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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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1. Game is not immersive.Doesnt feel like i live in the STAR WARS universe.Worlds are to small and boxed in.

Te whole game is on rails, no freedom.No sence of exploring what so ever.Cant even look like a character living in the star wars universe because most armors outfits look like something from another fantasy game.To many mobs on all the planets making free movement to explore something you dont have..


I agree but extra world content takes more time


2. Lack of a real huge and alive end game planet were you have real endgame like PvP Raids, were there are rare crafting items etc.A world with cantinas and social hubs were players can play minigames and bet on them.But no we are forced to stand around fleet in a hallway doing nothing.


Really good points. Add some gambling, pod races or bets, an actual bartender...


3. No real minigames so players actually have something fun to do..


Not sure what you mean here


4.No free flight space combat.And the space combat in this game is just to simpel and unresponsive(dumb down).


I believe they said they are going to revamp the space combat system


5. Bad game balance because there is always the FOTM classes were sadly some AC are always underpowered in competetive PvP dualing.


Scissors, meet rock. Better find some paper

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I'll add my voice to the lack of people n the server being the reason. Character transfers seem like a way of avoiding the perceived bad publicity of server merges - a short sighted move if you ask me. Anyway, if i either have to pay to transfer, or can't choose to go to the same place as my friends, then i'll stay unsubbed.
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I think i understand. This is the ADHD generation. Or better known as the "Now now now" generation. People want change immediatly, becuase waiting a little while takes too much brain power.


I agree, some problems are REAL, but whether the game is boring or whether you like the PvP or not is opinionistic. Dont expect Bioware to make this game revolve around what you think is fun. And it's an MMO, im not sure if you were expecting Skyrim, but this an MMO. Things are repetitive, not necessarily becuase Bioware ran out of ideas, but becuase there's only so much you can do. I think the game beats WoW, which has had 7+ years to get questing right. It's a story that you decide what happens.


And, while it isnt brand new, its a new game. GW2 will be the same way when it's released. There will be people who quit over certain things. But you have to understand that it hasnt been out for a long time (In comparison to other successful MMO's) so dont expect them to be perfect just yet. It's 1.2, we're pretty early into this.

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For me it's simple, I log in and there's nothing to do. Warzones are comprised of the same individuals in the same 4 man teams if you choose to pvp, gets old after the first week playing the same 5 to 10 teams over and over. PVE? non existent as far as operations go and lvling alts for flashpoints. Yes it's great bioware has server xfers coming, but I am not going to pay them a monthly fee to sit around and wait for it be implemented, who in thier right mind would when what I have stated is my game play experience? Had this game had the endgame content to keep players busy besides the same wz's over and over, and had they compressed server populations after the initial launch boom population had burst, this game would have been a true hit. Over all the game is really good, but the aforementioned problems leave me one choice, to unsub.
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Just because you want something does not make it the only obvious solution. Frankly until we know just how wide the "Free" transfers are going to be we have no idea whether they will be enough or not. However claiming people won't want to pay to transfer before we know if they will even have to or not is premature at best. Dishonest at worst since it was stated that some free transfers would be offered. You convieniently neglected that fact.


What do you think will happen when the transfers get implemented? People will rush to the most populated servers, those who can't or won't will be left on an even more deserted server, which leaves tons of servers empty or barely populated at all. That means BW will be paying for servers being up that no one plays on, which in turn means more funds being wasted where they could have been used elsewhere.

The free transfers will only be given to a few select servers. Unless BW decides to give every player 1 free transfer when it's implemented, not much will change.

Frankly, there are too many servers, too many choices, for new and old players to go to. People will eventually get miserable of the low server population and they would get extremely bored (at least most) if they have to reroll on a more populated server different, server transfers will only help with *that* at this point.

