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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I'm not unsubscribing by the way, but I'd like to see, in no particular order:


1.) Load times reduced, graphics loading stunlocks removed, the longer you play the game the harder the hard drive has to work (though wouldn't surprise me that this is a Windows feature).

2.) More mystery put into the game, so far the only mystery put into the game are Datacrons.

3.) Something else to do beyond PvP, Dailys, Flashpoints and Operations at 50, and please, mother of god, nothing even remotely resembling that god awful WoW Pokemon !!!

4.) Rewards (ie. from dailys) that don't make major features of crafting useless. ie. Cybertech, Armstech, better rewards from dailys !

5.) Shared talent trees taken out the game so that nerfs caused by PvP no longer affect PvE... really, copying WoW's talent system was just building a rod for your own backs, now you're locked into an endless balancing act that can never be balanced.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some

What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.


1. low population issue

2. latency in asia server


1. there is no other interesting mmo, and i got my free 30 days.

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I have not yet canceleld my sub, but I am really thinking I should, short story of my experience with the game so far:


I like to PvE, started on a decent pop server and all was good. In a matter of 3-4 weeks, the guild had been left with about 20 active members out of more than 40. Our server had started to become more and more empty. Guild leader and officers started a discussion about moving to a more populated realm. We did that. Leveled to 50 again on a different class, hoping that at some point I will be able to unite my 50's from both servers. I / We still have no idea if that will be possible or how it will be done. Lack of communication about transfers will make me unsub as I do not want to have my 50's separated. If and only if I will know that they can play on the high pop server I am currently in, then I will maybe stay. I will NOT pay money to transfer my char from the dead server to the high pop one, I'd rather change the game I play before I do that.


After we transfered we started to focus on PvP as PvE become way too boring, so bugged and so little to do other than farm OPS, no thank you. So now I am in a good PvP guild but ... there is no world PvP, gear is a big fat grind fest, there is no reward for being skilled, even people who constantly loose are full BM gear and have a few War Hero pieces. How is that logical?

Conclusion: PvP is a grindfest and everyone gets rewarded be it good or bad. On top of everything, we cannot queue with 8 nor do we have rated as was promised, and there is NO clue to when it will come. We were lied to so people resubscribe and people did. Now they will not come back anymore because they feel really cheated, me included potentially.




1. Population issues on servers. Ok, it will be addressed with transfers soon-ish (maybe), but there are too many unknowns at this point. I'd rather cancel now and wait to see if they implement the free transfers properly. I will not pay for their incompetence.


2. Boring PvE content. Nothing innovative, same scripted crap again, same "moar Dot's, he will enrage, moar dps !!11".


3. PvP is a joke, a grindfest for gear, no rewards for being good (or better than most) other than a little faster grind for the gear that everyone will eventually get, some faster than others. Also: THERE IS NO WORLD PVP !


4. I will never forget the 1.2 rated Wz fiasco. It all looks like a publicity stunt to me, got a lot of people to come back and then gave them the shaft. There is still no word on when it will arrive, nor can we at least queue 8 man for normal, give us at least this.


5. Overall I have no people to play with from the ones I started to. Literally everyone I know quit the game, being alone in what is starting to feel like a payed beta is not something I enjoy. Even my current guild, the PvP guild, has most players in Tera, not sure how many will ever come back.

Edited by Shibata
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Unsubbed a while back:


1) Technical issues: CTD, horrid FPS in zones that has only increased post 1.2 (the 30 free days made this apparent to me). All in all this game is unplayable for me due to these technical issues.

2) The butchering of PvP in this game. Firstly through the absolute failure that was Ilum and secondly through their metic balancing act of classes.

3) The simple fact that the design team is seemingly in a position that they are unable to orient themselves as to what really needs to happen to this game. Fluff content is not a good bandaid.

4) Friends leaving. You know; the social aspect of an MMO.

5) Bugs. Character bugs could be annoying but relatively low on the list of things.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





5 Reasons i dont log in anymore.

1. PVP is total Zerg. I dont find any skill involved in pvp. It always comes down to just numbers 3v5 u loose 5v3 u win that's it.


2. The lvling process is great ... the first time. Than its stale because its the exact same quests u did already makes lvling alts feel like work.


