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The "All MMOs have bugs at launch" is getting a little old...


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All MMOs have bugs regardless of how long they have been around.


pretty much all SOFTWARE has bugs no matter how long it has been around... and the more complex the piece of software is the more bugs it WILL have no matter how many times it's patched or updated...


this game isn't actually that bad... compare it to say a Bethesda game... they are released with more bugs than actual content... and even after a few years of patching they still never fix 1/10th of them... lol

Edited by Liquidacid
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Remember when 1.2 dropped and you couldn't log out of the game? Awesome.


LOL.... you sound like that woman in Florida who called 911 because her car lost power completely driving out of a parking lot and stalled in the street and she couldn't get the doors open.



"Hello, 911? Yes, I've been stuck here and it's getting very hot inside the car and I can't get out!! Please send help!"



"Ma'am, what seems to be the problem?"



"My car has stalled, and the power is gone and I can't get the doors unlocked."



"Ma'am, is there a little pull-switch on the top of the door back by your elbow?"



"What? Oh, yes there is some little thing there."



"Can you pull up on that for me?"



"Oh, okay, just a moment. Okay, it's working now, I guess it's unlocked. Thank you so much."


That little "X" button in red in the upper right hand corner will close your application for you. Or just hit ALT+F4 to close. There's no need to be trapped in the game ever again, LOL. They took care of that back in Windows 2.0.


Look, kids. Work around the bugs until they get fixed. It's not rocket science. They aren't leaving bugs in the game just to frustrate you. I promise.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I truly believe bugs are a part of the nature of the game, any game, any software, any hardware. I work in the industry so i can attest to the fact that bugs are not isolated to the mmo gaming industry. IMO, the devs have done a pretty good job at identifying the bugs. You have to keep in mind, they have to prioritize the the bug fixes while at the same time work on releasing new things. The old saying you aren't going to make everyone happy holds true to the mmo gaming industry more so than anywhere else i believe just because you have so many people with eyes on your product.


However, my only real complaint would be the lack of this or that right out of the gate. The staples of an MMO. What is tiresome to me is when people defend SWTOR or any other new game for that matter, saying well this other game didn't have it until a year after launch or what have you. Look, imo, as games are launched and new ideas are put out there that become staples in mmo gaming, then any new games released should have those staples included at launch. There should be no defense on this subject whatsoever. I can go through a list of analogies such as cars, tvs, washers & dryers, computers, monitors, servers, mouses, keyboards, phones, etc. etc. All have progressed with technology and we won't accept anything less. How many people still use the brick cell phones? Anyone? The same standard should hold true for any new MMO, and imo, that is why people have been leaving, not the bugs, it's the lack of the basic MMO staples, well and poor communication from the SWTOR team. I hope the fix and add and whatnot, but to me, this is just a single player RPG instead of an MMO, and that's how I play it now.


Oh and FYI, SWTOR has set a new standard for quests, voice acting and cutscenes; any new games from this point forward will be less than great without just as DAOC set the standard for pvp/rvr, any games without 3 faction pvp is less than great, SWG/EVE set standard for crafting, any game without is less than great, etc.

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How long has World of Warcraft been out? Still has the same quest breaking bugs now as it did at launch.


If its getting old that EVERY game now is lauched with bugs then you need a new hobby. I dont just mean mmo's having bugs. I mean EVERY game has bugs. Its nothing new so better get used to it.

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Simple solution to this don't play mmo's. They all have bugs.


True, and thats a fact as well, ALL MMO"S HAVE BUGS. no way around it in fact most of your single player games are released with bugs thats why they have patches as well.


It's not the bugs that are the real issue, it's how FAST the company responds and repairs them, games that have failed did not fail solely because of bugs, but a combination of things, including the company not getting bugs fixed in a timely manner. The first year of any new mmo, if the comapany is on top of things will have, many patches, bug fixes, balance passes, I have played mmo for a very long time, I can roll with that, but if you can't maybe play a new mmo after a year, when things settle down.

