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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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Like i said in my above post, its coming. And again, if you dnt like it, stop paying and move on.

Another thing that i honestly dnt get it, its all of this comparisons of D3 with current MMO's, i dnt know what a single/multiplayer game has to do with an MMO and how can that be compared to them, but ok.


Anyway, whatever. Tired of all the same mumbo jumbo from ToR flamers/haters, just begone allready.


LOL. Have fun playing with yourself. Nice why to drive yet one more person away from this game. My Heavy pop server is now down to light on the weekends. Only 46 Players on the Imp fleet on a weekend afternoon, and only 24 on the Pub side. Nice. We need all the people we can get at this point. It's not a bad game. But you sir are a fool to think that driving the unhappy people away will somehow save this sinking ship.

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It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.


This is totally useless and non constructive.


I'm perfectly sane, thank you. I really enjoy this game. Don't include me in your general assumptions.


BTW, I really don't care for fantasy or large RvsR activity so GW2 isn't even on my radar. I prefer TOR. The combat is solid, the story lines are great and I enjoy the WZs more than I ever likes in WoW.

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Which means you've got nothing but sad hyperbole. Good try though.


Now impress us by counting to potato.


Hyperbole has become the most bastardized cliche word mmo forums have ever seen.


People just like the poster I've quoted use the word "hyperbole" to push their own hyperbole.

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the game does have its problems but calling it a failure is hardly true.


-- Aion was much more of a failure..constant "world pvp" translated to "constant ganking" once you hit 25..got old REAL fast.


-- Guild Wars (the original) was good during beta testing but they changed it so much just before release it sucked so bad. not holding my breath over the quality of its second incarnation either.


-- Cataclysm xpac for wow was much more of a failure...it lives up to its namesake...(beta tested mop..it sucks too imo. the monk and pandas wont save that game. not to mention theyre destroying warlocks by making them more tedious to play than they already were)


-- Everquest 2 was much more of a failure because they tried to force ppl into groups a lot more..even while lvling.


with this game people were expecting too much too soon.


although it is true this game could have and should have taken atleast one more year in development before release. and definitely could have used a better engine instead of someone trying to prove an old engine still had some life in it. that was completely beside the point of creating a "new mmo", now wasnt it?.

Edited by Anathar
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Well, this "hater" alone speaks more truthful words than EA and Bioware officials combined. And he is absolutely correct about one thing - SWTOR is an utter failure. 200 million budget and come out with such a half-assed product? Not to mention that they have had 6 months to get a *********** grip. Instead, they are screwing up even more.


Do you work at EA's financial division ?

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This...WoW is the last of it's kind (10 mill sub MMO). It appealed to the masses at a time when there was really no competition and brought MMO's into the mainstream. None of the so called "AAA games" will kill each other. At the end of the day, they will all settle in with large populations of people; each garnering a chunk of the subs once owned solely by WoW (WoW probably still being the highest).


The sooner people realize this, the sooner everyone will be content enough with the game they personally enjoy and stop spewing hate on their "rivals" forum.


Not to be pedantic but BSG online has snagged near 10 mill players in it's one year of being around. It may be a F2P in an entirely space setting but it still feels more like an mmo than TOR does. You constantly run into other people.


I played it from launch and it's grown to be even more fun.


I'm no fan boy or hater of TOR. Just a realist. I have mixed feelings about the way things are being handled by EA/Bioware. There are lot of promises but not a lot of delivery. That above everything is what I find most disappointing. Right now I'm finding it hard to play the game again because I've already seen what the planets have to offer with their side quests. It gets a little headache inducing after awhile. Unlike KOTOR I really couldn't care about the story once I reach level 20 odd, I start spacing through all the dialog.

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as in High retention of their pvp community..


too bad wows pvp is such a huge joke. even the tourney comps that used it for a while dropped it because they got tired of it being so unbalanced.


not to say pvp in this game is balanced...because its not. but its still better than wow.


the imbalance between a lvl 49 fighting a "bolstered" lvl 10 in this game is still more closely balanced than a lvl 85 in current season pvp gear fighting a lvl 85 in last season pvp gear in wow.


even if both classes are wearing current season pvp gear in wow a frost mage fighting anything else is completely unbalanced.

Edited by Anathar
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You dont spend 300mil making a game and let it fall apart, you will be amazed what an expansion and some mega marketing will do for the game.


This. If they can deliver on a working Dungeon Finder, population control, passable PvP and free form space combat by the time the expansion hits, then this game will be amazing.


I've cancelled my sub, but only because I feel we are paying Bioware to beta test, and that doesn't sit well with me. It's obvious now that the game was pushed out early to make the christmas deadline.


The game is 80% done. It's incomplete, but what's there is excellent. I look forward to playing this game as it should be when I come back.

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Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.


When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.


I'm going to add just one more bit in here. The HEART of this game, is Star Wars, through and through. THAT is what is "nailed" in this conversation. BioWare "nailed" Star Wars down. I understand that people liked SWG. We get it. Never played it myself, never really had the urge, but I get it.


But Star Wars was NOT about setting up your life as an interior designer. It was NOT about standing out in the plains mining resources and creating pets for sale. It was about swashbuckling your way through the galaxy in a life-or-death struggle against the enemy and their dastardly plans. It was about escaping planets, rescuing Princesses from the clutches of evil warlords, gathering with like-minded rebels and fighting together to destroy your enemy.


Or, contrarily, it was about banding together with your fellow Imperial officers in a quest to crush this insignificant rebellion which had the audacity to refuse your obviously superior plans for ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. It was about succeeding in your goals and performing better than your competitors to insure your progression through the Imperial ranks and prevent yourself from being force-choked against a bulkhead due to incompetence.


