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What's Killing SWTOR?


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What kills me, is this: I have been playing since beta, working for my Legacy when it wasn't even implemented into the game - and now, the Legacy is here, but... my server is DEAD.

Because there is no character transfer still, I started to play at 1 of few still "not dead" servers, and had to start all from the beginning... I didn't even had a chance to use this Legacy system.

Is this logic to you EA ? Greatly thougt... Congratulations... :mad:

Edited by CormacAlClian
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Whats killing TOR started when the Devs refused to talk about anything unless they were 100% sure it was going into the game and by that point in development it was too late for community feedback and what feedback was offered was ignored.


If you could go back and see what people were calling for before launch you would see its the exact same things that TOR is missing. Better space combat, things to do once the story has finished, questioning about how concequences will play out in the game (short story they don't), the lack of species, the look of much of the armour and weapons, guild options, end game content and PvP. All were brought up and the devs would say we are bringing the 4th Pillar Story and fully VO game to answer any of these concerns or the immortal we aren't ready to talk about that.


And then there have been some odd choices along the way. The list of playable species (while increased with legacy if you have 1.5 million creds or that species to 50) are all basically Human. Because we couldn't understand what a Gran or Trandoshian or what ever species you have in the concept of the story.


The we get to character customisation where most armour looks horrible, its almost impossible to get a full suit of Orange gear of the same type and the character creation options are all pre-sets. This was brought up in development when we would be shown the options of a whole lot of scars yet very little in the way of customising the faces.


Once you get in game you find you have no physical presence you can just run through people and enemies and other players. This is a next gen MMO Age of Conan got it right, even WAR got it right in PvP lakes and areas. This is 2012 we should have real physics in the game it makes a big difference to the feel of whats going on. And then there is the level and the worlds, its horribly linier. Goto A then to B then to C etc. There needs to be more freedom in an MMO and given the use of instancing and story arcs this shouldn't be a problem.


Then there is end game, for some reason the devs decided that end game ment grouping game. There has to be soloable end game material as well or you just spend all your time lfg, PvP has been dumbed down to a death match style experience which gets worse as its even same faction which does nothing to build community or faction ties.

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For me it's that I can't find a group on either of my two once heavy servers for flashpoints, and warzones never pop. I simply don't have anything to do anymore because there isn't enough people around.


Sure I can solo quest, I can stand around on fleet all night long watching NPCs wander around, or I can look at my guild counter and think back to when there would be 10 - 20 people on all the time.


MMOs aren't fun to play solo. I play games online to not only kill spare time, but also hang out with friends and meet people. I love the social side of MMOs. This game doesn't deliver PVE, PVP, or group interaction that I want.


Yes I know people love to say things like "reroll and it will be fine" or "bye we wont miss you". But you will, when there are no one else to play with.


I'm waiting for a game I ordered to arrive in the mail, it's a different MMO, I wont be back once it arrives. I love TOR, but I don't love playing alone.

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Dead planets and the lack of any tools to mitigate that (cross server pvp, cross server flashpoints, or server transfers) only adds to the feeling that this is a dead, dying game, and its just time to move on.


- P

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If you guys hate the game so much.....


Why are you still here?


im still here just waiting for either a miracle/or another game to come out..oh and to annoy the fanbois who cant see that this game is nothing special . please take off the rose-tinted glasses and see this game for what it is,a bad copy of WoW.

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1. Dead server. Noone to play with --> NOT an MMO

2. Endless grind for PvP. No competitive aspect. Wouldn't help even if it was competitive cause of #1.

3. Buggy end game PvE.

4. Ugly armor sets. Why would i want epic armor if level 30 stuff looks cooler.

5. Dead economy. Probably cause of #1.

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If you guys hate the game so much.....


Why are you still here?


It's called;


"Our subscription have not run out and we still got access to the forum."


Thank you for your time dear JediElf.

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1. Dead server. Noone to play with --> NOT an MMO

2. Endless grind for PvP. No competitive aspect. Wouldn't help even if it was competitive cause of #1.

3. Buggy end game PvE.

4. Ugly armor sets. Why would i want epic armor if level 30 stuff looks cooler.

5. Dead economy. Probably cause of #1.


lol exactly...well said

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It's called;


"Our subscription have not run out and we still got access to the forum."


Thank you for your time dear JediElf.


So none of this is meant to be constructive at all? it's all a concerted effort to demoralize the game, and it's player base?


Really? Why would people do that?

Edited by JediElf
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It's called;


"Our subscription have not run out and we still got access to the forum."


Thank you for your time dear JediElf.


Thank you for basically spelling out that you have nothing better to do other than attack the game and people who enjoy it with whatever free time you're capable of finding, because, you know, there isn't a world outside of your window.

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So none of this is meant to be constructive at all? it's all a concerted effort to demoralize the game, and it's player base?


Really? Why would people do that?


Thank you for basically spelling out that you have nothing better to do other than attack the game and people who enjoy it with whatever free time you're capable of finding, because, you know, there isn't a world outside of your window.


Princesses, please.


I answered a question, "If you guys hate the game so much.....Why are you still here?"


Please don't make up things I haven't said or make a big thing out of it. Please quote me where I said "I'm here to attack the game."


Thank you dear JediElf and Celebrus.

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What's killing the game is there are to many servers. They NEED To do a merge. To many players spread out to thin. My server has about 60-70 people in fleet at peak times. Right now (12:30pm Sunday) there are 26 people in fleet. It's expected to be lower at that time but WOW is that low. I could fit all those people in my condo.


Also I was very disappointed that the new raid/op only had 4 bosses. It might as well have been a flashpoint.