Edited by Senatsu
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I have also unsubscribed. Since I was the GM, it has resulted in my guild falling apart unfortunately. I have 24 days left in my subscription and I'm sticking around because I have this strange and unfounded hope that BW will do something now instead of later. Or maybe it's just curiosity over a train wreck. My top 5:


1. Impossible to find a group for flashpoints and heroics due to dead server and lack of cross-server lfg tool.

2. Ilum.

3. Poor client and sound optimization.

4. Planets feel dead and static like a painting.

5. No economy of any sort whatsoever.


I refuse to reroll on the Fatman server so I've resubscribed to lotro. The Brandywine server in lotro has way more people to group with than Daragon Trail does. Also, they have a global lff channel which makes it easy to find people across zones for grouping. Middle Earth feels vibrant and alive compared to even the best designed planets in swtor and it had a fraction of the budget. It's 5 years old and the graphics are almost on part with swtor. Hell Turbine knows how to code shadows! I guess it's expected when you purchase your client from a third party.


Anyway I probably won't be back because I don't see them addressing my top 5 anytime soon. Hoping that GW2 is good and becomes my new home but I'm not holding my breath. MMOs always promise the world and never deliver. Why did WoW have to ruin things with pandas and pokemon?

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I think i understand. This is the ADHD generation. Or better known as the "Now now now" generation. People want change immediatly, becuase waiting a little while takes too much brain power.


I agree, some problems are REAL, but whether the game is boring or whether you like the PvP or not is opinionistic. Dont expect Bioware to make this game revolve around what you think is fun. And it's an MMO, im not sure if you were expecting Skyrim, but this an MMO. Things are repetitive, not necessarily becuase Bioware ran out of ideas, but becuase there's only so much you can do. I think the game beats WoW, which has had 7+ years to get questing right. It's a story that you decide what happens.


And, while it isnt brand new, its a new game. GW2 will be the same way when it's released. There will be people who quit over certain things. But you have to understand that it hasnt been out for a long time (In comparison to other successful MMO's) so dont expect them to be perfect just yet. It's 1.2, we're pretty early into this.


you agree to just agree to look important therfore have no actual statment on the topic in hand. Just like general chat nerds that spew the crap they read on the internet, you do in this forum. Go away and may the force hit you where the sith dont.

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Haven't unsubscribed yet (sticking around with a RL friend who has a 6-month sub since I got him the game as a present). However, the things that bother me and will definitely make me drop the game after this period are:


1) There is absolutely no product differentiation from the main competitor (you know who that is). Some of us left that game looking for something new and different. Up until level 49, there are some differences but once you get to 50 it is exactly the same product as the competitors with even less content/variety (check the amount and styles of warzones for example) while the competitor with the new expansion is providing even more options. So what exactly makes this game different? The Star Wars theme? How about any MMO game systems and features? This right here, the extreme levels of me-too game design at the top level is THE reason I have no future in this game.


2) On the case of the Star Wars theme and universe, I find that this game is too restricted in terms of creative design. I understand that most of the restrictions come from external sources, but the game feels like it lacks variety and immersion in many cases. To be clear, the one thing that makes me stop leveling my rep alts is Coruscant, a very boring and by the numbers place in my opinion. And when you get to Nar'Shada is like the same place all over again.


3) The decision to make PvP based on endless gear-grinding cycles that reward the people who have the time to grind. It's ok (I guess) to have such a system for PvE, but for pvp where your inability to keep pace with others can result in extreme changes to your game experience, I find this system to be completely short-sighted. If Bioware believes that this gear grind is the only thing that would give any motivation to people to pvp then I give up. On that matter, if you even introduce mixed warzones in the format originally announced then I won't even see the 6 months with my friends.


There are many other smaller reasons, but these (especially number 1) are the main ones. So in short, Bioware get creative please and respect people who might have less time but are still paying their regular subscription fee.

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I haven't unsubbed .. yet. However, I'm finding myself spending as much time looking at the new MMO's in development as I am playing SWTOR and I don't think I'll be playing SWTOR this time next year.


