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People still think NC is Alderran


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I noticed a lot of people in NC will just go for the equivalent of the double side assault strat in Alderran and just ignore middle (south). Now this is perfectly fine as a surprise attack, but unlike Alderran there is no such thing as a side speeder. If you start out on east and you're holding the west base, that spot is in the furthest position possible for you to reinforce. Assuming teams are at all equal, you'll eventually lose that base simply because the enemy respawns get there much faster than yours. Also unlike Alderran there's really no such thing as a ninja cap without exploiting bugs. You can't just sap a guy and then cap it since you need about 15 man-seconds to cap it (and if you got more than one guy ninjaing it'd usually be easier to just kill the defender).


While the double side strat is somewhat flawed in Alderran (good teams can counter it reliably), it at least has a huge payoff (basically guaranteed win if successful). In Novare Coast, it's usually just risk with minimal payoff. Unless you're sure the enemy isn't leaving the south turret this strat pretty much gets countered every time by even a halfway decent team.

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I've had some success running a Northern-Push offense in the past against PUGs.


If you run 2 men to your natural, 1 man to South, and the rest to the enemy natural you can easily cap both Northern bases (the one man at South has the job of interrupting the other team's cap attempt at South by running up and running back). Once you have both northern bases and they either don't have South yet or have just barely capped it, leave 2 at both Northern bases are rush everyone else at South. They will be panicked and try to defend South at the expense of having no offense allow you to simply farm them until the match ends. With a good healer, you can actually use this method to 3 cap as well, though that gives them enough of a break to regroup so I don't recommend it).

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I've had some success running a Northern-Push offense in the past against PUGs.


If you run 2 men to your natural, 1 man to South, and the rest to the enemy natural you can easily cap both Northern bases (the one man at South has the job of interrupting the other team's cap attempt at South by running up and running back). Once you have both northern bases and they either don't have South yet or have just barely capped it, leave 2 at both Northern bases are rush everyone else at South. They will be panicked and try to defend South at the expense of having no offense allow you to simply farm them until the match ends. With a good healer, you can actually use this method to 3 cap as well, though that gives them enough of a break to regroup so I don't recommend it).


I'm not talking about games where you severely outclass the enemy. If the game ends in 100-0 chances are your team would've won no matter what strat you used. South is a very easily defensible position for the team with it, so fighting XonX almost always fails assuming the team started out even. However, the base further away from your starting position leaves you at a massive disadvantage, so an XonX attack there would almost always end up with the enemy winning since it takes way too long for your new guys to get there.


I mean sure I see a lot of games where you do what you describe and the enemy still leaves 3 guys in south guarding against no apparent enemy so you can easily win like that but that's just the enemy being dumb.


Your best bet with a 2X north strat is to see if they'll try to retake their closer base and use the opportunity to cap south, but then you could just try to take south in the initial brawl too. Unless you've reasons to believe you'll lose in a straight up brawl, you might as well try to take south first.


Not counting the 100-0 blowouts, I'd say for every game where capping the 2 northern nodes led to a victory (for either side) I've seen 5 games where it didn't work. Not saying this strat can't work, but your guys better have really good communication and know exactly where to hit, because holding the further northern node puts you at a huge disadvantage in terms of mobility, so you got to be able to move around the map really fast to make up for it.

Edited by Astarica
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And as they are clearing you out of their northern base, suddenly the south is hit by several players from your team from respawns and their team is all stuck up north with not enough time to defend the south. Novara coast favors the mobile. Edited by HelinCarnate
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A strat no one knows but me is this:


{For illustrative purposes assume your base is East.}

If you are defending West & East and you die at West, when you are stuck behind the glass you should announce "rotate" and then your teammate defending East immediately (abandons east &) heads west, then when the glass door opens you (the dead one behind the glass) replaces him at East. A variation of this can be used in Alderan and Voidstar to a degree, especially if you are a pro team. This mostly alleviates this issue which is otherwise true, of having to cover a greater distance to the far side after a death, in comparison to your opponents.


I never start out going for West & East but will adjust to this strat when they dont defend properly, that is what I do in Alderan as well. I am not trying to be Rambo and 3cap alone. It keeps your opponents honest.

Edited by richardya
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I've always found getting West/East first gives you a lot more wiggle room to play around with things. Not to mention running between the two points is easy.


Plus, if they frontload their team to take their closet point most likely they leave south open to grab.

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The E,W Alderan and Northern NC strats are so full of fail. I remember arguing about this with folks on my server, till I gave up. People are so horrible at simple logic it's really disheartening... The human race is going to wind up as a grease stain under a space rock, but man we'll have had the best reality TV, and GANGSTA RAPZ EVER!!!!


Distance to spawn points is all that matters. It's not even that complicated of a concept.

