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Why no Guardian/Juggernaught QQ?


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Being a healer operative myself, I can tell that good juggernauts put guard on healers, and it often wins the fight. Without it, I am squishy and that results in much fewer heals :) Often people will ignore me even, if I am guarded/shielded.


In relation to this, I think that teams that understand to play their class roles well are the winning ones, and there are far too many pvpers who only see themselves.


It is frustrating playing tank and guarding healers that seem completely oblivious to the fact you are protecting them by CCing and taunting anyone who comes close to them, and of course the guard. So when healers, and tanks start to cotton on to the fact that they need each other life will be much better. Personally I think healers should be squishy because that gives tanks a spot in WZs. Keep that damn healer alive!

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Are we the only class that's balanced? Are we gimped? What's up, why does nobody ever complain about Guardians or Juggs?


It feels kind of insulting to the class that we don't inspire any whining, whilst every other AC gets threads dedicated it.


Give us some love guys - let's get some Nerf Guardian threads going.


I think i did see few complaints about jugs/guardians mostly about rage/focus jugs/guardians and their smash. Funny thing though, people complain about "maras/sents" ravage/master strike as if its not warrior/guardian shared skill..

And if you feel unloved, wonder how snipers and gunslingers feel, must be really really lonely. :)

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I gave up playing my guardian. I'll do dailies with him for cash but I'm tougher and meaner on my sentinel even though they're both full bm+. I'm not sure the guardian class is fixable at this point. Sure they can guard/taunt but the other two classes that can do those things have many more effective tools.
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soo looks like im the last guardian tank, with tank gear out there?

i was happy doing 150-250k dmg and around 50k protection points per fight, but after seing some screenshots aout there in the forum i feel a weakling.

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I'd also like to point out thou... There will never be a FOTM Guardians... our class is very hard to level and one of the harder classes to play in pvp... and thank god for small favors...



(please however do not let these buffs bleed into PVP cause that will lead to nerfs)


only class I've ever played that is awesome in a Wz but horrible in a raid... le-sigh...

stop spreading misinformation, guardian is no harder to level or pvp with than other classes.

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Juggs/Guardians are awesome, they are very strong but I don't think they are overpowered, at least their two dps trees. Now if we take a look at the tank in dps gear, there might be a problem. But its common issue with all the tanks in dps gear (tanksins, powertechs), they have a lot of utility/survivability and still can do about the same overall damage as dps.
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First off one has to distinguish between a 31 build tank spec and a highbred spec, because there is a huge difference.


Currently 31 point Tank specs in particular cannot effectively PvP due to the fact that shielding and armor only defend against Melee and Ranged making a full 31 build near to useless in good premades or against them.


Why is this a problem? because every time you want to PvE you have to change your spec not just your armor.


In focus fire PvP most of your damage comes in the form of Force and Tech which just ignores our shielding and Armor buff skills, making absorption skills next to useless also; combine this with the fact that our only form of reward come from medals achieved by taking other players damage on top of our own. Yeah you get lots of easy medals but no real pizzazz.


This brings a threefold level of frustration - 31 tank specs have no added utility, we have no damage to speak of, one very long cool down heal, and no way to break slows or stuns - So if you want to PvP you have to respec every time or spend every match slower than a snail and dead whenever anyone needs a fast easy kill. Watch that health bar vanish caught in the cross fire of three lightning tossers or rock flingers.


Respecting costs a lot... Yes Tanks classes have two viable PvP trees but why shouldn't the full tank tree be viable also? Tanks should be able to transition from PvE to PvP as long as they have the right gear.


Getting medals from casting the same two long cool down taunts over and over, rinse and repeat till quick death is not really fun PvP considering how fast Tanks die against a DPS heavy, PvP skewed game, full of min / max stat stackers.

Premades on my server are packed with Sorcs and Counselors, DPS spec Troopers and BH, Jedi / Marauders, they all move fast hit hard and have a ton of utility - Until Tanks get Resistances or ways to proc shield and absorption you wont see any QQ or many full PvP tanks either.

Edited by Dajag
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- which will still be less impact than a good Assassin, or Powertech, except maybe in Huttball.


Go on. Prove me wrong.

why except in huttball? what does a jugg/guaddrian have that improves his usefullness in huttball over assa and pwoertech?


but @topic:

we already had the whines about juggs/guardians a few months back. you probably missed it.

