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Patch 1.3 Dungeon Finder


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After 10 years of blizzard sharing their game development experiences, ANYONE should be doing better than blizzard. They've shared a lot of stuff that upcoming MMOs should learn from. Unfortunately though, BW ignored a lot of them and is trying to push the viability of square wheels.


This is not true at all. This argument is as filled with hyperbole and conjecture as those supporting a cross server LFG, and done so for no other reason beyond attempting to support weak arguments. A fine example of such is the fact that Wow has been active for only 7 years, not 10.


Honestly people, the amount of misinformation on this board is just staggering.

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Thanks for the quick reply! I suppose it is wise of them to be cautious, even a single server only tool is going to make it a lot easier for people to get on the PvE bandwagon (I know I for one will start doing more FPs once the tool is introduced instead of engaging almost exclusively in PVP).[/quote




This coupled with server transfers and merges will greatly enhance one's ability to group without having to resort to a cross realm tool that will bring with it far too many "side effects" without accomplishing very much more.

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I am happy that BW did not copy wow like Rift did, there is no point playing a copy of wow if you dislike wow as much as I do.


Vanilla was the best MMO I played together with Ultima, but from WOTLK on wow died and its just a crap game for elitist´s and hardcore.


There is a reason why Blizz lost a few Mio subs in the last years and now does focus on the asian market with their addon. People at US and EU are not intrested in the game due its bad design like Arena, LFG etc.


You keep spouting this anger about Elitists, I'm curious as to how bad you must have been to get so angry at a game like this?

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I think the hope is that by boosting server pops using transfers and then using the lfg tool, hopefully it'll be really easy to find a group, especially if servers become heavy.


After that they will most likely see if cross server is needed. I see no harm in keeping it per server as long as the populations of the servers go up considerably after transfrrs/merges

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I am happy that BW did not copy wow like Rift did, there is no point playing a copy of wow if you dislike wow as much as I do.


Vanilla was the best MMO I played together with Ultima, but from WOTLK on wow died and its just a crap game for elitist´s and hardcore.


There is a reason why Blizz lost a few Mio subs in the last years and now does focus on the asian market with their addon. People at US and EU are not intrested in the game due its bad design like Arena, LFG etc.


TOR is a WoW derivative, it just lacks almost all modern MMO tools and design concepts, but incorporated voiced cut scenes and class-driven stories.

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I think the hope is that by boosting server pops using transfers and then using the lfg tool, hopefully it'll be really easy to find a group, especially if servers become heavy.


After that they will most likely see if cross server is needed. I see no harm in keeping it per server as long as the populations of the servers go up considerably after transfrrs/merges


Problem with the transfers is it'll happen one of two ways:


BW opens up targeted transfers from Low Pop to Medium Pop servers. Everyone then leaves the Low Pops and BW is left with totally empty servers that they have to shut down, this looks really bad to their investors and BW starts looking like they're failing.


BW Opens up targetted transfers from Heavy Pops to the Low Pop servers. Nobody wants to leave the Heavy Pop servers.

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Cross server group finder better arrive very quickly after they get single server out or it'll barely get used from low numbers of players.



Yeah I am with you.


People who oppose x-server FP are gonna be a very lonely and tiny group of people soon.

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I started playing this game about 6 months ago, after not having played an mmo for about 3 years. I thought this game was great, and that it had all the features that WoW had had when I was a subscriber. But then my friend got me back into WoW (albeit reluctantly). While there are new problems with the lack of player-player interaction, it has dramatically improved. One of the best things was the dungeon finder - which works much like SWTOR's warzone system. Frankly, without it, I feel that the fluidity that can now be found in other mmo's will be lost in SWTOR, and that this will only snowball into a failed mmo. With all the new features that WoW offers, such as dungeon finders, guild perks, and massive amounts of endgame content, SWTOR doesn't even hold a candle to how much one can do in an hour in WoW. At most I have to wait 20 minutes to get into a heroic dungeon in WoW. In SWTOR I've only actually been in one hardmode. In my opinion, this update will increase the player's ability to access endgame content, and can only help the game.


compare that first 6 months of wow to the first 6 months of swtor please. Swtor main draw is it story driven content, that is what bioware does.

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compare that first 6 months of wow to the first 6 months of swtor please. Swtor main draw is it story driven content, that is what bioware does.