@OP: The bugs in the raids/ops and slow fixing of them was a bit letdown in my book. They didn't even bother to fix Soa in The Eternity Vault till patch 1.2 came out. That's disgusting. If there are bugs in this new operation and they don't get fixed till patch 1.3 then, well, you can guess what I will be doing.


I really enjoy the game where there something to do AND there are people to do it with. When it takes 20 minutes to find a DPS to fill a spot in our ops raid, it makes the game rather frustrating.

Edited by Krojack
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What's killing SWTOR is that people cannot get past the fact not every MMORPG designed out there will hand hold them and automate everything for them.


Bioware is working on transfers and after they will start closing servers down.

Edited by Skidrowbro
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Why I cancelled my account.


First and foremost. Game Engine. This game engine simply can't support more then 8 v 8 pvp. Why is this such a big problem? Because when you are making a WoW type game and you not only add healers as a requirement for pvp, but also add tank/guard, and on top of that you are only fighting 8 on 8? PvP is completely unbalanced and all that matters is comp. I say this as someone who had 2 healers/ and a tank queue with my marauder (or my powertech) and the team we were playing had no chance in hell. The healers are simply unkillable with a tank/guard. This isn't 4 out of 15 people, or 40 people (that can happen in WoW), this is 4 out of 8 people. The other team had no chance and it wasn't fun.


Lack of Arena. Even if you didn't like WoW arena, it accomplished one thing. It kept premades from completely dominating casual pvp. Arena players have nothing to do in this game, except clownstomp pugs all day, which gets old.


Raiding. A) As someone who enjoys pvp, I have zero reason to raid in this game. None. There are no "trinkets", or really good weapons to get, so why bother. B) Because other people have realized the same thing? Raiders on pvp servers are slim to none. C) Add to that, there is no lfg tool. I


Conclusion: 1. This game copies WoW but is worse due to a game engine that makes premades way too powerful. 2. In addition to healers, we are also forced to play tanks. That is TWO "not fun" classes that are REQUIRED for pvp. 3. No reason to raid, and far too tedious to put together a group.


You have two options. A) If you want a more polished/balanced SWTOR that only lacks "story" while leveling? Play WoW. B) If you want a true pvp MMO? Wait for Guildwars 2. No healers in that game. Finally a game where comp doesn't determine who wins. Will give Guildwars 2 a shot. As long as the game engine isn't a disaster (like this game) it will be my new MMO.


I love playing tank in pvp and my brother loves healing in pvp so i dont know where you are talking about forced to play 2 un fun roles in pvp. stop QQing and just play the game or leave it.

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What's killing SWTOR is that people cannot get past the fact not every MMORPG designed out there will hand hold them and automate everything for them.


Bioware is working on transfers and after they will start closing servers down.


I'm sorry, I didn't know you were working at Bioware.


Please share more of your plans.

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They likely estimated their user base at launch wrong and opened too many servers spreading the population too thin.


It wasn't that there were bugs at launch, it's the time that it took to fix them is the problem and I'm sure people quit because of it. WoW had a lot of bugs and server problems at the start, but unlike now there weren't many MMOs out there for people to go to so people stuck with WoW.


Unfortunately EA likely rushed the game out for Christmas when it could have used to some time to iron things out.


This game is going to need some pretty innovative things to bring back people to this game. 1.2 was a step in the right direction though

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Has it been officially announced yet?


It has been a rumor for a long time, I'm just hoping it will go into actual development.


uh yeah, it is official, there is an official annoucement. Has been in development for many years now, and is set to release next year.

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Two major flaws that I think are driving people away from this game and that is


1. it has very low replay value.


Let's face it, even when you reroll a new character you have to do all the same quests on all the worlds (other than your class quests).


How many times can you repeat the process all the way to 50?


How many times will you listen to the dialog for each quest giver before Nuking your spacebar to get through it?


The obvious replay time on this game for most it seems is about 2 or 3 months .Hence the low populations on SO many servers.


Number 2 is, the game is SHALLOW,.


What do I mean ,no real diversity in course choice,no diversity in quest choices,almost no fluff,carbon clones of every class,meaningless crafting,does anyone actually bother with the space gaming anymore?. and of course this is really just saying the content is very weak.


No sense of freedom, this game is so hard railed that you feel and see the Maze that you have to go through on every world ( it's so predictable that it ruins any excitement or mystery)


Also, this game is to solo centric. All the way to 50 you don't need another players help until heroics/Ops and that is maybe 15 to 30 minuets time for most of them (until later on) so a big disconnection from any community occurs.


Were Bio/EA made a fatal flaw is that they went with the fully voiced story line as the BIG MMO ground breaking element that would shake up the gaming world and it did for about a month after release and now is just a finger exercise with the spacebar.


Other factors don't help either. slow content adding, poor communication with player base,Poor decisions on direction of this game that turn off the small loyal following of players.


Lets not forget....


Bugs, lots and lots of bugs, going all the way back to beta , unresolved or very long in the fixing and seemingly new bugs at every patch.


This all undermines customer confidence that this team is NOT capable of bringing us a good game or experience.

Edited by GothicSaint
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I know variance on opinions on this are extreme, and even agreement whether SW is suffering from subscriptions or not. This is what I have observed: When I'm on various planets like Tatooine or Hoth, there is only 10 people online. In starter areas like DK, the population is 40-60. This is during this week. When I started, I recall 3 instances of the world like DK, with about 100 or so per instance. What is scary is that those I played with got bored, dropped guild, or dropped the game altogether, and these were die hard and totally into the game.


The biggest thing that has killed the game for them is the bugs in the end game operations. I'm a casual player, but I recognize the obvious need for fun stuff to do once you hit 50, and if this content has show stopping bugs, then this sort of kills the energy out of the game.


I happen to enjoy SWTOR so to answer your question, nothing is killing SWTOR.




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