the poster above, if you really get that people don't want PvPers to get rewarded for PvP out of this thread, then you should really go back and start over on the first page. Both sides of the debate agree that rewards should be there, just not on when or on how easily they should be handed out.

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The flaw in this argument is taking a level 10 and a level 50 and saying "they played the same amount of time". That may be true if you started the clock today, but ultimately the 50 went through in the past, everything the 10 is going through now, so to offer a new player BM gear, it would be kind of a slap in the face to all the current 50's.


Why would it be? All the current 50's who PvP regularly are a tier of gear ahead of them, anyway. What are they afraid of? The classic MMO retort of "it sucked for me so it should suck for you, too" just doesn't cut it, sorry.


Gear grind is a grind, that's why they call it a grind. But the only thing worse than grinding for gear, is having nothing to grind for.


God forbid you PvP for fun and enjoyment instead.

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God forbid you PvP for fun and enjoyment instead.


This is the classic response and completely ignores the nature of games and gamers. The masses need incentive to remain paid subscribers. Counting on everyone to PvP for enjoyment with no reward or 'carrot' (for lack of a better term) leads to dead games.


The incentives aren't there for people who only PvP for enjoyment. They're there to give that minority a more target rich environment.:eek:

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This is the classic response and completely ignores the nature of games and gamers. The masses need incentive to remain paid subscribers. Counting on everyone to PvP for enjoyment with no reward or 'carrot' (for lack of a better term) leads to dead games.


The incentives aren't there for people who only PvP for enjoyment. They're there to give that minority a more target rich environment.:eek:


Lots and lots of hard truth up there.


PvP is mostly fun and easy in this game compared to others. Anyone who disagrees probably never played Quake or Unreal back in their heyday, where PvP could be downright frustrating (tele-frag anyone?) or other games where the PvP learning curve was far more severe and the competition much more fierce.

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I wouldn't call it 'competition", unless of course.. Professional Football players against high school players is considered 'competition' now days?


My post above: 11k hit points on a lvl 50 sniper in recruit gear. That's 3 GCD's from any decent mara... if that.


I never asked for the gear to be HANDED to me. I've earned the comms to buy it. Simple.


Its approximately 12K comms for the entire BM set. If you averaged 70 comms per match it would take 171 matches to buy all of your gear. That is NOT 2 DAYS OF PVP PEOPLE, unless you have no life at all.


Have you tried playing the game? How do you average 70 comms a match? lolololol


You get more than that for losing if you don't afk as soon as they get a node. GG

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Let me be clear, THANK YOU for changing the gearing up process. Being able to buy Recruit gear is a nice option.. FOR PVE'rs.


However - as a PVP player, I'm sorry, but it is insufficient for my needs. When my 'next' toon hit's 50, I would like the option to buy MORE than 2 pieces of Battlemaster gear.


At current BM prices, and the 'questionable' cap on War Zone commendations (2000 - a seemingly arbitrary number to be honest..) makes this is all but impossible.


PLEASE... FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY - Increase our War Zone commendations cap to AT THE VERY LEAST 5000 comms. I'd prefer NO cap at all.... but I know you wont do that for "insert stupid reason here".


I have a GREAT time pvping from lvl 10 - 49. Granted I can save 2000 comms, buy 2 pieces of BM gear, but I STILL FEEL LIKE I HIT LIKE A WET NOODLE.

Then... as a PVP player, I have to grind out the next 2 weeks replacing all my recruit gear, so I DONT hit like a wet noodle and DONT get utterly destroyed in 4 GCD's.


WHY?? When during my slog to 50, I could have purchased an entire set of BM gear, and STILL have comms left over?? I'll be at 50 valor the moment I ding 50.


STOP punishing me, and every other dedicated PVP player out there by forcing us to buy recruit gear to continue playing PVP after we hit lvl 50.


PLEASE allow us to save MORE than 2000 war zone commendations.


Thank you.


Just got my guardian to 50 and she got 4 peices straight off, weapon, armour, legs and something else, can't remember.


You can save 5500 comms all together, from level 40, and i assure you that it is very easy to do. 3500 ranked warzone comms and 2000 warzone comms, just reverse trading the ranked 1 for 1 at level 50.


Bought a few pieces of recruit to supplement, giving me nearly 1100 expertise, and I do not envisage waiting long to get the other BM pieces since i got the expensive ones straight away.

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Just got my guardian to 50 and she got 4 peices straight off, weapon, armour, legs and something else, can't remember.