But that's not a fair comparison. Why compare something from 7 years ago to now? Would you compare your phone from 7 years ago to the new iPhone 4S and complain that "Well back then my phone didn't have this either, so people shouldn't expect it now.".

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Yeah I am with you.


People who oppose x-server FP are gonna be a very lonely and tiny group of people soon.


Same here. Same server LFG is not going to cut it on a low pop server. I am not so sure it will work that well on a high pop one. It was'nt that great of a tool in WoW until it went cross server. I know, I was on a high pop server when they came out with the same server one first. Trying not to be so negative here, I guess it is a step in the right direction. But I cannot see myself sticking with TOR if after a couple more months I am still having issues with finding groups to run end game content with.

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Problem with the transfers is it'll happen one of two ways:


BW opens up targeted transfers from Low Pop to Medium Pop servers. Everyone then leaves the Low Pops and BW is left with totally empty servers that they have to shut down, this looks really bad to their investors and BW starts looking like they're failing.


BW Opens up targetted transfers from Heavy Pops to the Low Pop servers. Nobody wants to leave the Heavy Pop servers.


Excellent point. And I agree. If they did a cross server LFG tool, then there would be no need to do any server transfers for myself atleast, as I would stay were I am. They could offer some free ones for those wanting to transfer or paid ones to the heavy ones. Those thinking the transfers are going to let you transfer to a high pop one without paying for it, are in for a surprise. This is my opinion and of course I could be wrong.

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I didn't know mistakes held on to 10.2 million subs 7 years into a games life, especially during the transition period between expansions, while SWTOR is losing players and coming up with excuses for it.


Dungeon/Instance/Flashpoint finders should be a feature in every new MMO. It doesn't have to be cross server. Using chat channels is archaic and a lot of us don't want to set up filters or skim through chat spam to find a group.


Lol! Very well put! How can anyone argue with success? I do however think it needs to be cross server. Do not forget WoW tried the same server one and it was'nt that great.

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Why not change the name of the game to SW-WoW?


So a company comes out with a product which has features which is better than any other same type product on the market and no other company will copy it? We need to be realistic here. :p

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So a company comes out with a product which has features which is better than any other same type product on the market and no other company will copy it? We need to be realistic here. :p


These people don't think with logic or business minds, they have no idea how things work when creating products.

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Lol! Very well put! How can anyone argue with success? I do however think it needs to be cross server. Do not forget WoW tried the same server one and it was'nt that great.


Google the numbers, you will see that wow lost a few mio subs since WOTLK at EU and US. The biggest issue wow has and Blizz did admit this many times - the new players dont stay. And they dont stay because of those that demand, post meters etc. in the LFG. Its just no fun for a new player to be thrown into the pool of sharks that insult and kick those out in every dungeon, just because of missing achivements, gear or skill.


The LFG tool killed casual gameplay at wow due elitist´s ruling the tool but also the bad pvp system is a reason and the boring content at endgame.

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Google the numbers, you will see that wow lost a few mio subs since WOTLK at EU and US. The biggest issue wow has and Blizz did admit this many times - the new players dont stay. And they dont stay because of those that demand, post meters etc. in the LFG. Its just no fun for a new player to be thrown into the pool of sharks that insult and kick those out in every dungeon, just because of missing achivements, gear or skill.


The LFG tool killed casual gameplay at wow due elitist´s ruling the tool but also the bad pvp system is a reason and the boring content at endgame.


It's amusing how much nonsense you spout.


Google the numbers, WoW lost a couple of million subs after Cataclysm. It's numbers rose steadily between WOTLK and CATA's release. Do your research.


Also LFG was created to cater to the casual gamer. Elitists can not rule something that is set up to make sure not one person is in charge. Once again, you're not making sense and spouting rubbish about Elitism. Were you just that bad at the game that nobody wanted to group wtih you?

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"SWTOR doesn't even hold a candle to how much one can do in an hour in WoW."


And herein lies the problem with modern mmo audiences. Expecting a launch title to have the same features and content as an almost 10 year old game...

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"SWTOR doesn't even hold a candle to how much one can do in an hour in WoW."


And herein lies the problem with modern mmo audiences. Expecting a launch title to have the same features and content as an almost 10 year old game...