I am a roleplayer. I can forgive a lot of faults in a game as long as the RP is good. In SWTOR it is terrible, probably the worst I have ever encountered in a AAA MMO title. I'm not criticising the other players or the community here. They are great people trying their hardest to make RP work. The problem is the game itself.


What most RPers like me, enjoy doing is creating a character and then playing their character. Notice I said THEIR character. Many rolplayers love to explore the setting and think up creative and distinctive characters. This game doesn't make that easy though. You are essentially channeled into playing one of four characters per faction. Not one of four classes, but one of four characters. You play a BH for example, you end up at 50 with the same companions, the same ship and looking pretty much the same as every other BH.


In other MMO's your class defines your abilities. In this one it defines who you are. I levelled my IA to 50 and by the end of it I was left feeling that I wasn't playing MY character, I was playing BIOWARE'S character. I am left with absolutely no feeling of attachment to a character which I essentially had very little input into creating. I would have loved to have had a choice of ships, a choice of companions just more choice. I would love to be able to play a BH as an Imperial soldier or a shuttle pilot or any number of characters that could have gadgets and blasters, but the game fights me, rather than helps me do that.


So when I leave SWTOR it will be for a game that doesn't say "choose one of eight roles to play", but for one that allows me to imagine any character that could exist in its setting and then gives me the tools to make that character, MY character, not the one they think I should be playing.

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Pretty good post, I see "Dead Servers" and lack of Transfer/Merges to be a pretty common reason, and they are right. Its sad when people that actually enjoy and appreciate the game cant play because ques take 30 minutes, and they cant group with anybody.
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1) World PvP is a joke. GW2 (World Vs. World Vs. World) makes Ilum look like a complete blunder, to all of those you couldnt see it before. Just because you're PvP flagged and on a large map doesnt make it good "world PvP". Yes, the GW servers crashed and DC'ed lots of people, however, the content in beta was amazing.


2) It has no sub. Even if the game sucks, you've only lost your initial investment. With SW:ToR, you have your over priced (LOL $120 collectors edition) and you still have your pay your monthly sub, with the hopes that every next patch will actually deliver something other than fluff designed to get you to keep paying.


3) End game = re-roll. You know it. We know it. Everyone who has a 50 knows it. In the beginning, there was nothing to grind other than dalies and meaningless valor ranks. Now, we have dalies, valor, comms, legacy, and re-rolling to grind. None of that make the game worth staying for. SW:ToR really is a Single Player MMO.


4) I've canceled and re-subbed numerous times. Each time, I hoped that I was coming back to something new. This time, I wont be resubbing. I will be playing GW2, or D3, or maybe even trying out WoW again. I will not be coming back after my free 30 days runs out. You gave us that 30 days just to keep server pops up in the hopes that the new players arriving actually have people to play with. I'm not falling for any more taun-taun pets, or "Founder" titles this time.


5) You wanted "innovation" and you were "polishing". You barely produced a game that is past Burning Crusade WoW. Your "launch" was a "great success"? Half the content wasnt even in at launch. The only thing we got at launch was no server crashes. That's the only thing you succeeded at. You rushed this game out because you were over budget and too slow. Lucas Arts made a poor choice with Bioware/EA. It's a good thing EA can pawn off this failure to Bioware. Lucas Arts should have chosen a real publisher, who didnt want to spend countless millions on voice and using an out of date engine they paid way too much for.


Bioware was not ready for this game. Neither was the world they released it into.

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Well I haven't unsubscribed...so I'll list the top 5 things that would have me re-up when the time comes:

1. More character slots/server. BW wants us to enjoy the Legacy program, fine. Give me character slots so I can. I don't care to have to reroll on another server just to try out different ACs & have all my previous work be moot.


2. Cross-server WZs. I suppose this goes with rateds but what I really want is to have a viable solo pvp experience. I'm still waiting for any MMO (GW2 is looking good) to supply an endgame solo pvp experience where you don't have to grind uphill for gear against premades all the time (or even 1/2 the time).


