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Is The Fatman Saving SWTOR?

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I'd rather have cross server LFG.


I like my names:) Not willing to change them because somebody else has the same one. If this was a tradtional MMO this game would fail, but becuase it's so single playable I don't think enough people care that grouping is a pain. They just solo.

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I'll go look into more of the population statistics of any other servers and see what I come up with. It is nice to hear a few other servers feeling like The Fatman server.
Be sure to check the Rp servers, particularly Jung Ma. It's not the most populated, but they're pulling of events that many people cite as impossible on these boards. Like bringing 200 people together for an organized RP PvP batlle; a server doesn't need to have the population of the Fatman to boast an active and strong community.
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Is it just me, or is The Fatman server the only server saving this game from dying?


In the server, it's actually not that hard to group for any mission and players even ask to do any kinds of Operations on the Fleet. Socialization is pretty easy and can be quite fun—especially if you have a nice, tight-knit guild to socialize with. You find the Fleet, Capital and Starting Planets as the most populated within the server, with the other planets having a decent-to-high population.


Being in a highly populated server doesn't mean it comes without its cons, because the general chat is usually full of trolls and spam of guild recruitment posts (ones that are posted every 20 secs or so), and there will be players who really just make the experience of the game not-so-enjoyable.


Despite all the bugs, the lack of content you reach during endgame and its other cons (mentioned above), is The Fatman keeping most of the game alive? It's population, activity and communities within the server might be what's keeping players to stay (and making more players re-roll each day).


Apparently SWTOR has had a decline of nearly 25% of players, but that—and the end of the Rakghoul Plague Event—just seemed to affect The Fatman server population just minimally.


I've created this thread for a mature discussion intended for a Podcast that I'll be appearing on Monday the 14th.


So could The Fatman's factors in not just population, but the experience of the game and activity of the communities, be saving SWTOR? /Discuss!


LOL it saved me for a little while anyway.


I have 4 high level toons on Shii Cho that don't get played at all because it's to slow on that server now. funny it was one of the original beta servers and now its only mildly active during peak hours.


When I said a little while I'll be bailing soon for D3 and I'm not even all that interested in that game but it looks like more fun than this

Edited by GothicSaint
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I would agree, but population size does not necessarily equate to a level of stagnation. This true for Light servers, and especially for Standard servers.


I have to disagree slightly. Economy wise you have only a few people stocking the GTN. If they feel like it they can charge whatever they want because no one else is selling. Warzone ques only last during peak play time, other than that its a 30 minute wait. After the 30 minute wait you are most likely going to get huttball due to a overwhelming shortage of players queing on either side. Standard servers seem to have a bit more to offer but thats only during peak play times also. The community is a bit better but it doesnt offer anything near what a heavy/very heavy server would have to offer. If two standards were to merge you would have a good healthy population with a solid base to draw from even during off times. Leaving servers the way they are now is just going to drive more subs away.

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Starting areas of any "classes" have more people online than my entire server.


It is depressing to see 1 server being nice while all your time spent to get your toons to the desired level, gear etc is worth nothing because you can't group to make any Ops, can't guild since we are 70total in peak time wich is saturday 6pm to 11pm...


Can't pvp, can't do anything in fact, so my Legacy is totaly useless 1.2 "should" of saved the game according to Devs but just created more rage and people left for being Underpowered now (Healers mostly).


They should of locked Heavy Server so no one can "create" toons there to inforce people to go on light or standard server. Hopefuly Merges and Transfert will happen sooner than .... early summer because i feel like my server will be a 20 people online.


R.I.P. Veela.

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The Fatman server reminds me of an zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion in a scenario in which everyone is nearly decimated in the sense that all of the survivors rally at one point or place and make their last stand. If server transfers don't happen by 2013 I predict that Fatman will be the only populated server.
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The three Australian servers have been awesome since the free transfer for oceania players. Always heavy - very heavy every night but never full. Pings at about 50ms are absolutely awesome and has rarely been seen before in Aus/NZ.
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The three Australian servers have been awesome since the free transfer for oceania players. Always heavy - very heavy every night but never full. Pings at about 50ms are absolutely awesome and has rarely been seen before in Aus/NZ.

It's nice to hear that some servers overseas are having a great population like The Fatman. It's great comments and discussions that I see here that are helping me with creating my discussion next week.

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the harbinger is the PVE equivalent of Fatman...dont forget about Harbinger for PVE

Jedi Covenant actually spikes to VERY HIGH or FULL more often than Harbinger, but both are doing well.