3. Low server pops


4.Nothing to do once u get gear (from a pvp perspective) theres nothing more to work toward. IE in wow u do bg's to get some decent gear and bg's are fun but they are more like pvp training. Once u get a decent starter set u get into rated bg's or arena (personal fav) and than its more about skill at least imo. (FYI i quit wow in early cata but still think their pvp system is one of the best i have ever played


5. Honestly the 5th reason is my own fault i put this game on such a high pedestal before it came out i forgot to actually look at it. And other than the voice acting its the same as any other mmorpg that has come out in the last 10 or so years and honestly the genre is in dire need of a revamping. We need something that steps outside of the box EQ and WoW have built.


Why my account is still active.


1. Bioware gave me a free month so when they reported on their sub numbers they could say they are not loosing any subs.

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I unsubbed mostly because of multiple dead servers.

Re-rolled on a new server a few times, only to have the new servers die as well.


The voice acting and storylines are actually cumbersome if you have to re-start again.

It is not worth re-rolling again and starting over, and there is no concrete timetable on server transfers.


I tried to like this game, but EA killed another studio and MMO.

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For god's sake, i don't understand why so many people complain that there's no WORLD pvp but at the same time they want wz's/battlegrounds. And ranked one's at that. This type of logic is completely perplexing to me and ignorante. I'll repeat this again......You CANNOT have instanced wz's/bg's with rewards AND wolrd pvp at the SAME time. It's either one or the other. Can't you see whats been happenning....the entire world is empty and desollate because eveyone is just stanfing on the FLEET waiting to queue for wz's/bg's. No one goes looking for fights outside this box because theres no incetive or need to do so. Kill the wz's (or the rewards for them) or accpet no world pvp. You cant have both. Jeez
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I think my main comment when I unsub will be "Did any of your staff ever play an MMO? Cause I'm not seeing it if they did"


I don't know why they cant learn from other games who have learnt the hard way as to what the community want. There have been a lot of excellent points on here and only a little raving and ranting. Our only hope is that they actually pay attention and deliver the desired changes.


I would also like to see User Mods. I think the next big MMO will be driven by a cummunity that is allowed to develop their own additions and content.


It was agreat game, but with low server pops and nothing but grinding daylies left, I think I'm headed out the door.

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For god's sake, i don't understand why so many people complain that there's no WORLD pvp but at the same time they want wz's/battlegrounds. And ranked one's at that. This type of logic is completely perplexing to me and ignorante. I'll repeat this again......You CANNOT have instanced wz's/bg's with rewards AND wolrd pvp at the SAME time. It's either one or the other. Can't you see whats been happenning....the entire world is empty and desollate because eveyone is just stanfing on the FLEET waiting to queue for wz's/bg's. No one goes looking for fights outside this box because theres no incetive or need to do so. Kill the wz's (or the rewards for them) or accpet no world pvp. You cant have both. Jeez


Ummm WoW has decent world pvp. Mostly because their world pvp areas dont fail like illum did

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For god's sake, i don't understand why so many people complain that there's no WORLD pvp but at the same time they want wz's/battlegrounds. And ranked one's at that. This type of logic is completely perplexing to me and ignorante. I'll repeat this again......You CANNOT have instanced wz's/bg's with rewards AND wolrd pvp at the SAME time. It's either one or the other. Can't you see whats been happenning....the entire world is empty and desollate because eveyone is just stanfing on the FLEET waiting to queue for wz's/bg's. No one goes looking for fights outside this box because theres no incetive or need to do so. Kill the wz's (or the rewards for them) or accpet no world pvp. You cant have both. Jeez


If you provide rewards for doing PvP in the open world, if you provide objective based combat: such as capturing zones, controlling fortifications of some sort, anything really, then world PvP becomes viable. For those not interested in that, instanced Wz's can remain. I don't see any reason why both systems cannot co-exist.

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Got game + 60 day card for Christmas

Unsubbed when it expired

Resubbed when 1.2 hit as a last hope that the game would be better, also got free 30 days :D

Unsubbed now that I have played 1.2

Sticking around until sub expires.


