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Too few to PvP


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I have always been a PvP player in this game. I seldom bother to PvE, I think it is boring.


Now I find that I can't even PvP. There are never more than 30 people in the fleet at any given time and after waiting for 30 minutes to an hour in the queue I end up playing against the same team every time.


It's boring as hell.


BW better hope they do some absolutely mind-boggling stuff with PvP BEFORE GW2 comes out or they will lose all of their PvP community, which was most of the players on my server.


Judging by the population they have already lost the community.


A lot of the bitterness the players feel could have been easily avoided if BW was more communicative and didn't treat all their information and ideas like maps to buried treasure. Let us see them.


It might have helped them to find out IN ADVANCE what the community would want.

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Seems like these posts are becoming increasingly common. On my server, there is a small window of about two hours a day when there is enough players to get some war zones done. Any other time of day though and you stand around like a fool forever, and if your lucky you may get into a WZ with an uneven number of players.
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Seems like these posts are becoming increasingly common. On my server, there is a small window of about two hours a day when there is enough players to get some war zones done. Any other time of day though and you stand around like a fool forever, and if your lucky you may get into a WZ with an uneven number of players.


This is exactly how it is on my server now. It sucks :(

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Pretty much the same way on my server as well. I can queue up, go make a sandwich, come back and still be waiting in queue for a group to come together. Server mergers need to happen and they need to happen in the near future IMO. Yes the server population across all servers at the beginning was heavy and for the first couple of months you could queue up and pretty much instantaneously be in a WZ. Now unless you hit certain prime times across various servers you get to stand around like an idiot before you sometimes get lucky and hit a wz, frequently starting with less than 8 people. Far too often I've stood around for half an hour or more before getting into a wz.. People that have multiple level 50s are getting bored and are starting to drop the game.
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I have always been a PvP player in this game. I seldom bother to PvE, I think it is boring.


Now I find that I can't even PvP. There are never more than 30 people in the fleet at any given time and after waiting for 30 minutes to an hour in the queue I end up playing against the same team every time.


It's boring as hell.


BW better hope they do some absolutely mind-boggling stuff with PvP BEFORE GW2 comes out or they will lose all of their PvP community, which was most of the players on my server.


Judging by the population they have already lost the community.


A lot of the bitterness the players feel could have been easily avoided if BW was more communicative and didn't treat all their information and ideas like maps to buried treasure. Let us see them.


It might have helped them to find out IN ADVANCE what the community would want.


I feel that most ppl on low-pop-servers have already lost their trust in BW: There is no excuse good enough to warrant the way players on low-pop-servers have been treated in the last months. The Problem with low-pop-servers began months ago and every decent developer would've seen this spiral and reacted very quickly. BW has waited way too long and if it's true that server-transfers will be available in the summer, it will definitely be too late.


I highly doubt that BW has any grasp on this Issue and underestimates this Problem heavily - they're basically in complete denial about the situation, which is the worst thing to do.


I've had free2play online-games that had much better customer-support and a better knowledge about what the community needs and wants and from a game with a monthly fee, I'd expect much more. The way it is now, is pretty embarrassing and I've cancelled my sub a few days ago and it will take a lot of effort from BW/EA to win me back and to even consider buying another product by BW or EA.

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I can queue up, go make a sandwich, come back and still be waiting in queue for a group to come together. Server mergers need to happen and they need to happen in the near future IMO.


Server mergers should have already happened, how could they not have known this would be necessary and be prepared. Obviously they are weak in the force.


On a side note can you make me a sandwich and get me a beer!

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I just canceled my sub 5 min ago. Mostly due to this. Im the same way, pretty much PvP because PvE is boring and raiding is boring AND, I dont like having to schedule my evenings around 4 hours of raiding. ANYWAYS... ya my server is dead too. I have been keeping an eye on the numbers, and for the last month its less and less. Usually less than 10 people on my fleet during prime time hours.


So whats a PvPer to do? Sit around fleet for 30+ min waiting for a Q to pop? Nope.... Im done. Im out. Bioware screwed the pooch with this. See you guys in GW2 and Planetside 2!

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I'm on a fairly populous server (or at least it was one of the more populated at launch) and PvsP is pretty slow there as well.


People are logged into the game but it's only the same people queing when you do get into a warzone.