3. New pvp development. The current team is throwing darts at a board & hoping to hit the bullseye. It's evident all over the place from Ilum to class balance. They're more interested in metrics and # crunching than actual pvp innovation.


4. Shared, same server account storage. WIth all the loading screens, it's a ***** to log in & out while trying to level crafting & sharing mats, etc between alts. How hard would it be to have it built into the Legacy system & have it coincide with the ship storage/banks.


5. Dynamic events. MMOers like to have things to do that aren't the norm. Holiday events, zone events that give the winning team bonuses for winning, etc. Of course they'd have to figure out faction balance or it would just be another Ilum where the rich get richer.


All in all I've enjoyed this game. But I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that's it just good while leveling. Endgame (especially endgame pvp) is no fun for me. So at least let me enjoy leveling alts with the legacy system by giving me more room to roll them (same server).

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I've been unsubbed for awhile (I cancelled my subscription back in February, but I had three months left on my subscription plus the free 30 days given out by BW).


I still play, and may reactivate my subscription soon, but want to point out why I'm on the fence about it:


1. I enjoy all facets of this game. I PVP heavily (Valor Rank 86), I PVE almost as much (I do operations with my guild from Friday-Sunday nights), and I rolled on a RP server because I also enjoy RPing. However, I feel like the RP perspective of the game is so woefully ignored and lacking that it's not even funny.


Basic RP functions that we do not have:

-Sitting in chairs/interacting with basic environment

-Chat Bubbles (reduces clutter and allows you to focus in on others' conversation)

-Real places to RP (All the planet zones look the same, have no day/night cycle, and are covered in enemies. I don't want to RP in a cantina all day, thank you)

-No naming enforcement on RP servers (There really is no point of a RP server besides meeting other RPers. No rules at all).


There has been little to no dev response on the RP side of things, and that basically blocks out a 1/3 of the game that I could be enjoying.


2. Development Direction . As I said, I enjoy all the aspects of the gameplay experience. However, with 1.2, I realized that the direction the Devs are going with this game is not to my liking. The removal of ranked warzones less than a day before the patch went live was a horrible disservice to the customer-base (at least the PvPers who were banking on it). With the removal of Ilum's quests, and the admittance that it was a failure, there has still been no talk about the advancement of World-PVP, a part of MMOs that I enjoy. Instead of focusing on the game's numerous bugs, gameplay promises, and class balance, the Devs touted their new "Legacy" system. This consisted, of course, of worthless legacy perks that costs literally millions of credits and a worthless "Family Tree" that is entertaining for all but a few minutes. If things like THAT are what I have to look forward to in huge content updates, no thank you.


3. Community Support. Many servers in this game have extremely low population now. I'm part of what BW considers a "healthy" server, that is occasionally at heavy population at peak times. However, 3/4 of the game's servers are pretty barren. Even my server is beginning to drop in population. Hundreds of forum posts have been made insisting on server merges, but BW is instead going with server transfers (most likely to hold up the facade that the game isn't in a decline). These transfers have no real ETA, and will leave many servers completely dead after people transfer away from them.


4. Customer Service. I have put in dozens of tickets over various issues, from player harassment to bugs. How many times have I experienced even above average responses? None. Zero. Players who have broken naming policies, exploited the game, or been harassing others have received almost zero punishment, from what I've seen. The many bugs I've put in? Ignored with a copy-pasted response from a customer service representative. I still experience bugs I've gotten months ago to this day, that I've ticketed multiple times. Oh, this is of course assuming I even get a response. I've had several cases where tickets just disappeared, never to show up again with zero response.


5. Lack of content. Once one is done with the (admittedly) brilliant story-quests, you're left at level 50 and end-game. What does this consist of now? Waiting in que for Four Warzones, Flashpoints for gear that is outclassed by Operations, and the Operations themselves. This game, as many have stated, was most likely rushed. There isn't that much to do once you hit 50. Too much time and money was spent on voice-acting and script-writing, while creating the actual game that would sustain the player-base was, at best, sub-par. Aside from the bugs, undelivered promises, and lack of character customization, most of the game just isn't that well designed. With the budget it had, it could've been a much better game, rather than an interactive movie that lasts until level 50. I guess when BW said they were making a Story-Driven MMORPG, they ignored the MMORPG part a little too much. Making eight alts doesn't a MMORPG make, but that's what BW seems to want with it's much-worked-on Legacy system and focus on story-quests.


