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I hate Kaliyo.


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compared to corso smuggler companion i will take her any day

but i do get what you mean i feel that should of been corso for that path *change his republic to empire*

and give kalio to smuggler


Kaliyo would have been a disaster on my smuggler. I honestly can't see why she'd keep her around. At least with the agent, you're told you HAVE to keep her. For a smuggler, she's a liability. You're on your own, you don't have an organization like Intelligence backing you up if your subordinate goes rogue. Any smuggler worth his or her salt (and the smuggler you play in this game IS) would never hire someone like Kaliyo, ever. It makes far, far more sense to hire someone who has shown themselves to be trustworthy, which is why Corso makes sense for the smuggler.

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Kaliyo would have been a disaster on my smuggler. I honestly can't see why she'd keep her around. At least with the agent, you're told you HAVE to keep her. For a smuggler, she's a liability. You're on your own, you don't have an organization like Intelligence backing you up if your subordinate goes rogue. Any smuggler worth his or her salt (and the smuggler you play in this game IS) would never hire someone like Kaliyo, ever. It makes far, far more sense to hire someone who has shown themselves to be trustworthy, which is why Corso makes sense for the smuggler.


Well, let's be honest: Kaliyo probably only makes sense as a Bounty Hunter companion. (Since she basically is one, right down to her armor class.)

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compared to corso smuggler companion i will take her any day

but i do get what you mean i feel that should of been corso for that path *change his republic to empire*

and give kalio to smuggler


I thought the majority of the Smuggler's companions fit perfectly, especially when compared to the OT.

Corso is the resident Farm Boy (Luke without the Force).

Bowdaar is the resident Wookiee (emo Chewie).

Risha is the resident Princess (Leia with a greedy streak to her).

C2-N2 as the resident C3-P0 type protocol droid.

Guss as the resident Jedi (Ok, BIG stretch on that one, but he most closely fits the Obi-Wan character, since he's the only one with any form of Jedi training. lol).

The only one that doesn't seem to fit is Akaavi.


And as far as Kaliyo goes, she's a lying, cheating, backstabbing witch with a capital B. She would probably sell her own mom for a few credits (and probably did, for all we know). The only reason I don't outright hate her is because she's also a damn good tank as long as you keep her gear up to date. lol

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She is profoundly annoying, I agree, and the worst part is as an Agent you don't even get your second companion until


so you're stuck with her for a while.


She also hits on you really, really hard and is a lousy tank. She's really pretty much useless.


Could not have said it better myself!

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I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.


I agree that Kaliyo is not an ideal companion for an IA with her anti Empire opinions, she'd fit much better with the BH class. As for the character in itself it is actually quite good so I don't get the hate against the character.


The ship protocol droids are the only companions I truly hate, even to the point where I refrain from going to my ship any more than absolutely necessary. I instantly find myself in a bad mood(yes real life) whenever they open their mouth to suck up to their master. I'd give all my chars accumulated wealth to reprogram the protocol droid's personalities.

Edited by Kaerwolf
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The thing I really hate about her is how she always drops her pronouns. "Wanna blow something up." "Feel like killing something now." "Wanna go to the bar".




I, you, he, she, it, they!


Learn these words, Kaliyo, or so help me, I will shoot you in the face!


PS - Kira Carsen is also guilty of this, and if she isn't more conscientious in the future she will go from Jedi to je-DIE!




Wait until you get Torian. I don't think he ever learned to speak a complete sentence :p

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She is the most hated companion of all of them, I know quite a few people that played with their ship droid to avoid Kaliyo, the worst part is that you are stuck with her FOREVER when other characters have companions just falling from the sky.
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I agree that Kaliyo is not an ideal companion for an IA with her anti Empire opinions, she'd fit much better with the BH class. As for the character in itself it is actually quite good so I don't get the hate against the character.


The ship protocol droids are the only companions I truly hate, even to the point where I refrain from going to my ship any more than absolutely necessary. I instantly find myself in a bad mood(yes real life) whenever they open their mouth to suck up to their master. I'd give all my chars accumulated wealth to reprogram the protocol droid's personalities.


"The galaxy will continue trembling at your approach if it knows what's good for it Master. Maker knows...I do."


The way he says this made me feel like he was hitting on me. It was hilarious.

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Skadge is worse. In fact, Skadge is STILL #1 on my "Toss Out The Airlock While In Hyperspace" list.


