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Character Creation Regrets:

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I've experimented with like all classes at this point. So far I've probably enjoyed my Consular (Sage) and Trooper (Commando) the most. So they're kind of my main mains.

They're both female. Most of the characters I've created are male. I'm male. I want a male. Wish my trooper was a male. Too many females ;p.



Also... I like scars over the eyes. Those are the best scars. I have them on most of my characters. I kind of regret that.

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I regret my first character, the Sorcerer. I initially made it because my guild needed healers. With myself, we had two healers. I sucked it up and played it. I hate healing. HATE it. It's boring as ****, whether you are good at it or not. In PvP, it's a slightly different story, but I digress.


But the main reason I regretted it is because of how incredibly easy to play the class is as DPS. It was SOOOOO boring. Honestly, a mentally challenged gorilla with a railroad spike through his head that knows how to signal that he wants an apple can play a Sorc well. And this is coming from someone who got BM way before the ridiculous PvP changes, i.e. "Oh you played a warzone? Here's a dump truck full of Valor."


I regret that Sorc so much. How much? So much.

Edited by Sireene
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"Non, rien de rien. Non, je ne regrette rien." - Edith Piaff


My juggernaut was pretty fun to play in pre-50 warzones, but I regretted since level 30sh not going Marauder (before the 1.2 madness that is). I regret doing my sage on a different (now dead) server. I regret having a sniper/scoundrel instead of operative/gunslinger.

Edited by lpsmash
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I used regret rolling republic and getting my trooper to level 43, only to have the majority of the guild play their sith toons on another server more (and that now includes me). But with upcoming transfers and legacy unlocks, hey, he'll actually be useful for something.
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When I made my Twi'lek Sorcerer, I skimmed over the pattern choices you get (the spots on the face and lekku), and picked one that looked kind of cool with spots going all the way down the lekku and another set going down the throat from the corners of the mouth. Except at character creation, the camera is at an angle where it's slightly below the face looking a little bit up, and in game most camera angles look slightly down and you often can't see the throat, so it just looks like there's spots at the corners of her mouth. Combine that with Sith Corruption and it looks like she's dying of some horrible AIDS/herpes hybrid disease.


On a side note, I wish you could use all the items that require Dark V but keep the Corruption look from like Dark II, since that actually looked kind of cool.

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I regret creating a Twi'lek. If I had known how bad the helmet issues would be (either clipping or just not appearing at all) then I would never have created one. In 3 levels I'm going to unlock a Legacy race of Twi'lek that I will never use. If I could pay to change the race of that character before I reach 50 then I would.


I regret not keeping the Cyborg I created in Early Access. A lot of the cyborg face jewellery dissapeared from the game and is no longer available.

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One little regret is that I created my Rattataki bounty hunter with the cool face striping and dark purple mouth area because it looked the most exotic and different, but now I see almost all the Rattataki running around (especially the males) have that exact same striping. And the whole reason I did it was to look unique!


Anyway though, my BIG regret was rolling on a server that would (eventually) become as dead and unplayable as it is today. :(

Edited by Stenrik
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I've experimented with like all classes at this point. So far I've probably enjoyed my Consular (Sage) and Trooper (Commando) the most. So they're kind of my main mains.

They're both female. Most of the characters I've created are male. I'm male. I want a male. Wish my trooper was a male. Too many females ;p.



Also... I like scars over the eyes. Those are the best scars. I have them on most of my characters. I kind of regret that.


The Consular Female has a great voice and is perfect for that role... The male on the other hand I won't roll... The femaler trooper I like as well...


I have one of every class so far, both Imp and Pub, and really no regrets on any toon... My main is a female knight and I like that toon a lot...


If I did have to pick any regret at all, it would be not reserving all my names on all 8 slots that I wanted to play... I've had to choose some names that weren't my first choice due to this when I made a few alts.

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