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Fix the STUN LOCKS plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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God you know I love my stun and it's nice every class in the game gets multiple stuns and bioware seems to work towards balancing the game. Well this has been left unbalanced.

Input a passive ability to all characters that have a 6-8 sec immunity to stun after being stunned. How difficult would that be? and it would give people a fighting chance. As it is now, it's totally ridiculous.


They did it's called "Resolve"


Granted it's broken but neither here nor there as I've been stunlocked with 100% resolve.

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and another one of those 1vs1 thinkers try pvping on a small server ppl remember your name my pt i cant even come close to the enemy team as soon as i come out of spawn i get wirlwinds, stuns, mez trown my way


It's not the stun that kills you when a group focuses on you, it's the damage from the group. Your problem is that you blame the stuns for the damage.

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I would prefer if stuns were for defens not attack, with that i mean that stuns/traps and so should break on 2-3% damage of your HP.


More i think instance stealth should have some limitation like "3sec cd" with that i mean that you cant go in to force stealth within 3sec from you did a attack or you got attacked, as it is now you have a attack running and they disaper.

Edited by skidrows
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They did it's called "Resolve"


Granted it's broken but neither here nor there as I've been stunlocked with 100% resolve.


Resolve functions exactly as intended. Do you have actual evidence to the contrary or are you just going to insert useless anecdotes into the discussion?

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If a stun broke on damage, it is not a stun, it is a mezz. Ive not had that many issues with CC in the game. Sure, I get knocked around, snared, rooted, stunned, mezzed, and drug into hazards, but its like that with every other pvp game Ive played. Daoc, massive duration CCs in that game. Warhammer, anyone not remember the amounts of engineer/magus pulls into aoe death spam? EQ 1/2, roots, snares, stuns galore. Not sure world of warcraft is any different, haven't had the will to play it.


I understand if this is your first pvp game how CC can be annoying, but if its not, really think back to how pvp has been in all those previous games.

Edited by Sireene
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If a stun broke on damage, it is not a stun, it is a mezz. Ive not had that many issues with CC in the game. Sure, I get knocked around, snared, rooted, stunned, mezzed, and drug into hazards, but its like that with every other pvp game Ive played. Daoc, massive duration CCs in that game. Warhammer, anyone not remember the amounts of engineer/magus pulls into aoe death spam? EQ 1/2, roots, snares, stuns galore. Not sure world of warcraft is any different, haven't had the will to play it.


I understand if this is your first pvp game how CC can be annoying, but if its not, really think back to how pvp has been in all those previous games.


Most of the people who are upset with the Resolve system (notice I said "most", not all) are people who are familiar with a fully automated CC DR system that requires no action on their part. In SWTOR you actually have to intelligently manage your Resolve and CC Breaker in order to achieve the best results of the system.


You are actually subject to significantly less CC in this game than in almost any other MMO out there. If you don't learn how to use the system correctly you have only yourself to blame.

Edited by Sireene
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It's not the stun that kills you when a group focuses on you, it's the damage from the group. Your problem is that you blame the stuns for the damage.


These responses are quite funny at this point.


There is nothing wrong everything works as intended. Well the issue is what is intended is pretty much anti fun. Yes its the group dmg that is killing the people complaining of Stun Locks... its the Stuns that are forcing them to sit there and take the group dmg though isn't it. lol


The issue I see with resolve is that ALL the resolve bar does is keep you from being completely stunned. It does nothing about the games multiple roots and slows. If you can't move cause you have been rooted... or might as well be rooted cause you have a bunch of stacking slows on you... same difference.


Its bad design plain and simple... and its one of the easiest things to point at when you que on most servers these days and wait an hour for a match. Yes they will merger some servers here at some point soon and things will be better for a short while... really though I don't think anyone can argue that the vast majority of PvPers are else where already... now for that FACT Bio has failed. I do hope they realize they have made a few errors and correct them before the merged server populations dwindle as well.

Edited by Husanak
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You are actually subject to significantly less CC in this game than in almost any other MMO out there. If you don't learn how to use the system correctly you have only yourself to blame.


