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Not voting for MVP in WZs why?


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I vote usually for those that were trying to actually complete the warzone's objectives without worrying about their medals, someone who managed to save the day or push things forward in a match that was going south, or the best reason I might vote for someone is if they were working as part of the team while Johnny B High Score was off on his own.


Sometimes that person is the highest scorer and sometimes they're not. Anyone can farm medals and high scores but then the team loses the WZ since not enough were actually trying to play the warzone's objective.


Atleast thats what I've seen happen sometimes on my server.


There's no rules on how you vote and I don't think there should be. If you dont like that people aren't voting for you then try to evaluate what you were doing in the WZ's that might of caused them to vote for someone else.


Completely agree. The only time I don't vote is really if no one was playing to win and just trying to farm kills (which they generally suck as players). I look for people in Huttball who move a head for a pass or the guy who cc's the BH below so he cant pull the ball carrier or the people rotating guard or the clutch stun that lets a member plant a bomb, the dude who calls out incs or stays at the node with me, the healer who is the most effective not the most heals. Sometimes I give it to the person just getting railed but sticks it out. I never give it to elitiests or people that ***** at others.


I had this one guy campaigning for votes, he even pst'd me when I was in the next game while he wasn't in there to ask why I didn't vote for him as he voted for me and was only like 25k dmg behind me. Except he wasn't trying to win or help the team score.


However the general populace doesn't watch or pay attention to that stuff, it's nice to see others do.

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wow, thats pretty lame. I bust my *** healing in minis, and die alot due to having a dedicated jug/maurader/etc on my *** the entire match. Unless they are healing themselves, how do you determine a healer is padding their heal stats? Nothing irks me more than healing 200k+, running around like a chicken with my head cut off healing everyone i can while i'm been chased by melee constantly, while my team doesnt bother to protect/help me surivive. then see the mvp points doled out to joe-blow-from-idaho with 10k dmg, 0 healing, 5k protection and 30+ kills with few deaths. And those few deaths were mostly due to my healing.


I apologize for the rant, maybe i should hang up my healer like everyone else and play my dpsers. Healers are so freaking unappreciated nowadays...



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1 mvp vote = 50 valor and 1 commendation


seriously qqing about that?


no reason to vote as reward is not worth anything.


It IS worth something. 50 Valor, and 1 commendation. Considering all you have to do is click your left mouse button, that is probably the best effort/reward ratio in the whole game.


Or do it to trick people into the idea that for one fleeting moment you thought about someone other than yourself.

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I vote for people who defend the node for the whole game/help me get the node back/other node situations, who planted/disarmed the bomb or people who score in huttball.

I don't vote for anyone if they didn't do anything special. End scoreboard numbers don't matter to me.

Edited by MelodicSixNine
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I stopped voting on losses.


Since votes dont give you stuff like it used to, i no longer vote for the people with no medals. They wont get anything from it. So now i go by objective points mostly. I dont vote for heals because i cant vote for myself

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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)





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I'm always the best player and you can't vote for yourself, so...I just don't vote. Much like real life your vote is meaningless.


Much like real life you're wrong.



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I usually toss my vote to one of the top healers, particularly if they're below the eight medal maximum. All the stats are deceptive but if someone put out 300-400k heals in a match, they've more than pulled their weight. Even 200k can be impressive in a lot of matches and it makes a huge difference. Even after the change in how medals are awarded, it seems healers still get shafted a bit, particularly compared to DPS classes that also have taunts. Giving a healer an MVP vote is just my way of thanking them for doing a thankless job that less and less players seem willing to do.


DPS means little to me. I find often the only reason someone is putting out massive DPS is there's a dedicated healer keeping them standing. Unless someone is 100-200k over their entire team, I don't feel putting out top DPS requires extraordinary effort and kill chasing can actually be detrimental to achieving team objectives. Protection means even less to me. I can toss out my taunts on CD and easily pull the three protection medals and end up tops in the protection stat in a WZ.

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This might be slightly off-topic, but since I've noticed quite a bit of talk about healers "padding their stats", but I don't know if it warrants its own thread so I guess I'll ask here:


In what way are healers padding their stats in a way that makes you look negatively at it?


If I've understood correctly, people look down on things such as placing HOTs on people who are already at decent health. However,if you are at let's say 90% health, and a healer puts a HOT on you to heal you back up to 100% and a little bit after that if you get into more action, in what scenario is this not a good thing for you? As long as this did not cause the healer to get into mana troubles, or kept the healer from dealing with more pressing issues, I don't see why healing is a bad thing.

You'll need that extra HP eventually anyway, why does it matter if the healer gives it to you when you're given it?