Ok first of all, WoW is 7 years old, not 10.


Second, I'll repeat myself...would you buy an iPhone 4S that had no camera, no touch screen, no multimedia messaging, no internet access, no angry birds?

No. So stop comparing a product from 7 years ago to products now as if they're the same.

Edited by chaosdefined
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Bioware's biggest mistake is listening to the "true MMOers" who move like locusts from one big game release to the next. These people will never be happy... they moaned about EQ, WoW, and everything since. I really like this game and it sucks that I will have to wait until after they leave for Guild Wars or whatever else for these "community destroying" features to be implemented.
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If its not cross realm it will fail. Warzones also must be cross realm. Not everyone plays during peak prime time hours. So are we just supposed to get screwed over and wait for eternity in queues until we just quit because we cant play? Alienating part of your consumer base is a horrible business move and if its server only that will kill the game for a lot of people.


Also who cares about community? When I play any game I want to have fun running some instances and maybe get some loot, I could care less about meeting people. Im not gonna hang out with them at a bar in real life, they arent my friends they are just random people in a game. But at the same time Im not gonna be a jerk or ninja loot either.


Right now its log in, spam fleet, log out with nothing. I have been 50 for almost a week now and I have run TWO FPs. And its not like I dont spam Fleet, I mean thats what Bioware wants us to do to get groups right? How does that build community. The only thing it builds is my collection of broken keyboards because you cant buy groups in this game.


A LFG system MUST provide the following or it fails:

1. You should be able to log on no matter what time of day it is and get a group in a reasonable amount of time. Obviously shorter if I am a tank or healer. If I so chose to log in at 4-5AM because I couldnt sleep I should still get a group just as fast as someone who is playing from 7-9PM. I can do it in WoW no reason I shouldnt be allowed to in this game.


2. You should be able to get groups regardless of level. Not everyone is 50 and some of us like rolling alts but dont wanna do the same quests over and over again so running some instances is a great way to get exp while doing something different. If it takes hours to get groups from 10-49 because there arent enough people rolling alts then the system fails. Again I can log onto WoW with any level character above 15 no matter what time of day and get fast groups.


Also to all the haters. If LFD was so horrible for WoW tell me this. Why did they expand it to raiding? Why are they expanding it to cover normal leveling zones? Why are they constantly working on it to prevent people from exploiting it. Why do they invest so much time and resources in making it better? Yea sure sounds like a horrible idea on Blizzard's part to me.


TLDR: I play this game for fun. Being forced to wait hours on end for a queue to pop is no fun. LFG should provide groups in a reasonable amount of time for all levels no matter what time of day it is.

Edited by Dabrixmgp
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Google the numbers, you will see that wow lost a few mio subs since WOTLK at EU and US. The biggest issue wow has and Blizz did admit this many times - the new players dont stay. And they dont stay because of those that demand, post meters etc. in the LFG. Its just no fun for a new player to be thrown into the pool of sharks that insult and kick those out in every dungeon, just because of missing achivements, gear or skill.


The LFG tool killed casual gameplay at wow due elitist´s ruling the tool but also the bad pvp system is a reason and the boring content at endgame.


The definition of elitism isn't "things I don't like".

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"SWTOR doesn't even hold a candle to how much one can do in an hour in WoW."


And herein lies the problem with modern mmo audiences. Expecting a launch title to have the same features and content as an almost 10 (7) year old game...


Yes, you're right, because it's normal to expect to pay the price for a product that has the same features as it's main competitor had 10 (7) years ago.


SWTOR does not compete with what WoW was 10 years ago, it competes with what are GW2, Aion, Wow TODAY. At least we still pay the same price.


Yes yes... mmo audiances, what are they thinking (like a normal customer would...)?

Edited by Urdnaxela
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I would greatly appreciate a group finder tool. It is an incredible time saver for us "casual" players. If you don't like the idea, please offer some feedback on why, so Bioware can make a better version of the tool. My suggestion, based on others' feedback, is to add a pre-group chat so you know what type of people you are dealing with before the group finalizes. Why not add a x-server check box for those who like x-server on their qeue? Can we get a filter with several options for the more seasoned players. The group finder tool WILL work, if done properly. PLEASE help add constructive feedback so we can all have a positive gaming experience.
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