Want to buy the planet you live on.

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They did it's called "Resolve"


Granted it's broken but neither here nor there as I've been stunlocked with 100% resolve.


Are you sure you were full resolve? I have never been stunned when I had a white bar nor have I ever been able to stun someone with full resolve.


I did however experience a bug a while ago where the stun did not wear off until I died, but I think that has been fixed since.

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I understand if this is your first pvp game how CC can be annoying, but if its not, really think back to how pvp has been in all those previous games.

This is worth repeating.


Sometimes I wonder about people's past experiences based on PvP moaning on the SWTOR boards. I've been through a sea of games over the years, crowd control always sucks but it's basically part of playing an MMO with the standard defined "roles". I'm definitely not the biggest fan of the resolve system but I don't think that's the problem people are running into so much as just the volume of CC people have access to.


My only issue with resolve is the frequency of snares and roots, SWTOR is one of the harshest games I've played for a dedicated ranged character as of 1.2) itseems pretty much a waste of time. Between snares, roots, stun/mez/pull and interrupts its very possible to spend an extended amount of time (like worse than vanilla WoW with stunlocks) unable to do much of anything. My Guardian on the other hand is basically a rolling ball of murder.

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What if most stuns are converted to interrupts in pvp? - pvp will become more fluid and dynamic imho and more fun because of the tactical in the moment game play you'll get.


And you can scrap the resolve system.

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If a stun broke on damage, it is not a stun, it is a mezz. Ive not had that many issues with CC in the game. Sure, I get knocked around, snared, rooted, stunned, mezzed, and drug into hazards, but its like that with every other pvp game Ive played. Daoc, massive duration CCs in that game. Warhammer, anyone not remember the amounts of engineer/magus pulls into aoe death spam? EQ 1/2, roots, snares, stuns galore. Not sure world of warcraft is any different, haven't had the will to play it.


I understand if this is your first pvp game how CC can be annoying, but if its not, really think back to how pvp has been in all those previous games.


I come from Knight online when its PVP and there it was not much of stuns but it was extreme group game, were every class had its roll and not much off mixing as it is now in all games :)

Edited by Sireene
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Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.

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Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.


I disaggree. Stun has become an absolutely overused ability which every class now has, and most classes has several. Stuns shouldn't be needed. IMO they only serve to spoil the fun of any fight, wether I am the stunner og the stunned.

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Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.


The only change needed is to cause the CC Break to refresh on death. Any other changes would make CC pointless.


For example, last night I capped the enemy's natural node on Civil War while the lone defender was incapacitated. This was possible because I understand Resolve and he did not.


I stunned him and he used his CC Breaker. Then all I had to do was Mezz him and he spent 8 seconds spinning helplessly while I capped the node. The current system rewards intelligent use of the system, and that means that player skill is being given preference over PvE features (like a DR system). If you don't like the way CC/Resolve works in this game it is simply because you don't like skill based PvP, you like PvE scenarios in which better gear > all.

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Edit: love posting on my phone from work :(.


Resetting the break on death would help a lot, but some classes simply can't take a beating from several others at once. Not everyone plays tank sins and Marauders, and there is a major difference between being focused on my marauder vs operative. Any decent premade knows they can trash an operative in a couple gcd.


And you can use the resolve system to your advantage a lot more easily 1v1, but in groups the dynamics of pvp change.

Edited by Dcayd
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Im not sure I get this argument. If both teams have access to the same amount of stuns, then whats the big deal. Obviously not all teams have the same composition, but any given two teams will have the same amount of cc.


If you think you are losing matches because the other team is stunlocking you to death and there is nothing you can do about it, then im not sure what to tell you.


The problem most people have is, that they just have no idea when to pop their defensive cd. Most people get all panicky when an operative knocks them down and will immediately blow there cc breaker and start popping CDs. Also a lot of it has to do with putting yourself in bad situations. Maybe you shouldn't hulk smash leap into 7 opponents, maybe you shouldn't be a lone ranger and stray away from your team only to be jumped by an OP and assassin.