6. This game doesn't feel Star-Warsy enough for me. I know, I know, this isn't supposed to be SWG2. However, SWTOR could learn SOME things from that game. At the moment, the worlds are completely static, boring, and have no purpose once you're done questing there. There is no day/night cycle, the planets are built completely linear, and there is no feeling of wonder that you're on a whole different planet. These are alien planets, full of diverse wildlife and cultures. What we get is the same looking things: faction camp, empty areas full of mobs, and a straight line to the next quest hub. The Space-Battle system in this game is so limited at the moment, with no open-world feeling that makes it seem like a multiplayer thing at all. It's a single-player mini-game, when it should be a huge part of the Star Wars experience. Also, only being able to play humanoid races is ridiculous. There are other species in the game, but you can't play them due to the self-imposed restraint from BW. All I see on my server are humans upon humans, or maybe a different colored human (Chiss, Sith, etc.). The design of end-game armor, as well, doesn't exactly cry out "Star Wars!" to me. I played this because it was Star Wars, not some generic science fiction game.


Those are my top six reasons as to why I'm currently on an un-active subscription.

Edited by Nyjin
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First off, I wanted a game that's not like WoW's Cata. In Cata everyone just sits in their city, waiting for whatever queue to pop, whether it's LFG queue or WZ queue; and people in this game do exactly the same thing.


I don't mean designing a wow clone is unacceptable; however, a wow clone that comes out at the end of year 2011 is guaranteed to have an uphill battle in front of it. For people who like wow they will continue to play wow; wow is also more polished in that sense. For people who are tired of wow's gear grind and PvP problems, this game doesn't offer anything new either.


The reason for my unsub, other than the one above, can be summed up with a series of "I want to do ... , but ... " things.


1) I want to play alts to see other classes' story, but alts aren't "story packed". In games like BG2, ADWR and DAO, you want to play the story all over again even though some are the same. In this game, loading screen, long travelling between story points, having to go over the boring MMORPG-ish planet/side quests all over again and etc is turning me off. Also, class quests + lowbie PvP is a good mixture in theory, but I want to play my class quests whenever I want, I want to do lowbie PvP just for fun instead of feeling like grinding for experience and etc.


2) I want to be able to continue the story after max level, but the story stops abruptly. Why can't I even talk to my companions unless there's an affection quest? I think this is also a prime self-contradictory design. A story driven MMO which doesn't have story at max level. Btw, why is DA2 and ME3's companion talk system all like this? Why is Bioware taking a huge step backwards? This is so inferior to BG series, NWN series and Dragon Age Origins.


3) I want world PvP but there is none. Opposite factions rarely cross paths with each other, and that's imo why we never see that sort of conflict such as Tarren Mill vs Southshore. I don't think Ilum is world PvP. It's more like an open world warzone, like Tol Barad and such. Not to mention how broken the engine is, how the game is balanced around small scale battle, yet Ilum is a zergfest. Another self-contradictory design.


4) I want to enjoy max level warzone PvP, but I have to grind myself a set of battlemaster gear first. I know, I know, this is a gear grind wow clone issue, but still.


5) I want to do PvE, but I can't find a group, or find a guild, or etc. The guild system and group system is just not there.

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Unsubbed a few days ago, still have 40+ days to play. My main reasons would be:


1- Too little too late, i have my main still stranded on a dead server, i have rerolled twice now and really see the delay on transfers to be a constant irritation. On my original server many players simply quit, they didn't reroll because they already had high legacy chars with BM mains. Why redo all the same content again? Can't blame them.


