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What I don't understand is how the development team allows them a platform from which to spew that hatred, and quite frankly, nonsense.



Bioware does need to understand why so many have left (over 1.5m if sales are correct).


They've fixed lots since December, but still there was a huge drop in the last few months.


Most negative threads contain a reason that will is a reason, they can't please everyone (and maybe SWTORs destiny is to please 500,000-1,000,000 people or so), but it would be nice for them to get some of those 1.5m back.



Initally especially I don't think it was helped that and critisim (no matter how constructive) was drown in a sea of people trying to say it was fine....... the loading screen issue for example was claimed to be great and "immersive" (don't ask me why :eek:), yet in reality was annoying a lot of people, the changes they put in have helped, but you can't help but wonder if they'd not have gone in sooner if those threads hadn't had people trying to claim that excessive loading screens were great or indeed that Fleet Passes should remain on the security fleet vendor (moving them to a normal merchant may have reduced numbers of security keyed accounts, but it would have likely helped retain more total accounts and been better $$$'s-wise).

Edited by Goretzu
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And there it is, the mcdonald comparison. when will you fans of bioware start to look at the game you currently playing and understand that it`s in trubble?


There is conclusive proof that the game is not failing. I would ask you to provide your proof to counter that but experience has taught me that you have none and are either simply parroting something you have read here, from another just like yourself, or rambling on with what you believe....both of which are absolutely, incorrect.


Instead of pointing at other games? Some of you are playing on such a low lvl that it is just sad. Try to help your game instead of wandering around with your rose-colored shades.


You are not here to help the game, you are doing little more the voicing conjecture, driven by a lack of understanding and knowledge, surrounded by a misunderstanding of this game and this genre, built upon a nit-picky attitude that is, among other things, extreme in its absurdity. Arguing that you are attempting to "help the game" is as false as the information you post.


I see nothing in your post but a hateful attitude, driven by a strong belief in the type of hyperbole and conjecture you are putting forth here.

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No really, think about it. I like SWTOR. I like Arby's. My friends like Arby's and sometimes we'll grab lunch there. Put an Arby's in space, say, on the moon, and that would be really cool. Arby's on the moon. Problem is, nobody would go there. So even if you managed to make it to Moon Arby's, you'd be there alone. Just like the fleet.


The least amount of people I have ever seen in the fleet when I checked was 79, every other time I checked it was 100+. I have never been to an Arby's that busy.

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WoW is the "McDonald's" of the MMO

It's chain produced, served fast. It's feature attract the youngster and the yound adult. It's also very succesful, serving millions of burger per day.

Anyone want to argue it's actually high quality meal?


Compared to some local offerings, definitely yes! If you've ever travelled a bit further, no matter how bad diarrhea you got from that last nice-looking-a-bit-dirty-perhaps local place, when you see the golden arches you'll always know you'll get the same quality clean food and clean toilets. It's that second point that's really easy for competitors to forget and that fits SWTOR to a tee.


just incase you forgot, the 1.2 million buying annual pass in WOW is for getting the DIABLO III for free , which also entails then the access for Mist of Pandaria Beta and some kind of free flying mount.


its the same like BIOWARE planning to give you a free MASS EFFECT 4 if you subscribe SWTOR for 1 year.. or FREE Dragon Age 3 or .. you got the idea..


Now that's a good idea, hopefully some EA exec happens to be listening.


Oh wait, Bioware blew up their Mass Effect universe, nevermind!!

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Dang.... I've been having fun with the game for months... but now? After realizing that it lost 400K subs? I can't even log in any more.... it's obviously dead..... I literally told the 200 people on fleet yesterday to log off because it was pointless. They're playing a dead game.... can I have a hug? I really need someone to hold me and tell me that everything is gonna be alright.



"Oooo chi-i-ild, things are gonna get easi-er-er"


"Oooo child, things will get bri-i-gh-ter"

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Bioware does need to understand why so many have left (over 1.5m if sales are correct).


They've fixed lots since December, but still there was a huge drop in the last few months.


Most negative threads contain a reason that will is a reason, they can't please everyone (and maybe SWTORs destiny is to please 500,000-1,000,000 people or so), but it would be nice for them to get some of those 1.5m back.


Most negative threads contain nonsense based upon the wisdom of a grade level 8. This is not even a suggestion forum, and once again I will state that I have no idea why the continue to keep this playpen up and running when they have spacific boards to cover all aspects of the game beyond it.


Beyond that, do any of us think, for a second, that they do not already know and fully understand the issues and challenges before them? Do we believe their business plan, action plans, are not already well formed, reviewed, set into motion by experts in their respective fields? Do so few here have any experience in business that they would assume that this game is, that this amount of revenue are governed by happenstance, and directed by random poster A on the internet?


Do we further not understand that most of those "reasons" stated by the absolutely tiny minority of players here sit ultimately low on the priority list (load times for example), so that the items required to maintain the bulk of the player base, while preparing for the long term lifespan can be accomplished more rapidly?