Edited by kevlarto
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Its simple. People expected this to be World of Star Warscraft. They expected perfection right out of the gate. They expected to have LFG and LFR stuff right out of the gate. They expected to go out and kick Darth Arthas' *** in a week, then take on his master, Darth Deathwing. They wanted to make a kickass worg--...excuse me...wookie and call him Chewbacca, or XxchewbaccaxX or something similar. They wanted to make a gobl--...pardon me...Jawa so they could run around screaming "UTINNI FOR THE HORDE!"

They wanted World of Star Warscraft.


They got Star Wars. Basic...vanilla...just starting out...Star Wars.


Boy....some people would complain if their ice cream was cold.


People keep making this argument and compare SWTOR to WoW when it released in 2004. That is just bogus. If a new car company starts up I don't compare its cars to a Model A, but to the current cars that are being manufactured. I like SWTOR but it has issues and the low pop servers are right at the top. If you want to say BIO was new at MMOs fine, but they should have done a bit more research and at least fixed some of the bugs reported in beta.

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no no that's not what I expect at all.


But to be working on a MMO for that long, with over a year of "pushbacks" on launch date, and tons of beta testing time that went into lots and lots of reporting of bugs... They should not have launched in December is what I am saying. And because they decided to launch with all this bugs, while most are minor, have caused a lot of people to stop playing.


It isn't the lack of content, that's just the easiest thing to cry about for people to have a reason to quit... its the annoyance.


The Annoyance of attempting progression in a flashpoint, or operation or something only to have it bug out on you 3-4 times is annoying and will make you quit.


Having quests not want to complete, or glitch out to the point where its 3-4 each planet will make you want to quit.


Inventory items that are usable that are greyed out, is an annoyance which will slowly make you quit.


Companion overlay being bugged for over a month, warzones popping up saying they are ready, only to boot you when you enter, finding a new bug a day for the first month of lauch. All these attribute to people quitting before their "paid" time starts up.


Now we suffer, and you hear the pleas of those that suffered through it and continue to suffer through it beg for server merges... (which has only been slightly touched on by bioware recently) has caused people to quit.


Being one of 3 people on any planet while leveling your alt and not being able to do the quests you want to do (which is a result from 1 person quitting over reason A. One person quitting over reason B. etc etc), has now caused more people to quit.


Sure there are people who enjoy the game (myself), and those that wish that they could have stayed, but were too annoyed by some bug or feature that was not in the game (which is no excuse for a triple A 2012 MMO that cost as much to make as this game did not to have).


I am simply stating, that when people post a negative topic on this game, the fanboys jump out of the bushes screaming "Yeah this game has bugs, all games do". Yes they are right, but most other games would have fixed their problems by now or suffered the same fate we are suffering now in this community. Sure some games have semi-bounced back, but most stay barren, or go free to play, or get taken over by another company who attempts to fix the problems....


But think back, How many MMO's have you played that you wished was better in a few aspects, and you quit because of these problems. You might of had it in your head to go back and play at some point, but that never happened, or when it did, even though the problems you had were fixed, not many people want to jump on board of a 2 year old train.


The only people you can almost guarantee WILL come back are those who this was their first MMO. Statistically, you will always go back tot he first real MMO you played multiple times. Sadly, that is why WoW is still around and holding strong, but besides that, Chinese gold farmers pay for the servers (lawl).


Reguarding your argument about people complaining. Everyone has their reason to dislike the game at whatever state it is in. The real question is, does it effect you? The only thing that should matter to you is what YOU want, not everyone else. Now im not saying the company should cater to all your wants and needs but you should consider a few things; like is the community on the same page as you? Do you like the same features and content they do? And if the game your currently discussing have those things you want?


My point is, instead of complaining about what other people complain or defend about this game, just do what you want? If you want to leave, just leave? Hell i'm anxious for The Secret World. That game looks awsome and seems like its my style. But you don't see me on the forums 'writing books' about what SWTOR does'nt do for me (though I have my opinons like everyone else)? When a game I like comes along that I feel deserves my money, im gone. No questions, no "I unsub'd" post, no problem, and I don't care if the entire population don't follow me.