2- PvP. My main gripe, while i enjoy the warzones it's too rerptitive and having played lvl 50 WZ's for a while every encounter is pretty much a forgone conclusion, there is no challenge and no skill whatsoever involved in this game pvp wise. While i realise very few mmorpg's pvp involves any skill, they circumvent this with objectives and things to strive for, when you can hit BM in a week, no open world pvp and only 4 WZ's to play ad-nauseum, there really is nothing else to keep people playing.


3- Nerfs and boosts. Im sick of seeing Bioware cave to public pressure blindly overnerfing and overboosting classes. This is what destroyed DAoC and Warhammer. Fix the problem, don't blindly nerf things with no consideration as to how it effects the whole synergy of the game dynamics.


4- Bordom. There is just nothing to do for me anymore, the Rakghoul event was great, but ended abruptly and that was that, back to the humdrum of daily missions. Get a few chars to 50, complete all the storyline missions, get a few to BM, complete all of the classes companions missions, complete all the codex unlocks a few times, do all the end-game ops/hm's a few times and then thats it. It's quite a bit of content, but it's easy in an organised guild to play through it without even really trying. These days i log in, stare at the screen for a few minutes and just log out again.


5- Exclusivity. This is something im really annoyed about, the "end-game" raiding (ops) is exactly the same as every other mmorpg, it's limited to a small percentage of the playerbase and most players will simply NEVER get the chance to see any of this content. You need good gear to get started, you need groups to get this gear and progress through to better gear for higher ops, unless you are in a good guild and part of their core raiding team you'll never get anywhere.

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1. Bad PvP. No good content, 2/4 Warzones are bad (Coast is "acceptable" and Huttball is amazing.), no competitive PvP, no Open World PvP.

2. Leveling alts requires still the full time. Legacy was supposed to fix it but it's just a credit sink. Yes, I saw the upgrades coming in 1.3 but it's too late. Also if it isn't something like 50/100/150/200/250% XP for Warzones it won't matter. Seriously, I have to chew trough the same boring side quests, every time. Why? This is a 2012 MMO, can't it come with some interesting mechanics?

3. Dead and static world. Nothing every happens. Yes, the Rakghoul Plague was nice but without such events the world feels dead. Lack of backgrounds noises and talking and lack of dynamic events. Just play 3 hours of GW2 and look how alive the worlds there is.

4. Bad and boring RNG-crafting. Nothing more to add

5. BS things like removing warzones 6 hours before the release of 1.2. (There STILL aren't in the game btw). Hell, you removed a core thing of the game because of the useless legacy? Couldn't you pull some programmers from the legacy and put them on the rated warzones?

6. (Haters gonna hate!): Advertising like this:

"PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."


How to you expect us to react if we read something like that, go to ilum and see the mess? Thanks to this and the stuff with the rated warzones, we don't trust you anymore :<


EDIT: 7. Dead servers. How long is Bioware going to let those empty servers stand around? Don't they see that this has to be their main priority? They are losing subs with waiting.

Edited by Teabaker
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Same fight mechanics for each encounter. Just go through the rotation what ever you fight... and there are always multiple mobs and no skill what so ever in killing. And then you get the annoying new quest to just go on and kill another 30.


The crafting is boring. Really boring.


Hoods and capes. Hate hoods and capes. And the gear is stuck in a style that is really boring. I want to see my character.. not a sack of potatoes.


The answers to questions shouldn't be just a way of getting a light or dark weapon. Its either top or bottom.


The companions are truly moronic. Not enough choice and I would prefer to play on my own to be honest.


The story line sounds good but you never make any real difference. More phasing and area changes needed.


The map is too small on each planet. Its like playing STO. The quests are linear and take you through one route.


Irrespective of the customisation I think the characters like in WoW look like they were the product of the same family.


