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I hate Kaliyo.


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I will start with my personal opinion. I hate companions who are against Empire. :)


Now what makes it even worse is that she is an incredibly stupid choice for a starting companion of an Imperial Agent. Her anti imperial stance, low-life character, no sense of honour and loyalty just makes it the worst possible choice for an Imperial Agent. If you are actually an imperial agent type of player (or just trying to get into being one) she is just repulsive and ruins quite a few moments for you.


Now I wouldn't mind her being a companion to a BH since when you play that class you kind live its mentality. But she just doesn't fit with IA.

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Eh if your agent is a ruthless assassin for the empire(which I am) you will get a lot of approval from her but she does get a few -1 from my pro empire talk or the really cold/ruthless decisions. I take whatever comes out of her mouth with a huge mountain of salt.


I can't wait for my killbot. Me and her I are going to have fun! :D

Edited by lokdron
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Well she does approve killing but that comes from her low-life character while you do it as a duty for empire. A big difference (at least to me). Edited by Path-x
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She is profoundly annoying, I agree, and the worst part is as an Agent you don't even get your second companion until


so you're stuck with her for a while.


She also hits on you really, really hard and is a lousy tank. She's really pretty much useless.

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Well she does approve killing but that comes from her low-life character while you do it as a duty for empire. A big difference (at least to me).


You use the tools you are given by the empire just think of it that way. Well thats how I see it.

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You use the tools you are given by the empire just think of it that way. Well thats how I see it.


Well first of all the Imperial Intelligence would not tolerate her and wouldn't hire her in the first place. When I met her during the initial stages of Nal Hutta I was really looking forward to dispose of her. Then, to my disgust, I was stuck and had to put up with her for almost a third of the whole storyline (as TitusVorenus mentioned too).

Edited by Path-x
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Well first of all the Imperial Intelligence would not tolerate her and wouldn't hire her in the first place.


I can't help but question the wisdom of Keeper's decision to hire her, what, as an agent? My assistant? A bodyguard? He should be the first to know that she's completely unreliable, but not only that, clashes with the personality of my agent in every way.


Oh well, shoehorned companions happen. At least it made getting Vector that much more satisfying.

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I just started playing an Agent and I already can't stand Kaliyo. >.<


Mind you, I think she is a very good companion. Nice voice, interesting seeming character, probably a fun romance. If I was playing, say, a dark side male agent (which I am very much not), I'd love her to bits.


The problem, IMHO, is that she is not only the starter companion but you are also stuck with her for 20+ levels. I don't expect everyone to like every starter companion, people have different tastes and play styles. But at least my Consular was able to ditch Qyzen (another companion I dislike) around level 25, while my Agent won't be able to ditch Kaliyo for an additional two planets or so.

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You know, I love Kaliyo. I adore having a companion around who doesn't treat me like a deity brought to earth, who challenges me, and who isn't all goodness and light. She's interesting, she's complex, and she can be a lot of fun. (She definitely has a sense of humor, and will tease the agent pretty mercilessly.)


I do agree that it sucks that she's all you get for a LONG while. (So if you hate her, you're SOL.) But I honestly really like her. And you know that whole bit about "Trust no one?" Yeah. I'm just as happy that that's thrown out there right away.



And really, trust no one. The only companion who seems to consistently have your back is Vector. In many ways, I kind of like that Kaliyo is up front about her untrustworthiness.


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And really, trust no one. The only companion who seems to consistently have your back is Vector. In many ways, I kind of like that Kaliyo is up front about her untrustworthiness.

My agent really loves her for that.

Over time she has learned exactly how much she can trust her, and has found that within those limits she can trust her completely.



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My agent really loves her for that.

Over time she has learned exactly how much she can trust her, and has found that within those limits she can trust her completely.


I like that about Kaliyo, too. It's almost Jack Sparrow logic. "A dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you need to watch out for, because you never know when they'll do something incredibly....stupid." (I can't help but think of everyone else on the Agent team, who pretend to be honest or loyal, when I hear that quote).
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worse *main* companion EVER, her personal story its boring and meanless, and why the **** cant i shoot her after know what she have be doing? and i mean kill her!


how a IA can be fine with what she did? i mean seriously people get killed on the empire for less than that

oh and her personality its just annoying,.. how can that be a good companion for a IA? makes no sense at all.


but once again all IA companions are boring and horrible, maybe scorpio just not so much, but the others???

yawm... hope they release new companions at some point of give the option to ditch/kill some and add others.

Edited by mikphobos
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My agent really loves her for that.

Over time she has learned exactly how much she can trust her, and has found that within those limits she can trust her completely.



Pretty much. I far preferred that to Temple,

who my agent got very attached to, just to have her wander off and kill her father (who she compared my agent to a few times) because of a rule infraction that he made to save her. (And, yeah, the icing was being all sarcastic and telling her that if she cared that much about Sith rules, maybe she should join them, since she was breaking rules too - just to have her give a bunch of approval and tell me that she'd think that over. Ugh. I do not want a very perky dark lord of the Sith on my ship, taking correspondence courses on how to force choke me in my sleep.)


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but once again all IA companions are boring and horrible, maybe scorpio just not so much, but the others???

yawm... hope they release new companions at some point of give the option to ditch/kill some and add others.


I am thinking that this is not your class.


