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If Bio/EA used microtransactions, what do you want/not want to see?


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I think if you cannot see why lotro's implementation of in game shop is cheap and tacky then you would be more than happy in any F2P game.


Personally when I play games I don't want to feel like I am in a star wars/lotro superstore. I want to feel I am playing against a world and not the business model. I prefer the business model to be hidden away as much as possible.


I have a job which pays me a salary, not pocket money from my parents where I spend $5 on a sparkle pony. Yes I am the same when I go to a themepark. I buy the all day all access ticket because I like the freedom to go where I want to go without thinking of the cost.



So if they did go the freemium model then I would like a way sot hat I could pay my subscription and the whole store thing be completely transparent to me so I would not even know it was there which could be done completely client side.

Edited by corbanite
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If they would go by LOTRO model, they would have custom orange gear and exclusive vehicles. The problem with this is that usualy those vehicles tend to look a lot better then whatever we can earn by paying our sub and questing/grinding. Wich for me makes me quit the game.


If it follows the model of EQ2, not only would we have the coolest mounts on cash shop, but also any decent looking orange gear, and it would make me quit even faster.

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I think it does. If you can perhaps theoretically increase the playerbase (more activty), increase revenue (more money / more attractive to lure new players and keep old ones), and increase the amount of frequency of patches everybody wins - as long as it's not done poorly or cheaply.


It's far too late for core-changes but there needs to be some ingenuity here.


Some content/feature is actually worth it even if you have to pay for it, just sayin'.


Introducing micro-transactions on top of the subscription is likely to reduce the existing playerbase, if anything; unless they went for a hellish F2P model.

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If I am paying fifteen bucks a month for the game, I better be able to get all the content dang it. The only acceptable MT route in my mind is sell short cuts like in Battlefield 3. You can either actually have fun and unlock the items, or you can buy a shortcut and have them unlocked for you. Either way, you should be able to get all the content you pay for, if you want to pay extra for things you can get just by putting a little effort in, fine with me.


My problem with microtransactions is that companies like EA seem to forget how the video game market works. You need to make sure the customer WANTS to buy your product, instead of feeling like they are forced into it to get all the content they have already payed for.

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Microtransactions, what the hell?


We pay a monthly subscription - it's not free to play, I can see no excuse for any microtransactions whatsoever. An expansion pack would be one thing, but even that at the moment would be a bit much considering the deficits in the game and its population problems.




There should be nothing additional required to be paid for, when we are already paying a bleeping subscription.


Things like extra character slots (16 per server) should ALREADY be implemented. Seriously ***... I refuse to pay more (subscription plus MT) for content that should already be in the game...

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I've never seen Microtransactions done with good taste. They always get greedy.


First off it had better be free to play if they go microtransactions. I pay $15, I want ALL in-game content for that.

Services could cost a bit. But don't go insane.


If there's $25 things it goes too far. Microtransactions should be like a dollar store. Quick buys on a whim. Not like Star Trek Online which has been ruined by them with everything costing like $10-30 for the tiniest things (or sometimes nice things which cost freakin' THIRTY BUCKS!).

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Another one that crossed my mind, on top of the no c/d fleet and quick travel pases (limited ofc), apersonal shuttle pass that could take you directly to the SP of any planet, bypassing the ship and space stations. 2 bucks for 20 maybe?
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Another one that crossed my mind, on top of the no c/d fleet and quick travel pases (limited ofc), apersonal shuttle pass that could take you directly to the SP of any planet, bypassing the ship and space stations. 2 bucks for 20 maybe?


This is like telling Kony great new ways to kidnap young kids. EA really doesn't need any help coming up with ideas how to nickle and dime us they have presented seminers about this.


here is a presentation EA gave

about battlefield heroes..
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Seriously, explain. Is it because a sub game feels more "successful"?


I challenge anyone here to show me how the LOTRO F2P model is either "play to win" or failed to improve the game.


And it uses microtransactions in an excellent way.


Not all F2P or microtransaction models are identical. Some are fantastic. Some suck.


This game has neither kind yet.


Typical response from someone who doesn't understand what F2P actually means.


Ok, @Blistrich .. you seem to want opinions, but you want to do so in a challenging, near insulting way.


For your information, I have played F2P Korean MMO's, one being Perfect World. F2P, with micro transactions. Heck, I even spent 10-15 $ ......


As for WHY? Which is none of your business actually, but....

I want Bioware working to keep ME in the game, not working out ways to gain more Micro-money from me. That's why, and no pseudo-intelligent individual like yourself is going to convince me otherwise.


If they want my money, they have to earn it.

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This is narrow minded and simplistic. No game can "Fleece" anyone. Wait, no, I take it back - Dark & Light managed to... But that's another story for another time and totally unrelated!