The cheating has turned people away. Half of the people left playing warzones on my server are exploiting at least 1 thing consistenly in every warzone and people just don't want to play because half your team is probably doing it too and the two always defend each other and try to play down the cheating as skill. (Yes I would love to know what learned skill causes a player to lag teleport away from danger over and over and over at just the right time).


Cheating is ruining the PvsP in this game. I actually miss the original gear gap between a level 30 vs a lvl 50 at launch lol.


Warzones was my primary form of leveling in the beginning. I pretty much spent 90% of my time qued and just did PvsE in between. I was 5 levels above my class storyline all the way through the game because of how much warzone I did. Despite getting pooped on by lvl 50s. But I don't even like queing up anymore because I don't like getting 2 shot when I'm winning a fight by 60% health or having to chase a teleporting character around on the screen.

Edited by Criosdh
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Having had to switch servers twice and abandon characters each time I have little sympathy for others who are too stubborn to reroll on another server. And now that some other games are about to release you call BW out as sort of an ultimatum that "either merge servers now or I'm leaving!". So much drama when the end purpose of these games is for fun. Go play GW2 or D3 if thats what floats your boat.
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Yeah im now falling into the group that is beginning to wonder what the point of me playing the game is anymore, iqueue for ages to get into a pvp and most of the time only have 6 players o the team, or get in and get the good old message telling you there are not enough players and the game will end, its not good enough servers have to be merged or this game is gonna go down the tubes and die ..........fast
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They lost their pvp player base with 1.2- although marauders will be more than happy to tell you everything is fine there's no problem here- most other classes are furious- and 25% of the playerbase has spoken with their wallets.
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Yeah im now falling into the group that is beginning to wonder what the point of me playing the game is anymore, iqueue for ages to get into a pvp and most of the time only have 6 players o the team, or get in and get the good old message telling you there are not enough players and the game will end, its not good enough servers have to be merged or this game is gonna go down the tubes and die ..........fast



The two previously high-pop servers I play on (Corellian Run/Wall of Light) have turned into ghost towns. Previously Fleet levels of 150+ have dropped to 50 during 'peak' times. The guilds I joined on the respective servers previously averaged 30-40 people on during same peak times. Now, 10, maybe 15.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of dead servers. Bioware does it again. I'm SURE you are willing to wait another month or 2 to transfer right? Classic "Bioware fail" again.


The 'free' transfers will be to low pop servers. Anywhere else you want to go, $$$.


What has two thumbs and isn't going to reward BW's continued ineptitude with more money?



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We're down to about a 90 minuite window on my server. And its a west coast server. I can't play the planets (I have never been able to play Balmorra or Alderaan, the rest are fine). So for me its FPs and WZs .... consequently I'm down to a 90 minute window a night. About 6 hour window on the weekends.


If I am lucky enough to catch an FP (there are very few FPs anymore, we can't get enough people the same level to need the same FP) then I lose out on WZs for the night.


If I get a couple of WZs, its usually only 4 or 5 because that's it for the night, and I missed out on any possible FPs that took place.


Its a BULLS*&T situation and BioWare is far too Cavalier about it. Its insulting how cavalier.

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Well, I think this ex-employee hit the nail on the head.


A disgruntled ex-employee of EA/Mythic by the nickname of EALouse recently revealed some nasty details of what’s going on inside the company and how it affects the games we play. He worked on Warhammer Online, but also has some insider information about Star Wars: The Old Republic.


According to him, the game will be a failure. Apparently the only decent thing about SWTOR are voiceovers, while the gameplay is definitely lacking.


And you know what they’re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That’s the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they’re panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can’t keep pushing back launch.


Unfortunately there’s no way to verify his statement at this time, but does this really mean the game will suck?

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Well, I think this ex-employee hit the nail on the head.


The sad part about that is the fact that sound hasn't worked properly since 1.2.


Here's a 51 page post about it from the Customer Service forums:




If they can't even get what they consider to be "most proud of" right, what hope is there for everything else?


Do I really have to go back to pandas?

Edited by jibboo
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I have been watching this section in the forums pretty close and Ive noticed that it all resolves around issues that were not fixed or issues that were added in patch 1.2


I have created a post to try to narrow down and get to the real root of the issue.


This trend is getting pretty bad and im scared it will spell the ruin of this game.


Check out this Thread and post the things you think should be changed or fixed but please keep it constructive.


I will be making a list of the issues and post them again at the end of the week. once we have a valid list of things to fix we can submit it to BW and hope they notice and make the fixes to the game or at least resolve the ones they can.

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