Maybe you do play smart but you still have 3 guys on you, maybe you should try and cc them. Just a thought.

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Stuns aren't the problem. It's stuns+ damage + low survivability for most classes + a poor dr system.


Some classes need their stuns to be viable. Nerfing stuns nerfs these classes.


I'm not against changing stuns so long as the classes that are dependent on them are rebalanced as well. And @ anyone arguing that stuns are needed for pvp: shorter durations make it more important to use your cd's at the right time.


Another simpler change would be to just lower the cd on the cc breaker across the board.

I use to be strongly set against the Resolve systems. After beating my head on the forums with people I just felt "did't get it" I went out and just tried different play styles. Abashedly, I have to admit, I like the system. I still think TTK needs to be adjusted.


Fact is, if you are 1v3 and get stunned to death, so what. You should not have survived anyway. I know it is tough but try the Resolve again with an open mind and do NOT release yourself as SOON as you get stunned. Wait for the Resolve Bar to flip THEN use it. Obviously take in consideration your health. You have to use your brain a little bit. I do not mean that as an insult, I had a hard time changing my mindset to use the system to my advantage.


On a side note, I play a 50 Powertech (And a couple other classes). I have a 2 sec stun and a 4 sec. You do not know how many people fall for the same old trick. Hit them with your 2 second, they panic and hit their release. Then I hit them with my 4 second. Point is, just relax a bit if you get CCd. Do not just auto hit that release.


I hope that helps at least one person from raging. :) For those that try to prove their point with insults, just go away. You are not helping anything/anyone.

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IMHO, the Resolve system doesn't work. When someone uses their stun-breaker they are immediately CC'd again without any way out of it. The Mez Grenades seem to have a 10 second cooldown or something, because I get hit with them like 20 times every WZ. Sure, some are the actual Flashbang ability Agents/Smugglers get, but that probably accounts for like 10% of them.


I think there are simply too many CC's in the game as it is, and the CC grenades should be on a 5 minute global cooldown. The Resolve system should do 2 things IMHO:

1) Prevent further CC for 10 seconds once your Resolve bar fills (not just 0.5 seconds until the next CC).

2) Provide a CC immunity for 10 seconds when you use your stun breaker.

3) Work.


Too often I have full Resolve and get CC'd. Too often I see someone without full Resolve that cannot be CC'd. I realize that some classes get temporary immunity to certain types of CC's, but I also know how to spot those and the Resolve system simply doesn't work a third of the time.


Then there are the nitpicks I have, such as why a Sorcerer's 6 second Mez almost fills up a Resolve bar, but the same thing AoE from a Smuggler/Agent doesn't fill nearly as much of the Resolve bar. Or the fact that an Assassin can use his 6 second Mez twice while stealthed the entire time and NOT fill my Resolve bar. The Assassin is even the same base class as the squishier Sorcerer yet his identical controls fill less Resolve? It's nitpicky compared to the larger problems, and it's kinda funny, but it really makes no sense.


I know good PvP'ers who have quit this game over the lack of a workable system for handling CC's. I hope Bioware improves it's system or reworks it entirely, because I'd rather not keep losing good PvP'ers. With Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 on the horizon, it's going to be tough enough keeping our playerbase ... let's not push them away needlessly with the broken Resolve system.

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I don't even use my cool downs anymore unless I know I won't be stunned. If I jump to a target its almost like I get off maybe one move and stunned and then if I try to go to that target again, stunned or rooted. As a melee class that sucks, sometimes I do get frustrated and use my CC breaker on the second one.


I really think all CC stuns and such should break on direct damage.


The point of a CC is to take someone out of a fight, while they cap an objective or dps a healer down or dps a dps down ect. Even the odds for a few seconds not DPS a dummy target that can't fight back.


The stun locks if they have to exist need then to be channeled locks, if you want to keep me in place then fine, but all you can do is channel to keep me here for the 5-6 seconds while "other" dps me.


And you know how people are about the numbers at the end of a game so that might happen less if it took away someones dps time, now its just a stun and leave or stun and free damage that wont fight back.

