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Nerf Jedi Sentinel


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I don't think people realize what's actually going on here.


These Watchman Sentinels (Annihilation Marauders) that are putting up large damage totals are padding the numbers by multi-dotting as many people as possible. This results in people's health dropping slow enough to get healed up, but it's affecting multiple people at once to get large accumulative numbers for the Sentinel/Marauder. Since this Sentinel/Marauder is not focusing his damage on one single person, it's actually a detriment to the objectives of the game if they are trying to cap a turret or a door, since nobody would be dieing and can easily heal up the low individual dps per person.


Combat on the other hand can burst down a single target in significantly less time, and then that person is dead and they are now waiting for another target / doing objective related tasks.


This gentelman is correct. The only way these types of numbers are possible is as he said.

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Everyone seems to be trying to draw attention away from the fact that sents/maras are OP. You can focus on all the details, twist and turn the facts, or really defend it however you want. In the end though, and everyone already knows this, sents/maras will be nerfed. I don't need upcoming patch notes or even have to read the Dev tracker. I know my class will be nerfed. <-- Everyone knows that. Let's all hop off the forums and go enjoy the carnage.
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This gentelman is correct. The only way these types of numbers are possible is as he said.


^^^^^ BINGO!


If 4 people cant kill a sentinel it's not a class issue, it's quite simply a skill issue. In my experience the differentiation in gear in this game has diminishing returns then plateaus at a point, at which point class mechanics, play style and skill become the differentiators.


Example 1: On release I played a sage (balance), I PVP a lot, so my sage was VR 72 by 1.2, which means a full BM, and 400 biochem, on balance I could pull 450k per wz, playing the objectives, but my kill ratio was not very high (not as high as it would have been if I was hybrid spec) while my deaths were very low; Why? The primary source of my damage was AOE DOTS, left alone I could unleash massive damage AOE then survive being focused pretty well.


Against undergeared players (note that I did not say ungeared) it was a slaughter. I could stand toe to toe with any melee soak up their damage and burn them down. Against equally geared players, depending on class it was a 60/40 chance, 60% of the time I would kill 1-2-3 players and survive because I was very good at my class


Fast Forward to Post 1.2: The same applies, except now the gearing is much quicker, I am more squishy, but all things being equal I can wreak Armageddon on people who don't know how to play thier class, because quite frankly by now I have played against every class and every level of gear/skill. So I can say quite confidently that even with the changes the differentiator is skill to end game PVP.


Example 2: Around Feb. I rolled a Sentinel and leveled him to 50 about 2 weeks prior to patch 1.2. Why? The complexity of this class is much higher than my sage, scoundrel (40) or even gunslinger (50), it is just plainly hard to master, there are a ton of skills and you need to know when and how to use them, sure a bad player can do ok, even decently with good gear, but a skilled player can decimate people, plain and simple, this class needs a good player to excel.


In my experience at patch 1.2 I was valor rank 48, with a few champ and cent pieces, I was getting squashed in PVP, there is a learning cure there in tactics, skill and avoiding death when you are undergeared, a fresh 50 sentinel going against mostly players in full champ/BM gear? It was hard but fun, because I had seen the pay off in being patient and learning my class and obtaining gear.


At patch 1.2 I immediately bought recruit gear, things got slightly easier. Fast forward to today: I am valor rank 60, in fully augmented BM gear/Sabers. And guess what? I destroy 1-2 players at a time even against full BM geared players. Why? I took the time to master a complex class, I've pvp'd alot see above.....


So my point is OP: Don't promote an environment of Nerf Class X, that's how you end up with a game full of dancing pandas and pokemon pvp, you should look forward to playing against this sentinal that is eating your lunch, because PVP, like chess, is about playing a better player to improve your skill over time with the tools you have......

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Everyone seems to be trying to draw attention away from the fact that sents/maras are OP. You can focus on all the details, twist and turn the facts, or really defend it however you want. In the end though, and everyone already knows this, sents/maras will be nerfed. I don't need upcoming patch notes or even have to read the Dev tracker. I know my class will be nerfed. <-- Everyone knows that. Let's all hop off the forums and go enjoy the carnage.


I love how people presume their opinions are fact while providing absolutely zero evidence to support it.


I also love how providing facts turns into twisting them.

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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


What server do you play on? Can't tell by your sig.

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I don't think people realize what's actually going on here.


These Watchman Sentinels (Annihilation Marauders) that are putting up large damage totals are padding the numbers by multi-dotting as many people as possible. This results in people's health dropping slow enough to get healed up, but it's affecting multiple people at once to get large accumulative numbers for the Sentinel/Marauder. Since this Sentinel/Marauder is not focusing his damage on one single person, it's actually a detriment to the objectives of the game if they are trying to cap a turret or a door, since nobody would be dieing and can easily heal up the low individual dps per person.


Combat on the other hand can burst down a single target in significantly less time, and then that person is dead and they are now waiting for another target / doing objective related tasks. This results in less overall damage.


Can't tell if troll...


I'll assume it's not and attempt to educate.


Both DoTs, that sentinel have, have a cooldown. They cannot be spammed around for pretty numbers on scoreboards. They can, however, be stacked on the same target as an application of one DoT will stack on itself up to 3 times.


To answer the OP's question: "Can another class do 800k?" Yes, any class that can parse 1600 DPS on a PVP dummy should mathematically be able to do 1.44 M (ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED FORTY THOUSAND) damage in a 15 minute warzone where his DPS is unhindered and is healed through.


Sentinel are very good at sustained damage as their attacks generate the resource they spend on other attacks. Their rotation is never-ending, it is the class's mechanic, same as guardians and juggernauts. If they want to do a burst damage all they have to do is use a few extra focus generating attacks before spending down their focus. This is essentially the same as using saber strikes on your assassin to allow force to regenerate up to do a shock-thrash-shock burst, but takes a little bit less time and comes more naturally to the class.

