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Dinged 50.. About to close account for real


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You used the gear you EARNED. SWTOR is very 'communist'.. they want everyone to be the same power and get the same gear (with the Marauder being the exception.).


These two statements are simply not true.


You can purchase a full entry line set with cash for PvP. Which I'm guessing you haven't done.


Secondly, you earn better gear via playing.


Thirdly, they don't want everyone to be the same because you can customize your gear. You can purchase or loot augments or other mods from non-pvp weapons/gear or from other pvp weapons/gear and swap them into your PvP gear to customize your gear to an even higher standard.


You just dinged 50 and started going after current level cap gear. Give it some time. 3-4 hours a night and you can be spec'd in full Battlemaster and start going after mods to adapt your gear to your play style.

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As a tester, for this game from bet a year before release to which I had to reroll uncounted numbers of alts... And including the fact that I did the same with wow and Aion and Eve Online, I will say this about the OP's Post:


1. He is correct on several of his points:


* World PvP - Is completely and utterly lacking, the only world pvp that comes close is/was on tatooine during the raqgoul plague event.


* Many planets have "Contested Areas" yet you will "Never" see any of the opposite faction in these areas because the opposite factions have their own areas to quest in completely unrelated to yours. (I know, I have played all classes on both factions.)


Currently Real world pvp as you would find in world of warcraft, is impossible in Swtor due to the separation of faction areas and how Bioware has made them inaccessible to the opposing faction for 80% of the game.


2. On gear at 50:


* I can tell you for a fact that what your wearing has very little effect, your DPS will only get slightly better, My sniper for example critted for 4-6k in the 10-49 bracket, at level 50 in Full BM she still crits for 4-6k generally speaking with the rare 7-8k crit.


* The game is designed to balance damage, it will not allow a person to hit over a certain amount on a single hit. All classes deal relatively the exact same damage, this is even stated by several devs in the dev blogs and tracker, their goal is to have every class genre (Ie: DPS,/Heals/Tank) Heal the same amount, Tank the same damage ratio, and deal the same DPS no matter whether you are a Sorce, or a mara.


The game pvp wise is in fact socialistic, No matter what you play you are capable of dealing the same amount of damage as any other class.


This is simply Swtor and how Bioware wants it, do I personally agree with it? No. Is this the way it is? Yes.

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wait you have an assassin and you are saying this?





and how do you expect to compeet with ppl with 30-40 days played the moment you hit 50? That wouldnt be balanced for one and if you played as well as them in your 5th or 6th day played then there wouldnt be any skill attainable in the game.


learn to taunt even if you play a dps shadow, try the tank builds for some games, purchase the correct gear and learn to support healers and dps by guarding and dps assisting/ccing.

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Guess you're going to make me take screen shots. I'll be back tonight with screenshots showing proof. Something that everyone already knows.


You guys mis-understood my post:


-I was one of the original Star Wars Galaxies players from way back (best game in history).

I played too, it was awesome pre-NGE.


-I was a WoW player during the 'golden age' (up to level 60, people everywhere, world PVP so bad you couldn't quest. SO many LOL moments I can't count them all). ummm yea okay.


-I spent YEARS waiting for SWTORwe all did, you're point?


-I spent day in and out grinding the best gear I could get from 1 to 50. I had more melee dps than anyone I inspected.

You gear while lvling ( if you are such an avid MMO player you would know) doesn't mean crap but make lvling smoother. All that matters at 50 is how much top teir gear you have... THATS when gear grinding starts.


-I come to find no opposite faction to test my gear against or hone my skills with while questing (maybe a few times.. and yes I'm on Fatman do don't use that as an excuse). Isn't this supposed to be an MMORPG?

again - what does it matter before endgame? I was there are early access so there was a lot of ppl around. But at the same time - endgame is where the game is. And there is a thing called expertise in pvp... thats the arguably the more important stat. que WZ - get comms - buy gear.