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IMHO, the Resolve system doesn't work. When someone uses their stun-breaker they are immediately CC'd again without any way out of it. The Mez Grenades seem to have a 10 second cooldown or something, because I get hit with them like 20 times every WZ. Sure, some are the actual Flashbang ability Agents/Smugglers get, but that probably accounts for like 10% of them.


You aren't supposed to use your CC Breaker if your Resolve bar is purple. That's Rule #1. Practice with that a bit and you'll vastly improve your PvP skill level.


I think there are simply too many CC's in the game as it is, and the CC grenades should be on a 5 minute global cooldown. The Resolve system should do 2 things IMHO:

1) Prevent further CC for 10 seconds once your Resolve bar fills (not just 0.5 seconds until the next CC).

2) Provide a CC immunity for 10 seconds when you use your stun breaker.

3) Work.


1. The absolute minimum amount of CC immunity you receive upon reaching full resolve is 12 seconds, so you've already got this one in the game (and the one in game is already better than your suggestion!).

2. This breaks the dynamic available to intelligent CC use. It would only work if your CC Breaker when on a 5 minute CD.

3. It does work. You just don't know how it is intended to work and thus you perceive a problem.


Too often I have full Resolve and get CC'd. Too often I see someone without full Resolve that cannot be CC'd. I realize that some classes get temporary immunity to certain types of CC's, but I also know how to spot those and the Resolve system simply doesn't work a third of the time.


Pic or it didn't happen. Here is what you are saying:

"Guess what guys, I just played poker with Bigfoot. He is totally real and you should believe my story in spite of the fact that no one can corroborate it!"

Anecdotes are 100% useless in any kind of debate. If Resolve is broken then it should be fixed. Fact of the matter is that there is absolutely no evidence suggesting it is broken.


Then there are the nitpicks I have, such as why a Sorcerer's 6 second Mez almost fills up a Resolve bar, but the same thing AoE from a Smuggler/Agent doesn't fill nearly as much of the Resolve bar. Or the fact that an Assassin can use his 6 second Mez twice while stealthed the entire time and NOT fill my Resolve bar. The Assassin is even the same base class as the squishier Sorcerer yet his identical controls fill less Resolve? It's nitpicky compared to the larger problems, and it's kinda funny, but it really makes no sense.


Sorcerers get an 8 second Mezz that provides 800 points of resolve (the exact same amount from every other Mezz in the game). Your nitpicks are factually incorrect.


I know good PvP'ers who have quit this game over the lack of a workable system for handling CC's. I hope Bioware improves it's system or reworks it entirely, because I'd rather not keep losing good PvP'ers. With Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 on the horizon, it's going to be tough enough keeping our playerbase ... let's not push them away needlessly with the broken Resolve system.


You aren't losing PvPers over CC or Resolve because those are some of the only actual PvP (i.e. player skill) elements in the game right now. If PvPers are leaving, it is because of server imbalances, lack of world PvP, and class imbalances.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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I'm not a pro and never claimed to be one, I've just researched the matter. Resolve starts to tick down the moment it reached its threshold regardless if you are still stunned/mezzed by the effect that filled it. It is by design. You may not like it and want BW to change that but do not say it's not working as intended.

Not to be a douche, but the fact that you are playing since December and you've not being able to figure out/read about how resolve works it's not looking good on you.



did i say anywhere that its not working as intented? stop being a fanboy and admit its wrong that reslove is going down While you being cced

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God you know I love my stun and it's nice every class in the game gets multiple stuns and bioware seems to work towards balancing the game. Well this has been left unbalanced.

Input a passive ability to all characters that have a 6-8 sec immunity to stun after being stunned. How difficult would that be? and it would give people a fighting chance. As it is now, it's totally ridiculous.


I agree 10000%...but...Bioware doesn't care what we think. It's their game, theirs to develop, theirs to destroy, theirs to ruin.


IF they gave a **edit**, this would have been changed in beta. They ignored every bit of feedback then, just like they do to this day.

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