Edited by VoidJustice
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A strat no one knows but me is this:


{For illustrative purposes assume your base is East.}

If you are defending West & East and you die at West, when you are stuck behind the glass you should announce "rotate" and then your teammate defending East immediately (abandons east &) heads west, then when the glass door opens you (the dead one behind the glass) replaces him at East. A variation of this can be used in Alderan and Voidstar to a degree, especially if you are a pro team. This mostly alleviates this issue which is otherwise true, of having to cover a greater distance to the far side after a death, in comparison to your opponents.


I never start out going for West & East but will adjust to this strat when they dont defend properly, that is what I do in Alderan as well. I am not trying to be Rambo and 3cap alone. It keeps your opponents honest.


Sounds like how I used to run AB premades back in Vanilla/TBC WoW :D

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The E,W Alderan and Northern NC strats are so full of fail. I remember arguing about this with folks on my server, till I gave up. People are so horrible at simple logic it's really disheartening... The human race is going to wind up as a grease stain under a space rock, but man we'll have had the best reality TV, and GANGSTA RAPZ EVER!!!!


Distance to spawn points is all that matters. It's not even that complicated of a concept.


Keep in mind, though, that you are also AGAINST human players!

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The East/West strategies for both Alderaan and Novare Coast are valid.


The game naturally gears you to go for your Natural and then the Central point (Due to spawn locations/distance).


However, since this is what the game wants you to do, the element of surprise can often give you the upper hand if you employ the East/West strategies.


It makes more sense in Civil War since gaining both East/West gives you access to the Speeders that land you virtually right next to the node (Whereas the mid-speeder forces you to walk a longer distance to the actual node).


In Novare Coast, it's more about the surprise factor. There is no distinct advantage in gaining both East and West, since your team will have a longer distance to walk from spawn to fortify your second point and your opponent will have a shorter distance.


Again, it's doing the unexpected to gain better results. Your strategy is a gamble, high-risk and high-reward, potentially.

Edited by Nyjin
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The East/West strategies for both Alderaan and Novare Coast are valid.


The game naturally gears you to go for your Natural and then the Central point (Due to spawn locations/distance).


However, since this is what the game wants you to do, the element of surprise can often give you the upper hand if you employ the East/West strategies.


It makes more sense in Civil War since gaining both East/West gives you access to the Speeders that land you virtually right next to the node (Whereas the mid-speeder forces you to walk a longer distance to the actual node).


In Novare Coast, it's more about the surprise factor. There is no distinct advantage in gaining both East and West, since your team will have a longer distance to walk from spawn to fortify your second point and your opponent will have a shorter distance.


Again, it's doing the unexpected to gain better results. Your strategy is a gamble, high-risk and high-reward, potentially.


I agree. If we always did the Voidstar strategy... "everyone left - stealth right"... right out of the gate, then more times than not, the enemy should defend the initial onslaught with ease. Alderaan is getting more and more boring because its becoming that every single match starts the same, "1 (maybe 2) take our side turret, everyone else mid". There used to be a day when enemies in Alderaan switched things up lots.


Do the unexpected once in a while... you might be surprised at the outcome if you do it right.

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A strat no one knows but me is this:


{For illustrative purposes assume your base is East.}

If you are defending West & East and you die at West, when you are stuck behind the glass you should announce "rotate" and then your teammate defending East immediately (abandons east &) heads west, then when the glass door opens you (the dead one behind the glass) replaces him at East. A variation of this can be used in Alderan and Voidstar to a degree, especially if you are a pro team. This mostly alleviates this issue which is otherwise true, of having to cover a greater distance to the far side after a death, in comparison to your opponents.


I never start out going for West & East but will adjust to this strat when they dont defend properly, that is what I do in Alderan as well. I am not trying to be Rambo and 3cap alone. It keeps your opponents honest.


Haha I didn't want to post this, but since you did already it's not like I'm giving away the secret. You are 100% right, and good PVP players constantly run rotations and use mobility, and will strategically leave nodes undefended for brief periods of time as well. It's hard to explain how to do this correctly however, so the majority of SWTOR players can't handle this. You can get it down pretty well with a premade with voice comm but you don't even need to because everything is more efficient period usually that way. For PUGs I've managed to get it to work only twice, it's more that you need a few players who can read a battlefield and make quick adjustments while playing off of each other. If you have to type out why this strategy is sound it won't work, because it means the players aren't good enough or smart enough to pull it off.


Overall PVP is pretty simple in SWTOR. The maps are tiny and it's more gear and team makeups, and a few simple principles that people don't want to understand. The good premades I think all understand it, but also they're packing the other advantages over PUGs. Too bad we didn't get rated wzs so we could pit 8v8 and actually see what happens. Nobody is going to refine strategies when they don't need to, the way competition always works is that it forces people to up their game in order to keep winning, not to up it when they're already winning.

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