-Nothing sells at the auction. At all. The game is socialist and gives away too many freebies during leveling. Why buy stim/health when you can just pick one up from a drop. Oh well there goes the game economy and crafting. The whole MMORPG experience just dropped another 5 notches. the economy kinda sucks - there is no decay or loss of stuff other than consumables. Still arugmented gear - and consumables doo sell.


-After realizing there is no MMORPG PVP at all (even cruising Tatooine on Fatman in prime time), I decide to finally enter WarzonesYOu don't earn anything with openworld pvp anyway... So you'd have to gear up for WZs to gear up anyway.


-My jaw dropped. All my effort of gear went to waste and could not be used. You haven't even geared up. Are you full Warhero yet? nope? then you arent geared up.


-I find myself getting beat by level 15's when I'm at level 40. The game is communist/socialist - it makes everyone's health and dps the same regardless of level (with the Marauder as the exception - that's the OP class of this game. Don't listen to what anyone else here says trust me roll a Marauder)

.Marauder as a pure dps class is arguably the best 1v1 pvp class. but its a team game. And I thought you said in the your original post that you were lvl 50? But yes - that buff everyone up to the same lvl in 10-49 pvp - thats so they don't have to have a huge number of different brackets = more ppl to que with while lvling. But as a lvl 40 you have more abilities. meaning you have the advantage.


- I find Warzone gameplay itself to be very poor. Its NOT FUN. It's just one large mosh pit. The game forces you to cluster together and mash buttons. The whole time you have some gunner shooting at your from VERY far away for 2k damage while you are in the mosh pit. If you don't play like this, you won't get enough points or get kicked from PVP. Again it's socialist. They allow others to kick your from the game if you don't follow the mosh pit. (I finished consistently #1 out of 40 people in WoW because I could use my gear and skill. I spent countless hours on grinding gear and setting up my macros. In SWTOR it goes to waste. You'll never be able to test the gear you worked towards)What game are you playing? get some PVP gear with expertise. if ppl vote to get you out of a pvp match it means you are afking - if you actually in combat and doing things it doesn't let ppl kick you. And yea there are lot of ranged classes but as a melee(mainly) dps assassin you also have ranged attacks and stealth. Umm kill the ranged guys? How 'good' you were at WoW doesn't translate into SWTOR.



-I then ding 50 and am told that the buff 'communism' goes away so I give the game the benefit of the doubt.

-Sure enough I enter and AGAIN the game is playing with everyone's stats. My largest crits do nothing. Everyone's gear is the same. The same 4 classes, with the same 4 outfits. Im really not sure what youa re taking about - does the buff icon show up in 50 pvp - yes but it doesn't do anything because you are already lvl 50. Thats All. there are actually 8 classes not counting mirrored ones - each Advanced class is a totally different class. As far as your damage being terrible thats because you don't know how to play this game.

-And sure enough, all the SIth Inquisiters at the BOTTOM of the list at the end of PVP. Absolutely nothing changed.

Nope - i see Socs at or near the top in damage all the time. and I have an Assassin friend i play with thats alteast in the top 5 most games.


All the gear I worked towards, all of it went to waste. If I do gear up, it won't matter because the Warzone chart shows all the Inquisitor classes stacked together at the BOTTOM. The DPS my class puts out is NOT sufficient to be able to play the style I like (Rogue/Feral Druid). That's what I do best and is what is *FUN* for me. But my DPS on my biggest hits maybe drains 15% of the health bar at best. I should be draining almost ALL of the health bar on a full combo. First - opening from stealth with a knockdown and whatever the agreed upon best opening rotation for a full DPS middle tree assassin is- CAN down someone to about 50%. But what you don't seem to be getting at is this isn't WoW - assassins arent the Rogues. Do they have Roguish Qualities - yea. But they arent. trying to map WoW machanics onto this game is clearing failing you and with out your macros you seem to be having a really hard time. If you want the best alpha strike class its probably operatives. But they aren't a pure 'Rogue' either. You want this to work like a different game - but this is Swtor not wow - you have to adapt to the mechanics


The game just isn't fun. Play Rock, Scissors, Paper and have fun.