To be honest, Kaliyo feels like a microcosm of the agent class. Yeah, she's going to screw you over. So is everyone. If that's a huge problem for you, you'll probably be happier playing something else. (Like SW, where all your companions kiss your boots. Or Trooper, where I swear that most of our meetings are like pep rallies.) All classes have a different flavor.


(Although I'll admit that I'm baffled by you liking SCORPIO. Isn't she the one who wants to kill you slowly and painfully, and only slowly relents given enough approval?)

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I am thinking that this is not your class.


To be honest, Kaliyo feels like a microcosm of the agent class. Yeah, she's going to screw you over. So is everyone. If that's a huge problem for you, you'll probably be happier playing something else. (Like SW, where all your companions kiss your boots. Or Trooper, where I swear that most of our meetings are like pep rallies.) All classes have a different flavor.


(Although I'll admit that I'm baffled by you liking SCORPIO. Isn't she the one who wants to kill you slowly and painfully, and only slowly relents given enough approval?)

Yeah. I really like all of the agent companions. Even Temple, who is crazypants. They're interesting.


I... I am still not sure that SCORPIO doesn't want to kill me anymore. She may be working on lulling me into a false sense of security. She's crafty like that.

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"Come on out, I'll show you my gun."-Kaliyo


I love Kaliyo to death, she is just freaking awesome. I like the fact that she is so anti-Imperial yet tags along without question. She's crazy, funny and a pretty good tank for my Sniper. I know I can trust her to an extent. I fully expect her to get tired of being my partner and leave or even try to stab me in the back later on down the storyline after it's been expanded. There are limits to how much I trust her, and has been pointed out, I love the fact she is so upfront about it. Kaliyo also fits well with my Sniper's personality. :D



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Kaliyo doesn't get along with my LS female agent, but I like her a lot. She's the only (actually) funny female companion I've met, and also the only female companion I wish I could've romanced. She's not entirely likable but she's well-written and most importantly, not boring.


I do wish the story was better written to explain WHY Keeper wants to employ her - even from the beginning she seems like an obvious liability. Would have flowed better if Kaliyo figured you out, approached you for employment (or some compelling reason for the agent to take her was provided), and then you convince Keeper to let you bring her along.

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Yeah. I really like all of the agent companions. Even Temple, who is crazypants. They're interesting.


I... I am still not sure that SCORPIO doesn't want to kill me anymore. She may be working on lulling me into a false sense of security. She's crafty like that.


I feel the same way. Most of them I would *not* want to know IRL, but they're really interesting in a game that I can turn off. I even like most of the NPCs.

(Even Hunter - who still terrifies me - but really *was* the best villain I could have asked for. I swear that my agent's life has been so boring without an arch-nemesis around.)



I'm not sure that SCORPIO doesn't want to kill me either. I feel like the overwhelming need to has faded. But it also wouldn't surprise me if I woke up one day to find that she's broken her restraining codes and figured she'd make another attempt. I mean, in her place, I probably would.

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(Even Hunter - who still terrifies me - but really *was* the best villain I could have asked for. I swear that my agent's life has been so boring without an arch-nemesis around.)

One of my friends finished the story last night, and we were blessedly able to keep it unspoiled for her. It was awesome. What was better was (real, actual spoilers if one hasn't at least finished chapter 2, so beware)

talking about Hunter afterwards and seeing her from 'omg I hate you, you sicko, even though I am sad for you because you have had a messed up life' to crying for him (and agreeing with me) after I explained my feelings about him, and the abrupt, stomach-dropping way my agent (and I) realized those feelings during that final conversation. Because that is pretty messed up, given the sick fear that made me almost throw up when he talked about how he had wanted to take the agent with him at the end of Ch. 2.


I loved this story so much, it was such an emotional roller-coaster.

Edited by Celacia
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I actually adore her. Completely. I would suppose that she would grate on certain personalities, but she has a personality about her that appeals to me.




She is my favorite companion in the entire game, few are the companions in the Old Republic who have as much inner conflict as Kaliyo Djannis.



My agent began his service in Imperial Intelligence as a duty bound assassin. But over the course of his story, the subjugation afforded to him as an alien (despite being a supposedly respected Chiss) as well as various betrayals by sadistic Sith gave him the motivation to strike back (sort of a The Sniper Strikes Back! theme) out of spite. Scorched Earth became his Modus Operandi with regards to the Sith Empire, and Kaliyo loved him for it.



I can understand disliking her if you are a "by the book whatever the empire says goes" agent, but if you truly go rogue you'll never find a better ally than Kali. She is still my sniper's companion of choice at 50, and despite what people claim she makes a fantastic tank if you gear her out correctly.

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It's rather horrifying how the Agent is willing to take SCORPIO with him and force her to comply via restraining codes, given how



It is *exactly* what was done to him in chapter 2. For a standard imperial, maybe the argument is "it's just a droid", but I think that some characters and most of us IRL can agree that she is more than that. In some ways, the Agent no better than Ardun Kothe, no matter how we may rationalize it.


Will we ever be able to trust SCORPIO enough to remove the codes? Could Ardun ever trust us enough to stop using the keyword? Part of the Agent storyline's complexity is tied up in the regrettable, unforgivable things we do because trust is too expensive to afford.


Edited by Khalhazar
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