5 Reasons in order of importance that I unsubbed:


  1. No World PvP, factions bases are guarded by champion elites with 200k HP is enough to put anyone off.
  2. 8 v 8 Warzones are boring, I was playing 40 v 40 in wow and that was 5 years ago, hardly progress from Bioware.
  3. 1 v 1 fights take ages, you have no sense of being powerful and everyone has stuns/snares, it makes combat totally boring and healing with Merc is an utter joke.
  4. GTN is terrible, by far the worst I have seen in any MMO
  5. Too many planets, the player base is spread so thin this is more like a single player game not an MMO which is why am no paying to play anymore.


Also the moderators make me want to quit, they are not very good imo.

Edited by Gankdalf_
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Got game + 60 day card for Christmas

Unsubbed when it expired

Resubbed when 1.2 hit as a last hope that the game would be better, also got free 30 days :D

Unsubbed now that I have played 1.2

Sticking around until sub expires.


5 Reasons in order of importance that I unsubbed:


  1. No World PvP, factions bases are guarded by champion elites with 200k HP is enough to put anyone off.
  2. 8 v 8 Warzones are boring, I was playing 40 v 40 in wow and that was 5 years ago, hardly progress from Bioware.
  3. 1 v 1 fights take ages, you have no sense of being powerful and everyone has stuns/snares, it makes combat totally boring and healing with Merc is an utter joke.
  4. GTN is terrible, by far the worst I have seen in any MMO
  5. Too many planets, the player base is spread so thin this is more like a single player game not an MMO which is why am no paying to play anymore.


Also the moderators make me want to quit, they are not very good imo.


personally i hate larger warzones. never liked them. i like the 8 vs 8 . 16 vs 16 or 20 vs 20 wouldnt be bad i suppose on a larger map.

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personally i hate larger warzones. never liked them. i like the 8 vs 8 . 16 vs 16 or 20 vs 20 wouldnt be bad i suppose on a larger map.


hell i just want 4v4 arena style pvp

Edited by Bation
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I've quit some days ago, with two lvl50, a lvl28 and a lvl15 legacy. I'm on a low to medium populated server, and I'll be progressing on PVP until June, when my subscription will stop. My reasons to quit are the following:


1. Server Population too low: even on peak hours, find a group or start a WZ can be difficult and/or impossible. And that only feeds the "soloing" approach of many players: I've skipped all Belsavis, Corellia & Hoth heroics 'cause there wasn't enough players interested to do them. There's need of cross servers WZ and LFG (usually, cross server grouping may damage the "community building", but with so few players and so many servers there isn't really a community to save, mostly)… or server transfer / merge.


2. Lack of open PVP, ranked PVP and, generally speaking, more strategic / tactical warfare with larger groups of players. WZ are fun, but too restrictive: there's need of more maps, more teamplay, and so on.


3. It doesn't really feel like a living, persistent world: planets are desert, cities are empty, and there's no real reason to be around planets beside levelling. BW need to rethink their universe, giving people reasons to travel, adventure, explore. All they have right now are well designed, big, almost empty spaces with no real reason to go besides quests and datacrons.


4. Gameplay is a bit dull, and combat isn't dynamic enough. Mobs are always grouped as 3 or 4 weak, or 1 strong and 1 weak, from level 1 to 50… Only a handful of mobs use heals, and they all fight to death. Why not escaping mobs? Why not mobs that call reinforcements? Why not more escorting quests, or quests where you aid NPC during battles? And classes feel a bit dull, too… For any given AC there is a mandatory weapon and the talent tree are often too restrictive, and that limits the players possibilities.


5. Lack of a real in-game economy: crafting is almost useless, once reached level-cap, and the economy is an underdeveloped aspect of the game.


I stick around 'cause my subscription is still active, and I want to see if BW can be reactive enough to radically improve the game (but my hopes aren't too high).

Edited by Whiteblast
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I'm in the same boat. Just unsubbed.


Reasons? I got bored with this game.

I still have 101 days left.... I loved this game. I couldn't wait to get on every day.

I levelled 2 x 50's, and various others from level 40 down to 14.

I have more than 13 toons, including the 50's, and it's now becoming all the same.


Planets get boring with no one on them, and when you've done them a few times, it doesn't seem new anymore.

I've collected codex's, datacrons, i've done HM's, and pvp... but it's not enough somehow.