And the game gets real boring. I know this cus I logged out and then had to really struggle to log back in. Next thing I know I was back playing WoW and have never come back. Then I unsubbed, cancelled the payment and answered the little questionair. Never played since and don't miss it at all. Sadly way too linear and produced to be interesting in a deep way. Its suited to fans of Star Wars and kids that like Nintendo stylie stuff. I doubt any serious MMO player would hang about in this for any length of time. Dunno, I'm out of here.

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End-game has destroyed this game. You all say dwindling server populations killed this game. Well, people had to leave the game for some reason. What is that reason? End-game PvP/lack of rich content.


PvP has, and continues to be one of the worst aspects of this game. It's vastly imbalanced. And it requires you to cater to a mucked up system in order to get anywhere. What system is that I speak of? Expertise. Expertise pretty much makes everything you acquire, do, learn (schematic wise) pointless because once you get to 50, the only gear that really matters is PvP gear. It's too versatile; expertise encompasses too much for one stat. And you are currently meant to grind for it in one way, buy it from essentially one source, and strive for the exact same gear. PvP gear can be used in PvE scenarios just fine, by the way. Don't even try to argue otherwise.


In summation this is what we have: a game that guides you along a path and dangles shiny things that it hopes you invest your time in to acquire. Once you get to the end, it comes crashing down very hard and basically tells you, "Sorry that was all just a big joke, now it's time to do what really matters: grind your face off for this gear that everyone else will have because all the countless hours you spent doing stuff prior doesn't matter."


In the end, the question that really matters is: is succumbing to an ancient system of effort/reward really worth it? Grind, grind, grind. And if yes, are you prepared to face countless hours of pure frustration due to SEVERE class imbalances? Funny, even the die-hard PvPers who roll FoTM classes and grind PvP (and who also think they're good because they do this) all left because even face-rolling others due to sheer broken mechanics could not hold their interest long enough.


Oh yeah, forget to mention: No open worlds. Don't even try arguing against this, just don't. Botched World PvP. INNUMERABLE GAME BREAKING BUGS. Dozens of lazy, cheap, graphical gimmicks. Anyone ever notice that the lightsaber blade is just 6 flat rectangles meshed together to create the illusion of 3-D? Look down the blade next time you get a chance. The water is essentially unfinished. The crafting system is dull; with a lousy, sloppy trade network to boot. Can't even bid on items? Really? What about all the random, unoriginal, uninteresting NPC enemies you encounter in your pre-50 grind? Enemies like: "plutterflume," or "razorron", or "sneaky goon". Animals/creatures that don't have anything to do with the Starwars Universe! Oh yeah, did I mention yet, no open worlds. The whole game -an MMORPG for that matter [!}- is a series of instances, layers, invisible boxes and graphical cut-off points. It's 2012, people. SWG had more, and was far more groundbreaking. But we get: Starfox 64-esque space combat minigame. No real RP. Can't sit in chairs, still. Emotes are horrible and very few. The Fleet cantinas down right suck. No synced up trade networks. One Rep, one Imp, one Neutral. Way to bleed an already dying economy. No player housing. That sort of makes sense though considering the whole game is a series of dozens of instances. Where would the player housing be located? In an apartment style instance on Coruscant? Maybe I shouldn't have thrown that idea out there. Let's not even being to discuss the numerous time/credits sinks like the Legacy system or pets or mounts or essential services like stim vendors and repair costs. Oh yeah, dropping 100,000k on skills.


What you get when you open the box is a very unevolved, uninspired WoW mod. This game wreaks of EA greed. A giant carrot at the end of a long stick, while running on a very, very steep incline. What happens when you get to the top? Well the carrot tastes rotten, and you do it all over again because you're promised with one that will taste better.


In the end however, the 200,000 people or so who left this game for good, were severely put off by the stinky end-game PvP. We're talking about PvP guilds close to 100 members who flat out quit prior and just after 1.2.


I'm very worried about the life of this game. Between December 20th and January 10th, you had to wait in line (3 hours on weekends) to access your server. Between the next two-three months Republic fleet had well over 100 at any given time (no need to mention the staggering numbers seen by the Imperial side). After 1.2 the server population declined to about 40 on each side. Now, just two nights ago, the server population -in total- was 40.