Play Rock, Rock, Rock and it's not fun. It's futile.


I guess that's the word I'm looking for. This game is 'futile'. It's pointless in almost every way. From World PVP encounters, to the auctions, to the gear.. it's all just futile and pointless if you can't use everything you worked for.

I use my two augmented Warhero modded sabers almost every day...


-Spend a year working hard

-Buy a car

-You find the doors are locked and you can't drive it

-So instead of asking the dealership for the right keys so you can drive, you guys are too busy saying 'shine it up and look at it. It makes me feel better so it should make you feel better too. Don't bother the dealership. The fact that you don't like the car is your problem'.

-A *normal* consumer will return the car for a refund. Only the small few will keep the car that they can't drive because they love cars so much in general.


If the game is losing subs and getting bad word of mouth, I'm just trying to tell you why. I just bought a car that I can't drive and feel my time working has been wasted. I feel like asking for my grind time back. I certainly would NOT recommend this game to other people. As far as MMORPG addicts, well they'll always be happy with anything they play and should NOT be considered as legitimate feedback. I'm a mainstream guy telling you why I don't like it.


mainstream MMO players are MMO addicts. just saying.


YOu are trolling right?


I can't take you seriously


Your problems come down to this : You want to be able to kick *** in your pve gear that you 'grinded' while you lvled up. Well i hate to tell you but that isnt how pvp works. Expertise is where it is at. Buy the recruit set - and actually grind up BM and WH gear -- at about 1200 expertise I have a ~22% damage bonus and ~ 18% damage reduction bonus. Then Learn to play your class right. And then learn to play the game in general.

Edited by Dacer
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Here I just took a screenshot.. we simply gave up playing against a premade the whole team just sat and farmed metals guarding because there's nothing we could do.


This pic shows how severely off track the game is and I think honestly at this point it's looking to become a failed game. The below picture should 'shock' people in retrospect and hopefully wake some people up that the game is about to become a flop:




wait you're a tank assassin complaining about your damage ? if you are spec'ed up enough to have force pull then no wonder you do **** damage. You're supposed to be gaurding ppl and you know - TANKING - if you are going to go that high up the left tree.

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It dont matter how much expertise you have chainstuns/cc arent affected by expertise. So you can have full war hero gear and get killed just the same as a fresh 50 pretty lame but this is what you have to deal with they wont listen about the expertise crap and they pretend chainstunning doesnt exist.... Edited by hargrave
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imao, if you have no fun just dont play it, you are not alone who is frustrated of wasting of time to get 50


this is wow clone mate, its made for clickers, backpedallers and keyturners, like some1 clever here said 80% gear, 20% skill and 80% bad pvpers and 20% good pvpers


so if you want good pvp wait on GW2 or The secret world, i am not sure how good it will be, but no other new games is on market atm - mmo


so cool down and forget on swtor and dont remember there are thousands sad players who unsubed


i did it also, thats all ...



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As a tester, for this game from bet a year before release to which I had to reroll uncounted numbers of alts... And including the fact that I did the same with wow and Aion and Eve Online, I will say this about the OP's Post:.


Thanks for understanding. My brother in law played the beta and told me he didn't like the game that much and didn't plan on playing it. We all played WoW. All night raids from Canada to USA. It was like a mens Facebook we were all on it (this is back when it was level 60 and still good). And to think we would complain back then lol..


I'm trying to let someone with common sense know why the average person is not going to play the game long term and keep their account active. If I can't spec into my own character and enjoy the fruits of my labour, then why on earth would I continue playing the game and keeping my account?


Why do I want to spend time on gear sets when it won't do anything for me and the game is going to buff everything down?


Why do I want to compete with a bunch of pre-mades the whole night to the point where we are all standing around just farming medals because we literally can't play the game?