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why except in huttball? what does a jugg/guaddrian have that improves his usefullness in huttball over assa and pwoertech?


but @topic:

we already had the whines about juggs/guardians a few months back. you probably missed it.


Triple jump puts a Jugg/Guardian over a Powertech/Vanguard in Huttball IMO - only just though. Grapple is pretty damn useful.


Assassins/Consulars are probably as good or better than Juggs/Guardians with stealth/sprint.


Of course that's just ball running. If you just want DPS as well there really isn't much contest.

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A "good" Guard/Jugg SHOULD have an impact on a match.

The reason that Guard/Juggs are not getting much QQ is because bad ones don't make a difference.


Actually, on the other side of the problem is that not much people give due credit for playing a Guardian/Jugg well. Peeling enemies from the squishies countless times, running around with taunt/AoE taunt everytime it finishes cool, quick-switch targeting for numerous enemies so I stun one, stun the other, KB the third, move out of range and Awe the other 3, effectively stalling 6 enemies for an average of 4 seconds... trying to survive incoming focus, gobbling up medpaks like mad, blowing CDs, jumping all over the field, giving out freebie 20% damage resistance to people everytime... even helping out our own focus fire by dealing instant 20% armour debuff to major targets with Guardian Slash + Slash....


...and after the game, the top gun in the team would get 60 kills and 750k damage dealt, the top healer who was under my protection would show something like 600k healing.... and me, I would get someting like have 10 kills and 200k protection....


...and I'd get 0 votes.


Woop dee too.


The life of a dedicated tank Guardian. :rolleyes:

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Actually, on the other side of the problem is that not much people give due credit for playing a Guardian/Jugg well. Peeling enemies from the squishies countless times, running around with taunt/AoE taunt everytime it finishes cool, quick-switch targeting for numerous enemies so I stun one, stun the other, KB the third, move out of range and Awe the other 3, effectively stalling 6 enemies for an average of 4 seconds... trying to survive incoming focus, gobbling up medpaks like mad, blowing CDs, jumping all over the field, giving out freebie 20% damage resistance to people everytime... even helping out our own focus fire by dealing instant 20% armour debuff to major targets with Guardian Slash + Slash....


...and after the game, the top gun in the team would get 60 kills and 750k damage dealt, the top healer who was under my protection would show something like 600k healing.... and me, I would get someting like have 10 kills and 200k protection....


...and I'd get 0 votes.


Woop dee too.


The life of a dedicated tank Guardian. :rolleyes:


This is why on my GRD i prefer to PvP as DPS spec in tank stance. I get my kills, i get decent damage, can do almost all of the defensive duties i can in tank spec, i still break 100k protection and a ton of medals- but i have more fun doing it :D

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soo looks like im the last guardian tank, with tank gear out there?

i was happy doing 150-250k dmg and around 50k protection points per fight, but after seing some screenshots aout there in the forum i feel a weakling.


Well i do 50-100k protection practically every game and i'm rage playing in tank stance. And i do double to tripple your damage. '

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Well i do 50-100k protection practically every game and i'm rage playing in tank stance. And i do double to tripple your damage. '


Which is perfectly balanced, and hence no qq.


A juggernaut/guardian always brings more to the table when compared to a marauder in a match. Wrong nerf QQ is wrong...

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The problem is there's not as many Juggs/Guardians as there are Mara/Sents. Of the little there are, most are probably Immortal/Defense specced. Rage/Focus spec does some nasty damage if the player wears DPS gear. Are they balanced? They might be slightly undertuned but in the hands of the right player, they are pretty damn good classes.
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Warriors/Knights got the buff they deserved and they don't need nerfs or buffs at all imo. And no i dont play any of them, only classes that need a nerf are PT's/Vg's and tank assassins but do they need a nerf because they are OP? Makes no sense a tank spec to do that much DPS and no I didn't get owned by any class.
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Are we the only class that's balanced? Are we gimped? What's up, why does nobody ever complain about Guardians or Juggs?


It feels kind of insulting to the class that we don't inspire any whining, whilst every other AC gets threads dedicated it.


Give us some love guys - let's get some Nerf Guardian threads going.


when people say jedi knight and sith warriors need nerfing in certain area's its mean all class's involving those 2 types as they pretty much have the same abilitys just about.


except juggernaughts and guardians are suppose to be deffensive with less damage

maurauders and sentinels are suppose to have good damage but without much defense.


this is how i think bioware tryed to get them but as you can see they both have high damage and good defense's having both is what makes them overpowerd.

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