It is very rare that we see something of worth on this particular board, which is inundated with more conjecture, fallacy, nonsense then I have ever had the pleasure to experience. ;p

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As I've stated previously, in yet another thread full of "expert analysts", there was a post presented by a person with actual expertise in the area of finance and investment. He demonstrated conclusively, using correct data, that this game projected to continue and grow, with no risk at this time of ruin.


Can you please provide a link to that post?

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Dang.... I've been having fun with the game for months... but now? After realizing that it lost 400K subs? I can't even log in any more.... it's obviously dead..... I literally told the 200 people on fleet yesterday to log off because it was pointless. They're playing a dead game.... can I have a hug? I really need someone to hold me and tell me that everything is gonna be alright.



"Oooo chi-i-ild, things are gonna get easi-er-er"


"Oooo child, things will get bri-i-gh-ter"


LOL, thanks for that.


Difficult sometimes, after dredging through so much nonsense and irrelevance, to maintain one's perspective.


Resolved that in a soundbite, ya did. Hilarious and to the point!

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Beyond that, do any of us think, for a second, that they do not already know and fully understand the issues and challenges before them? Do we believe their business plan, action plans, are not already well formed, reviewed, set into motion by experts in their respective fields? Do so few here have any experience in business that they would assume that this game is, that this amount of revenue are governed by happenstance, and directed by random poster A on the internet?



I think they understand the challenge but not the issues. Not having server merges, transfers or a X-server LFD available yesterday proves that. Having just one of those features available day one would have shown some foresight. Business plans? Action plans? They lost more than a quarter of their subscribers in 6 months with a Star Wars MMO. And who here honestly thinks there are 1.3 million active players today?

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There is conclusive proof that the game is not failing. I would ask you to provide your proof to counter that but experience has taught me that you have none and are either simply parroting something you have read here, from another just like yourself, or rambling on with what you believe....both of which are absolutely, incorrect.




Failing is a relative term, to EA it might be a long term base greater than 1m subs, to an individual player it might be an inability to get an 8 man group together.


In short there is no conclusive proof that the game is not failing. The only facts are that some still love and play the game, and some have left, subscriber numbers are down , and server populations continue to decline.


Whether that is failing or successful is up to you.

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As I've stated previously, in yet another thread full of "expert analysts", there was a post presented by a person with actual expertise in the area of finance and investment. He demonstrated conclusively, using correct data, that this game projected to continue and grow, with no risk at this time of ruin.


It was blown past and ignored while armchair financial expert, after expert demonstrated their imagined skill and knowledge fabricating silliness upon silliness based on facts as they rained down out of thin air.....and it will continue as long as people have convinced themselves that they have greater knowledge and education then they actually have.


I still admire you patience and persistence in attempting to educate some of them. Far more daunting a task then the rights of a sith.... ;p





The quarterly report not only demonstrated a huge slump in active subscriptions (less than 5 months after release), it also revealed that EA have been cynically inflating this figure by including trial accounts and promotions; in particular the month's free gametime which by SHEER COINCIDENCE was handed out immediately prior to the report.


It must be wonderful to live in your fantasy world.

Edited by Squatdog_nz
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WoW sucks, worst graphics in history of MMO's...supa easy leveling, absolutely horrible pvp, dumbed down PvE (who cares about PvE though, I mean really).......they count people in Asia that paid 1 penny for 10 min gametime as an actual subscriber....sorry but the game blowz


Whats really sad is besides the graphics and Asain part, I just described SWtoR


The new gen of MMOs like GW2 and ESO are taking MMOs back to their roots in a lot of ways.....MMOs have a very bright future.if they get away from the "fast food" WoW model that is dumbed down to the fullest extent

Edited by Jalez
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WoW sucks, worst graphics in history of MMO's...supa easy leveling, absolutely horrible pvp, dumbed down PvE (who cares about PvE though, I mean really).......they count people in Asia that paid 1 penny for 10 min gametime as an actual subscriber....sorry but the game blowz


Whats really sad is besides the graphics and Asain part, I just described SWtoR


The new gen of MMOs like GW2 and ESO are taking MMOs back to their roots in a lot of ways.....MMOs have a very bright future.if they get away from the "fast food" WoW modelthat is dumbed down to the fullest extent


If you think GW2 is going to bring back the root of MMOs you completely missed the root of MMOs.

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So what is TOR? Burger King?


No, TOR is the restaurant that is owned by 2 Lawyers and 1 Doctor who all pooled their money together and built a burger joint. They all donated 100 million each to build the place. When they realized that the Hero Griddle they purchased to cook their food was absolute junk, it was too late.

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The quarterly report not only demonstrated a huge slump in active subscriptions (less than 5 months after release), it also revealed that EA have been cynically inflating this figure by including trial accounts and promotions; in particular the month's free gametime which by SHEER COINCIDENCE was handed out immediately prior to the report.


It must be wonderful to live in your fantasy world.


Fine example of conjecture based on a supreme lack of knowledge and education in the field, tied together with an assumption of that knowledge. Pretty good example of exactly what I am speaking of. Have you read the report in its entirety? Have you read the minutes from the investors meeting of this week past?