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Well in my opinion the Jedi Sentinels/Sith Marauders got overpowered, because right now Watchman (DoT spec) spec rocks, cause when Sent/Mar goes into a fight:


1st he want to gain focus then he get a Bursty sustained DPS, and the Sentinels/Marauders (DoT spec), can just keep up this Bursty Sustained DPS until they dies (if the Sent/Mar is keeped up by a healer) then he's practicly un-killable (because of the mountains of the Defensive skills they posses).


If a Shadow DPS (burst spec) goes against a Sentinel (DoT spec) 1 vs 1, the Sentinel gets the same amount of burst like the (burst speced) Shadow, and also the Sentinel can keep up his burst until he dies, and Shadow can do it only for 10 seconds, cause Shadow can't get more force, and Sentinel can just still build it up (also get more from bleeding etc.) , and have the same burst as in the beginning.


That's why I think that the Sentinel is OP (watchman/DoT spec) cause he gets the sustained Bursty DPS, while other classes gets only Burst or Sustained DPS, so atm the Sentinels/Marauders (DoT spec) are OP.

I personally don't have any problems with other classes than DoT speced Sentinel/Marauder.


Also Sages/Sorcs healing class got nerfed too much (they needed a nerf), but thats too much nerf for them.


I know what I'm writing, have LVL 50 Shadow (Burst spec), Sentinel (DoT spec) and Inqusitor (healing spec).

Edited by ProKsnNwk
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It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


And before people start dispensing with the "you're all bads" nonsense, we were rolling with War Heros and two of the best Imp guilds on our server. I was ranging between 200-500k Damage per WZ but it literally took 2 or 3 of us to take down 1 sentinel. Way way way overpowered.


Create a ticket and let BW look into this one guy's logs. Maybe he found an exploit or something.


Another case could be that a premade takes care of this guy's performance, healing, protecting and buffing his DPS. In this case, premade is the issue, which is sort of a valid case, although I hate premades :)

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We practice a lot, and can't even dream of hitting 800k. Did you even realize that was possible? I didn't until last night.


And yeah, maybe we should all reroll Marauder. Our War Heros grinded valor 70 since a while back and most of us did not choose Marauder. Sorcs/BHs and Assasins was the name of the game pre 1.2. IIRC the Marauders in our group last night were all alt toons. I am seriously thinking of dropping my toon that I've had since December and rerolling a Marauder. But with our crappy luck, they will nerf the Marauder and buff Snipers or something.

Wow, what a back peddling beach! Go ahead roll a Mara, your gonna suck at it!

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Sent/Mara need a nerf on survivality either eliminate cloack or the 5sec inmunity i mean no other class have that, all the vanish from the other melee dps can be broken with aoe/dot and none of them have a 5 sec inmunity to everything so is that easy to balance those classes , and about the dmg 800k is alot but can be that the guy plays with healer/tank friend and hes realy good anyway im playing hibryd sorc with constant 450-600k dps when i just dps ignoring objectives , also i fear more powertech pyro than any other DPS class to be honest lol.
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One guy consistently doing a lot of damage is proof of nothing. Who's to say he couldn't do as much or more with another class?


What server is this, btw? On my server almost no one ever gets over 500k damage and it is unusual for a sent/mara to be #1 (it happens maybe 1 in 4 games). Troopers and scoundrels are more consistently damage kings.

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One guy consistently doing a lot of damage is proof of nothing. Who's to say he couldn't do as much or more with another class?


What server is this, btw? On my server almost no one ever gets over 500k damage and it is unusual for a sent/mara to be #1 (it happens maybe 1 in 4 games). Troopers and scoundrels are more consistently damage kings.


the reason it's unusual if because the majority of players are unskilled. It's natural for someone who does not


a) run in a good premade


b) have a pocket healer


c) versus another good premade.


d) have a stalemate where the match goes forever and no one dies.


to assume that any one particular class is OP.

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I see BH's and sorcs doing that type of damage on a regular basis. I see healers far surpassing that number in heals. Should I start creating cry baby forum posts screaming for nerfs against them? Or should I remember their names so next time I see them on the opposing team I can mention to my team that that guy knows what he is doing and we need to shut him down fast? I dunno, you tell me which makes for a more fun game.
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  • 2 months later...
It's getting a bit ridiculous. There's one guy on our server who is consistently getting 600-800k Damage per warzone. Now I'm sure skill has something to do with it, but considering that even the best players in other DPS classes rarely ever (if at all) get that high, shows that there is a massive unbalance.


And before people start dispensing with the "you're all bads" nonsense, we were rolling with War Heros and two of the best Imp guilds on our server. I was ranging between 200-500k Damage per WZ but it literally took 2 or 3 of us to take down 1 sentinel. Way way way overpowered.


I don't know if anyone still looks at this thread, but it could be VERY likely that he got all the Datacrons for skill buffs and maxed out companions for the 1% buffs aswell.

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No, buff the things that are underpowered!


Exactly! What is the nemisis of the Mara/Sent AC? Anyone? If that AC (with a competant player) can not 1v1 down A sent then there is an imbalance. If, however, it is ONLY this Sent that is OP then someone needs to look into HOW!


With my Jugg Tank I rarely have an issue 1v1 against a Sent so if a Jugg Tank on your server can take down ALL other Sentinals yet this ONE just blows him away without a second thought, then it is the player! If your Jugg Tanks can not bring down any Sentinals then maybe just maybe there is an issue.


What we should do as this quote suggests, is find where other classes are lacking agains Sent/Mara and buff them appropriatly. We don't want nerfs we want buffs!

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