Why do I want to sit in some PVP 'mosh pit' dying in 4 seconds and getting critted by some laser rifle 80 meters away from 'who knows how far'?


It seems a lot of you guys never played the old WoW when it was in its Golden Age or even the original Star Wars Galaxies. There is *NO* comparison between those games and this one.


In WoW we'd spend half the time making macros, researching stats, organizing combos, binding hot keys, playing PVP, world PVP'ing. You could spend all day playing capture the flag. God it was so fun. So so so so many LOL moments. So many crazy things happened.


In the origional Star Wars Galaxies everything in the game was player made. EVERYTHING. So if you wanted a rifle, you had to go to an weaponsmith who would be a real player. Players had their own built cities and houses. You asked around for a weaponsmith and someone would give you a referal. You could also visit his house and he would build you the weapon. It would take a couple of days. The DPS, durability, and stats of the weapon was dependant on the quality of the materials and skill of the crafter so you had to look to the guy who could produce the goods.


When you pay him the money for the rifle, he's able to rip you off and take your money. Or you're able to take the gun and rip him off. Once you got the rifle you then went to a 'slicer'. He was an underworld type character that had the ability to 'slice' your weapon and boost the base stats. Now if he was a GOOD slicer, you'd luck out and get all the stats increased. If he was bad, it could actually decrease the rifles stats and ruin the rifle. Or, the slicer could just run away with your rifle.


When you'd go to the pace ports there would be lowbies begging for change becuase they couldn't afford to travel. You'd see these comic book style call-out boxes 'Spare some change, traveling to xyz'. Everyone in the game helped each other out.


I was a miner. I would mine metals and water. I would have to travel all over the place and survey land looking for the best copper, zinc, aluminum I could get. The water was used by Doctors would could buff you. Those had a lot of stats and would ensure the outcome of the final weapon or buff. Only a doctor could buff you. To make money I would stand out in the main area in a doctors coat and people would line up single file and I would buff them each one. They could rip me off though and run away if they chose.


You could take up talents. One of them was 'animal taming'. You could just walk up to any beast and tame them. And then raise them and even genetically modify them. We called them 'pets'. You could take out HUGE pets. I'm talking massive beasts that shook the screen when they walked.


So you can see how these games were far, far, far better than this game which is this socialist/communist sort of game where they don't let you enjoy the fruits of your labor. You get treated like a child in this little box and we get this enough in life in general and the game is not an escape. It's just boxed in and frustrating. The PVP is a joke and NOT fun. It's one big mosh pit.


This game is so fundamentally flawed that's it's almost beyond fixing. It doesn't matter what you do because you'll never get to utilize your gear potential due to the socialist/communist attitude of the developers. Socialism breads corruption and negativity. In early WoW and SWG you were completely free. You controlled your own destiny and if you worked for your stats, you'd make the top of list.


I mean.. it's a great single player Diablo style game and you like lore and LOTS of dialog. Myself I just went on the iPad during all the dialog.. too much of a good thing I guess.


That's what SWTOR is.. basically a single player Diablo game. Not anywhere close to a real MMORPG and especially with a $200,000,000 budget I can't image where all this money got wasted. I don't ever see them making the money back.

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I can't explain it.


Thats because you are arguing an invalid point. I only read the pvp parts, because i only care about pvp.


You consider "even playing field" as "communist/socialist". Thats hillarious. Investment of time DOES NOT EQUAL talent. Imagine if you would have to have played Counterstrike for 2 years before it would let you buy an AWP in a match? Sure would suck to be shot by some guy, whose clearly an inferior PLAYER, but simply has a larger investment of time in the game.


Hello and welcome to pvp. People come from other games also, i started pvping UO pre-t2a. RIP UO, EA killed you hardstyle and they wont deny it, it was a long time ago. But i have an investment of PLAYER EXPERIENCE rather than CHARACTER EXPERIENCE.