Oh well... hopefully, there will be something new before I finish in 101 days, that will make me want to stay.

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I'll unsub soon. I am peeved because of the large gap after the last story boss. I am not getting further. Some say I need better gear, others say I need better skill, but I don't get it. Sith bosses after the last one are really really tough to beat, and that leads to much frustration. Healers have way to slow heals, to cope with the dame receiving. I am quite sure that 99% will disagree with me, so please don't change anything. Go on with your more nerfs to come, and don't change your policy that everybody should be able to be a healer.

I want to have fun, and hate the frustration of a Flashpoint which looks so easy and suddenly the last boss is impossible to beat by someone with my skills. For me it's game breaking and heart breaking. It means I have to leave my guild. Luckily some of them will follow me to the next game, but I am afraid that less and less of them will do so. I am not a nice person when I get frustrated.


Do not bother to respond to this message. I am quite sure that people will think of me being a loser, and if you look back at my post history, I have reasons to think so. I will stay with my guild until a new game will come. I know that grass is not greener on the other side, but I will not longer lead a guild. If you are solo, it is much easier to cope with disappointments. You just move on, without a care in the world and a responsibility to anyone.


2 x lvl 50, and 6 x 30+ chars.

Edited by Ethice
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I'm not unsubbing but when I get my third character to 50, I will take a break when GW2 hits or perhaps pick up TSW. I was a 3 month subscriber but changed my sub to month by month because I can kinda see the writing on the wall. I do like the game. I think that BioWare set a gold standard when it comes to storytelling. In fact, this is keeping me around just to see the stories, see the companion stories, etc. Now I will be a bit spoiled and miss this aspect when I do eventually play other MMOs.


A few reasons for why I may unsub:


1. As others have said, this feels like a single player game. The zones are well done and quite lovely. Seeing so few people running around on various planets gives the game a lonely feel. I also haven't found a good guild fit yet like I have in other games. I have met a few friends but there just doesn't seem to be incentive to group up when you can do so much of the game with just you and your companion. The lack of dedicated server forums like other MMOs have hasn't really helped at all either. On the positive side, I do like the SWTOR community.


2. Replayability. With so much emphasis on class stories and playing alts, it gets very boring playing through a second or third time. You are doing the same linear quests and after a bit, my eyes start to glaze over. Frankly, this is why I got bored with Rift too. Having one leveling path is not really a good design imo. There are a few conversation paths you can choose if you are playing another character but not enough diversity for my taste.


3. Lack of fluff or other hobbies to keep me interested. Where are my achievements? Things like gambling, cooking, fishing, collections, housing, etc have kept me interested in others games. I see so much potential in SWTOR---all the casinos that are devoid of players. Towering skyscrappers in my home city that must be filled with apartments I can purchase. Dunno, I feel ike SWTOR is really lacking in the fluff department.


4. Boring at endgame. This is the same trap that other MMOs fall into as well. If I have to grind warzones, do my dailies or grind flashpoints, it really gets old after awhile. I can do it for awhile but after a bit, it really starts to wear on me.


5. Crafting is blah. I'm a crafter at heart but find there isn't much incentive to craft other than gear up alts as I'm leveling. Even learning some purple items, I can't even give them away on the AH which is depressing. And the GTN--don't even get me started on that. I find it very awkward to use.


I'm still here and willing to stick around. I sitll have the Republic side to play and will start up a character to see the stories eventually. I was excited about the legacy system and think it is a good idea but was slightly disappointed in the implementation. I'm too much of a cheapsake to shell out the credits for what I want to buy so guess that I will just unlock the free stuff. I also like the plague event since it added some nice additional activities to do. My concern is that BioWare needs to add things to the game and rather fast. Wtih so many new offerings just around the corner, it is imperitive that they get the ball really rolling on this game.

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1) Lack of Any Meaningful Choices. People complained that this was a single Player game but at least in a single player game my choices matter, in TOR the only difference between choice a or choice b all the way to choice z is if I get a mail with some junk attached to it. After years of talk of the 4th Pillar and how this was going to be what was brought to the MMO it was trivialised into such a way that it ment nothing. Very similar to ME3's ending or DA2 where you are just pulled along and Anders is far more important than Hawke. Take the deal with Quinn as a good example of how everything up to that point means nothing.


