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New Warzone Daily Mission


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Warzone daily missions changed from 3 wins to 6 played. While this might sound like a good idea it's really not. This encourages people to not bother winning. I've seen this already in the Warzones played today, after 2 minutes in Civil War where the enemy got two turrets 80% of the team just stood at our one turret to get the medals, because their daily would count anyways.


Please stop rewarding people for showing up.

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Warzone daily missions changed from 3 wins to 6 played. While this might sound like a good idea it's really not. This encourages people to not bother winning. I've seen this already in the Warzones played today, after 2 minutes in Civil War where the enemy got two turrets 80% of the team just stood at our one turret to get the medals, because their daily would count anyways.


Please stop rewarding people for showing up.


Wins count for 2 played matches. problem is, there is no way for them to know this because it isn't mentioned anywhere.

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I think they should really start rewarding people for even logging in let alone queue up and bother to wait that long. Just plain showing up in a warzone is already kind of a blessing in my server. I just had a 5v8 in civill war. Its to the point where I almost dont see the point in logging in.
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after 2 minutes in Civil War where the enemy got two turrets 80% of the team just stood at our one turret to get the medals, because their daily would count anyways.


And this is somehow worse then when the other team gets two turrets and 80% of the team just leaves?

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I don't really see why this is bad. No matter how good of a PvP'er you are, if you're not queuing up with 3 somewhat decent players, it can very possibly take you 10 matches to win your 3 for the day. Why punish people for other players lack of skill?
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I'd rather people join and not play than to not join at all.


The imperials on my server are afraid of this one Republic guild that has monopolized most of the good PVP players on their side. Being a Republic player myself, this is frustrating because every time we do get a PVP match, we always maul them like a lion that went without food for a week. It's bad incentive for the imperials to continue playing.


That's why I've only been in about 10 matches since 1.2 went down... and I've been trying really hard to get Battlemaster gear. It's really ruining my PVP experience.

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I find this very obnoxious, but at least with the valor and commendation difference between winning and losing, it's still well worth it to try. I'm going to start working on War Hero once I get three more BM items... I'll want every extra comm I can get.
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I find this very obnoxious, but at least with the valor and commendation difference between winning and losing, it's still well worth it to try. I'm going to start working on War Hero once I get three more BM items... I'll want every extra comm I can get.


Exactly, if it means that I have to suffer through only 10 comms a game then so be it. I just want comms and I haven't been getting any since 1.2.

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This is a gigantic PvP change. The fact that this was left out of the patch notes is downright comical. Is the PvP development group just flat out not communicating with other branches of the SWTOR team?


2. This change will reduce leavers

If you need to play WZs to completion, then you can't leave a game. Will this reduce trying? Maybe, maybe not. Winning is always better than losing, so perhaps players will not try less. But it will ABSOLUTELY reduce leavers, because at least for those first 6 WZs, you have no incentive to leave.

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This is a great change as it will give people an incentive to stay in the wz instead of leaving at the first sign of a loss. People need to remember that when ranked wzs are implemented, the regular wzs are "introductory" or "minor leagues" so to speak. The ranked wzs will give the rewards for skill and effort while the regular wzs are a place where simple participation has its rewards.
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Such decicions are tricky...


I definately think it is the only possible way right now, as premades dominate too much and as a solo q you just have no chance of getting anything done like that.


Once premades only meet premades they can go back to wins instead of games.

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I didn't know a win counted for two matches, at least that's something. But I'd still prefer the old way. Regarding the low-pop server I can't really say much because I think it's a different issue all-together.


Deserter debuff is needed for the leavers, not just for rated WZs, which may or may not ever come.

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I can't even begin to fathom the twisted logic that has to go through someone's mind in order to think that a change that clearly promotes PvP is somehow a bad thing.


The way I see it, it's bad for the following reasons:

  • Quite a few players only do their dailies in PvP, now they can just go AFK and still get the rewards.
  • From my experience, instead of leaving, they just sit idle at a turret.
  • I've won several matches where 3-5 people left early because the leavers are usually the baddies. (now they stay in the game doing nothing)
  • There are better ways to promote PvP (Ranked WZs with leaderboards being one)


Now this is taken from my experience playing today, it might change later, but for now I've noticed less people willing to try and get a win. People have even said they aren't really focusing on winning since it still counts.

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This is actually all they could do until they get ranked warzones released. Pugs were getting destroyed by premades and could not get their dalies done. For the premades, not to worry. I am sure skill will prevail, you will still be dominating the opposition. They are just going to get rewarded win or lose. For the pugs. Well, you might be getting pummled, but your making progress. Keep your head up.
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Warzone daily missions changed from 3 wins to 6 played. While this might sound like a good idea it's really not. This encourages people to not bother winning. I've seen this already in the Warzones played today, after 2 minutes in Civil War where the enemy got two turrets 80% of the team just stood at our one turret to get the medals, because their daily would count anyways.


Please stop rewarding people for showing up.


This has been going on in Civil war since before the change to the daily, at least on my server ;)

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The way I see it, it's bad for the following reasons:

  • Quite a few players only do their dailies in PvP, now they can just go AFK and still get the rewards.
  • From my experience, instead of leaving, they just sit idle at a turret.
  • I've won several matches where 3-5 people left early because the leavers are usually the baddies. (now they stay in the game doing nothing)
  • There are better ways to promote PvP (Ranked WZs with leaderboards being one)


Now this is taken from my experience playing today, it might change later, but for now I've noticed less people willing to try and get a win. People have even said they aren't really focusing on winning since it still counts.


These aren't ranked warzones yet. Losing does not have any noticable consequences other than it takes you longer to get your gear. Once ranked warzones come out, players will definatly try to win.

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This is actually all they could do until they get ranked warzones released. Pugs were getting destroyed by premades and could not get their dalies done. For the premades, not to worry. I am sure skill will prevail, you will still be dominating the opposition. They are just going to get rewarded win or lose. For the pugs. Well, you might be getting pummeled, but your making progress. Keep your head up.


Exactly , QFE this post


Very logical, calmly written, and imo: very accurate.


Remember all you "hardcore" PVP'ers: The cream (aka 'skill') will always rise to the top.


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My first reaction to this is negative...of course thats easy for me to say as I play on a crowded server with pretty good faction balance. I understand there are servers out there where (especially for republic) getting the queue to pop 6 times in one day is going to be quite challenging (forget about trying to win). So it seems its an unfortunate, but necessary band-aid brought on by the probems of server population and faction balance.


x-server queue would have been better fix imo.

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