So it all boils down to this, do you want pvp to be decided by whose the better player, or who has played the game the longest? Grind or talent? I think we agree Comrade.

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Well after years of waiting I finally played the game and dinged 50.


I hit PVP at 50 and get killed in 2 seconds. I get thrown in with the wolves. Unlike WoW where they matched you up to your ability when you hit 60. And they would NOT buff everyone's stats. You used the gear you EARNED. SWTOR is very 'communist'.. they want everyone to be the same power and get the same gear (with the Marauder being the exception.). They want the children to 'play nice' and did everything possibly to keep players separated from one another through the whole game. I can't stress how much fun this took out of the game.


The PVP uses no skill.. it's just one big cluster ** with people 80 yards away shooting you for 3000k damage from a laser shot. Then the most powerful DPS classes stealth crit for 2500k max. Keep in mind the healthbar is 15k or so. The Sith Assassin is visably ALWAYS clustered at the bottom of the charts after a match and Bioware refuses to do anything about this when it's VERY CLEAR the class is useless (not underpowered, I'm talking USELESS as the class does nothing of use.. no healing, no dps.)


This compared to WoW where a single crit can empty like half of your bar IF you worked for it and paid your dues grinding for the gear. In this game there are barely any PVP sets, no reward for your efforts. No capture the flag. And most of all, it's just not fun. There's never been an LOL moment or a 'cose call' or something exciting happen. No one in chat has fun and there's rarely any LOL's in the chat window. People are disgruntled who are playing.


I can't sell anything in the auction house either. The game gives WAY too much free stuff out to players so there's no natural economy. More socialism/communism. All that does is make me feel the auction house is useless and makes the game un fun.


I can't explain it. The game just isn't fun. Playing WoW back in the day there were so many PVP moments that were LOL. We would yell and scream playing capture the flag and we got grouped into our appropriate levels. It was rock paper scissors so I could take out certain classes easily and I got to use the gear I worked towards.


This game is completely different. It's not fun. It's annoying in a bad way. All my gear and everything I worked towards is useless. There's no world PVP AT ALL almost (yes I'm on Fatman.. the busiest server). You won't find those WoW shared areas were all the fun happened (remember Booty Bay? where did you have any kind of fun like that on this game?).


We would QQ about WoW back in the day but that was more or less nit picking.. but this game??? SWTOR is seriously a flawed game that was obviously under poor direction and management. Like think about it. I'm trying to buy something at the auction and I get sick and die when there are so many issues to fix on this game they are working on legacy systems and an idiotic sickness angle. It's very clear that someone doesn't understand gaming or priorities.


Anyhow, I'm just.. not having fun playing. That's the best way to say it. So far I have NOT had fun playing either. All the work I put into my toon is wasted. I'll never know what the true power of his gear is. I'll never get to utilize it. Not in world PVP, not in Warzones. Who knows what the 820 melee number means? It's a useless number to me. All my effort wasted. Everyone running around in the exact same gear... communist. No individuality.


So what's the point of continuing to play?


Hardcore players say it is only skill, so we all must be wrong and we have to L2P. Classes are balanced too...

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You are saying that SWTOR is "communist" by boosting people to roughly the same level, pre 50. You say that in WoW it was an equal playing feel at 60 (which it definitely wasn't), which in actual terms is the same thing. You then complain about being dead in 2 seconds, but apparently everyone has the same stats?


I am confused, what are you complaining about? L2use defensive CD's, specc tank if you want to survive several dps'ers, ask for Guard, or ask for heals or shields or taunts... Get expertise.

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We all played WoW. All night raids from Canada to USA. It was like a mens Facebook we were all on it (this is back when it was level 60 and still good). And to think we would complain back then lol..


Ok did you just you just say you were American...... that explains an awful lot:


Can't have something the way you want it? Blub and as an alternative option invade.....


Life is tough when you can't admit to being wrong in soooooo many respects of your rather tome-like ramblings. If it is so bad then why even bother writing about it? Unless of course you like the attention.