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Almost every single person who rolled a pure blood sith warrior cannot use the rebreather helmet, and other sith pure bloods can`t use them either, as well as a bunch of other helmets. The best part of that is that we can see them on others, and companions. One sad part was leveling a pure blood sith agent to 50 and wanting to use the rebreather mask, man was I disappointed.


You ask bioware through email or the phone, and they respond as like you were talking to a wall.


``Try enabling and re-enabling your helmet, this is news to us``


- my answer after waiting 4 days


ty legacy 1.2 update


Very rude customer service, on the phone or the forum boards, is the big reason why I have unsubbed and will never think twice about ever playing it again.


I have since resubbed to WoW and am very very happy to not be playing SWTOR. The game is not for even semi serious pve / pvpers, let alone hardcore and there will be absolutely no way the game could ever cater to them.

Edited by blackflagvii
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Uninspired WZS - Huttball over and over again, which is so biased to one class its stupid, and 4 only...please...

Legacy - too late for most folk

Crafting - Pointless apart from Bio still

Valor, champ armor - Made pointless after 1.2, complete kick in the face

Open pvp - destroyed and gone

Coming soon legacy - should be in game months ago

Server transfer - too late to save this game


Nothing to do, except grind pointless dailies over and over....the game just isnt fun.....well you got my $150 for my collectors dust gatherer, but you aint getting any more $, and this will be dead or f2p about 1 month after GW2 comes out...

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I haven't unsubbed but am about to. It's sad had high hopes for this game. I will be going to GW2 when it comes out. If there is one lesson I hope they take from Swtor is not to rush the game out. I hope they take just as long as they need to to get it right, you only have one chance at a first impression.
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I didn't unsbscribe yet, but I am pretty down on the game at this moment.


1. Gameplay/Flashpoint/Systems design is based on an older era, equivalent to 2008/9 Wow Bc, and I have seen nothing by Bioware to communicate that. No lfg/lfr, they're not even close to catching up to their competitors. Flashpoints are filled with boring pointless trash that makes flashpoints take way too long for what they are supposed to fill, it's an problem as tanks will not q in even for lfg as the reward will not be worth the tedium/frustration of doing these flashpoints. Bioware seems intent on doing every mistake Blizzard did, without questioning why Blizzard abandoned those changes.


2. Hollow words from the PR/design team, I don't think point 1. would sting as much if Bioware was much upfront about the pvp/pve design woes, and said they're going to fix it. It seems they think their **** is golden (emphasize seems), and have not been upfront of the issues plaguing the game.


3. Nothing innovative seems to be on tap, it just seems to be the same old same old, flashpoint/daily/ops system.


4. This rings of point 2, but George Zoeller seemed to indicate that after 1.2 content patches were going to be more frequent, 1.3 isn't even on Test Server yet. Hallow words yet again (especially after the orange design fiasco)


5. Pretty much the utter silence of what's going on 1.3, perhaps Bioware has seen that promising stuff than not doing anything about it is damaging, but there is no positive energy coming from the design team on the board is pretty damaging as well.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





1. False promises, lies, and letdowns... need I go into detail?

2. 6 months to fix detrimental bugs in raids? uhh..

3. Horrible customer service, always playing the 'its your computer, it's the users fault' card. instead of actually reading the damn problem.

4. Other people are quitting, every server seems like a ghost town.

5. Better games that are FREE are coming out.

6. Horrible end game gear, it's almost as if they don't play the game they are making, I mean cmon.. alacrity on everything? what a joke, accuracy on tank gear? what a joke.

7. PVP Is a myth. They destroyed world pvp ontop of that.

8. Banning people for using curse words, uhh ignore feature?

9. Horrible customization, have you seen the gear?

10. Legacy system is a joke, 1 mil for everything that has no effect in the game, only for RP'ers... crickets crickets.


Stopping here, can go for days.

Edited by Moofausa
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