You can save 5500 comms all together, from level 40, and i assure you that it is very easy to do. 3500 ranked warzone comms and 2000 warzone comms, just reverse trading the ranked 1 for 1 at level 50.


Bought a few pieces of recruit to supplement, giving me nearly 1100 expertise, and I do not envisage waiting long to get the other BM pieces since i got the expensive ones straight away.


This ^


Also, the idea behind requiring lvl50 and keeping the cap lower in order to buy a lot of this gear is to make it so that you can't grind out the Comms from 40-49 off of killing teams with lvl10-30 players with half the skills their classes have at lvl50. You have to actually earn some of your gear by fighting lvl50s and not some easy mode WZs you've been playing in.


The OPs plan would allow a player to grind all their battlemaster gear before actually fighting a single lvl50 player. I do not believe anyone should be able to fully gear BM if they have not even played in a lvl50 WZ as they are certainly not "Battle Masters". They are in fact, "recruits" in lvl 50 WZs.

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Yeah i finaly got to 50 on my new (populated) server and was pretty pissed i could only get a chest piece and belt with my warzone comms. The recruit gear is terrible and even with a couple BM pieces i can barely make a move in 50 bracket pvp without getting wiped. (oh, and i'm on an RP server, **** knows how bad this is on a pvp server!)


I guess its the fact that i've pvped since level 10 every session i could get WZ i was there and enjoying it, but for new 50's with the above gear i have to say you feel even less effective than you do at level 10. Which is quite ****ed up.


There should be some sort of boost for new 50's who have pvped all the way, it feels very much like it was all for nothing.


Perfect title btw OP

Edited by SWaotc
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Honestly I think some of you guys are way out of touch if you think on average it takes 2-3 days to get full BM gear after hitting 50. You are arriving at this number based on your own experience and that of your close friends, all of which I am guessing are fairly dedicated PvPers putting in some serious hours. Casual players are still gearing their first set of BM on their mains. Understand there is a wide discrepancy between peoples playstyles. Just sayin.


That said I see no reason why you shouldnt be able to stock up more comms. Dedicated PvPers should be able to don a full set of BM at 50. If they saved up the comms they were clearly PvPing. The reason for the cap is obviously a time/comm sink. As if slowing players down anymore is going to somehow keep people playing this featureless game at 50?


The way I see it the only people who would argue against this are:

A) Suits who want to prolong subs by slowing down progression.

B) Jaded players who are frustrated that new leveling players will have an easier/quicker time getting geared.

C) Elites who may feel ripped off they wont get more time to smack around people in recruit gear.


I cant think of any other real reason.

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I cant think of any other real reason.



How about you.and every other person in the " gimme for free crowd " go and earn/work for your pvp gear like the rest of us did prior to 1.2. Bioware should add the valor rank requirement back in.

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Battlemaster gear is so ridiculously easy to get now, you really don't have a case. I would almost pay money to be able to see you go through the pre-1.2 PvP gear grind.


Yep, that grind was a pain. Got to battlemaster on two characters when it took much longer, and now they've been abandoned on a completely dead server.

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How about you.and every other person in the " gimme for free crowd " go and earn/work for your pvp gear like the rest of us did prior to 1.2. Bioware should add the valor rank requirement back in.


Who is getting something for free? Comms are comms no matter how/when you earn them. Am I not queueing up every night with the likes of you!? Ive capped comms so many times while leveling its not even funny.


What is funny is that you would attack me as if Im some sort of PvP socialist looking for a handout or something, Im actually one of the more prepared casual players out there. Did more than half my leveling in PvP (valor 67 without the Ilum ****) and saved up and had several BM pieces out of the gate. Check my history, you wont see me seriously complaining about gearing up. I bit my lip and took it like everyone else. Problem is this gear disparity issue isnt exactly doing wonders for server pops and subs wouldnt you agree?


Its not even about "making people earn it" at this point. Its pretty much about saving the game. PvP is pretty much all TOR has going for it at end game, and its clear they are woefully unprepared to support it. Some effort to equalize the PvP population, in both a faction and overall sense, must be made or soon youll be playing a game that consists of only you and your buddies all decked out in augmented WH gear with the occasional noob that wanders into the warzone queue. I thought hardcore PvPers were all about equality and sportsmanship, preferring to defeat opponents with skill rather than gear?

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Battlemaster gear is so ridiculously easy to get now, you really don't have a case. I would almost pay money to be able to see you go through the pre-1.2 PvP gear grind.


It would be if there would be enough ques.

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