Mentioning World of Warcraft multiple time does nothing for your credibility either; it merely points out that perhaps you should remain playing a game you like. Why continue playing and moaning about something you obviously

detest? Makes no sense to anyone with even a small amount of cognitive prowess.


gutb....I award you with this small medal for attaining lvl 90 Trolling......please report to the trolling TvT area where you can commence owning all those less fortunate that you. We have implemented an iWIN skill button on your interface that you can mash every second...it has no CD and automatically triggers all your skills with a 150% critical and surge value..... have fun

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That's what SWTOR is.. basically a single player Diablo game. Not anywhere close to a real MMORPG and especially with a $200,000,000 budget I can't image where all this money got wasted. I don't ever see them making the money back.


Hi, they already have made them back in copies sold and the subs

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Well after years of waiting I finally played the game and dinged 50.


I hit PVP at 50 and get killed in 2 seconds. I get thrown in with the wolves. Unlike WoW where they matched you up to your ability when you hit 60. And they would NOT buff everyone's stats. You used the gear you EARNED. SWTOR is very 'communist'.. they want everyone to be the same power and get the same gear (with the Marauder being the exception.). They want the children to 'play nice' and did everything possibly to keep players separated from one another through the whole game. I can't stress how much fun this took out of the game.


The PVP uses no skill.. it's just one big cluster ** with people 80 yards away shooting you for 3000k damage from a laser shot. Then the most powerful DPS classes stealth crit for 2500k max. Keep in mind the healthbar is 15k or so. The Sith Assassin is visably ALWAYS clustered at the bottom of the charts after a match and Bioware refuses to do anything about this when it's VERY CLEAR the class is useless (not underpowered, I'm talking USELESS as the class does nothing of use.. no healing, no dps.)


This compared to WoW where a single crit can empty like half of your bar IF you worked for it and paid your dues grinding for the gear. In this game there are barely any PVP sets, no reward for your efforts. No capture the flag. And most of all, it's just not fun. There's never been an LOL moment or a 'cose call' or something exciting happen. No one in chat has fun and there's rarely any LOL's in the chat window. People are disgruntled who are playing.


I can't sell anything in the auction house either. The game gives WAY too much free stuff out to players so there's no natural economy. More socialism/communism. All that does is make me feel the auction house is useless and makes the game un fun.


I can't explain it. The game just isn't fun. Playing WoW back in the day there were so many PVP moments that were LOL. We would yell and scream playing capture the flag and we got grouped into our appropriate levels. It was rock paper scissors so I could take out certain classes easily and I got to use the gear I worked towards.


This game is completely different. It's not fun. It's annoying in a bad way. All my gear and everything I worked towards is useless. There's no world PVP AT ALL almost (yes I'm on Fatman.. the busiest server). You won't find those WoW shared areas were all the fun happened (remember Booty Bay? where did you have any kind of fun like that on this game?).


We would QQ about WoW back in the day but that was more or less nit picking.. but this game??? SWTOR is seriously a flawed game that was obviously under poor direction and management. Like think about it. I'm trying to buy something at the auction and I get sick and die when there are so many issues to fix on this game they are working on legacy systems and an idiotic sickness angle. It's very clear that someone doesn't understand gaming or priorities.


Anyhow, I'm just.. not having fun playing. That's the best way to say it. So far I have NOT had fun playing either. All the work I put into my toon is wasted. I'll never know what the true power of his gear is. I'll never get to utilize it. Not in world PVP, not in Warzones. Who knows what the 820 melee number means? It's a useless number to me. All my effort wasted. Everyone running around in the exact same gear... communist. No individuality.