Bah! Skadge rocks! From what I have seen so far, he is like the baddest *** companion ever and he fits my convict Hunter like a glove. My hunter and him love slaughtering idiots and fools. He is great for evil, DS characters and one of the reasons I view this game as more dark and adult for Star Wars fans. No Ewoks and Gungans here.

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Kaliyo suits my character best. He's an agent who probably should've been a bounty hunter: trusts no one, and works for the Empire because it's better to work for it than be its enemy. For reasons others have mentioned, he likes her but doesn't trust her, and he knows never to show weakness to her. His light side tendencies rub her the wrong way, but I can live with that, and there's enough dark side choices to balance things back up.
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I still think Kaliyo's awesome and I like how she conflicts with most of what's going on with the Agent's storyline.


I like that it makes you feel a bit uncomfortable to have her around.


Of course, my Agent doesn't trust her at all but she doesn't trust anyone by the end of Act 3.


Actually, Kaliyo might be better in that sense b/c my Agent can always trust her to be untrustworthy XD

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Bah! Skadge rocks! From what I have seen so far, he is like the baddest *** companion ever and he fits my convict Hunter like a glove. My hunter and him love slaughtering idiots and fools. He is great for evil, DS characters and one of the reasons I view this game as more dark and adult for Star Wars fans. No Ewoks and Gungans here.


And for those of us running "Professional" style bounty hunters, Skadge is a /facepalm of "How the hell did he manage to make it onto my ship???"


And Gungans have a role in TOR when BioWare gets around to putting Naboo into the game: Cannon Fodder.

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Bah! Skadge rocks! From what I have seen so far, he is like the baddest *** companion ever and he fits my convict Hunter like a glove. My hunter and him love slaughtering idiots and fools. He is great for evil, DS characters and one of the reasons I view this game as more dark and adult for Star Wars fans. No Ewoks and Gungans here.


Ok I just got to CH.2 with my SW and as relates to Skadge...



DS Jaesa doesn't impress me much so far with her "evilness". Yes I let her torture Vette a bit but...even DS Jaesa still not as bad arse as Skadge, Seriously is Skadge really the most brutal companion in this game? So far Kaliyo is certainly tougher than DS Jaesa..and even Akaavi Spar and Kira are more gutsy.


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I understand the hate for Kaliyo, but I don't share it, since I walked into the IA storyline (the best the game offers, in my opinion) assuming that my agent could and should trust no one. In fact, her relentless lying, conniving, and double-dealing became so predictable, it was actually funny, and although I dropped her for Dr. Lokin as soon as I could, that was largely because none of the tank companions are much good, and Kaliyo is no exception (neither, however, is she the worst).


Plus, she's the only companion who's fine with you whoring around the Galaxy (absolutely essential to the James Bondian vibe of the agent), even after you've begun a romance, which leads to one of the funniest lines in the game ("Just because she's a Jedi doesn't mean you can't catch something. You do realize that...").


Having played the class through to the conclusion, I feel that Kaliyo, who doesn't hide her self-serving motivations, is in some ways the most trustworthy (unlike, say, a certain SW companion), because...



Did I trust Vector? No, because he plainly had divided loyalties. Did I trust Lokin? Absolutely not; he didn't last as long as he did in the espionage business by putting allegiance to others first, and he had the tradecraft and experience to set me up while covering his tracks. Had there been a rational, professional reason to betray me, I'm sure he would have do so promptly, if regretfully.


Scorpio? Please. Temple? Could be a honey trap, and in any case, she's a Force user, and while I might have (eventually) grown immune to chemical mind control, there's no guarantee someone with Sith training couldn't pick my brain or persuade me to act against my interests.


The Minister? Keeper? I trusted they would sacrifice me in the interests of the Empire if that ever became necessary.


But Kaliyo, while not above scamming my agent, also proved her loyalty. When it came down to siding with her old buddies and continuing their profitable relationship, versus saving my agent's life, she didn't hesitate to put a blaster bolt in her erstwhile business partner's head. Granted, she was angry about it ("I didn't want to have to choose!"), but when the chips are down, she's on your side.



Actually, while it was a rocky courtship, looking back on it, I think she was one of my favorite companions.

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Ok I just got to CH.2 with my SW and as relates to Skadge...



DS Jaesa doesn't impress me much so far with her "evilness". Yes I let her torture Vette a bit but...even DS Jaesa still not as bad arse as Skadge, Seriously is Skadge really the most brutal companion in this game? So far Kaliyo is certainly tougher than DS Jaesa..and even Akaavi Spar and Kira are more gutsy.