Edited by Blistrich
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The Fatman server reminds me of an zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion in a scenario in which everyone is nearly decimated in the sense that all of the survivors rally at one point or place and make their last stand. If server transfers don't happen by 2013 I predict that Fatman will be the only populated server.

I just lol'd reading this. :p

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Is it just me, or is The Fatman server the only server saving this game from dying?

It's just you, cause there are two. The other one is Harbinger. Aside from those two though . . . yeah, BW is basically running the entire game on three or four active shards at this point; the other 80+ rolling graveyards are just an outright embarrassment.

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I donot think BioWare's goal is to get down to the number of servers Rift has now.....16.:rolleyes: Will TOR survive? Yeah...no issues there, but they cannot come close to thier potential with this game with only a few heavy pop servers.
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This ^^


My Normal server enjoys a great community. I've heard of those on Krath who experimented with rolling on a Heavy+ pop server, only to come back to Krath, because of our great community.


i tried to leave sith meditation sphere for canderous ordo but i ended up comin back to SMS due to community there, what a shame

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It's just you, cause there are two. The other one is Harbinger. Aside from those two though . . . yeah, BW is basically running the entire game on three or four active shards at this point; the other 80+ rolling graveyards are just an outright embarrassment.

I also really feel sorry for those servers that are almost always stuck on "LIGHT", because their economies must utterly suck. It seems much easier to buy, sell and trade things on servers just as populated as The Fatman.

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I don't think it's ONLY the Fatman, as there are other servers at the top of that list (when sorted by status from Full to Light) that are sizeable enough to provide that big population experience.


And I think this is precisely what they're doing with the release of character transfers as free to start with, so that they can funnel all of the players who want to transfer into a smaller number of servers in a more orderly fashion than just "everyone moves to Fatman".


That said, I re-rolled to Fatman back in March and I have loved it ever since. Although I still have a 38 Sentinel and an 18 IA and BH on my old server, I wouldn't go back. I'll simply transfer those over to Fatman once the paid transfers are available.

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I also really feel sorry for those servers that are almost always stuck on "LIGHT", because their economies must utterly suck. It seems much easier to buy, sell and trade things on servers just as populated as The Fatman.


Yes the economy is broken, I hoped servers twice. @ least I lucked out and picked one of the top 20 populated servers this time: Zakkeg Beast (although it still feels rather empty, but it is nowhere near as bad as the other two.)

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Overpopulation is preferable to the graveyard of perpetually 'light' population servers (basically all European servers) that often struggle to boast more than 100 people online in all instances even at good times... Feels more likely Minimally Multiplayer as opposed to Massively Multiplayer!


Says you. You weren't here for the equivalent droves of QQ'ing threads but about server queues.

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Yes the economy is broken, I hoped servers twice. @ least I lucked out and picked one of the top 20 populated servers this time: Zakkeg Beast (although it still feels rather empty, but it is nowhere near as bad as the other two.)

When I heard that The Fatman was where it was at, I immediately started deleting my low-leveled chars on another what-I-thought-to-be highly populated server and just remaking them on The Fatman.

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According to Torstatus, Fatman is the only truely healthy server out of the 100+ servers that exist.


I'd love to play on it, but my ping jumps from 80 ms (which is fine) to 270+ ms in a neverending constant cycle. If all I did was pve, I wouldn't mind, but the 270+ ms is too slow for serious pvp. :(


So, I'm stuck on west coast servers, where the best is...umm...Swiftsure, which has like only 3/4th of Fatman's population-according to Torstatus-but from my experience logged in, based on numbers on the starting worlds and the Fleet, it's more like barely half of Fatman's population.


West coast players should band together and make a west coast version of the Fatman!

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According to Torstatus, Fatman is the only truely healthy server out of the 100+ servers that exist.


I'd love to play on it, but my ping jumps from 80 ms (which is fine) to 270+ ms in a neverending constant cycle. If all I did was pve, I wouldn't mind, but the 270+ ms is too slow for serious pvp. :(


So, I'm stuck on west coast servers, where the best is...umm...Swiftsure, which has like only 3/4th of Fatman's population-according to Torstatus-but from my experience logged in, based on numbers on the starting worlds and the Fleet, it's more like barely half of Fatman's population.


West coast players should band together and make a west coast version of the Fatman!

Maybe like an #OccupySwiftsure? Haha that's what I thought of when players started re-rolling to Fatman—#OccupyFatman—which started some QQing on the forums to tell players to stop switching, although I clearly saw no issue with it. This happened mostly during all of Rakghoul Event thing that caused some players to come back, re-roll or this brought in new players.

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