So what's the point of continuing to play?


this is swtor not wow wrong forums :(

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Thanks for understanding. My brother in law played the beta and told me he didn't like the game that much and didn't plan on playing it. We all played WoW. All night raids from Canada to USA. It was like a mens Facebook we were all on it (this is back when it was level 60 and still good). And to think we would complain back then lol..




dayum son thats kinda gay

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You are saying that SWTOR is "communist" by boosting people to roughly the same level, pre 50. You say that in WoW it was an equal playing feel at 60 (which it definitely wasn't),


That's right it wasn't.




WoW - Rock, Paper, Scissor - EACH CAN BEAT ONE ANOTHER. Since they are ALL powerful in different ways, they are ALL the same.


SWTOR - Rock, Rock, Rock - They are ALL THE SAME POWER, however, there is NO POINT IN PLAYING THE GAME.


SWTOR - PVP Skill? Who cares! Don't need that. You'll have 3 snipers camping you out critting you for 3k from 'who knows where. 80 meters away. Getting shot for 1k white damage from some guy up on a bridge or who knows where. Everyone is a ranged class.


Even myself as a STEALTH dps class is able to do that damn lightning from 30m which is unfair to everyone else and it's NOT an ability I should have.


PVP Gear? Don't need that! Your crits will still be the same. You'll still die just as fast.


Casting DOTS? Why bother? Every class can cast them off. Why bother using them?


Wanna speck something interesting? Not so fast! You are literally forced into one part of your tree. This isn't WoW where you change vastly from one spec to another.


So everyone is a ranged class, everyone can buy a heal buff or self heal, everyone is a tank. So now we're playing Rock, Rock , Rock. Not Rock Paper Scissors.


The game is socialist. Communist. You see guys.. let this be a life lesson away from gaming. You can't base a system off giving something to free to everyone. It breeds low moral, it rewards bad behaviour, and it creates negativity. The human spirit wants to work to be the best they can be. We want to take pride in building our toon. We all want to win!


If you play Rock, Scissor, Paper, you'll win sometimes and have fun. Especially if you work at it.

If you play Rock, Rock, Rock, which is the socialist version of the game so 'nobody loses' then the game becomes pointless and people forced to play it won't see the point and won't play it for long.


I'm telling you there's litterally no point in playing the game. There game gives free drops, stim packs, med packs to everyone. So why bother crafting? I can't take part in the economy at all. It's pointless. Why? Because they give free gear and item mods to everyone. Free PVP buffs so a level 15 is beating out a level 45.


PVP *DE BUFFS* so if you DID work hard for your gear it's pointless as they drop DOWN your crits and power. And in the end, who cares because PVP is one big cluster *** mosh pit of 3 second kills and these endless sniper shots coming from who knows where. The game just isn't fun to play.


SWTOR is like playing Rock, Rock, Rock - pointless and futile.

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To the OP:


Quitting isn't the answer.


Just QQ on the forums like a good wowzer to get all other classes nerf'd except Assassins.


That seems to work well on these forums. Kinda like it did on the Wow forums.



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Just go play WoW gutb. No one cares that you suck at pvp.

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That's right it wasn't.




WoW - Rock, Paper, Scissor - EACH CAN BEAT ONE ANOTHER. Since they are ALL powerful in different ways, they are ALL the same.


SWTOR - Rock, Rock, Rock - They are ALL THE SAME POWER, however, there is NO POINT IN PLAYING THE GAME.ummm yea. Classes are different, if you can't see the differences then no one can help you. Just leave.


SWTOR - PVP Skill? Who cares! Don't need that. You'll have 3 snipers camping you out critting you for 3k from 'who knows where. 80 meters away. Getting shot for 1k white damage from some guy up on a bridge or who knows where. Everyone is a ranged class. ummm 35m not 80. And your statements increasingly look like you just really suck at playing a melee class.


Even myself as a STEALTH dps class is able to do that damn lightning from 30m which is unfair to everyone else and it's NOT an ability I should have. Well you don't seem to be making much use of it soooo i guess it doesn't matter that much. Again - this is starwars, not high fantasy wow. The class Archtypes are based off starwars not tolken.