A proper microtransaction based game can be played fully for free - any extras are inconsequential and not necessary for the experience. The best example is to date League of Legends. If you play competitively or casually, you can still play and enjoy the game whether you spend nothing or far above $15 a month.


If you are incapable of not spending money on microtransactions, that's nobody's fault but your own. If the game requires you to pay to truly experience the game, you've got a case, but at that point the game is more Pay to Win than Free to Play, and that's not what we're talking about.


Oh, I like this......No game can Fleece anyone? Really?


What server are you on. I want to see the armor models you have on, as I'm sure they're just like the pre-release trailer cinematics we've seen......wait .....


If you have the new armor models on, they rock .... wait ......


Or, I may have to wait until you get out of your Ranked Warzone ........wait ... I'm sorry, it wasn't Ranked Warzone, it was ......

Open World PVP.. yeah, I'll wait till you're done with your match........wait .......


You MUST still be in that 8 man queue ..... wait .....


No matter, that queue will pop right away .... wait ......


I'm glad there is no grind at 50 ....... wait ........


No, no game can Fleece anyone.........wait.....

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I'm okay with vanity items being available..things like new clothing skins (similar to the social stuff already in the game, but not those items exactly), cosmetic items for character and companions (like new hair styles, skin colors, tattooing, etc.), vanity pets (included in the game for players to acquire on their own who wish it and not available at the shop for at least 6 months after the pet is included in game), vanity crystal colors, and vanity mounts/speeders.


Convenience things are good, too...as long as they don't affect game balance. Things like free quick travel, fleet pass without c/d...


IF they did this, I'd be okay with paying a couple of bucks for a shared character bank (so I don't have to constantly email things from my main to my alts) and expanded characters slots (past 10..I think the next 2 should be freebies based on the amount of crap we as the player base have had to deal with).


But, anything other than player convenience and vanity items should be a no go..


And if I EVER see an in-game ad/bulletin/billboard for this type of thing, not only am I going to unsub...I'm taking 3 other subs with me (my kids and my husband!) I do NOT want to see ads in my game..

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Wouldn't matter to me. Add as many things as you like to your list.


As soon as microtransactions appear, I'll be leaving. No threats, no whining, just voting with my (virtual) feet and taking my money elsewhere. Not because a cute little darth malgus mini-pet wouldn't be cute - but because it's the thin end of the wedge and disproportionally priced.


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Edited by Woetoo
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The only micro-transaction I want to see in the game is that people can buy more willies to be attached to thier armor as males.


Or females can buy more breasts to stacked on top of each other.


That is all.

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I won't even wait to see what I would or wouldn't want in a micro-transaction.


I quit LoTRO when they went with the pay-to-win model. Granted, I did see what they had, and most of it was fluff.


Nevertheless, I'm not paying for even fluff.


That model rewards those that have real money without budget or it rewards a social ineptitude marked by the addictive personality vis a vis those that have real responsibilities that can not simply flush the money away on desires (read: those that either make lots of money and spend it on the game, or those that barely have the money and crush their other responsibilities to pay for a game). Granted, time factor is also an addiction and many gamers waste away on their responsibilities by simply not tending to them and gaming anyhow.


I won't support it, and I think the "F2P" model is about the worst sort of transition a previous pay to play game can make. It betrays those that were on board from day one, current subscribers, and fans by limiting their experience with having to pay more money than they already are for either needed or wanted items that they could previously spend time in game to retrieve/achieve.


They do this, and as much as I hate to say it, I'd go play World of Warcraft.

Edited by Darkrite
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P2P is terrible for the player base, that being said, things like extra character slots, vanity items etc should be availible via microtransition, never ever, do I want to see xp boosts or any type of consumable purchasable for cash, those items being available will destroy the game IMO.
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IF Microtransactions are brought into The Old Republic, what do you want to see in the store?

What do you not want to see in the store?


Working sound?!



Free to play if they do that. Why the hell do I wanna pay to play as well as buy **edit** in some cash shop that should be added to the GAME itself for my $15? Cash shops are cancerous to games. They start out as non-invasive, but the allure of easy $ and willing buyers ALWAYS gets the better of companies, and before long, your content patches end and new loot no longer drops as EVERYTHING gets moved to the cash shop. This game will NOT last if you add a cash shop now.

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Cash shops should only ever be cosmetic or convenience. Anything else just alienates players. Besides there are plenty of people out there who will fork out some extra money just to look different than anyone else...
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The only thing I would allow would be cosmetic items ONLY. Anything that would increase your ability, or options within the game such as bag size, crafting items, credits, gear, and so on will be an immediate exit from the game for me.


MTs can come dangerously close to the "pay to win" model, and I don't support this. I will not pay $60.00 for the game, then pay $15.00 a month, then pay $25.00 to get an item I need to play better.


Wanna let people buy special mounts, pets, hair color, or whatever? That's fine. Anything else that affects how well your toon can perform in a PVP match or raid, then I'm out.

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