What a LOAD OF CRAP <snip> It must be wonderful to live in your fantasy world.


How people can be so certain of their random thoughts and assumptions being correct, in light of factual data, to the degree that this response is illicited with such vigor is rather interesting. Beyond anything, this raises my curiosity levels. Where does this come from? Is this the "facebook" mentality that I often hear about, where people tend to believe themselves to be everything from analysts to marriage and relationship counselors adn then carry on bitter battles laced with fallacy on both ends? Anyone have thoughts on this?

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Oh goodie 23-25% loss - I just can't wait to see just how low this will go :) I wait with such eager anticipation. EA is going down - their stocks have plumeted to an all time low - makes me feel so good to see such an evil company getting their come-uppins :) And when they finally do tank and have to file for bankruptsy and go out of business, all across the galaxy there will be great celebrations like when the emperor was defeated... EA's time has come...
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Failing is a relative term, to EA it might be a long term base greater than 1m subs, to an individual player it might be an inability to get an 8 man group together.


In short there is no conclusive proof that the game is not failing. The only facts are that some still love and play the game, and some have left, subscriber numbers are down , and server populations continue to decline.


Whether that is failing or successful is up to you.


In finance, there are no relative terms. You are making up situations that do not exist, then utilizing them in order to support your argument. That is a logical fallacy or reasoning.


Read the report put forth, in its entirety, and you may understand further.

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In finance, there are no relative terms. You are making up situations that do not exist, then utilizing them in order to support your argument. That is a logical fallacy or reasoning.


Read the report put forth, in its entirety, and you may understand further.


I have the report, the prepared statement and the transcript.


Your statement, 'There is conclusive proof that the game is not failing' cannot be substantiated because as you state there are no relative terms of which 'failing' is one.


My situations merely point out your lack of factual reasoning. Perhaps you would do better to stick to facts instead of conjecture.

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Fine example of conjecture based on a supreme lack of knowledge and education in the field, tied together with an assumption of that knowledge. Pretty good example of exactly what I am speaking of. Have you read the report in its entirety? Have you read the minutes from the investors meeting of this week past?




How people can be so certain of their random thoughts and assumptions being correct, in light of factual data, to the degree that this response is illicited with such vigor is rather interesting. Beyond anything, this raises my curiosity levels. Where does this come from? Is this the "facebook" mentality that I often hear about, where people tend to believe themselves to be everything from analysts to marriage and relationship counselors adn then carry on bitter battles laced with fallacy on both ends? Anyone have thoughts on this?



LMAO@your feeble appeal to authority...especially when this 'authority' happens to be the weasel words of EAs PR department.


SWTOR has lost 400k subscriptions, representing nearly a quarter of it's subscription base. Within 5 months of the game's release.


EA has admitted that this figure includes trial accounts and promotional gametime, including the month's free gametime that by SHEER COINCIDENCE was handed out immediately prior to the quarterly report. Meanwhile, Activision only includes paid WoW accounts active within the last 30 days.


These are the facts.

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Most negative threads contain nonsense based upon the wisdom of a grade level 8. This is not even a suggestion forum, and once again I will state that I have no idea why the continue to keep this playpen up and running when they have spacific boards to cover all aspects of the game beyond it.



Well every community needs a mental facility lol

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In finance, there are no relative terms. You are making up situations that do not exist, then utilizing them in order to support your argument. That is a logical fallacy or reasoning.


Read the report put forth, in its entirety, and you may understand further.


I have read the report in its entirety and as a shareholder, the "fine print" isn't as cut and dry as you would like to believe. When so much of an investment into one game gets moved out of the top 5, that's not a good sign. I sold a huge chunk of my shares in November and made about $4000.00 off of them. Had I waited until today to sell them, I would be losing around $300.00. When I read all the minutes, I was left with a sense of misdirection in the company. It seems (to me) as if they will be moving resources out of SWTOR and onto other projects. Which ultimately will make SWTOR less and less appealing to players. As an investor, now is a good time to buy EA stock. It's dirt cheap.


The next big title launch will possibly push their shares from the bottom end of the past year trend to mid-high value resulting in a nice little profit if you have enough free cash to buy a fair amount of stock. However, if SWTOR continues this downward spiral, I look to see ATVI (Activision/Blizzard) actually pass EA in share value ... which is something I've never seen before. If this happens, they will need a HUGE flagship title to recover.


I am beginning to worry about EA as I think they're making less and less quality products these days.


Time will tell though ... but I was very disappointed in seeing that SWTOR isn't in their top 5 anymore. With that kind of investment, you'd think they would focus more resources on fixing the issue. Seems to me like they've pretty much already thrown in the towel and have moved on to other projects. This makes me sad.

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MMOs generally aim for subs.in the.hundreds thousands, WoW is so easy to play and can be played on a Commodore 64.....that is alot of its success right there, people on $100 pre owned computers can play WoW


WoW has did wayy more harm then good for the MMO genre, imo

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