PVP Gear? Don't need that! Your crits will still be the same. You'll still die just as fast.

if you are going to pvp you NEED pvp gear. Your Crits will not be the same if you don't have around atleast 1000 expertise. Also you don't die as fast when you are 1000+ expertise compared so someone who has no gear or like 500 expertise. You don't seem to understand that.


Casting DOTS? Why bother? Every class can cast them off. Why bother using them?

ummm not true.


Wanna speck something interesting? Not so fast! You are literally forced into one part of your tree. This isn't WoW where you change vastly from one spec to another. you have your base class then your Advanced class. The ACs are very different from one another. And there is a good deal difference in the play of a tank assassin and a maddness assassin.


So everyone is a ranged class, everyone can buy a heal buff or self heal, everyone is a tank. So now we're playing Rock, Rock , Rock. Not Rock Paper Scissors.umm again- you have no idea what you are saying. Yea everyone can use a medpac, this is new to you in MMOs? Classes with healer trees in their choosen advanced class can have a base, castable self heal. but its not great. And Marauders/sents have a tree that heals them for 2% of their health when they crit on a bleed, and Tank assassins have proc'ed heals as well in their tank stance.

but thats far from everyone being a "rock rock rock" you need to learn to play THIS game not trying to play WoWars: the old republic.


The game is socialist. Communist. You see guys.. let this be a life lesson away from gaming. You can't base a system off giving something to free to everyone. It breeds low moral, it rewards bad behaviour, and it creates negativity. The human spirit wants to work to be the best they can be. We want to take pride in building our toon. We all want to win! I don't really think of playing hours and hours in WZs getting comms to get WH gear or hours in HM operations as getting things for free. Is the player base economy lacking is this game - yes it is.


If you play Rock, Scissor, Paper, you'll win sometimes and have fun. Especially if you work at it.

If you play Rock, Rock, Rock, which is the socialist version of the game so 'nobody loses' then the game becomes pointless and people forced to play it won't see the point and won't play it for long. keep saying that over and over ... doesnt make it a fact.


I'm telling you there's litterally no point in playing the game. There game gives free drops, stim packs, med packs to everyone. So why bother crafting? I can't take part in the economy at all. It's pointless. Why? Because they give free gear and item mods to everyone. Free PVP buffs so a level 15 is beating out a level 45. So what you are saying is that as a lvl 45 you can't outplay a lvl 15 who is at that lvl basicly spamming like 3 attacks. YOu are just not good. And the 10-49 pvp is not supposed to be where you learn to pvp with your character. 50 pvp is totally different. I looks like you want to be able to just destoy stuff, but lack the player skill in this game to do so - so you are crying.


PVP *DE BUFFS* so if you DID work hard for your gear it's pointless as they drop DOWN your crits and power. And in the end, who cares because PVP is one big cluster *** mosh pit of 3 second kills and these endless sniper shots coming from who knows where. The game just isn't fun to play. ummm you don't get 'debuffed'. there is the pvp trama debuff that affects healing but it doesn't effect your hits. idk what game you are playing. If you aren't full BM or BM + WH gear you are not geared.


SWTOR is like playing Rock, Rock, Rock - pointless and futile.


....you don't have a clue

Edited by Dacer
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If you just dinged 50 and don't have around 900 Expertise the first time you step into a 50 WZ via purchasing the Recruit gear and saving WZ Comms for some BM pieces, then you deserve to get crushed.


The skill in this game isn't just twitch based. It is also in preparation and build. If you don't attend to those two things along with properly playing your class, then you are just another baddie legend in your own mind.

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Maybe you should just reroll Marauder and delete your Assassin since its clearly a l2p issue. All of your previous threads QQ about Assassins being underpowered and awful, but Marauders ****** everything that moves. Sounds like you have subliminally known this all along but decided to keep failing at your sin.


Here of some numbers (screenshots with numbers on them), and although they don't mean much and aren't the highest out there, they should be significant enough to show some 'use'.









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