Kaliyo would punk Skadge out without even breaking a sweat. Then she would cap him and be done with it. Houks aren't altogether too bright, and Skadge is even dumber than most of them. Also, let's not forget he's a mysoginist. The next time he says one sexist crack about Mako, I'm busting a few caps in his sorry *** and spacing the corpse.


Akaavi could use Skadge as a brillo pad on the walls, and Kira would impale him with great style and flash. His tanking ability is pretty much useless. I'm seriously hoping I can drop his affection rating so low he actually challenges me so I can get rid of his oxygen stealing *** ASAP. (If only).

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She stinks because she has no endearing qualities. She's just a murdering nut who should probably be locked up on Belsavis.


Vector and Doc are much more interesting companions. Temple is brain-washed but has some potential down the road. Scorpio is ok when you get her affection up.

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She stinks because she has no endearing qualities. She's just a murdering nut who should probably be locked up on Belsavis.


If your'e saying this, I can't imagine you completed all her quests.


When you do the quest to go after her ex partners, you can actually talk her into sparing them all....and get positive affection for it.

Temple on the other hand, I couldn't talk out of killing her own father.


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Lokin is the only companion my agent trusts. Not trust as in "he's got my back", but trust as in he's a consummate professional. I can rest assured that if he is on board with an op, that op will go through even if he has to sacrifice ME to get it done.


Since my agent has exactly the same attitude towards him and the other companions, it seems only natural that ours is by far the most comfortable relationship. We both truly know where we stand with each other.


Kaliyo on the other hand, I only keep around because Bioware won't let me shoot her in the head and space the body as a bad security risk. I justify it by thinking about how a wanted criminal is a good thing to have around in case I need a cut-out in a future op who I know the local authorities will "like" for whatever atrocity I committed.

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If your'e saying this, I can't imagine you completed all her quests.


When you do the quest to go after her ex partners, you can actually talk her into sparing them all....and get positive affection for it.

Temple on the other hand, I couldn't talk out of killing her own father.


Sorry Agent was my first character and all quests are done with max faction for all comps. If you don't use spoiler sites (I didn't) you will have no clue what the "correct" responses are for Kaliyo because they are so ambiguous.

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You don't need spoiler sites. You have the ESC button. :p I refuse to ever look at spoilers before I've done a class.


I'm on my third agent so I've seen a lot of different possibilities, and by now I certainly know all the companions like the back of my hand. :o


She's not really as unpredictable as some may think. It's more about what she perceives your reasoning behind the decisions are rather than what you actually do. If she thinks you're wussing out, negative affection. If she thinks you're giving the empire the finger and doing it your way, positive affection. Example: when she suggests to you to alter the data on the disc you pick up at Fath'ra's place, if you tell her you'll do it for moral reasons, she won't like it, but if you tell her you'll do it because it's more fun to take a risk, she'll like it. She likes witty, sarcastic, confident answers. She dislikes patriotic, pandering, or wishy-washy answers.

Edited by chuixupu
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I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.


AS long as she keeps my IA alive Kaliyo is good enough for me. In fact she kept my IA alive in some situations when I should have died. Also she approved of alot of my LS choices. My IA serves the Empire but that doesnt mean my Agent has to be like the ones who rule it.

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AS long as she keeps my IA alive Kaliyo is good enough for me. In fact she kept my IA alive in some situations when I should have died. Also she approved of alot of my LS choices. My IA serves the Empire but that doesnt mean my Agent has to be like the ones who rule it.


Well as a companion she is helpful in combat of course (as any other). It is her repulsive character I was talking about. To me she is just the most annoying companion in the game. She is the most unsuitable companion for an Agent. Although she might suit BH better I still don't think I would stand her as a BH either because she is just generally extremely annoying.

Edited by Path-x
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You don't need spoiler sites. You have the ESC button. :p I refuse to ever look at spoilers before I've done a class.


I'm on my third agent so I've seen a lot of different possibilities, and by now I certainly know all the companions like the back of my hand. :o


She's not really as unpredictable as some may think. It's more about what she perceives your reasoning behind the decisions are rather than what you actually do. If she thinks you're wussing out, negative affection. If she thinks you're giving the empire the finger and doing it your way, positive affection. Example: when she suggests to you to alter the data on the disc you pick up at Fath'ra's place, if you tell her you'll do it for moral reasons, she won't like it, but if you tell her you'll do it because it's more fun to take a risk, she'll like it. She likes witty, sarcastic, confident answers. She dislikes patriotic, pandering, or wishy-washy answers.


That does not work all the time. When you encounter the Menace...Kaliyo attacks immediately upon the dialogue response there is no going back.

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