Bugs, lack of content, all these things are apart of gaming. Some companies just deal with it better than others. Thats the easiest thing to find. The hardest thing to do is come to the realization that the game you thought to have fell in love with and enjoyed all this time may just not be the game for you. When people come to this realization, they will find themselves more happier with themselves no matter what they play.

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Not so much the bugs that bug me. It's the unintuitive decisions that get me. Such as no LFG tool which should be an MMO standard these days. The division of players across many different instanced zones spreading the population way too thin. Introducing a Legacy system with outrageous pricetags on perks that you already earned by leveling. Etc...


A GTN on my shp! You think YAY ALRIGHT! They finally got something right until you see it costs 5 million creds. THEN you realize it's a neutral auction house that nobody uses or will ever use... Lack of intuition that goes all through the game in many ways.

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Games releasing without bugs would be nice, but id rather see games released more than half finished first. After that becomes the norm they can start working on releasing with less bugs.


And id also like to say that bugs dont really bother me that much, if they are fixed right away. But things like the soa and other ops bugs that went untouched for months or like the recent companion bug with earpieces and implants that went untouched for a couple of weeks are just unacceptable in a modern mmo.

Edited by Mallorik
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I am tired of seeing the same argument. "Game XYZ had bugs too, their servers were down for 3 whole days!". "Such and such had a bug where you couldn't alt tab without crashing". yadda yadda....



dude WoW had bugs when it first launched too, so just relax


Awesome debate, right there. :rod_wink_p:

Edited by Deaval
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A GTN on my shp! You think YAY ALRIGHT! They finally got something right until you see it costs 5 million creds. THEN you realize it's a neutral auction house that nobody uses or will ever use... Lack of intuition that goes all through the game in many ways.


The neutral GTN's wont be useless pretty soon btw, they are getting rid of all the other gtn's and they are all going neutral (imps will be able to buy from and sell to reps) not sure its coming in 1.3 but last i heard its coming pretty soon.

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One of my biggest issues seems to be the plethora of regression that these patches introduce. As well as bugs that are so obstructive to gameplay it's obvious to anybody who has developed any kind of application before that patch testing is minimal, at best.


Oh.. and my sound still goes out about 15 minutes into game play, every single time I play, since 1.2 was launched. My guildies have the same problem.

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The assumption that more dev time = less bugs is false. I would even go as far as to say it is the opposite.


Most software, in any genre and of any type, needs to hit mass distribution before most of the bugs begin to happen often enough to be reliably reproduced. Only upon reliable reproduction of a bug can said bug be fixed.


So its not 'All MMO's have bugs at launch"... it's "All software has bugs at launch"

Everything else concerning the op is revolved around that false assumption so if we can educate the normal people (non-devs) about the truth, then we can be assured that these threads are only started by trolls....

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The assumption that more dev time = less bugs is false. I would even go as far as to say it is the opposite.


Most software, in any genre and of any type, needs to hit mass distribution before most of the bugs begin to happen often enough to be reliably reproduced. Only upon reliable reproduction of a bug can said bug be fixed.


So its not 'All MMO's have bugs at launch"... it's "All software has bugs at launch"

Everything else concerning the op is revolved around that false assumption so if we can educate the normal people (non-devs) about the truth, then we can be assured that these threads are only started by trolls....


Ok so let me tell you about software and where it all went wrong:

1. C was a language that even Denis Richie said "I can write a program in C that even I could never figure out."

(this is not a good thing, that is like saying that the design means the it is built to fail on purpose)

2. Microsoft was the first company to introduce the idea that the customer is the beta tester permantly.

3. C is almost impossible to debug as it has so many libraries that are not tested that each year the problems get worse. Example: Total re writes of code as the more patches the more unkowns get introduced. i.e. new versions

4. C is single threaded, single processor designed but got globbed on multi processor/munti threaded support added.

(this was needed but the core of C never was fixed to do this.)

5. Many other OS that can do the job better then C are ignored as it is like Wireless vs Hardwired.

(the infrastructure of proccesors have to be switched up to more modern multi proccessor/multi threaded OS)


This discussion has gone on for 20 years now but old horses are hard to shoot or put out to pasture. Just a fact.

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