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I dont vote for mvp only in games when I feel no one (myself included;)) deserves a vote - if it was a painful roflstomp, your team was running like headless chickens trying to do a teamdeathmatch, ignoring objectives/leaving then undefended then why any of them should be rewarded?
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At the end of the game the only time I "Pad" my heals is to try for the the 5k Heal medal and its always at the end of the game when everyone is trying to get medals. What gets me is premades that suck, voting up their own people even though those outside the guild carried the weight. That crap annoys me but what can ya do? Today 3 games 450k - and had my highest at 620 give or take, got 1 MVP vote and the one person that voted for me had to message me when the game was over and Vent to me about how messed up it was that I only got 1 vote. BTW I also got first door and Bridge.


It is annoying. I've come to expect it. But, I always get even, next game same group I only direct healed myself and the other dude that voted me... we lost.. I got like 120k healing... lol and got *****ed at.

Edited by Newsinz
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I love how people whine about them not getting MVP votes.


Especially as there seems to be some major misconception about what's making a player valuable. Getting 300k dmg and 13 medals doesn't make you necessarily more valuable than a healer with 60k healing and 6 medals.


If you're playing huttball, the player who works most toward scoring will be getting my vote. I had games where I scored 3 goals and pulled the ball carrier into goal with extrication another 2 times and I had like 3 medals, because working towards the goals doesn't get you any medal. Had I stood on a bridge and thrown dots and AEs on random enemies, I could have got 300+k dmg and 13 medals easily, but that's not what the game is about.


On Voidstar, the assassin who sneaks with stealth to the door and gets the bomb planted in the 10th try while the rest are battling the enemies to distract them is far more important to get you the win than the fighters.


I give my vote often to players who did a great job healing the fighters, sometimes to players who did a great job to protect the healers, occasionally to players who did a ******** of dmg in a tough game, but mostly to the players who showed great coordination and understanding of the targets of the warzone. I also sometimes honor if someone who is badly equipped as new lvl 50 PVP player shows a good understanding of tactics and gameplay and does his best, even if he alone by equipment can't get the high numbers of other players or medals.


To answer the original question.., if my team sucks utterly and nobody deserves to be called MVP, I won't vote at all, if there was a vote for the worst noob I'd do that, but then I'm so in hate of everyone, I couldn't make myself give anyone another comm.

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As an aside, why in the hell, is there even an MVP vote for the LOSING team?


Because losing doesn't mean there isn't a good player in the team.


Obviously padding your healing stats or your damage via aoe or tab dottting makes you a better player at the end of the match and everybody should vote you.


does the dot help you?

does the aoe heal help you?

If no, by all means, exclude it from your considerations.

If yes, keep it in mind.


Also keep in mind that the aoe heal is somewhat expensive. I have it, and I had to put alot of skillpoints in stuff I didn't necessarily want, but needed to pick just to be able to get the aoe.


Getting 300k dmg and 13 medals doesn't make you necessarily more valuable than a healer with 60k healing and 6 medals.



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The reason why I vote for healers is because, when they heal me in nice green text their name is associated with it so I remember them, when it comes time to vote.


In pugs most players are forgettable. But really there is no one way to determine a MVP.


Is it the guy who ninja capped the point?

is it the healer who healed an insane amount of people, who needed to be healed.

is it the last man standing at a cap point vs 3-4 enemies, and use defensive CD to stay up long enough for others to arrive to prevent a cap from being taken

Is is the guy who distracts a group of players so that someone can slip in a plant bombs.

is it the guy who does not do any damage during huttball but is always in front of the ball carrier and helps out the team move the ball.


There is countless ways someone can be an MVP that the scoreboard at the end does not tell.


But all this is really worth nothing since the rewards for getting a vote are useless at best.


1 extra warzone comm per vote is the only thing worth anything

50 valor means nothing now so, plus after people cast a vote they leave, as you can only vote for someone who is still in the warzone and not queued back up for another warzone. I hate to break the news but I just vote and leave so I

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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)


I only abstain from voting if my entire team was really bad and we gtet rolled.


No one is an MVP in a 6-0 voidstar or huttball loss.

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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)


MVP = "Most Valuable Player" - it's the person who contributed the most to scoring/capping the objectives, not necessarily the person who tops the charts. The scoreboard numbers are meaningless for deciding on who MVP is.

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I usually vote for the top healer (in the hopes it'll encourage more healers to q up) or someone I saw going the extra mile, otherwise I don't bother. I also don't vote for anyone in a match where we all just stunk it up and lost not because they were better, but because we couldn't work together and failed epicly. The term you want to see at the end of a match is GG (Good Game), those games I'll vote, the others, what's the point? So you or I did 300k+ damage or healing, we still failed epicly. Besides, I rarely note a change in my rewards on a match where I got 5 or where I got none.
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