BioWare got it done. And I highly doubt that this was some last-ditch effort that came together in the last two years. They started with the right goals. They started by determining the core of the movies, the core of what the game should be, and made it happen.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.


I have to disagree. I've been a fan of the Star Wars series since I was 4. This game doesn't capture the universe of SW at all.


To start with space combat: This doesn't feel like star wars at all. It feels like an arcade game from the 80s with improved graphics. There are so many SW space shooters out there that nail this (and even SWG did the space content perfectly) that it's hard to say this is even vaguely right. Having the sound effects from the movies doesn't make it accurate to the setting.


General combat: This is the typical button bashing affair with the simplistic style of "11111333335555" rotation. Only in PVP does combat switch up a level because you're facing a player. As an example I managed to complete the Hoth bonus series at level 44 when it's a level 47 and up quest. It wasn't vaguely hard even with the mobs three levels above me. Combat doesn't become hard until you hit the last 3 worlds with your story (Belsavis, Voss and Corellia)




Bioware previously perfected the EU of Star Wars with KOTOR. It was fresh, added to the universe and more importantly added some great characters that you cared about. In TOR they try and pick up where they left off, but instead of adding characters and a story you truly care about, they add heavy cases of fluff. There is so little I feel invested in. The companion side quests are a joke compared to Bioware's previous outings with Companion quests.


They've missed out on what made their previous games great. Emotionally charged characters that you want to learn about, a story that has brilliant twists and you want to put all your time into and a setting that works. In this setting there is supposed to be a period of truce that turns into war. No where in this game does it feel like war. It feels like you're just sight seeing in a slighty rough neighbourhood.

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I found it interesting this post which was made by a reader in response to the post from the supposely disgrunted EA employee and was written on Oct, 2010.


"The semi-official number is closer to 100mil, and people are calling BS on this on the TOR forums.


I don't think it will be the biggest failure. I do think it won't be as big success as Bioware likes to think. The information we've gotten so far has mostly been met with negativity. I mean, a Star Wars MMO that doesn't have space combat?! (And don't call that on-rails minigame from the 90's "space combat" or you will disappoint alot of people). They have also forgotten the RP elements of the game (only 4 players in a team so forget playing with your friends, very restrcicted racial choices (only humans with different colour skin basically confirmed) no cosmetic tabs, crafting sounds like a joke etc etc).

Basically it feels like BW is sitting in their ivory tower and telling us lowly peons what to like.


There has been rumours about TOR going microtransaction free-to-play route, which might save it. As it sounds at this moment, a single player RPG you can play with friends on co-op mode, it is not worth a monthly sub. I'm sure the fanboys will keep it alive no matter how much it sucks, but it won't be the "wow-killer" everybody was hoping for."


While not all of this post is true as we know of today, it is not that far off in other comments.

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You guys won't be happy until the game shuts down, until the fun for folks who love SW:TOR is ruined.


I can only imagine what the other new MMO boards will be like when *gasp* those games turn out not to be perfect at all.

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Could everyone who agrees with the OP leave?


Like... the forums and the game now.


Right now.


Not having you in our community would just be fantastic.


could everyone that agrees or disagrees with this guy or anyone else please keep telling us your opinions?


like...just keep talking and sharing because thats what we're here for.


ya know?


this being forums and all. its fantastic.

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You guys won't be happy until the game shuts down, until the fun for folks who love SW:TOR is ruined.


I can only imagine what the other new MMO boards will be like when *gasp* those games turn out not to be perfect at all.


I am not on these forums to shut the game down. But I am not a fan of the game with his head stuck in the sand, with no thoughts on how it needs to be improved. I want TOR to prosper and be successful for a long time. But ignoring it's weaknesses is not a way to help that happen.

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You guys won't be happy until the game shuts down, until the fun for folks who love SW:TOR is ruined.


I can only imagine what the other new MMO boards will be like when *gasp* those games turn out not to be perfect at all.


This game won't shutdown, after all WAR still manages to keep going on a handful of servers.

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FYI (since I saw this in a couple of posts) negative posts populated the forums before release with the occasional fan boy intrusions. Even so, people who like the game will continue to play it until they get bored, others will just quit, like I just did. Just canceled my sub as I don't consider this an MMO and worth paying a monthly fee for. It has been like this since launch and even before that, from what I've heard. I'm not going to put a long list of reasons why I'm leaving because they match everyone else'


Even if it were F2P I probably wouldn't play it. The game has no feeling to it, just vast emptiness and shallow & meaningless conversations with NPCs. Choices have 0 impact on your game play, on the contrary to what they've advertised (and are still).


In conclusion - I'd swap this game for KOTOR sequels any day. And god damn it the engine sucks.

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That link was proven to have been posted by a WoW player, he usually posts on mmo-champion and gets banned regulary and then vents on review sites where people think he actually works for EA and then they jump on the hate TOR bandwagon. Edited by Scerge
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It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


I played GW2 for all of 6 hours before deciding I had made a huge mistake by paying for it.

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I'm a little disappointed with SWTOR. I think because I was in beta so once it released it wasn't "new". But overall the game isn't bad. Most of my complaints are minor. I think they put TOO much effort in the leveling experience. Expecting players to spend most of the time questing. Giving them time to work on extra stuff in the mean time. I will say the game is lacking "core" features that mmo players have come to expect. Which I think the devs realize it better then any of us do.


I think the Star Wars IP is going to keep it alive for the most part. I do think this game has a chance to get plenty of subscribers.


WoW didn't get 10 millions subscribers overnight. It took years for it to grow. It wasn't til the expansions came out that their numbers started to really jump.


I just think its way too early to say this game is a failure.

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