2) Lack of Choice with look or species. We have mostly various coloured humans as only they would make sence in an MMO story which has to be a very poor argument for limiting a fundamental aspect of the game. Then through character creation and armour choice there is very very little choice. Its presets where the options are very and far between, cause someone at BW want to be able to tell what class you are from a glance we are all tied into very strict armour styles.


3) Lack of different Content. Now there is tons of side quests and some planets start feeling like a real chore to work through, too many of the quests are manditory and hardly change from different class play throughs. There are times when the class aspect of the story for an area is as small as meeting someone have 2 lines of dialogue and you are done. Where as then to ensure keep up with the leveling cure you have to play through the planet quests and side quests which drag on and on after the first play through.


4) Does not feel Star Wars like enought. I think the Iconic graphic choice was a mistake and even at its darkest TOR isn't very dark. Which had to be the best of the films with Empire Strikes Back being the best of the Original and Revenge of the Sith Being the best of the prequels both the darkest of the films. Except for the ending ME3 showed what can be done with a story like wise Dragon Age Origins. Even with the force and Jedi and Sith and fully VO the story doesn't make nearly as much impact.


5) Does not feel enough like an MMO. Once you hit 50 it seems the two options available are to run repeatable flashpoints/warzones or reroll and play through again. So its group or reroll, where is the meaningful living breathing worlds where there is a reason to play outside standing on the station shouting looking for HM.

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i think the more important question is,why do they let you post on here if you unsubscribed


uhh, if you are not subscribed you cannot post on the forums. So everyone who has been responding to this thread have in fact been subscribed.

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False. You can post as long as you have time remaining.


Which means you are subscribed. I am subscribed through July 21st. I paid for a 6 month subscription, and just because I have it setup to not renew my subscription, doesn't mean that I am not subscribed. As long as someone has time left, they are in fact subscribed.

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Which means you are subscribed. I am subscribed through July 21st. I paid for a 6 month subscription, and just because I have it setup to not renew my subscription, doesn't mean that I am not subscribed. As long as someone has time left, they are in fact subscribed.


I think we're arguing the same thing here, my mistake.

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I have 160+ days remaining on my subscription and decided today to put my account into cancellation status. Here's the statement that I provided when I cancelled:


"I have three level 50 characters, soon to be a fourth, split between the factions.


I'm paid up until October, and will continue to play from time to time. Hopefully the game will improve to a point where I feel it is worth it to continue my subscription.


Current problems:


No world pvp options. Seriously, it is simply non existent and there is zero incentive to start any. Completely removing Ilum from the PVP options of advancement is one of the worst decisions I have seen in any MMO over the last two decades.


PVP War Hero gear progression is a terrible grind. With no ranked "War Zones" - which are more like "whichever team doesn't have as many quitters will win zones" - the amount of times that you have to replay the same four games over and over again ad nauseum is staggering, and quickly kills any enjoyment of the quality PVP experience that SWTOR offers. Call it too much of a good thing, or having no other options if you are a PVP focused player.


Content development appears to be slowing, inexplicably. It's been almost 4 weeks since 1.2 deployed - without everything that it was supposed to have at that - and there has been no update, official dev post or update to the PTS in this time. This is simply unacceptable in our current MMO day and age. If you fail to provide content in a timely manner, the subscription numbers will continue to decline.


Population is dropping at an alarming rate. I've already had to start all over on a more populated server once, so I have two level 50 characters gathering dust on a desolate server, and as I finish leveling my second character on my new server I see the same steady decline of players - which has been rapidly accelerated by the less than popular 1.2 patch. Yet we are informed by a senior developer that character transfers will not be available until "early summer" and there hasn't been any information on server mergers. This is having a snowball effect on population, with less people logging in to play each and every day.


This is all combining to make for one of the shortest and least enjoyable MMO experiences that I have had to date.


I hope that Bioware can right the ship soon, I was looking forward to playing for several years."


It's almost 5 months since release, nothing they have done in that time has helped to retain me. I hope that the next 5 months that they improve. I feel like the game has a ton of potential but is suffering from poor execution on the things it does well and questionable development decisions in several areas.

Edited by spellegren
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